Hospital Disaster Plan: Generic All-Hazard Hospital Disaster Resource-Allocation Plan


This plan is designed for health care facilities in normally resource-sufficient regions. It may need to be adapted for facilities in resource-poor areas.

“Triggers” indicate the situations that should initiate the “Actions” and associated “Treatment Priorities.”

The Triggers change with each “Level.” Within each Level, all Actions or Treatment Priorities are in addition to or modify those listed for the preceding Levels.

In resource-poor institutions:

  • “ICU” beds and treatment mean any beds and treatment used for the sickest patients

  • “ED beds” are beds in the facility’s intake or reception area

  • “ED physician or equivalent” is the clinician with the most experience in quickly evaluating patients to make difficult triage decisions

  • The institutional disaster plan should be used when the facility does not use the “Hospital Incident Command System”