Structure of Nerve Lesions After “In Vitro” Punctures
Fig. 15.1 (a–c) Dissection of supraclavicular brachial plexus from the roots (anterior divisions of spinal nerves C5 to T1) to divisions of the trunks (upper [UT], middle [MT], and lower…
Fig. 15.1 (a–c) Dissection of supraclavicular brachial plexus from the roots (anterior divisions of spinal nerves C5 to T1) to divisions of the trunks (upper [UT], middle [MT], and lower…
Fig. 44.1 22G Quincke type needles. (a, b) Needles from different manufacturers. Scanning electron microscopy. Magnification: a, ×40; b, ×40 Fig. 44.2 25G Pencil-point type needles. (a) Pencil-point type needle….
Major signs Minor signs Needle inside the nerve Pop sign Impalement sign Halo around the nerve Increased nerve area Swelling View of epineurial sheath Reduced elastic area Proximal diffusion Distal…
Fig. 45.1 20 G open-end epidural catheter. Scanning electron microscopy. Magnification: a, ×70; b, ×70 Fig. 45.2 20 G epidural catheter. (a) Closed-end tip of catheter. (b) Open-end tip of…
Fig. 10.1 Cross-section from human sciatic nerve and its branches, sample 1. Hematoxylin-eosin stained Fig. 10.2 (a, b) Cross-section from human sciatic nerve. Hematoxylin-eosin stained (b from Reina et al….
Fig. 3.1 Endoneurium. (a, b) Myelinated axons enveloped by collagen fibers in a human sciatic nerve. Transmission electron microscopy, magnification: ×12,000 (a); ×7,000 (b) Fig. 3.2 Endoneurium. (a, b) Myelinated…
Fig. 36.1 Median section of a part of the human thoracic spinal canal, with the dura held slightly apart from the posterior boundary of the vertebral arches. Often, it is…
Fig. 34.1 (a, b) Overview of spinal ligaments of the vertebral column Fig. 34.2 (a, b) Transverse section of the spinal canal at the C1 and C4 level. The cervical…
Fig. 50.1 Transmission electron microscope, working at intermediate voltages. It consists of a tungsten filament as an emission source, electromagnetic lenses for beam convergence, a specimen stage to hold the…
Fig. 40.1 Percutaneous leads located over a human dorsal dural sac at the cervical level. (a, b) Positioning of percutaneous lead on the dural sac. (c, d) The dural sac…