Neonatal Jaundice and Liver Disease

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Neonatal Jaundice and Liver Disease

Neonatal Jaundice and Liver Disease Vera F. Hupertz Neonatal jaundice is most often first seen by the parents of the patient. Yellowness of the skin and sclerae start at the…

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Foreign Bodies and Caustic Ingestions

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Foreign Bodies and Caustic Ingestions

Foreign Bodies and Caustic Ingestions Marsha Kay Robert Wyllie FOREIGN BODIES In the first recorded case of an ingestion of a foreign body, Frederick Wilheim, later known as Frederick the…

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Viral Hepatitis

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Viral Hepatitis

Viral Hepatitis Marsha Kay Although a number of recent developments have increased our understanding of the causes and consequences of viral hepatitis, the various agents responsible for viral hepatitis have…

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Robert Wyllie Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general term referring to two chronic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract: Crohn disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Although…

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Pediatric Dermatology

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Pediatric Dermatology

Pediatric Dermatology John B. Lampe Dermatologic disease and normal skin variants are common considerations in a pediatric practice, accounting for up to 10% to 15% of pediatric office visits. For…

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Abdominal Pain

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain Barbara Kaplan Chronic abdominal pain is one of the most common problems encountered in pediatric practice. Abdominal pain occurs in an estimated 10% to 15% of school-age children…

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Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Immunizations

Immunizations Camille Sabella The goal of immunization is to prevent infectious diseases. In the United States, immunization programs have resulted in the elimination or significantly diminished incidence of many infectious…

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