W24 Pediatric Intensive Care Procedures
Intubation: Before Procedure
• Bag for manual ventilation
• Anesthesia type bag: expands when connected to gas flow; various designs available but must have adequate flow through system to prevent rebreathing
• Endotracheal tubes (ETTs):
• Tubes are cuffed and noncuffed:
• Under age 8 years, most recent recommendations are that cuffed tubes may be used. In the past, cuffed tubes were thought to be unnecessary because of the narrow trachea at the level of the cricoid cartilage and potentially risky because of risk of airway injury. Currently the cuffs are high-volume, low-pressure cuffs that require lower pressure to be effective, therefore decreasing the risk of airway injury. For patients with noncompliant lungs requiring higher airway pressures, the presence of a cuff decreases the air leak, allowing for better lung inflation and recruitment.
• Suction devices: must be sturdy enough to suction very thick secretions in even the smallest infant
• End-tidal CO2 detector: disposable colorimetric CO2 detectors are available in pediatric and adult sizes; the weight of the patient will determine the size of the device.
• Airway support devices: these may be useful depending on the stability of the airway:
• Oral airways: come in various sizes; poorly tolerated in a conscious patient; may be needed for airway maintenance prior to intubation
• Nasopharyngeal airways: come in various sizes and can relieve nasal and pharyngeal obstruction in conscious patients, including children. The appropriate-sized airway extends from the nares to the tragus of the ear. The diameter should be large enough that it does not cause obstruction and not so large that it causes blanching of the alae nasi, which can lead to necrosis.
• Laryngeal mask airway: can provide immediate airway access and should be available during even nonemergent intubation in the event the airway is difficult to intubate. They come in a variety of sizes appropriate for pediatric patients. The LMA consists of a wide-bore tube with a standard 15-mm adapter at the proximal end for attachment to the circuit or resuscitation bag. The distal end is an elliptical mask that can be inflated and conforms to the shape of the larynx, providing a low-pressure seal for ventilation at the level of the larynx (see Procedure).
• Pharmacologic agents: various sedative and paralytic drugs are available for intubation. There are different conditions for intubation that require certain combinations of drugs for safest and most effective intubation. One must be familiar with the variety of drugs available, including side effects, indications, and contraindications.
• Sedative agents: in choosing one of these agents, consideration should be given to hemodynamic status, presence of increased ICP, age of patient, underlying chronic medical conditions, and current disease process:
• Neuromuscular blockers:
• Depolarizing agents: succinylcholine; there is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning against its routine use in children because of the frequency and severity of side effects. Although its rapid onset of action in emergencies is felt to be useful, the onset of action is not significantly advantageous over rocuronium, which has fewer side effects.
• Preoxygenate patient; if possible allow the patient to breathe spontaneously on FIO2 1.0 or as much as can be delivered in order to maximally increase the patient’s PaO2 prior to intubation attempt.
• Position patients head; the goal of head positioning is to align the oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes.
• Infants have a large occiput which puts them close to proper alignment, although they may need a roll under the shoulders; care should be taken to avoid overextension of the head, which also malaligns the airway.
• Children should have a roll put under the occiput to put the head in “sniffing” position, which will better align the airway.
• Administer pharmacologic agents:
• Sedatives are given next, observing closely for changes in respiration and hemodynamics; may need to have airway and breathing supported just with sedative administration.
• Insert the laryngoscope:
• Visualize the larynx by lifting the mandible with the laryngoscope blade toward the ceiling at a 45- to 60-degree angle to the child’s chest. Avoid “cranking” the laryngoscope back as if on a fulcrum, because this can cause injury to the lips and teeth.
• Visualize the cords, and then place the ETT in the right corner of the mouth beside the laryngoscope blade and advance the tube through the vocal cords. Avoid passing the tube down the laryngoscope itself, as that blocks the view of the larynx and straightens the tube, making it difficult to pass through the vocal cords.
After Procedure
Postprocedure Care
• Immediately ensure the correct position of the ETT:
• Place the end-tidal CO2 detector, noting appropriate color change depending on the brand of detector. Color change should occur within six breaths unless the patient is in cardiac arrest or impending arrest.
• If a cuffed ETT is used, inflate the cuff with the least amount of volume necessary to prevent a leak around the ETT; overinflation of the cuff may lead to injury of the tracheal mucosa and cartilage.
• Esophageal intubation: quickly determined by lack of CO2 detection, lack of chest wall movement, and lack of breath sounds
• Malposition of the ETT most commonly into the right mainstem bronchus; common in small infants owing to the short length of their trachea; detected by asymmetric chest rise and asymmetric breath sounds. If necessary, confirm position radiographically.
• Wrong size ETT, most commonly a too-small uncuffed tube, allowing for excessive air leak and inability to ventilate and oxygenate the patient; requires reintubation with proper tube size
• Undiagnosed difficult airway resulting in loss of airway during procedure or inability to place ETT; must be managed immediately either with laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or if necessary, cricothyroidotomy; may need fiberoptic bronchoscopy to visualize airway or may need creation of surgical airway
• Hemodynamic instability during procedure due to cardiovascular depressant effects of sedatives, hypoxemia during the procedure, or the patient’s underlying disease process. May need intravascular volume expansion or even chemical resuscitation if severe enough.
• Aspiration during intubation due to full stomach at time of intubation; risk is decreased if patient is placed nil per os (NPO) for at least 6 hours prior to intubation; however, aspiration is always a risk. Aspiration in patients known not to be NPO but who need urgent or emergent intubation is decreased with emptying the stomach with a large-bore nasogastric (NG) tube and with cricoid pressure maneuver during intubation.
• Patients with increased ICP may have sharp increase in ICP during intubation, resulting in deterioration or even cerebral herniation; use rapid-sequence intubation:
• Patients with increased intraocular pressure may have worsening of the pressure, even resulting in extrusion of the vitreous, so rapid-sequence intubation as with increased ICP is recommended.
Outcomes and Evidence
• Successful intubation in the pediatric patient depends on the length of training, level of supervision, ongoing experience of the practitioner, and the use of rapid-sequence intubation.
• Cuffed ETTs are as safe as uncuffed ETTs in the pediatric patient in a prospective data collection study in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).
• LMA can be successfully placed in pediatric patients but may be associated with increased risk of complications in younger patients:
• Patients with multiple trauma and possible cervical spinal cord injuries who were intubated emergently had no further neurologic loss following intubation, according to a retrospective study of 237 injured patients; 21 patients (8.9%) had cervical cord or bone injury; 213 patients were orally intubated.
Suggested Reading
Thompson A. Pediatric airway management. In: Fuhrman BP, Zimmerman JJ, editors. Pediatric Critical Care. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 2006.p. 485.
Shirm S. Manual maneuvers for opening the airway. In: Diekmann RA, Fiser DA, Selbst SM, editors. Illustrated Textbook of Pediatric Emergency and Critical Care Procedures. St Louis: Mosby-Year Book; 1997. p. 98-9.
American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) of Pediatric and Neonatal Patients. Advanced Life Support. Pediatrics 2005;117:e1005.
Garey DM, Ward R, Rich W, Heldt G, Leone T, Finer NF. Tidal volume threshold for colorimetric carbon dioxide detectors available for use in neonates. Pediatrics 2008;121:e1524.
Newth CJ, Rachman B, Patel N, Hammer J. The use of cuffed versus uncuffed endotracheal tubes in pediatric intensive care. J Pediatr 2004;144:333-7.
Park C, Bahk JH, Ahn WS, Do SH, Lee KH. The laryngeal mask airway in infants and children. Can J Anaesth 2001;48:413-7.
Patel MG, Swadia VN, Bansal G. Prospective randomized comparative study of use of PLMA and ET tube for airway management in children under general anesthesia. Indian J Anaesth 2010;54(2):109-15.
Intraosseous Infusion: Before Procedure
Outcomes and Evidence
• Intraosseous infusion
• Easily and rapidly performed in emergency situations in both the prehospital and hospital environments
Suggested Reading
Glaeser PW, Hellmich TR, Szewezuga D, Losek JD, Smith DS. Five-year experience in prehospital intraosseous infusions in children and adults. Ann Emerg Med 1993:22:1119-24.
Horton MA, Beamer C. Powered intraosseous insertion provides safe and effective vascular access for pediatric emergency patients. Pediatr Emerg Care 2008 Jun;24(6):347-50.
Hartholt KA, van Lieshout EM, Thies WC, Patka P, Schipper IB. Intraosseous devices: A randomized control trial comparing three intraosseous devices. Prehosp Emerg Care 2010 Jan-Mar;14(1):6-13.
Central Venous Catheterization: Before Procedure
• Monitoring of central venous pressure (CVP) and measurement of central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) in hemodynamically compromised patients
• Coagulopathy:
• Correction of the coagulopathy should be attempted prior to procedure if the acuity of the situation allows.
• Site-specific contraindications:
• Avoid femoral vein catheterization in patients with abdominal catastrophes, because patency of more central veins cannot be assured.
• Central venous catheter: choice of catheter depends on the use of the catheter, the condition of the patient, the site of insertion, and how long the catheter is expected to be in place.
• Steel hollow needles, guidewire, dilator appropriately sized for patient and catheter; kits containing the catheter, needles, guidewire, vessel dilator, and other equipment necessary for insertion are commercially available.
• Seldinger technique:
• Sterilely prepare skin with 2% chlorhexidine scrub for at least 30 seconds, with at least 30 seconds of drying time for the chlorhexidine. For the groin, a 2-minute scrub with 30-second dry time is recommended.
• When venous blood enters the syringe easily, disconnect the syringe and pass the guidewire through the needle:
• Make a small incision at the site of the needle entry as large as the diameter of the vessel dilator.
• Remove the needle, taking care to keep the guidewire in position in the vessel, and then pass the vessel dilator over the guidewire to dilate the vein.
• Aspirate blood and any air from the catheter, and flush with heparinized saline; repeat for all ports.
• Dress the catheter with the antiseptic-impregnated disc if desired, and then place the transparent dressing.
After Procedure
Postprocedure Care
• Hand hygiene: prior to manipulating or accessing the CVC, proper hand hygiene should be performed to decrease the risk of transmission of pathogens.
• Checklists and CVC kits:
• Providing a checklist of CVC maintenance procedures aids in reminding caregivers all the steps involved in CVC care.
• Kits of equipment needed for maintenance procedures, complete with all necessary materials and readily available in one place, aid in ensuring complete and appropriate performance of routine care.
• The catheter and catheter site must be assessed regularly:
• Daily assessment of the need of the catheter should be reviewed by the healthcare team, including nurses and physicians, and the catheter should be removed if the indications for placement no longer exist.
• The site should be examined for evidence of infection, such as redness at the site, drainage, swelling, or pain,
• The catheter should be examined for positioning, especially how much catheter is outside the skin and whether the securing maneuvers—suture or device—are still in place.
• Dressing:
• Catheter site should be cleaned with antiseptic agent, preferably 2% chlorhexidine-alcohol combination.
• Types of dressings:
• Transparent, semipermeable dressing: allows visualization of the site and does not have to be changed as frequently
• Infusion tubing: various tubing systems are unit specific.
• Access points must be cleaned with antiseptic (chlorhexidine or alcohol) by scrubbing and allowing the antiseptic to dry before entering for infusing or aspirating blood.
• Flushing is performed for multiple reasons:
• Clear the line of medications or blood products that may cause precipitation if in contact with other medications
• Insertion complications:
• Bleeding due to arterial puncture, venous perforation, or coagulopathy:
• Hematoma: mostly minor but can be significant, such as neck hematoma from internal jugular placement, causing airway compression or retroperitoneal hematoma from femoral placement
Outcomes and Evidence
• Measurement of CVP allows calculation and maintenance of perfusion pressure (mean arterial pressure minus CVP), which provides better tissue perfusion in shock states.
• In a prospective randomized trial comparing pediatric patients with septic shock treated with and without ScvO2 goal-directed therapy, patients treated with ScvO2 goal-directed therapy had significantly less 28-day mortality (11.8% versus 39%) and less organ dysfunction than patients without.
• In a prospective study of planned transition in pediatric ICU patients from the landmark technique to the use of ultrasound guidance, use of ultrasound to guide placement of CVC was associated with decreased complications and fewer access attempts.
• In a multi-institutional, interrupted time-series design with historical control data in 29 PICUs, utilizing two CVC care practice bundles, an insertion bundle, and a maintenance bundle, the rate of catheter-associated bloodstream infections were decreased by 43% from 5.4 to 3.1 infections per 1000 central line days.
Suggested Reading
Brierley J et al. Clinical practice parameters for hemodynamic support of pediatric and neonatal septic shock: 2007 update from the American College of Critical Care Medicine. Crit Care Med 2009;37(2):666.
Ceneviva G, Paschall JA, Maffei F, et al. Hemodynamic support in fluid refractory pediatric septic shock. Pediatrics 1998;102:e19.
LeDoux D, Astiz ME, Carpati CM, et al. Effects of perfusion pressure on tissue perfusion in septic shock. Crit Care Med 2000;28:2729-32.
Stenzel JP, Green TP, et al. Percutaneous femoral venous catheterizations: A prospective study of complications. J Pediatr 1989;114:411-5.
Froelich CD, Rigby MR, Rosenberg ES, Li R, Roerig PL, Easley KA et al. Ultrasound guided central venous placement decreases complications and decreases placement attempts compared with the landmark technique in patients in a pediatric intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 2009 March;37(3) 1090-6.
Miller M, Griswold M, Harris JM, Yenokyan G, Huskins C, Moss M et al. Decreasing catheter-associated bloodstream infections in the PICU: Results from the NACHRI CA-BSI Quality Improvement Collaborative, Pediatrics 2010;125:206-13.
Best practice guidelines in the care and maintenance of pediatric central venous catheters. Pediatric Vascular Access Network. Herriman, Utah: Association of Vascular Access; 2010.
O’Grady NP, Alexander M, et al. Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. Pediatrics 2002;110:e51.
Richards MJ, Edwards JR, et al. Nosocomial infections in pediatric intensive care units in the United States: National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance System. Pediatrics 1999;103:103-9.
de Oliveira CF, de Oliveira DS, Gottschald, AF, et al. ACCM/PALS haemodynamic support guidelines for paediatric septic shock: An outcomes comparison with and without monitoring central venous oxygen saturation. Intensive Care Med 2008;34:1065-75.
Journeycake J, Buchanan G. Thrombotic complication of central venous catheters in children. Curr Opin Hematol 2003;10;369-74.
Shah PS, Kalyn A, Satodia P, et al. A randomized, controlled trial of heparin versus placebo infusion to prolong the usability of peripherally placed percutaneous central venous catheters (PCVCs) in neonates: the HIP (Heparin Infusion for PCVC) study. Pediatrics 2007;119:e284-91.
Pulmonary Artery Catheterization: Before Procedure
• For percutaneous placement—not operative placement of single-lumen catheters—multiple types are available but should be narrow gauge, such as 20 gauge, to decrease the risk of intrapulmonary artery thrombosis.
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