Infectious Diseases, Part II

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Infectious Diseases, Part II

Infectious Diseases, Part II Camille Sabella Johanna Goldfarb This chapter includes discussions of selected viral, fungal, and mycobacterial infections. VIRAL INFECTIONS Human Parvovirus Infection Human parvovirus (HPV) is a small…

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Inherited Immunodeficiency Disorders

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Inherited Immunodeficiency Disorders

Inherited Immunodeficiency Disorders Alton L. Melton Jr. Inherited immunodeficiency disorders represent defects in normal immune function that usually result in an increased susceptibility to infection. Many of the disorders have…

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Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea Karen S. Vargo The evaluation of amenorrhea in the adolescent requires a basic understanding of pubertal development, including the role of the hypothalamic-pituatary-ovarian (HPO) axis and its effect on…

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Ellen S. Rome Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) remain common in adolescents, with one in every four sexually active teens between the ages of 13 and 19 years…

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Dysmorphic Syndromes

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Dysmorphic Syndromes

Dysmorphic Syndromes George E. Tiller Dysmorphology is the art and science of abnormal physical development. It is often subjective, and distinguishing between familial traits and true dysmorphic features is sometimes…

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Adolescent Development and Tanner Staging

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Adolescent Development and Tanner Staging

Adolescent Development and Tanner Staging Ajuah Davis NORMAL PUBERTAL DEVELOPMENT Puberty is the period of transition from sexual immaturity to potential fertility, during which secondary sexual characteristics develop. It begins…

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Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Inborn Errors of Metabolism

Inborn Errors of Metabolism George E. Tiller Inborn errors of metabolism are last on everyone’s list of differential diagnoses because of their individual rarity. They must always be considered in…

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Chromosomal Abnormalities

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Chromosomal Abnormalities

Chromosomal Abnormalities George E. Tiller For more than 50 years, chromosomal abnormalities have been recognized as the basis of certain genetic syndromes. Initially, only aneuploidies (the presence of more or…

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Board Simulation: Development

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Board Simulation: Development

Board Simulation: Development Roberta E. Bauer Mark H. Deis QUESTIONS 1. An infant remains in a seated position when placed on your examination table by his mother. His body stiffens…

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Developmental Disabilities

Jul 5, 2016 by in CRITICAL CARE Comments Off on Developmental Disabilities

Developmental Disabilities Roberta E. Bauer Mark H. Deis The developmental disabilities reviewed in this chapter include: Mental retardation (MR) Cerebral palsy (CP) Myelomeningocele (MMC) Autism and pervasive developmental disorder Attention…

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