The Trauma Patient

The Trauma Patient

Michael A. Gibbs

Michael G. Gonzalez

Ron M. Walls


Effective airway management is a cornerstone of resuscitation of the critically injured patient. Although the nature and timing of airway intervention is influenced by assessment and prioritization of multiple injuries, the fundamental principles of trauma airway management are no different from those applied to management of the airway in other complex medical situations. A consistent approach and a reproducible thought process will maximize success.

Whether a trauma patient requires intubation depends on myriad factors that reach well beyond the airway. The indications for intubation discussed in Chapter 1 include failure of the patient’s ability to maintain or protect the airway, as in traumatic coma. In such cases, the need for intubation is clear. Failure of ventilation or oxygenation is less common. The former often is related to intoxicants, head injury, or direct chest injury, such as pneumo- or hemo-thorax. The latter also may arise from direct chest trauma, but also from pulmonary edema caused by diffuse capillary injury in the lung from shock, referred to as “shock lung” or acute respiratory distress syndrome. The most common indication for intubation in trauma, however, also is the most challenging. This is the “anticipated clinical course” indication, wherein multiple injuries, hemodynamic instability, need for painful procedures, likelihood of deterioration, need for surgery, combative behavior, and other considerations lead to a decision to intubate, even though the airway itself, oxygenation, and ventilation are adequate.

In the National Emergency Airway Registry (NEAR) database, the top three primary indications for intubation are head injury (39%), direct airway injury (17%), and multisystem trauma (14%).


Although many trauma intubations turn out to be straightforward, all should be considered at least potentially difficult. A targeted patient assessment should be performed with the aim of answering two fundamental questions. First: Will the procedure be difficult? Systematic use of the difficult airway mnemonics (Chapter 2) will help answer this question. Second: Will physiology suffer? This question prompts the clinician to anticipate predictable changes in physiology that may occur before, during, or immediately following intubation, as a result of the injuries present, the procedure, or the patient’s premorbid condition.

Assessment of Difficulty

Application of the difficult airway mnemonics (LEMON, MOANS, SMART, and RODS) allows the clinician to rapidly identify the difficult airway at the bedside. It is worth noting that the LEMON mnemonic, originally published in the first edition of this manual, in 2000, is recommended as the airway assessment tool of choice in the current (eighth) version of ATLS. The mnemonics are provided in detail in Chapter 2, but are adapted here specifically for the trauma airway:

1. L: Look externally. Injury to the face, mouth, or neck may distort anatomy or limit access, making the process of intubation difficult or impossible. The integrity of the mask seal may be impaired by facial hair, external bleeding, preexisting physiognomy, or anatomical disruption (MOANS). Injury to the anterior neck, such as by a clothesline mechanism or hematoma, may preclude successful cricothyrotomy (SMART) or extraglottic device (EGD) placement (RODS).

2. E: Evaluate 3-3-2. In blunt trauma, the cervical spine is immobilized, and a cervical collar is usually in place at the time that airway decisions must be made. A cervical collar is not particularly effective at limiting cervical spine movement during intubation, but greatly impairs mouth opening, limiting both laryngoscopy and insertion of an EGD (RODS). The front portion of the collar should be opened to facilitate the primary survey and removed entirely during intubation. Other injuries, such as mandibular fractures, may either facilitate or impair oral access, and mouth opening should be assessed as carefully as possible.

3. M: Mallampati. The trauma patient is rarely able to cooperate with a formal Mallampati assessment, but the airway manager should open the patient’s mouth as widely as possible and inspect the oral cavity for access, using a tongue blade, or the laryngoscope blade, which has the advantage of illumination. At this time, potential hemorrhage or disruption of the upper airway may also be evident (RODS). It is important to refrain from “checking the gag reflex” during mouth opening, as this adds no useful information and may precipitate vomiting.

4. O: Obstruction, Obesity. Obstruction, usually by hemorrhage or hematoma, can interfere with laryngoscopy, BMV (MOANS), or EGD placement (RODS). Obesity in the trauma patient presents the same challenges as for the nontrauma patient.

5. N: Neck mobility. All patients suffering blunt trauma require in-line stabilization of the cervical spine during airway management. By definition, in-line stabilization significantly impairs the ability to place the patient in the sniffing position and as a result, direct visualization of the glottis will be predictably difficult. When in-line stabilization is required, other measures to improve glottic visualization (e.g., Backward, upward (cephalad), and rightward pressure [BURP] maneuver, and video laryngoscopy) or to achieve airway rescue (e.g., Bougie, EGD, and surgical technique) should be prepared for as part of the overall airway management plan. Two areas of controversy are related to the need for spinal immobilization in patients suffering cranial gunshot wounds and in those suffering penetrating wounds to the neck. In the former group, there is sound evidence that the amount of force delivered by a gunshot wound to the head or face in and of itself is insufficient to fracture the spine. In both groups, decision making should be guided by the neurologic examination. Simply stated, a normal neurologic examination is an indication that the neck can be gently moved to optimize visualization of the airway. A neurologic deficit suggestive of cervical spinal cord injury mandates in-line stabilization.

Special Clinical Considerations

The trauma airway is one of the most challenging clinical circumstances in emergency care. It requires knowledge of a panoply of techniques, guided by a reproducible approach (the airway algorithms), sound judgment, and technical expertise. In this section, we describe the considerations unique to several high-risk scenarios (see Table 31-1).

A—Injury to the airway

Here, the very condition that mandates intubation may also render it much more difficult and prone to failure. Direct airway injury may be the result of

  • Maxillofacial trauma

  • Blunt or penetrating anterior neck trauma

  • Smoke inhalation

TABLE 31-1 The “ABC’S” of the Trauma Airway


• Is there an injury to the Airway?


• Is there traumatic Brain injury?


• Is there a significant Chest injury?

• Is there a risk of Cervical spine injury?


• Is the patient in Shock?

In cases of distorted anatomy, the approach must be one that minimizes the potential for catastrophic deterioration. Airway disruption may be marginal or significant, real or potential. In either case, the guiding principle is to secure the threatened airway early, while more options are preserved, and the patient’s stability permits a more deliberate approach. Careful decisions guided by the airway algorithms will need to be made about the use (or not) of neuromuscular blockade, the primary method of airway management, and the airway rescue plan. The importance of mobilizing resources (equipment and personnel), strong leadership, and effective communication with the entire team cannot be overemphasized.

As for any other anatomically distorted airway, application of the difficult airway algorithm will often lead to a decision to perform an awake intubation. In patients with signs of significant airway compromise (e.g., stridor, respiratory distress, and voice distortion), both the urgency of the intubation and the risk of using neuromuscular blockade are high. When symptoms are more modest, there is more time to plan and execute the airway intervention, but in neither case is delay advisable. The patient’s oxygenation should be assessed (i.e., “Is there time?”), and it should be determined if RSI is advisable, possibly under a double setup, even though the airway is difficult (see Chapter 3). This will depend on the clinician’s confidence about the likelihood of success of oxygenation using a bag and mask or an EGD, and intubation by direct or video laryngoscopy. Often, an airway not amenable to direct laryngoscope can be managed using a video laryngoscope. When airway management is required immediately, RSI (preferably using a video laryngoscope) with a double setup may be used, but when time permits and the airway is not obscured by blood, the best approach often is awake intubation using a flexible endoscope technique with sedation and topical anesthesia (see Chapter 15). This permits both examination of the airway and careful navigation through the injured area, even when the airway itself has been violated. This is especially true if a tracheal injury is suspected, as no other method of intubation allows the airway to be visualized both above and below the glottis. When the airway is disrupted, the endotracheal tube used should be as small as is reasonable to maximize the likelihood of success and to minimize the likelihood of additional airway injury.

Smoke inhalation can present on a spectrum from mild exposure to complete airway obstruction and death. The initial assessment is designed to identify the presence or absence of high-risk historical features (e.g., closed space fire) and physical findings (e.g., singed nasal hairs, perinasal or perioral soot, carbon deposits on the tongue, hoarse voice, and carbonaceous sputum). When evidence of significant smoke inhalation is present, direct examination of the airway, often with intubation, is important. This is best done with flexible endoscopy, which permits evaluation of the airway and immediate progression to intubation, if indicated. Supraglottic edema is an indication for intubation, even if the edema is mild, because progression can be both rapid and occult. Observation in lieu of airway examination can be hazardous because the airway edema can worsen significantly without any external evidence, and by the time the severity of the situation is apparent, intubation is both immediately required and extremely difficult or impossible. If examination of the upper airway identifies that the injury is confined to the mouth and nose, and the supraglottic area is spared (normal), then intubation safely can be deferred, with subsequent examination at the discretion of the operator. If it is unclear whether edema is present, it is useful to periodically perform a repeated upper airway examination (e.g., 30 to 60 minutes), even if symptoms or signs do not develop or worsen.

B—Traumatic Brain Injury

In the NEAR studies, head injury is the most common indication for emergency department trauma airway management. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the number one cause of injuryrelated death worldwide. The principles of management of the patient with TBI and elevated intracranial pressure are discussed in more detail in Chapter 32.

When neurologic status is altered, whether by traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, or both, a rapid, but thorough neurologic examination is important before intubation is undertaken, so that baseline neurologic status is documented to guide subsequent assessments and therapeutic decisions. Airway management decisions in the patient with severe TBI are centered around the prevention of secondary injury, that is, minimizing the magnitude and duration of hypoxia or
hypotension. Secondary injury is the term applied when the insult to the injured brain is worsened by hypoxia, hypotension, or both.

Concrete steps can be taken to reduce the risk of secondary injury before, during, and after airway management:

First—Bring the principles of secondary brain injury prevention to the field. EMS providers should be educated and equipped to begin neuroresuscitation before the patient arrives in the ED. Maintenance of adequate perfusion pressure (mean arterial blood pressure) and oxyhemoglobin saturation are the keys.

Second—Optimize brain perfusion before intubation, if possible. Appropriate volume replacement with normal saline solution may mitigate or prevent hypotension caused by RSI drugs or positive-pressure ventilation.

Third—Don’t delay. Often, fentanyl and lidocaine are given as pretreatment agents for patients with elevated intracranial pressure (see Chapters 19, 20, and 32). If the patient is hypoxic because of hypoventilation or lung injury, intubation should not be delayed for administration of these pretreatment drugs. Similarly, if respirations are depressed, fentanyl should be avoided. Often, despite the presence of known or suspected elevated intracranial pressure, conflicting clinical considerations argue for a simple approach, such as rapid RSI using etomidate and succinylcholine. However, it is precisely the brain injured patient who has the most to gain by mitigating the adverse physiologic responses to intubation, especially the very young who are endowed with the greatest potential for recovery.

Fourth—Select induction agents and doses carefully. Etomidate, because of its balance of preservation of hemodynamics and modest cerebroprotective properties, is frequently the agent of choice. The dose should be reduced from 0.3 mg per kg to 0.15 to “0.2” mg per kg in the face of compensated or decompensated hypovolemic shock. If the patient is severely compromised, ketamine, if available, is the agent of choice. The dose of ketamine is reduced to 0.5 mg per kg if the patient is in shock. The historical dogma that ketamine causes a clinically meaningful rise in intracranial pressure (ICP) is not evidence based. However, ketamine may raise the systemic blood pressure, so it probably should be avoided in head injured patients who are hypertensive.

Fifth—Avoid hyperventilation. Once felt to be a basic tool in the management of severe TBI, the use of hyperventilation is now known to lead to poorer outcomes. There is no question that hyperventilation transiently reduces intracranial pressure (ICP). It does so, however, by reducing CNS perfusion, violating the central tenant of secondary injury prevention.

C—Cervical spine injury

Severely injured blunt trauma patients are assumed to have cervical spine injury until proven otherwise, and require in-line stabilization during airway management. Although in-line stabilization is believed to help protect against spinal cord injury during intubation, it can create several problems as well. Intoxicated or head injured patients typically become agitated and difficult to control when strapped down on a backboard. Physical and chemical restraint may be required. Aspiration is a significant risk in the supine patient with traumatic brain injury or if they are vomiting. In the supine position, ventilation may be impaired, particularly for obese patients, and chest injury may make matters even worse. High-flow oxygen should be provided to all patients, and suction must be immediately available.

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