Abdominal Pain Mimics

Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on Abdominal Pain Mimics

Emergency department providers have become skilled at triaging patients with abdominal pain requiring surgical interventions. Abdominal pain mimics, medical conditions that cause the sensation of abdominal pain without abdominal abnormality,…

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Abdominal Pain in the Geriatric Patient

Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on Abdominal Pain in the Geriatric Patient

Abdominal pain in the elderly can be a challenging and difficult condition to diagnose and treat. The geriatric population has significant comorbidities and often takes polypharmacy that can mask symptoms….

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Pediatric Abdominal Pain

Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on Pediatric Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is a common complaint that leads to pediatric patients seeking emergency care. The emergency care provider has the arduous task of determining which child likely has a benign…

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Abdominal Vascular Catastrophes

Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on Abdominal Vascular Catastrophes

Abdominal vascular catastrophes are among the most challenging and time sensitive for emergency practitioners to recognize. Mesenteric ischemia remains a highly lethal entity for which the history and physical examination…

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Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is a commonly encountered chief complaint with a high morbidity and mortality. The emergency physician is challenged with prompt diagnosis, accurate risk assessment, and appropriate resuscitation of…

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Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on Diarrhea

Diarrhea generates a wide range of diagnostic considerations and has profound individual and public health significance. The setting and circumstances under which a patient presents with diarrhea drastically influences the…

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The Vomiting Patient

Dec 14, 2017 by in Uncategorized Comments Off on The Vomiting Patient

Vomiting and abdominal pain are common in patients in the emergency department. This article focuses on small bowel obstruction (SBO), cyclic vomiting, and gastroparesis. Through early diagnosis and appropriate management,…

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