Physiologic mechanisms and diagnostic approach to acid–base disorders
Metabolic acidosis Metabolic acidosis is defined as a clinical process that leads to a decreased blood pH (acidemia) and a decreased HCO 3 level. It is caused by a gain…
Metabolic acidosis Metabolic acidosis is defined as a clinical process that leads to a decreased blood pH (acidemia) and a decreased HCO 3 level. It is caused by a gain…
Introduction and history of blood gases The term “blood gas” refers to the parameters pH, p CO 2 , and p O 2 measured in blood. Note that the little…
Chapter 1 : History of pediatric critical care medicine 1. Treatment for which of the following disease entities was not an important trigger in the early development of distinct, full-time,…
Pearls • Receptors play a central role in determining the nature of the pharmacologic effects produced by a drug. • Most drugs and endogenous compounds (e.g., hormones, neurotransmitters) exert their…
Pearls • Safe management of the critically ill child’s airway requires a comprehensive understanding of the anatomic and physiologic changes that occur from birth through adolescence, advance recognition of congenital…
Pearls • The anesthetic care of ICU patients is an extension of medical and anesthetic management principles employed in the operating room. • Anesthesiologists caring for critically ill children must…
Pearls • Complete and rapid physiologic resuscitation is essential to the initial treatment of infants and children with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). • There are many age- and injury…
Pearls • In pediatric trauma, as with all trauma patients, the first priority remains the ABCs: airway, breathing, circulation. • Intubation in children can be challenging and is best done…
Pearls • Infants and children with inflicted head or other traumatic injuries often appear in emergency departments with signs and symptoms of trauma or conditions suspicious of being of medical…
Pearls • Studies of drug disposition in critically ill children are limited. • Effective pharmacologic therapeutic interventions should focus on choosing the right drug, right time, right dose, right duration,…