
Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Haematuria

16.2 Haematuria Frank Willis Essentials 1 In children haematuria usually originates from the kidneys. 2 Haematuria can be caused by urinary infection, glomerular disease, tumours, congenital abnormalities and coagulopathies. 3…

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Acute leukaemia

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Acute leukaemia

11.6 Acute leukaemia Joseph Ting Essentials 1 At its most severe, acute leukaemia leads to diffuse bone marrow infiltration and failure. Pancytopenia including neutropenia, anaemia and thrombocytopenia as well as…

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Nephrotic syndrome

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Nephrotic syndrome

16.6 Nephrotic syndrome Karen McCarthy Essentials 1 Nephrotic syndrome refers to the clinical findings of hypoalbuminaemia, heavy proteinuria, oedema and hyperlipidaemia. Every child has albuminaemia but not all features are…

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Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Anaemia

11.2 Anaemia Jane Cocks Essentials 1 The normal haemoglobin concentration and type is age and sex dependent. 2 Clinical effects of anaemia depend on the timing of its development, the…

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Sick child in a rural hospital

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Sick child in a rural hospital

27.2 Sick child in a rural hospital Murali Narayanan, Robert Henning Essentials 1 There are significant challenges in translating experience from the urban to rural healthcare settings including differences in…

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The mouth and throat

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on The mouth and throat

14.3 The mouth and throat Stuart Lewena, Gervase Chaney, Richard P. Widmer Essentials Stomatitis 1 Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is the most common cause of stomatitis in young children. 2 Early…

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Specific poisons

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Specific poisons

21.2 Specific poisons Naren Gunja, Helen Mead, Nicholas Cheng Essentials 1 Medically-important paediatric poisoning usually falls into two categories: common ingestions, and rare or dangerous toxins. 2 The Emergency Physician…

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Pyloric stenosis

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Pyloric stenosis

7.4 Pyloric stenosis Kim Lian Ong Essentials 1 Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis rarely occurs before the 1st week of life; it commonly present at 2-8 weeks of age. 2 The main…

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Gastro-oesophageal reflux

Sep 7, 2016 by in EMERGENCY MEDICINE Comments Off on Gastro-oesophageal reflux

7.3 Gastro-oesophageal reflux Daryl Efron Essentials 1 The infant presenting with regurgitation/vomiting needs to have alternative causes considered, before concluding that the diagnosis is GOR. 2 GOR is a normal…

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