Ventilator Alarm Situations

Chapter 47

Ventilator Alarm Situations

Contemporary microprocessor-based mechanical ventilators provide a wide selection of ventilatory modes that can customize assisted and spontaneous ventilation to individual patients (Chapter 2). These technologically advanced ventilators also incorporate a variety of alarms to alert intensive care unit (ICU) clinicians to numerous potentially dangerous situations. Ventilator alarms are designed to inform, but not dictate, the actions necessary to correct the potential hazard. For this reason, it is imperative that ICU clinicians be familiar with the function of the array of these alarms, how to evaluate ventilator alarm situations, and how to successfully manage those situations (Figure 47.1).

Types of Ventilator Alarms

The types and number of alarms that are functional on a ventilator vary depending on which ventilatory mode is being used. In addition, identical alarms may have different meanings and response times in different modes. Finally, alarms can signify different levels of clinical urgency (Table 47.1).

In face of this complexity, the ability to categorize ventilator alarms is essential. All alarms can be categorized into three types based on whether they indicate (1) a ventilator failure, (2) a patient-ventilator interface problem, or (3) a patient-related event.

Because most modern ventilators function by combining a microprocessor-based electromechanical system with a pneumatic system, ventilator failure can result from a malfunction in its electronic or pneumatic systems. Ventilator manufacturers incorporate preset alarms to ensure the safety of these systems. In the case of a true ventilator failure and not user error—for example, a power cord being disconnected—there is little choice but to recognize the problem quickly and replace the ventilator if necessary.

Patient-ventilator interface problems refer to the interaction of the ventilated patient with the ventilator. Thresholds for alarms arising from problems at this interface are usually set by a respiratory care practitioner and relate closely to the ventilator’s monitoring capabilities. Significantly, these alarms may alert the ICU clinician to problems in how ventilatory support is being provided to the patient. They can signify a range of situations, for example, from a patient becoming disconnected from the ventilator to the peak inspiratory flow failing to meet a patient’s inspiratory demand. Practitioner settings that are specifically designed to assist in alleviating patient-interface issues include peak inspiratory flow, inspiratory time (“I time”) or rise time, and expiratory sensitivity.

Patient-related event alarms are synonymous with “monitoring alarms.” They are designed to detect changes in the patient’s underlying physiologic condition. When a simple physiologic monitor alarm (e.g., an electrocardiographic [ECG] monitor) activates, the reason for the alarm arises from a patient-related event and not the functioning of the monitor itself. In contrast, a ventilator with its alarms serves not only as a physiologic monitor but also as a therapeutic intervention whose effects are continuously self-monitored. ICU clinicians often have difficulty recognizing when a problem arises from the patient or from the ventilator and distinguishing patient-ventilator interface problems from those solely attributable to the patient (patient-related events).

Each commonly used ventilator alarm is designed to detect a certain acute abnormality, as indicated by its name. Many alarms, however, overlap in the underlying conditions that they detect, as well as in the clinical consequences that they aim to prevent (Table 47.2). For example, if the patient becomes disconnected from the ventilator, multiple alarms activate. Early-response alarms monitor low inspiratory pressure, low exhaled tidal volume, and low positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) (if PEEP had been applied before the disconnection). Later alarms include low expired minute ventilation and apnea. Not only do these ventilator-associated alarms form a redundant safety net, but they also are complemented by nonventilator alarms, such as a pulse oximeter, or ECG lead monitoring. Tables 47.3 to 47.7 list conditions in which alarming is used frequently, with their differential diagnoses, categorized according to site of the problem, and matched with appropriate corrections.

TABLE 47.2

Common Ventilator Alarms

Name of Alarm Detects Designed to Prevent
High inspiratory pressure limit Acute increase in peak airway pressure Barotrauma
Low inspiratory pressure Large air leak Delivery of inadequate tidal volume
  Patient disconnection from ventilator circuit Hypoventilation, hypoxemia
  Insufficient response by the ventilator to the patient’s inspiratory demand Patient discomfort
    Excessive work of breathing
Low PEEP or CPAP pressure Small leak in the system Loss of end-expiratory pressure
    Decrease in Pao2
High end-expiratory pressure Resistance to exhalation Partial or complete obstruction of expiratory breathing circuit
Low exhaled tidal volume Air leak Insufficient ventilatory support
Low inspired tidal volume Decrease in spontaneous tidal volumes Hypoventilation
High exhaled tidal volume
High inspired tidal volume
Low respiratory rate
Low exhaled minute ventilation
Improving lung compliance
Increased inspiratory demand
Diminished respiratory drive
Decrease in mechanical or spontaneous volumes
Volutrauma, barotrauma, alveolar hyperinflation, and ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI)
Patient/ventilator asynchrony
Apnea, hypercapnia
Insufficient ventilatory support
  Decreased lung compliance Hypoventilation
  Onset of respiratory muscle fatigue Respiratory compromise
High exhaled minute ventilation Increase in lung compliance
Excessive ventilation
Dynamic hyperinflation
    Acute respiratory alkalosis
High respiratory rate Respiratory distress, including anxiety, pain Respiratory compromise
Dynamic hyperinflation
  Self-cycling ventilator Patient discomfort
  Onset of respiratory muscle fatigue Hyperventilation
Acute respiratory alkalosis
Inverted inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio (I:E) Self-cycling ventilatorInsufficient expiratory time Hyperventilation
Dynamic hyperinflation
  Inadvertent inspiratory pause  
Apnea Respiratory arrest Hypoventilation with hypercapnia
Low oxygen-air inlet pressure Disconnection of oxygen or compressed air source Hypoxemia
  Fall in oxygen or air pressure to less than minimal level Insufficient pressure to power the ventilator’s pneumatic system
Power disconnect Electrical power failure
Ventilator unplugged by mistake
Failure of all components of the ventilator that require electrical power to operate
Low or high Fio2 A variance between the set Fio2 and the analyzed Fio2 Hypoxemia
Oxygen toxicity
Misinformed clinical decisions based on incorrect Fio2
Ventilator inoperative Malfunction in the ventilator serious enough to be unsafe for patient use All potentially harmful effects of the ventilator on the patient
Insufficient ventilatory support

PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure.

Pertains to pressure control and pressure support modes of ventilation.

Dynamic hyperinflation results in air trapping and auto-PEEP.

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Jul 7, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Ventilator Alarm Situations

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