Care of the Pregnant Patient

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Care of the Pregnant Patient

FIG. 51.1 Cross section of lower abdomen (nonpregnant). (From Lampignano JP, Kendrick L: Bontrager’s textbook of radiographic positioning and related anatomy, ed 9, St. Louis, MO, 2018, Elsevier.) FIG. 51.2 Pregnant uterus compressing…

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Care of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Patient

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Care of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Patient

FIG. 44.1 Sutured bolster dressing. (From Adams DC, Ramsey ML: Grafts in dermatologic surgery: review and update on full- and split-thickness skin grafts, free cartilage grafts, and composite grafts. Dermatol Surg 31:1055−1067,…

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Care of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Care of the Patient Undergoing Bariatric Surgery

or BMI=weightinlb×703/heightinin2 The higher the BMI, the greater the weight associated with a given height. Recent studies have demonstrated that the patient who is considered overweight and one who is…

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Care of the Laser/Laparoscopic Surgical Patient

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Care of the Laser/Laparoscopic Surgical Patient

FIG. 47.1 Electromagnetic spectrum. (From Rothrock JC: Alexander’s care of the patient in surgery, ed 15, St. Louis, MO, 2015, Elsevier.) Laser light differs from ordinary light in three distinct ways that…

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Opioid Intravenous Anesthetics

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Opioid Intravenous Anesthetics

Other opioid subtypes exist in animals, such as kappa-1, kappa-2, and kappa-3. Mu-1 and mu-2 agonists have not been developed for human use. From Nagelhout JJ, Plaus KL: Nurse anesthesia,…

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The Hepatobiliary and Gastrointestinal System

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on The Hepatobiliary and Gastrointestinal System

FIG. 16.1 The digestive system and its associated structures. The Stomach The stomach can be anatomically divided into the following three sections: the fundus, the body, and the pyloric portion (Fig….

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Bioterrorism and Its Impact on the PACU

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Bioterrorism and Its Impact on the PACU

HEPA, High-efficiency particulate air; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; MU, million units; NA, not applicable; PCN, penicillin; PO, by mouth. From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Severe acute respiratory syndrome…

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Care of the Patient With Chronic Disorders

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Care of the Patient With Chronic Disorders

From American Diabetes Association: Diabetes Care 36(Suppl. 1):S13, 2013. Hyperglycemia is most often cited as the primary problem with diabetes. However, it is usually the resultant long-term physiologic changes from…

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Care of the Patient With Substance Use Disorder

Apr 16, 2017 by in ANESTHESIA Comments Off on Care of the Patient With Substance Use Disorder

∗ Not a complete list. From Herron AJ, Brennan TK: The ASAM essentials of addiction medicine, ed 2, Philadelphia, PA, 2015, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Opioid Analgesics Opioids are natural and…

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