Pediatric Pain Assessment and Nonpharmacological Therapy
Pediatric Pain Assessment and Nonpharmacological Therapy Tracy Akitt Sadie Bartram Sheryl Christie Karen Paling Introduction Many factors can contribute to how a child perceives pain and copes with anxiety-provoking situations….
Local Anesthetics
Local Anesthetics Brian Levy Jonathan Sherbino Introduction Local anesthetics are commonly used in the emergency department (ED) for laceration repair and regional analgesia. Inca Indians first used cocaine, derived from…
Pharmacology of Pain Management
Pharmacology of Pain Management Leanne Drehmer Pharmacology of Pain Management Numerous classes of medications are available for the treatment of pain, and the treatment can be tailored depending on the…
Chronic Pain Management in the ED
Chronic Pain Management in the ED Rahim Valani Introduction Chronic pain is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain as pain without the biological value that has…
Introduction to Pain Management
Introduction to Pain Management Jeff Gadsden Epidemiology of Pain Presentation Pain is the most common presenting complaint to the emergency department (ED). In France, pain-related issues account for 67% of…
Pediatric Procedural Sedation
Pediatric Procedural Sedation Savithiri Ratnapalan Pediatric Procedural Sedation and Analgesia Procedural sedation is the technique of administering a single drug or a combination of drugs with sedative, analgesic, or dissociative…
Adverse Events and Complications of Procedural Sedation
Adverse Events and Complications of Procedural Sedation Angela Stone Mark Freedman Overview The complication rate of procedural sedation is estimated to be <1% in the hospitals and specialties routinely practicing…
Monitoring During Procedural Sedation
Monitoring During Procedural Sedation Sharon Ramagnano Introduction All patients undergoing procedural sedation in the emergency department (ED) should have continuous monitoring until ready for discharge. Continuous monitoring of vital signs…
Procedural Sedation and Recovery
Procedural Sedation and Recovery Alexandra Stefan Rahim Valani Introduction Ensure that adequate time, personnel, equipment, and location are available for procedural sedation. Explain procedure to the patient, and obtain informed…