Anesthesia for Urological Surgery

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Anesthesia for Urological Surgery

(1) Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA   KeywordsUrological surgeryUrinary system anatomyRenal dysfunctionGenitourinary systemCystoscopyUreteroscopyTURBTTransuretheral resection of the prostate (TURP)Laser surgeryRadical prostatectomyRadical cystectomyNephrectomyRenal transplantationOrchiectomyOrchidopexyPenile surgeryExtracorporeal shock wave lithotripsyLithotomy position…

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Ambulatory Surgery and Out-of-OR (OOR) Procedures

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Ambulatory Surgery and Out-of-OR (OOR) Procedures

Caregiver available for transport home and postoperative evaluation Patient willingness to go home the day of surgery Co-morbidities: obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, poorly compensated cardiopulmonary disease, chronic pain, renal failure,…

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The Preoperative Patient Evaluation

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on The Preoperative Patient Evaluation

Presence of a beard BMI > 26 kg/m2 Missing teeth Age > 55 History of snoring Adapted from Langeron [10] The second most common airway complication involves patient dentition. It is imperative to discuss…

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Pharmacology Principles

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Pharmacology Principles

Figure 3.1 Zero vs. first order kinetics (Image Courtesy J. Ehrenfeld) First-order pharmacokinetics : Most drugs are metabolized via processes that obey first-order kinetics, meaning that the rate of drug metabolism…

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Fluids and Transfusion Therapy

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Fluids and Transfusion Therapy

where EBV represents estimated blood volume, Hcti is initial hematocrit and Hctt is threshold hematocrit for transfusion. EBV is estimated to be 75 mL/kg for men and 65 mL/kg for…

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Anesthetic Techniques: General, Sedation, MAC

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Anesthetic Techniques: General, Sedation, MAC

M → Machine S → Suction M → Monitors A → Airway I → IV D → Drugs S → Special The first “M” stands for the anesthesia Machine. In performing a machine check, one should use a written check list in order to…

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Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics

Sep 18, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Pharmacology of Local Anesthetics

Fiber type Local anesthetic sensitivity Size Myelination A + Large Yes B ++ Medium Yes C +++ Small No pH: Most local anesthetics are weak bases that exist as an equilibrium…

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