Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia

Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia

Roger S. Mecca

How, When, Where, and Why Does Hypoxemia Occur in Anesthesia?


In the perioperative interval, impairment of a patient’s ventilatory function by mechanical, hemodynamic, and pharmacologic factors often manifests as a reduction in the partial pressure of arterial O2 (PaO2) or an increase in the partial pressure of arterial CO2 (PACO2).1,2,3,4 Clinical etiologies for these problems are often multifactorial and sometimes are difficult to diagnose.

Alveolar Partial Pressure

Several key physiologic variables influence a patient’s ability to maintain the Pao2 in systemic blood (i.e., arterial oxygenation). The alveolar partial pressure of O2 (PAo2) provides the driving pressure for the diffusion gradient that moves O2 passively from exchanging airspaces into pulmonary capillary blood. The PAo2 varies with the Fio2, with the minute ventilation, and with the rate of O2 extraction from the lungs by the pulmonary capillary blood. Minute ventilation, in turn, is affected by the ventilatory drive, airway resistance, lung and chest wall compliance, neuromuscular status, and a host of other factors.

Ventilation/Perfusion Matching

Arterial oxygenation is also affected by ventilation/perfusion ([V with dot above]/[Q with dot above]) matching in the lungs, which determines the degree of contact between fresh gas in the airspaces and pulmonary capillary blood. Normally, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction regulates the distribution of
pulmonary blood flow to match the distribution of ventilation.5 Ventilation/perfusion mismatch generates hypoxemia when airspaces do not receive sufficient O2 in fresh gas to fully saturate the hemoglobin. Perfused regions that receive no ventilation at all send blood with the systemic mixed venous partial pressure of O2 (P[v with bar above]O2) to the left heart, generating a true shunt across the lung. Regions with relatively low levels of ventilation compared with perfusion (i.e., low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above]) allow hemoglobin that is only partially saturated to reach the left heart. Low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] areas are caused by clinical conditions that decrease ventilation to an area with high perfusion or by factors that increase perfusion to an area with low ventilation. In any of these circumstances, admixture of blood containing unsaturated hemoglobin in the pulmonary veins and left atrium results in equilibration of O2 among red cells, decreasing Pao2 and hemoglobin saturation. Peripheral O2 consumption exerts an indirect effect on arterial oxygenation by lowering the P[v with bar above]O2. Usually, a low venous O2 content only impacts PaO2 if PAo2 is marginal or if significant low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] units or shunting exist.

Central Nervous System Regulation

The body utilizes PaO2 to regulate spontaneous ventilatory drive.6 Reduction of Pao2 increases the afferent output from chemoreceptors in the carotid bodies and central nervous system (CNS) to the ventilatory center in the medulla, generating an increase in spontaneous ventilatory rate and depth. Also, insufficient delivery of tissue O2 leads to anaerobic metabolism and lactic acidemia. A spontaneously breathing patient will hyperventilate to generate a respiratory alkalemia to compensate for the metabolic acidemia. Hyperventilation, therefore, is a major compensatory response to systemic hypoxemia that increases O2 delivery to airspaces and perhaps expands the functional residual capacity (FRC).

How Is Oxygenation Assessed Clinically?

The Pao2 from an arterial blood gas (ABG) determination best indicates how effectively O2 is being transferred from alveolar gas to pulmonary capillary blood. Arterial hemoglobin saturation (Spo2) derived from conventional pulse oximetry yields valuable perspective about arterial O2 content, but less information about the alveolar-arterial (A-a) O2 partial pressure gradient once Pao2 exceeds approximately 100 mm Hg. Neither measurement reflects the impact that oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve shifts or hemoglobin abnormalities have on peripheral O2 availability.7,8 Newer oximeters may be able to differentiate carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin, although these moieties are usually inconsequential. Evaluation of P[v with bar above]o2 or metabolic acidemia offers some insight into peripheral O2 delivery and utilization. Assessment of vital signs, sympathetic nervous system activity, or skin color as indices of oxygenation is at best inaccurate and unreliable.9 Measuring the oxygenation of specific tissues or organs, although promising, is still of limited clinical usefulness.10

The appropriate lower limit for Pao2 varies with individual patient characteristics and clinical circumstances.11 Although the life-threatening range for hypoxemia is recognized,12 the lowest acceptable values during routine care are a matter of ongoing discussion,13,14,15 especially because providers appreciate the degree of desaturation that many individuals exhibit during normal sleep.16 A Pao2 below 65 to 70 mmHg causes significant hemoglobin desaturation, although O2 delivery can be maintained at lower levels. Generally, maintaining Pao2 above 80 mmHg (saturation 93%) ensures adequate arterial O2 content, assuming a reasonable hemoglobin concentration. Maintaining a high Spo2 also offers a time buffer against life-threatening hypoxemia should an acute event interrupt ventilation. Elevating Pao2 above 110 mm Hg offers negligible improvement in O2-carrying capacity because hemoglobin is almost fully saturated, and the incremental amount of O2 dissolved in plasma is miniscule. Dissolved O2 has greater significance in minimally perfused tissues during hyperbaric O2 therapy. A high Pao2 may also improve wound healing, infection rates, or postoperative nausea.17 During weaning from mechanical ventilation, a sustained Pao2 above 80 mmHg, with Fio2 of 0.4 or less and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) of up to 5 cm H2O, should predict adequate oxygenation after extubation.

Adequate Pao2 does not guarantee that cardiac output, arterial perfusion pressure, circulating red cell mass, or peripheral blood flow distribution will support tissue oxygenation. Hypotension, anemia, hemoglobin abnormalities, or sepsis can generate profound tissue ischemia in spite of a high Pao2.

How Does Reduced Alveolar Partial Pressure of Oxygen Produce Hypoxemia?



In perioperative patients, hypoxemia is frequently caused by a global reduction of PAo2 (see Table 8.1). If overall O2 uptake from airspaces exceeds O2 delivery by ventilation, the PAo2 and Pao2 will decrease. Hemoglobin in all red cells that reach the left heart will be only partially saturated with O2. A globally decreased PAo2 sufficient to cause hypoxemia almost always reflects a severe decrease in ventilation, because relatively high concentrations of inspired O2 are frequently employed during intraoperative anesthetic management. During recovery, supplementation of inspired O2 concentration usually offsets the impact of reduced minute ventilation, and thereby
decreases the value of pulse oximetry for monitoring ventilation.18 If hypoventilation is profound, or if ventilation ceases, Pao2 rapidly declines at a rate that varies with age, body habitus, underlying illness, and the initial PAo2.12

TABLE 8.1 Causes of Hypoxemia Related to a Global Reduction of Alveolar Partial Pressure of Oxygen

Severe airway obstruction

Inadequate positive-pressure ventilation

Suppression of ventilatory drive

Disordered mechanics of ventilation

Neuromuscular paralysis

Administration of a hypoxic mixture

Excessive alveolar concentration of a second gas

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

During anesthesia, hypoxemia related to a global reduction of PAo2 frequently reflects suboptimal technique.19,20,21 Loss of airway patency in spontaneously ventilating patients is a common cause. Partial airway obstruction increases airway resistance, leading to hypoventilation, and sometimes hypercapnia. However, partial obstruction alone does not usually reduce PAo2 to dangerously low levels, especially with supplemental O2 administration.22 Greater obstruction will cause a rapid decline in PAo2; patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are particularly vulnerable.23 Significant OSA occurs not only in obese patients but also in adults with average body habitus and in children.24 In patients with OSA, airway dynamics are complex and unpredictable,25 mandating a high level of vigilance for adverse ventilatory events.26

Airway Management

Inadequate positive-pressure ventilation is another common cause of decreased PAo2 secondary to hypoventilation. Loss of upper airway patency impairs the ability to ventilate with positive pressure. Obstruction of this degree can be caused by soft tissue, space-occupying lesions, foreign bodies, gastric contents, or airway edema secondary to trauma.27,28 Laryngospasm or bronchospasm can also impede ventilation.29 The presence of an airway device, such as an endotracheal tube, does not automatically eliminate airway obstruction as a cause of hypoxemia. Kinking, luminal occlusion by clots or inspissated secretions, inadvertent extubation, or misplacement of a laryngeal mask or oral airway can all cause upper airway obstruction.

Coughing, straining, or chest wall rigidity will impede effective positive-pressure ventilation, as will a poor face mask seal or a loss of pressure in the anesthesia circuit due to leakage. Excessive leakage past an endotracheal cuff, inadequate sealing of a laryngeal mask, or inadvertent tracheal placement of a gastric tube can reduce PAo2. During difficult intubation or tracheostomy, PAo2 can fall dramatically, unless ventilation is intermittently supplied. Preintubation hyperventilation with 100% O2 and attention to the duration of apnea help avoid this problem. Esophageal intubation stops effective positive-pressure ventilation and causes a precipitous decline of PAo2. In a patient who is dependent on mechanical ventilation, other ominous problems that reduce PAo2 are failure to activate the mechanical ventilator, failure to set a sufficient rate or tidal volume, failure to supply handbag ventilation, ventilator or bellows malfunction, and unrecognized disconnection.

Inadequate Spontaneous Ventilation

Spontaneously breathing patients frequently suffer hypoventilation and decreased PAo2 when medications depress the ventilatory drive. Opioids are potent ventilatory suppressants, as are volatile anesthetics, sedative agents, induction agents, and some antiemetics.30,31,32,33,34,35,36 The depressant effects of these different agents are synergistic, and CNS depression often generates some upper airway obstruction as well. In patients with OSA, the depressant effects of opioids and sedatives likely accentuate the frequency and depth of baseline desaturations that occur in these patients during sleep.23,37,38 Ventilatory suppression and hypoxemia is a leading cause of morbidity during monitored anesthetic care and deep sedation.39 Local anesthetic toxicity secondary to inadvertent intravascular injection or uptake can cause profound ventilatory depression and airway obstruction after the administration of regional anesthetics. If local anesthetics reach the intracranial cerebrospinal fluid, ventilatory depression is often immediate and complete. Depression from the central spread of neuraxial opioids is often more insidious in onset.40

Impaired ventilatory mechanics can also lead to hypoventilation sufficient to cause hypoxemia. An obvious example is neuromuscular paralysis. However, the loss of intercostal and diaphragmatic muscle strength caused by the spread of spinal or epidural anesthetics to higher levels can seriously impair ventilation, as can reduced lung or chest wall compliance secondary to pneumothorax, increased lung water, or extremes of position during surgery or recovery.41 Disruption of skeletal or muscular integrity in traumatic conditions, such as flail chest or diaphragmatic rupture, also cause hypoxemia. Children with active or recent upper respiratory infection are prone to breath-holding, severe straining, and arterial desaturations below 90% during induction and recovery. This problem is increasingly likely after intubation and/or airway surgery, or if they have reactive airway disease or secondhand smoke exposure.42

Gas Delivery

Hypoxemia from global reduction of PAo2 may result from delivery of a hypoxic mixture of inspired gases (e.g., an inordinately high concentration of nitrous oxide without sufficient O2) during anesthesia. With the exception of a gas pipe misconnection during maintenance or
renovation, safeguards on contemporary anesthesia machines, such as interlink systems, pin indexed mounts, low pressure shutoffs, and O2 analyzers in the anesthesia circuit, make delivery of a hypoxic mixture almost impossible. Redundant O2 sources such as transport and machine backup cylinders provide additional safety.

Rarely, an excessive alveolar partial pressure of another gas may cause hypoxemia. Rapid outpouring of nitrous oxide into alveoli can theoretically displace alveolar O2 and lower PAo2. The risk of this “diffusion hypoxia” is greatest immediately after discontinuation of nitrous oxide, especially if a patient is breathing ambient air or hypoventilating. The problem is easily countered by ventilation for a short period with 100% O2. Volume displacement of O2 can also occur with severe hypercapnia, again, if a patient is breathing ambient air. Serious respiratory acidemia usually precedes hypoxemia.

Increasing the O2 content in the FRC with supplemental O2 helps to safeguard against hypoxemia caused by airway obstruction or hypoventilation. However, supplemental O2 does not address the underlying cause of hypoxemia and may limit the use of peripheral pulse oximetry as an early predictor of insidious hypoventilation.18,22,43 Whether this possibility outweighs the benefits of supplemental O2 is a matter of individual judgment.

How Is Hypoxemia Related to Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatching?

Disruption of [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching is another common etiology of hypoxemia (see Table 8.2). In perioperative patients, mismatching is particularly significant because hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is impaired by anesthetic agents and certain vasoactive drugs. Ventilation/perfusion mismatch can reflect true shunting, areas of low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above], or a combination of the two. Clinically, hypoxemia caused by low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] often responds to maneuvers aimed at improving lung volume, such as deep breathing or positive airway pressure. Hypoxemia related to true shunt is often somewhat refractory to these interventions, because shunt frequently reflects the consolidation, or complete collapse of parenchyma. Also, hypoxemia related to low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] often dramatically improves with supplemental O2, because marginally ventilated airspaces receive more O2, and hemoglobin is better saturated.

Hypoxemia related to true shunt will not improve nearly as much with supplemental O2, because blood flow through ventilated areas is already fully saturated, whereas shunted blood will not encounter airspaces containing the supplemental O2. Clinical etiologies of [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatch can be artificially divided into conditions that affect distribution of ventilation and those that affect distribution of perfusion. In reality, the relationships between ventilation and perfusion are complex and variable in different lung regions.

TABLE 8.2 Hypoxemia Related to [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] Mismatching

Suboptimal Distribution of Ventilation

Obesity/increased intra-abdominal pressure

Peritoneal insufflation

Thoracic restriction/splinting

Hypoexpansion from low tidal volumes

Extreme surgical positioning

Abdominal or thoracic retraction

Leaning on the patient by surgical assistants

Upper airway obstruction

Retained secretions/small airway obstruction

Mainstem intubation/one-lung ventilation

Increased lung water/pulmonary edema

Aspiration pneumonitis


Acute lung injuries (ARDS, TRALI, SIRS)

Absence of expiratory resistance

Tracheal suctioning

Suboptimal Distribution of Perfusion

Dependent positioning of diseased lung

Vasodilators, anesthetic agents

Hepatic cirrhosis

Sepsis/circulating endotoxin

Changes in pulmonary arterial pressure

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; TRALI, transfusion-related acute lung injury; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.


Loss of dependent lung volume and reduction of the FRC commonly causes [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatching.44 A reduction of the FRC decreases radial traction on small airways, leading to collapse and distal atelectasis that can worsen for up to 36 hours after surgery.45 In any position, gravity promotes a loss of lung volume and decreased ventilation in the dependent lungs. This relationship is particularly damaging, because gravity preferentially directs blood flow to these same dependent areas.

Reduction in Lung Volume

Some surgical patients are more likely to develop hypoxemia from decreased lung volume.46 Heavy smoking, obesity, sleep apnea, severe asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) seem to predict an increased risk of postoperative ventilatory events,1,47,48,49,50 but preoperative pulmonary function testing has limited predictive value.51 The incidence of [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatching increases with age, because reduced elastic recoil in lung tissue leads to less radial traction on airways and airspaces. Elderly patients likely will experience an intermittent closure of dependent airways at end-expiration. Patients with COPD experience more severe closure that is exacerbated by small reductions in FRC. Obese patients may
suffer large decreases of an already compromised FRC, secondary to the weight of the thoracic fat pad and increased intra-abdominal pressure.52,53,54 Prone, lithotomy, jackknife, or Trendelenburg positions are particularly disadvantageous, especially in obese patients. Retraction, packing, peritoneal gas insufflation, and manipulation of organs reduce FRC during upper abdominal and thoracic surgical procedures.24,55,56,57,58,59 Chest wall or abdominal compression from surgical assistants leaning on the patient or restrictive bandages will impede chest cavity expansion and promote loss of FRC.56 Pneumothorax or hemothorax also reduce lung volume41 and can cause catastrophic hypoxemia in neonates.

Acute Airway Obstruction

Increased lung water or pulmonary edema from overhydration, ventricular dysfunction, or increased capillary permeability interferes with both [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching and O2 diffusion.60 Strong inspiratory efforts against an obstructed airway decrease FRC and promote negative-pressure (postobstructive) pulmonary edema, a frequent cause of transient hypoxemia in healthy patients after even brief periods of laryngospasm or upper airway obstruction. The onset of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or transfusion-related acute lung injury will seriously impact [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching.61,62,63

Extreme [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatching and hypoxemia occur if a large airspace is completely denied ventilation, as when a bronchus is occluded by a mucus plug or a clot. Right upper lobe atelectasis secondary to a partial right mainstem intubation is a commonly overlooked etiology for loss of lung volume and hypoxemia. Atelectasis can be caused by mechanical occlusion of the upper lobe bronchus or by high gas flow rates across the orifice, leading to decreased pressure in the right upper lobe by the Bernoulli effect. Complete intubation of a mainstem bronchus, inadvertently or during one-lung anesthesia, precludes ventilation to the contralateral lung, generating a large shunt and sometimes profound hypoxemia.64 During thoracic procedures, the weight of unsupported mediastinal contents and abdominal pressure on the diaphragm also reduce volume in the dependent, ventilated lung, while gravity and lymphatic obstruction promote interstitial fluid accumulation, thereby accentuating the [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatch. This “down lung syndrome” can appear as unilateral pulmonary edema on a chest radiograph.

Tracheal intubation eliminates the resistance to gas flow past the vocal cords that can help maintain lung volume during spontaneous exhalation. An intubated, spontaneously breathing patient cannot generate a significant positive pressure in the airways. Allowing this patient to ventilate at ambient pressure for prolonged periods can cause a gradual reduction in FRC and a worsening of [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching. Although healthy, slender patients will often tolerate short periods without positive pressure, it is prudent to allow such patients to exhale against a slight CPAP. Also, loss of gas volume during tracheal suctioning can cause serious hypoxemia from loss of lung volume and physical removal of O2 from the FRC.65,66

Postoperative Factors

Decreases in FRC or regional lung volume that occur during surgery persist and even worsen postoperatively. In the recovery phase, conservative measures oriented toward restoration of lung volume often improve oxygenation. When possible, patients should recover in a semisitting Fowlers position to reduce abdominal pressure on the diaphragm. Provision of sufficient analgesia reduces pain associated with deep ventilation and improves maintenance of dependent lung volume, especially with upper abdominal or chest wall incisions.67 Deep breaths, cough, chest physiotherapy, and incentive spirometry may help maintain the FRC, mobilize secretions, and accustom a patient to incisional discomfort. However, the efficacy of these interventions is being debated.68,69 CPAP delivered by facemask helps to offset more significant or persistent reduction of FRC. If hypoxemia is severe, or acceptance of mask CPAP is poor, tracheal intubation may be required. The requirement for positive-pressure ventilation is assessed independently, considering the work of breathing, PACO2, and arterial pH (pHa). Usually, 5 to 10 cm H2O of CPAP or PEEP improves Pao2. Airway pressure >10 cm H2O can impede venous return, cause hypotension, and may increase the risk of barotrauma or increased intracranial pressure.41 However, patients with ARDS or pulmonary contusion may require higher pressures to improve oxygenation. If these measures do not improve Pao2, the cause of hypoxemia should be reevaluated.


The risk of nausea, vomiting, and aspiration is a serious problem for all types of perioperative patients.70,71,72 When aspiration occurs, the resulting severity of [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatching varies with the type and volume of the aspirate. Aspiration of a small amount of clear saliva or liquid blood causes only tracheal irritation and perhaps transient small airway obstruction. The aspirated liquid is cleared by cough, mucociliary transport, resorption, and/or phagocytosis, so hypoxemia is usually inconsequential. Aspiration of large quantities of blood or solid clots obstructs the airways and interferes with [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching for longer periods. Blood aspiration can also precipitate fibrinous changes in air spaces or pulmonary hemochromatosis from iron accumulation in phagocytic cells. Secondary infection is always a threat, especially if the aspirant contains bits of tissue or purulent matter.

Aspiration of solid food, small objects, dental appliances, or teeth causes diffuse reflex bronchospasm and airway obstruction with distal atelectasis. Hypoxemia can be severe and protracted if a large airway is occluded, minute ventilation is compromised, or if pneumonia develops. Of course, complete laryngeal or tracheal obstruction by an aspirated object is a life-threatening emergency. Aspiration of acidic gastric contents causes chemical pneumonitis. Patients may exhibit diffuse bronchospasm, increased airway resistance, atelectasis, and hypoxemia, but sometimes they are initially free of worrisome signs.73 The impact on lung function varies directly
with volume and inversely with the pH of the acidic aspirate. The degree of dissemination of aspirate into small airways also impacts morbidity, as does the presence of partially digested food or vegetable matter. In serious cases, epithelial degeneration, alveolar edema, and hemorrhage into air spaces progresses to ARDS with high-permeability pulmonary edema.

The incidence of hypoxemia secondary to aspiration during anesthesia is relatively low, but the possibility is always present. The greatest risk occurs between loss of consciousness and intubation, but significant aspiration can occur anytime that airway reflexes are compromised. A well-seated laryngeal mask airway or an endotracheal tube with an inflated tracheal cuff does not guarantee that liquid in the pharynx will not gain access to the trachea. During recovery, the incidence of aspiration is lower but still significant. Vomiting after anesthesia remains prevalent,70 especially if gas has accumulated in the stomach. Protective airway reflexes are often depressed by residual anesthetics, persisting laryngeal nerve blocks, or residual neuromuscular paralysis.74,75 A patient who passes a head lift test and exhibits a train-of-four T4/T1 ratio >0.7 can still exhibit impaired airway reflexes secondary to residual paralysis. The T4/T1 ratio may need to exceed 0.9 to assure that the reflexes are restored.76 The risk of aspiration also increases if reversal is omitted.77



Poor distribution of pulmonary blood flow also causes [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatching and hypoxemia. Flow distribution is primarily determined by hydrodynamic factors (pulmonary arterial and venous pressures, pulmonary vascular resistance), which are, in turn, affected by gravity, cardiac dynamics, vascular competence, airway pressure, and lung volume. Patient positioning affects oxygenation if gravity forces blood flow to areas with reduced ventilation; for example, placing a poorly ventilated lung in a dependent position can reduce Pao2. Intraoperative or postoperative changes in pulmonary artery pressure, airway pressure, and lung volume have complex effects on blood flow distribution that can adversely affect [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching. Inhalational anesthetics, vasodilators, and sympathomimetic agents directly affect vascular tone and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, partially explaining larger alveolar/arterial O2 gradients during and after general anesthesia. Patients with cirrhosis of the liver exhibit disordered blood flow distribution and [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] mismatching caused by circulating humoral substances resulting from abnormal hepatic metabolism. Circulating endotoxin also impairs hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, contributing to hypoxemia in septic patients.


Few interventions are practical to improve [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching by managing pulmonary blood flow. When possible, avoid placing atelectatic or diseased lung tissue in a dependent position. Placing poorly ventilated parenchyma in a nondependent, “up” position may improve [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching, but could promote drainage of purulent material from diseased lung segments into unaffected areas. Avoiding β-mimetic or vasodilatory medications may improve PaO2, but the benefits from using the medication almost always outweigh the drawback of impaired hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Maintaining pulmonary artery and airway pressures within acceptable ranges likely optimizes any yield from hemodynamic interventions aimed at improving [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] matching.

Why Does Reduced Mixed Venous Oxygen Content Cause Hypoxemia?

Mixed venous O2 is affected by arterial O2 content, cardiac output, distribution of peripheral blood flow, and tissue O2 extraction. If arterial O2 content decreases or tissue extraction increases, P[v with bar above]O2 falls. The lower the P[v with bar above]O2 in blood that is shunted or flows through low [V with dot above]/[Q with dot above] units, the greater will be the reduction of PaO2. Blood with a low P[v with bar above]O2 also extracts larger volumes of O2 from alveolar gas, amplifying the effect of hypoventilation or airway obstruction on PAO2 and increasing the risk of resorption atelectasis in poorly ventilated alveoli when patients are breathing high concentrations of O2. Intraoperatively, low P[v with bar above]O2 seldom impacts PaO2, given the reduction in peripheral O2 utilization and the use of supplemental O2, positive-pressure ventilation, and close monitoring. However, a hypermetabolic state such as thyroid storm or malignant hyperthermia could significantly increase peripheral O2 extraction, leading to a significant decease in P[v with bar above]O2. In postoperative patients, shivering, infection, and increased metabolism lower P[v with bar above]O2 by increasing peripheral O2 extraction. Supplemental O2 will reduce the impact of low P[v with bar above]O2 on alveolar O2 extraction and PaO2, assuming that no true shunt is occurring across the lungs.


The ultimate endpoint for arterial oxygenation is to avoid end-organ damage from inadequate availability of O2. In perioperative patients, conditions sometimes arise that deprive vital organs of sufficient O2 to meet metabolic demand in spite of an adequate PaO2.

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Jul 15, 2016 | Posted by in ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia

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