
Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Pharmacokinetics

Figure 27.1 Overview of pharmacokinetic processes Drug administration Drugs are administered by many different routes. The aim of drug administration is to achieve therapeutic levels of the drug at its…

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Cellular physiology

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Cellular physiology

↑ glycogen synthesis↑ protein synthesis↑ triacylglycerol synthesis↑ fatty acid synthesis↓ glycogenolysis↓ ketone formation↓ breakdown of triglyceridesGlucagonAlpha cells in the islets of Langerhans↑ glycogenolysis↑ ketone formation↑ gluconeogenesisAdrenalineAdrenal medulla↑ glycogenolysis↑ gluconeogenesis↑ lipolysisCortisolAdrenal…

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Physiology of pain

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Physiology of pain

Figure 19.1 The nociceptive pathway Dimensions of the pain experience Pain has a protective function and may or may not be associated with tissue damage. Pain should not be equated…

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Muscle physiology

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Muscle physiology

Figure 13.2 Macroscopic structure of skeletal muscle Microscopic structure Each muscle cell runs the length of the muscle belly and is polynucleate. The vast majority of muscle cells are innervated…

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Regional anaesthesia

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Regional anaesthesia

Figure 7.3 Lidocaine toxicity Cardiovascular and central nervous system toxicity depend on the mass of drug reaching the systemic circulation. The transfer of drug (by diffusion) from the circulation to…

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Physical chemistry

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Physical chemistry

Figure 25.2 Two-dimensional representation of atomic structure Each atom has a nucleus (central core) of neutrons and protons, surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. Figure 25.3 shows the…

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Metabolism and temperature regulation

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Metabolism and temperature regulation

Alkaline phosphataseCarbonic anhydraseSuperoxide dismutaseGrowth restriction, hypogonadismCopperCytochrome c oxidaseSuperoxide dismutaseMicrocytic, hypochromic anaemia Energy balance Energy in the body is obtained by breaking down the larger molecules of digested food or alternatively…

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Endocrine physiology

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Endocrine physiology

OxytocinACTHFSH-RHLH-RHACTH-RHTRHPTHCalcitoninInsulinGlucagonSomatostatinFSHLHTSHAldosteroneCorticosteroidsTestosteroneOestrogenProgesteronePIH (dopamine)AdrenalineNoradrenalineThyroxineTri-iodothyronineProstaglandinsVitamin D Note that ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) is sometimes still referred to as corticotropin, and ACTH-RH (adrenocorticotropic hormone releasing hormone) is also frequently called CRH (corticotropin releasing hormone) or…

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Haematology and immunology

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Haematology and immunology

Figure 12.1 Relationship between globin chains in haemoglobin The haemoglobin molecule changes configuration during oxygen uptake and release. Deoxyhaemoglobin is in the taut (T) configuration, while the binding of oxygen…

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Physiology of pregnancy

Jan 18, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Physiology of pregnancy

Figure 23.2 Changes in cardiac output through the trimesters of pregnancy Patient posture has been found to influence cardiac output measurements during pregnancy (Figure 23.3). Measurements performed in the lateral…

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