Indications and Options for Mechanical Ventilation

Jul 17, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Indications and Options for Mechanical Ventilation

Indications and Options for Mechanical Ventilation KEY POINTS 1 Prime indications for initiating mechanical ventilation include inadequate alveolar ventilation, inadequate arterial oxygenation, excessive respiratory workload, and acute heart failure with…

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Airway Intubation

Jul 17, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Airway Intubation

Airway Intubation KEY POINTS 1 Noninvasive ventilation may not be appropriate for patients who cannot protect the airway, for those who are obtunded or uncooperative, for those in whom unexpected…

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Hemodynamic Monitoring

Jul 17, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Hemodynamic Monitoring

Hemodynamic Monitoring KEY POINTS 1 Arterial blood pressure monitoring is an invaluable aid to the management of patients with hemodynamic instability, respiratory compromise, or brain injury and should be strongly…

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Arrhythmias, Pacing, and Cardioversion

Jul 17, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Arrhythmias, Pacing, and Cardioversion

Arrhythmias, Pacing, and Cardioversion KEY POINTS 1 Many arrhythmias require drug treatment; those that are asymptomatic, chronic, and stable, or related to a temporary physiological disturbance (e.g., transient hypoxemia, electrolyte…

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Support of the Failing Circulation

Jul 17, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Support of the Failing Circulation

Support of the Failing Circulation KEY POINTS 1 Circulatory insufficiency and shock result from inadequate perfusion relative to tissue demands. Although certain physical and laboratory parameters may be suggestive, shock…

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Jul 17, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Hemodynamics

Hemodynamics KEY POINTS 1 Because of differences in wall thickness and ejection impedance, the two sides of the heart differ in structure and sensitivity to preload and afterload. The normal…

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