Trauma in Pregnancy

Fig. 11.1
Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations of Pregnancy

Emergency Department Evaluation and Management

Primary Survey

The general principles of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) apply to all pregnant trauma patients, with a few exceptions. The first priority of management of the pregnant trauma patient is to attend to the mother. Optimal care of the mother amounts to optimal fetal care. The ED evaluation of the pregnant trauma patient begins with a rapid and thorough assessment of the mother with simultaneous initiation of IV crystalloids, supplemental oxygen, and left lateral decubitus positioning to avoid hypotension. Vital signs in pregnant trauma patients are unique in that pregnant women normally have relative tachycardia, hypotension, and tachypnea due to physiological changes of pregnancy.

Early recognition of pregnancy is critical in the trauma patient. All women of childbearing age presenting with trauma should have a pregnancy test performed. In one study, 8% of pregnant women that were admitted to a trauma center were unaware they were pregnant [29]. The abdomen should be palpated for a gravid uterus. It is widely accepted that a clinical estimation of gestational age of ≥24 weeks, which correlates with a fundal height of 3–4 finger breaths above the umbilicus, corresponds to a potentially viable fetus and an increased likelihood of extrauterine survival [27].

Successful management of the pregnant trauma patient requires a multidisciplinary approach including a trauma surgeon, obstetrician, and neonatologist working in conjunction with the emergency physician. The emergency physician must weigh the resources available at their facility and be prepared to mobilize and coordinate other resources if they should become necessary. Many minor trauma patients present to non-trauma centers, and even innocuous appearing injuries may have potentially life-threatening implications to the fetus or mother. Therefore, transfer to a trauma center or a facility that has continuous fetal cardiotocographic monitoring capabilities is strongly encouraged.


Due to the risk of fetal hypoxia, early airway management is highly recommended in caring for the pregnant trauma patient, especially if the patient is obtunded or displaying signs of respiratory compromise [25]. The emergency physician should have a low threshold for intubation and mechanical ventilation and anticipate a difficult airway [30].

Intubation failure rate has been reported to be higher in pregnant patients due to the various anatomical and physiological changes that occur in pregnancy. Diaphragmatic elevation decreases forced vital capacity. The relative hypocapnia of pregnancy, together with a baseline decrease in functional residual capacity and residual volume, results in decreased oxygen reserves. There is a propensity toward faster desaturation during rapid sequence intubation (RSI); therefore preoxygenation is vital [3135]. Normal pregnancy causes fluid retention and weight gain resulting in mucosal edema and therefore narrower airways. This also increases airway resistance and decreases overall respiratory system compliance. Endotracheal tubes with diameters 0.5–1.0 mm smaller than standard tube sizes should be used on the first attempt, with smaller tubes prepared as backup [36]. In addition, there is increased aspiration risk during intubation for the pregnant trauma patient due to the ascending and enlarging uterus which places increased pressure on intestinal and stomach contents; at the same time progesterone-mediated smooth muscle relaxation reduces the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter [37, 38]. A low threshold for the placement of a nasogastric tube for gastric decompression prior to RSI is recommended.

The majority of RSI medications, including paralytics, analgesics, anesthetics, or sedatives, are category C under the FDA pregnancy pharmacology safety guidelines (Table 11.1). Exceptions include ketamine, which is category B, and benzodiazepines that are category D (Table 11.2). There are no current recommendations or guidelines to suggest the use of one medication over another or dose adjustments for RSI in the pregnant patient [3133].

Table 11.1
FDA drug risk classification in pregnancya




Controlled studies in humans show no risk to the fetus


Animal studies show no risk to the fetus, no controlled studies in humans


No controlled studies in animals or humans


Evidence of human risk to the fetus exists; however benefits may outweigh risks


Controlled studies demonstrate fetal abnormalities. Risk outweighs any possible benefit

aAs of 2014 the FDA is changing drug labeling regarding its use during pregnancy or lactation and phasing out the letter categories [61]

Table 11.2
Safety profiles of commonly used medications



Safety profile





























Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)



If mechanical ventilation is initiated, minute ventilation should be managed to maintain PaCO2 levels around 30–32 mm Hg, as hypocapnia is physiologic in late pregnancy. A PaCO2 >32 mmHg in a pregnant patient suggests respiratory insufficiency and a level >40 mmHg, respiratory failure [30]. Fetal survival is entirely dependent upon uterine perfusion and oxygen delivery.

Avoidance of an acidotic state is essential as it is thought to result in uterine vasoconstriction [34].

Targets of SaO2 > 95% and PaO2 > 70 mm Hg ensure fetal oxygen delivery; PaO2 < 60 mmHg has been associated with compromise of fetal oxygenation [28, 35, 37, 39]. In the event of a pneumo−/hemothorax, the chest tube should be placed 1–2 interspaces higher due to diaphragmatic elevation in order to avoid entering the abdomen [25].


Plasma blood volume steadily increases throughout pregnancy; therefore a pregnant patient may lose up to 2 L of blood before showing any signs of circulatory instability [25]. Cardiac output is also increased and can result in rapid hemorrhage. Serum HCO3 < 19 may be an early indication of circulatory compromise.

In the event of hemorrhage, the fetus is at risk for reduced blood supply because maternal circulation preferentially shunts blood away from the uterus. Furthermore, uterine compression of abdominal and pelvic vasculature after 20-week gestation can result in decreased venous return and resultant “supine hypotensive syndrome.” Patients should be placed in the left lateral decubitus position when possible or the uterus should be manually displaced to the left of the midline [26, 40, 41]. Angulations of the patient on the backboard to achieve a slight left lateral decubitus position of 15° to 30° or right lateral decubitus positioning are acceptable alternatives [30, 40]. Intravenous (IV) access, whether central or peripheral, should be established above the level of the diaphragm due to possible uterine compression of abdominal and pelvic vasculature [30].

When treating a pregnant trauma patient, the clinician should avoid the pitfall of attributing hypotension to supine hypotensive syndrome and should ensure that the patient is not hemorrhaging. Recommendations on resuscitative blood pressure goals are extrapolated from perioperative cesarean section patients. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends a goal for systolic blood pressure (SBP) of >100 mm Hg or greater than 80% of the patient’s baseline blood pressure [42]. Alternatively, the mean arterial pressure (MAP) can be targeted to a value of >65 mmHg as extrapolated from studies in nonpregnant patients. In order to maintain uterine perfusion, hypotension should be aggressively managed. Urinary output is the most sensitive prognosticator of maternal cardiovascular collapse [43]. It is recommended that early requisition and utilization of blood products, specifically CMV antibody-negative or leukocyte-reduced, Rh-negative products, must be transfused in a 2:1:1 (red blood cell/plasma/platelets) ratio given the relative hemodilution in pregnant women [44]. Vasopressors may reduce uterine flow and therefore placental perfusion, but the benefits of correcting maternal hemodynamics are of primary concern. The preferential use of phenylephrine has increased in popularity due to recent studies demonstrating less hypotension and improved fetal acid-base status compared to the once previously utilized ephedrine [45].

Secondary Survey

The secondary survey should proceed according to ATLS guidelines in the same fashion as nonpregnant women with the addition of fetal heart rate monitoring initiated in the ED if available. Patients who suffer direct abdominal trauma or who present with contractions, vaginal bleeding, or uterine tenderness are more likely to have obstetric complications [46]. All pregnant women should have a sterile bimanual exam performed to evaluate for the presence of the fetus, fetal body parts, umbilical cord, placenta, or uterus within the vaginal vault and to determine if any disruption of the rectal and vaginal mucosa has occurred. The clinician should also assess for ruptured membranes or acute vaginal hemorrhage. Any of these findings require immediate surgical and obstetric consultations for imminent fetal delivery in a more controlled environment. Placental abruption, uterine rupture, and preterm labor may occur following even minor abdominal trauma [3, 25]. Bedside focused assessment of sonography in trauma (FAST) can determine the presence of free fluid, pneumothorax, hemothorax, pericardial effusion, and uterine rupture, if present. In the rare event that diagnostic peritoneal lavage is performed, a supraumbilical open approach is recommended to avoid inadvertent uterine injury.

Uterine contractions are the most common presenting obstetric symptoms after abdominal trauma and are usually self-limited [27]. The identification of pathologic contractions is important as they may have deleterious effects on the fetus. Tocolysis may be necessary depending on the gestational age of the fetus in consultation with an obstetrician. Terbutaline 0.25 mg subcutaneous is recommended as the first-line agent and intravenous magnesium as an adjunct [25]. If the fetus is between 24 and 34 weeks, corticosteroids and betamethasone 12 mg or dexamethasone 6 mg intramuscular (IM) should be given to promote fetal lung maturity if delivery seems probable [25].

Diagnostic Studies

Laboratory Tests

Initial laboratory tests include pregnancy test, complete blood count (CBC), complete metabolic panel (CMP), coagulation studies, lactate, and blood type and cross match. Because plasma volume increases during pregnancy, a mild decrease in hematocrit is physiologic; however, in the setting of trauma, there is always the possibility of ongoing blood loss. Standard parameters for lab values such as CMP, coagulation studies, and lactate are largely unchanged in the pregnant trauma population. Specific predictors of fetal hypoxia include a decrease in hematocrit of greater than 50%, PaO2 <60 mmHg (O2 sat<90%), as well as acidosis. Increased minute ventilation and tidal volume result in a relative hypocapnia and respiratory alkalosis with baseline PaCO2 of 30 mmHg; a PaCO2 of 40 mmHg indicates CO2 retention. However, serum pH can generally normalize due to renal compensation.

Type and cross match with Rh status should be included in a basic trauma lab set. Reportedly, as little as 0.001 mL of fetal blood in the maternal circulation can sensitize an Rh-negative mother [47]. Therefore rhesus immune globulin (RhIG) should be administered to all Rh-negative mothers following even minor trauma. In the first trimester, one 50 mcg intramuscular dose is sufficient prophylaxis. In the second and third trimesters, 300 mcg is needed to provide prophylaxis for up to 30 mL of fetal-maternal hemorrhage. There is no harm in giving the more readily available 300 mcg dose to women in the first trimester. The Kleihauer-Betke (KB) quantifies the amount of fetal-maternal hemorrhage, and KB analysis may have a role in directing the obstetrician in administering additional doses of RhIG in small subset of women where fetal-maternal hemorrhage may be in excess of 30 mL [3]. The results of the KB test will not impact ED care. Some literature reports higher rates of preterm labor in patients with a positive KB test [48]. Flow cytometric assay has been useful in quantifying fetal-maternal hemorrhage in preference to the KB technique [49]. The initial dose of RhIG prevents Rh isoimmunization up to 72 h following antigenic exposure.


Decisions regarding imaging in pregnant trauma patients are often fraught with apprehension. The potential risk associated with ionizing radiation exposure to the fetus should be considered when obtaining imaging studies; however maternal resuscitation is of primary concern. A necessary diagnostic test should not be withheld out of concern for the fetus. Radiation harm to the fetus and risk of teratogenesis is greatest during the 8th through the 15th week of gestation when organogenesis occurs [10] (Table 11.3). Exposure to ionizing radiation doses above 100–200 mGy is associated with intrauterine growth retardation and CNS defects, such as microcephaly and mental retardation. Ionizing radiation doses less than 50 mGy have not been associated with difference in overall pregnancy outcomes. The fetal dose without shielding is approximately 30% of that to the mother [3]. Redundant imaging should be avoided, for example, if a patient is getting computed tomography (CT) scans of the abdomen and pelvis, and then the pelvic x-ray may not be necessary [3].

Table 11.3
Effects of gestational age and radiation dose on radiation-induced teratogenesis

Gestational period


Estimated threshold dosea

Before implantation (0–2 weeks after conception)

Death of embryo or no consequence (all or none)

50–100 mGy

Organogenesis (2–8 weeks after conception)

Congenital anomalies (skeleton, eyes, genitals)

200 mGy
Growth retardation

200–250 mGy

Fetal period

8–15 Weeks

Severe mental retardation (high risk)b

60–310 mGy
Intellectual deficit

25 IQ point loss per gray

200 mGy

16–25 Weeks

Severe mental retardation (low risk)

250–280 mGy

aData based on results of animal studies, epidemiologic studies of survivors of the atomic bombings in Japan, and studies of groups exposed to radiation for medical reasons (e.g. radiation therapy for carcinoma of the uterus)

bBecause this is a period of rapid neuronal development and migration

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