Breast Disorders
Chapter 157 Breast Disorders Elizabeth B. McCabe Evaluation of breast complaints and screening for breast cancer account for a significant number of primary care visits. The most frequent breast complaints…
Chapter 157 Breast Disorders Elizabeth B. McCabe Evaluation of breast complaints and screening for breast cancer account for a significant number of primary care visits. The most frequent breast complaints…
Chapter 100 Peritonsillar Abscess Erin A. Lyden Definition and Epidemiology A peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is an accumulation of pus within the peritonsillar tissues, between the tonsil and the pharyngeal constrictor…
Chapter 98 Oral Infections Erin A. Lyden, Lisa O’Neal Definition and Epidemiology The American Academy of Periodontology has emphasized the direct connection between oral health and general health; accordingly, it…
Chapter 105 Chronic Cough Patricia Polgar-Bailey Definition and Epidemiology Cough is a common symptom in persons with a wide range of respiratory and nonrespiratory diseases, as well as individuals who…
Chapter 145 Incontinence Joanne Sandberg-Cook Definition and Epidemiology Urinary incontinence is the involuntary transient or persistent loss of urine (Box 145-1). It is experienced by 30% to 50% of women…
Chapter 146 Prostate Cancer Kenneth Peterson Definition and Epidemiology Other than skin cancer, cancer of the prostate is the most common malignant neoplasm in men in the United States and…
Chapter 139 Irritable Bowel Syndrome Deborah Allen Definition and Epidemiology Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the most common gastrointestinal (GI) complaint seen in primary care offices and is the most…
Chapter 136 Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage Michael Huang, David H. Kerman Definition and Epidemiology Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding is a common finding in the ambulatory care setting. Patients may report the symptoms as…
Chapter 133 Diverticular Disease Mellisa A. Hall Diverticular disease is a common disorder of the colon occurring more often as life expectancy increases and as dietary practices include more refined…
Chapter 73 Conjunctivitis Sarah P. Read, James T. Banta Definition Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the bulbar or palpebral conjunctiva, the transparent mucosal tissue that lines the eye and inner surface…