Sepsis & Systemic Inflammatory Response (SIRS): Links: Definitions | MSOF / MODS | Risks & S/s | Labs | Tx of Septic Shock | Empiric Abx |…
/ Withdrawing Care
Catheter Sizes: French Size–> Outside Diameter = OD (mm) X 3 = French Inches / Millimeter. 1 –> 0.1 / 0.3. 4 –> 0.05 / 1.3. 8 –> 0.1…
Heart Disease
Rhabdomyolysis: Links: Etiology | S/s | Tx | Forearm Ischemic Test | An asymptomatic to potentially life-threatening syndrome of skeletal muscle breakdown and necrosis with release of intracellular…
Insufficiency / Crisis
Rhabdomyolysis: Links: Etiology | S/s | Tx | Forearm Ischemic Test | An asymptomatic to potentially life-threatening syndrome of skeletal muscle breakdown and necrosis with release of intracellular…
Cath Patterns
Internal Jugular (IJ) Vein: Relatively contraindicated in pt’s with carotid bruits, stenosis, or aneurysm. The right side is better as can access (“straight shot”) R atrium w/o encountering major…