Hematopoietic System

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Hematopoietic System

   1.   During fetal life, hematopoiesis occurs in several distinct locations, with sequential timing of cellular elements produced during gestation.    2.   The primary problem in anemia is impaired oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood…

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Anesthetic Equipment and Facilities

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Anesthetic Equipment and Facilities

   1.   Equipment-related adverse events are rare. Even if equipment is faulty, user error or unfamiliarity often plays a part.    2.   Critically ill children with very noncompliant lungs require minimal circuit and ventilator…

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The Midgut

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on The Midgut

   1.   The midgut lengthens so rapidly that it herniates into the umbilical cord, rotating approximately 90 degrees about a counterclockwise axis and returns to the abdominal cavity after rotating another 180…

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Risk Management, Assessment and Quality Improvement

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Risk Management, Assessment and Quality Improvement

   1.   Anesthesiologists remain in key position to protect and further advance patient safety.    2.   Patient safety organizations (PSOs) provide federally protected venue to accumulate patient safety information and make recommendations on a…

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Endocrine Disease

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Endocrine Disease

   1.   Children with diabetes presenting for surgery should undergo careful preoperative assessment and perioperative planning with an effort to optimize the patient’s condition preoperatively and to minimize the disturbances in glucose…

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The Eye: Pediatric Ophthalmological Surgery

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on The Eye: Pediatric Ophthalmological Surgery

   1.   Awareness and management of intraocular pressure (IOP) is an important part of the anesthetic care of children undergoing many ophthalmologic procedures.    2.   In most ophthalmologic surgeries, the patient must be kept…

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Delivery Room Issues and Resuscitation of the Newborn

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Delivery Room Issues and Resuscitation of the Newborn

   1.   The importance of clarifying roles of all physicians, RN’s and other health care personnel in the delivery room resuscitation of newborns cannot be overemphasized enough.    2.   Ventilation of the lungs is…

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Pediatric Resuscitation

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Pediatric Resuscitation

   1.   Although many cases of cardiac arrest in pediatric anesthesia are due to the child’s underlying condition(s), anesthetic-related events do account for a significant portion of arrests.    2.   Among the anesthesia related…

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Management of General Anesthesia

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Management of General Anesthesia

   1.   Both the parent’s and the anesthesiologist’s interactions with the child during the preoperative visit and induction have significant impact on the child’s postoperative behavior. Distraction, humor, and reinterpretation of medical…

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Integumentary System

Aug 24, 2016 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Integumentary System

   1.   While the incidence of burns is decreasing in western countries, 20% of burns are seen in children <5 years of age and 29% in children <16 years of age.    2.   The…

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