Bartholin Abscess

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Bartholin Abscess

Figure 87-1 Bartholin abscess. What To Do: If the swelling and pain is mild without fluctuance (bartholinitis) or if the abscess is small, the patient can be placed on antibiotics,…

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Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Impetigo

CHAPTER 172 Impetigo Presentation Parents will usually bring their children (most commonly aged 2 to 5 years) to be checked, because they are developing unsightly skin lesions. The lesions are…

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Corneal Abrasion

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Corneal Abrasion

CHAPTER 16 Corneal Abrasion Presentation The patient may complain of eye pain or a sensation of the presence of a foreign body after being poked in the eye with a…

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Foreign Body, Vaginal

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Foreign Body, Vaginal

CHAPTER 91 Foreign Body, Vaginal Presentation This can be a problem of both children and adults. Children may insert a foreign body and not tell their parents or may be…

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Ganglion Cysts

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Ganglion Cysts

CHAPTER 113 Ganglion Cysts Presentation The patient is concerned about a rubbery, rounded swelling most commonly emerging from the dorsal or volar aspect of the wrist or the flexor tendon…

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Singultus (Hiccups)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Singultus (Hiccups)

CHAPTER 75 Singultus (Hiccups) Presentation Recurring, unpredictable, clonic contractions of the diaphragm produce sharp inhalations. Hiccups are usually precipitated by some combination of laughing, talking, eating, and drinking but may…

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Subungual Ecchymosis (Tennis Toe)

Aug 11, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Subungual Ecchymosis (Tennis Toe)

CHAPTER 155 Subungual Ecchymosis (Tennis Toe) Presentation The patient had a crushing injury over the fingernail after getting it caught between two heavy objects (i.e., car door or door jamb)…

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