Chapter 2
The patient’s voice
At the end of this chapter readers will have an understanding of:
1 The importance of listening to the patient’s story.
2 The impact that chronic pain can have across varied life domains.
3 The link between the individual experience of pain and the social environment.
4 The association between healthcare provider–patient communication and health outcomes.
Understanding illness begins with an understanding of illness as it is lived (Johansson et al 1999, p. 1800).
The excerpt from the interview with Ron (Box 2.1) clearly demonstrates that living with pain involves much more than managing the sensation of pain. In this short passage we can see that the experience of persistent pain has had a significant impact on a number of aspects of Ron’s life, including his sense of self, career, family relationships, and social and recreational activities. Honkasalo aptly described chronic pain as ‘an intruder or thief that takes away the most precious things in life. Pain discontinues stories, interrupts life projects, it messes up life plans’ (Honkasalo 2001).
One of the difficulties associated with pain, however, is that each individual’s experience is unique. Ron’s experience of living with fibromyalgia will not mirror the experience of someone else. It is important therefore to acknowledge the heterogeneity of people living with pain, recognizing that it is not possible to apply a ‘one size fits all’ treatment or management framework, however desirable this may be. The full impact that living with pain has on a person’s life can only begin to be understood by talking with them about what they are experiencing, and what pain means to them. As practitioners, we need to give patients the time and the permission to ‘tell their story’ (Neilsen et al 2009).
Not surprisingly, when people first experience pain they try to relieve or stop it. For most of us, there is an expectation of what Hilbert (1984) described as ‘normal’ pain, reflecting the sociocultural expectation that, with the exception of particular identifiable conditions, pain is temporary and treatable, and ‘normal’ life will soon be restored. This expectation is continually reinforced through, for example, the advertising of medications and other products purported to quickly eliminate pain.
While one factor contributing to patients’ frustration and anger may be the failure of healthcare professionals to eliminate their pain, research suggests that an additional trigger can be the way people are dealt with during the healthcare encounter (Holloway et al 2000; McGowan et al 2007; Nielsen 2009; Warwick et al 2004). This can be particularly so in cases where an identifiable cause of ongoing pain cannot be found, as the reality of the pain may be implicitly or explicitly questioned, resulting in feelings of delegitimation. The term ‘delegitimation’ describes the experience when an individual’s perceptions and knowledge of their pain are ‘systematically disconfirmed or discounted’ (Garro 1994, p. 788). Delegitimation is a recurring theme in phenomenological research with chronic pain sufferers, and can have wide-ranging effects. These include people becoming reluctant to disclose their chronic pain condition due to concern that others will not understand and will label them as ‘malingerers’, or the possibility that this could have a negative impact on a work situation, or the perception that stigmatization that has affected their access to, or the quality of, medical treatment. People may disengage from a healthcare system that they feel is not only unable to ameliorate their pain, but is also doubting the reality of their pain at all.
Chronic pain, particularly when combined with impairment, often results in a series of losses across numerous life domains, including employment and income, family and social relationships, lifestyle and interests, social status, and plans for the future (Large et al 2002, p. 431). In their research with people with chronic back pain, Walker and colleagues identified ‘a catalogue of socioeconomic and other material and psychological losses’ (Walker et al 2006, p. 204), including loss of abilities and roles, employment-related losses, financial losses, relationship losses, and loss of identity and hope.
Loss of employment
Loss of employment is frequently identified as a consequence of chronic pain (Access Economics 2007; Crooks 2007; Howden et al 2003; Patel et al 2007; Raak & Wabren 2006). People will often describe a long process of trying to return successfully to work after an accident or illness. Mat, for example, was seriously injured in a car accident in 1991. After 9 months of rehabilitation he returned to his job driving a sugar cane harvester:
These examples point to the enabling or constraining potential of the workplace to affect the lives of people with chronic pain. Research has highlighted a number of social environmental factors that can contribute to loss of employment, including attitudes of employers and lack of flexibility in employment arrangements (Nielsen 2009). The fluctuating levels of pain and incapacity that are often a feature of chronic pain can make work capacity difficult to predict and manage (Patel et al 2007). Ideally, therefore, employment policies and programmes should enable people with chronic pain to negotiate employment arrangements in ways that meet their changing needs and abilities (Crooks 2007). Initiatives such as increased flexibility and support within the workplace could perhaps transform this situation and contribute to a reduction in the social suffering experienced by people with chronic pain. This contention is supported by recent Australian research, which suggested that support such as job flexibility could significantly reduce lost productivity costs due to chronic pain (Access Economics 2007, p. 25).
The broader individual and social outcomes resulting from loss of employment are evident when the associated loss of income is considered. The financial impact of unemployment is frequently articulated by people with chronic pain (Nielsen 2009). The ongoing financial cost of having chronic pain, in terms of visits to health practitioners and accessing services or equipment which provides relief and aids functioning, can be an additional financial burden. For some people, loss of income due to unemployment means they cannot afford treatment or therapies which alleviate their pain. Catherine, for example, felt she was in a Catch-22 situation in that she was being advised by her GP and physiotherapist to stop working, but she needed an income to continue to afford services such as physiotherapy, which she believed decreased her pain and increased her functional capacity.
Research indicates that having a disability increases the risk of poverty and hardship (Saunders 2006), and identifies a link between chronic pain and lower socioeconomic status (Access Economics 2007). While loss of employment due to chronic pain may be seen as an individual crisis, lack of flexibility in employment arrangements and inadequate financial support for those receiving a government pension demonstrates the broader social aspect of the suffering that job loss can engender.
Loss of social and family roles
Lack of involvement in social activities can contribute to people becoming socially isolated. While in part this can be due to the mechanics of being in pain, it can also be related to what Hilbert (1984) has described as the ‘acultural’ aspect of chronic pain. When the search for restoration does not result in a cure for their pain, people find themselves experiencing pain they cannot understand, and which others in society do not understand or talk about. Chronic pain is not a problem that can be put aside to be dealt with later; it is, as Hilbert described it, an ongoing, ever present somatic reminder that ‘things are not as they should be: