Dynamic Pain Assessment: An Application of Clinical Infometrics to Personalized Pain Treatment and Management

Oct 16, 2016 by in PAIN MEDICINE Comments Off on Dynamic Pain Assessment: An Application of Clinical Infometrics to Personalized Pain Treatment and Management

(1) Buehler Center on Aging, Health and Society, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA (2) Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Northwestern University Feinberg School…

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Quality Indicators for Pain in Palliative Care

Oct 16, 2016 by in PAIN MEDICINE Comments Off on Quality Indicators for Pain in Palliative Care

and Hsien Seow2 (1) Johns Hopkins University, Rm 609, 624 N Broadway, Baltimore, MD, 21205, Norway (2) Juravinski Cancer Center, McMaster University, 699 Concession Street 4th Floor, Room 4-229, Hamilton, Ontario,…

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Pain Imaging

Oct 16, 2016 by in PAIN MEDICINE Comments Off on Pain Imaging

Fig. 27.1 Effects of pain and concurrent cognitive demand on SI activity. (a) Event-related average for primary somatosensory/motor cortex. Shaded gray area shows the duration of the condition. The SI/MI…

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Narrative and Pain: Towards an Integrative Model

Oct 16, 2016 by in PAIN MEDICINE Comments Off on Narrative and Pain: Towards an Integrative Model

(1) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA   Abstract Doctors and health-care professionals have recently developed a vigorous new interest in narrative. The new medical interest (obvious in the titles and…

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Pediatric Chronic Pain

Oct 16, 2016 by in PAIN MEDICINE Comments Off on Pediatric Chronic Pain

Fig. 11.1 A hypothesized multidimensional biobehavioral model of pediatric pain developed to account for the complex and individual pediatric chronic pain experience. Adapted from Varni et al. (1996b), p. 180….

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