Chapter 26 – Anaesthesia and the Lung
Abstract Many of the drugs used by anaesthetists have effects on the medullary respiratory centre, the peripheral chemoreceptors and the airways. Their effects are most easily classified by drug class….
Abstract Many of the drugs used by anaesthetists have effects on the medullary respiratory centre, the peripheral chemoreceptors and the airways. Their effects are most easily classified by drug class….
Abstract Respiratory failure occurs when the respiratory system fails in one or both of its main functions; namely, the oxygenation of blood and the elimination of CO2. Respiratory failure is…
Abstract The central nervous system (CNS), causing seizures and unconsciousness when breathing hyperbaric O2, which is of obvious importance for divers. CNS toxicity is known as the Paul Bert effect….
Abstract Sensors – the central and peripheral chemoreceptors, pulmonary stretch receptors, J-receptors, irritant receptors and joint proprioceptors. Chapter 22 Control of Ventilation Which anatomical sites are involved in the control…
Abstract Compliance is defined as the change in lung volume produced by a unit change in transpulmonary pressure. Lung compliance is represented by the gradient of the pressure–volume curve. Chapter…
Abstract The O2 cascade concept draws together areas of respiratory physiology covered in the previous few chapters. In an examination setting, it allows the examiner to assess your knowledge of…
Abstract The partial pressure gradient of O2 between the alveolus and the pulmonary capillaries is one of the key factors that determine the rate of O2 diffusion across the alveolar–capillary…
Abstract Global O2 consumption V̇O2 (mL/min) is the volume of O2 that is consumed by the body per minute. Chapter 17 Oxygen Delivery and Demand What is meant by the…
Abstract Hypoxia refers specifically to the situation in which tissues are unable to undergo aerobic metabolism. Hypoxaemia refers specifically to reduced PaO2. This can result from either a failure of…
Abstract In the upright position, ventilation and perfusion both increase from the top to the bottom of the lung. This was previously attributed to the effect of gravity (the so-called…