Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm

Chapter 28 Disorders of Cardiac Rhythm

Cardiac rhythm disturbances (arrhythmias) are common in intensive care settings, where they may represent the primary disease process or occur as a complication of management (Table 28-1).1,2 It is important to note that arrhythmias that might otherwise be well tolerated hemodynamically may be immediately life-threatening to the critically ill child. In addition, certain treatment strategies may be available in the critical care unit that normally might not be considered, particularly for serious but transient arrhythmias. Therefore response to arrhythmias in this setting should emphasize prompt restoration of hemodynamic stability concurrent with identification of the arrhythmia mechanism and predisposing factors. This chapter emphasizes the most common clinical scenarios and treatment approaches encountered in the intensive care setting while providing a broader overview of the array of arrhythmia mechanisms and their associated presentations in pediatric patients.

Table 28–1 Classification of Arrhythmias by Type and Basis

Arrhythmia Primary Secondary
Ventricular premature beats and supraventricular premature beats +++ +++
Sinus bradycardia, sick sinus syndrome ++ ++
Incomplete AV block    
Mobitz I ++ +++
Mobitz II   ++
Congenital third-degree AV block +++ ++
Acquired third-degree AV Block   ++
Paroxysmal SVT (AV reentrant tachycardia, AV nodal reentrant tachycardia) +++  
Ectopic atrial tachycardia ++  
Atrial flutter and intraatrial reentry ++ +++
Atrial fibrillation + +++
Chaotic atrial tachycardia   ++
Junctional ectopic tachycardia + +++
Monomorphic ventricular tachycardia ++ ++
Torsades des pointes + +
Ventricular fibrillation + ++
Bidirectional ventricular tachycardia ++ +

AV, Atrioventricular; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; +++, typical; ++, occasional; +, rare.

Classification of Arrhythmias

Arrhythmias are commonly classified according to rate, electrocardiographic (ECG) findings, and, when possible, the underlying electrophysiologic mechanisms. Electrocardiographically, arrhythmias can be characterized as bradycardias, tachycardias, or extrasystoles. Bradycardias are further subdivided into the level of dysfunction: sinus node or atrioventricular (AV) conduction. Extrasystoles and tachycardias are categorized as supraventricular or ventricular in origin. Tachycardias can be further characterized by the level of origin (supraventricular vs. ventricular) and functional mechanism: reentry, automaticity, or triggered activity. Whereas most treatment algorithms assume a reentrant mechanism, abnormal triggering and automaticity may be particularly important in the critically ill patient and may respond quite differently to given therapies, such as pacing or direct current cardioversion. Although differentiating between these mechanisms is sometimes difficult, it may be essential in guiding appropriate therapy, especially if initial therapies prove ineffective.


Conduction Abnormalities

First-degree, second-degree, and third-degree AV blocks are characterized by conduction delay, intermittent interruption, or complete interruption in AV conduction. As with sinus bradycardia, AV conduction delay may be the result of intense vagal tone, metabolic derangements, drug toxicity, or direct injury to the AV node. Second-degree block can be further characterized: Mobitz type I, also called Wenckebach conduction, displays progressively prolonged AV conduction prior to a single nonconducted atrial impulse, whereas Mobitz type II occurs abruptly without such delay. Wenckebach conduction is best recognized by comparing the PR interval prior to block to the conducted PR immediately after the blocked beat. Mobitz I usually represents block in the AV node and is less likely to progress suddenly to high-grade block. In some settings, such as in well-conditioned athletes, a Mobitz I block may be benign. Mobitz type II, characterized by abrupt failure to conduct without prior lengthening of the PR interval, usually is attributed to block within the His conduction system and may indicate greater potential for sudden progression to complete AV block. As such, type II block may be more ominous and may require more aggressive intervention (i.e., pacing).

Higher grades of second-degree AV block can occur as a progression from either Mobitz I or Mobitz II block and are best characterized by the ratio of atrial to ventricular depolarizations (2:1, 3:1, 4:1, etc.). The level of block cannot be inferred and may even occur physiologically in the setting of atrial tachyarrhythmias, including atrial flutter, which often result in second-degree AV block in the presence of normal AV nodal function. Likewise, vagally mediated AV block may result in transient high-grade block (although the sinus rate usually slows concurrently).

Complete or third-degree AV block represents complete loss of AV conduction, usually with a junctional or idioventricular escape rhythm that is regular but may be quite slow. Periodic shortening of the RR interval may be the only clue to distinguish complete AV block from high-grade second-degree block with intermittent conduction (Figure 28-1) or from a junctional rhythm with slower atrial rate and intermittent AV conduction.

Bundle branch block patterns occur when impaired conduction in the specialized intraventricular conduction system results in delayed right or left ventricular depolarization, resulting in an aberrant widened QRS complex. Bundle branch block and AV block sometimes represent normal physiologic responses to abrupt shortening of the cycle length (as with premature atrial systoles or tachycardia initiation) or may result from drug effects, surgical injury, or primary disease within the specialized conduction tissue.


Classification by Mechanism

As discussed earlier, some degree of sinus tachycardia is expected in most critical care patients as an appropriate response to the primary illness. The degree of sinus tachycardia for age may provide important insights into the level of sedation, pain, or hemodynamic stress of a given patient. However, exaggerated or persistent sinus tachycardia must be distinguished from other tachycardia mechanisms that may appear similar electrocardiographically.

Most abnormal tachycardias encountered clinically are caused by abnormal impulse propagation in the form of reentry. This may represent reentry using an accessory AV connection (AV reentry), the AV node and its adjacent tissues (AV nodal reentry), atrial myocardium (intraatrial reentry including atrial flutter and fibrillation), or ventricular myocardium (most ventricular tachycardias). Automatic tachycardias represent abnormal impulse formation arising from either ectopic foci or usual subsidiary pacemaker tissues (atrial, junctional, or ventricular) but at a significantly accelerated rate. These tachycardias may be due to an abnormally accelerated rate of depolarization of normally automatic tissues or to diseased atrial or ventricular myocardium with a propensity to abnormal spontaneous depolarization. Triggered tachycardias are thought to arise from abnormal secondary depolarizations (afterdepolarizations) following normal myocardial depolarizations, which may propagate to adjacent tissues. These tachycardias probably are important in several specific situations such as cardiac glycoside toxicity (delayed afterdepolarizations) and drug-induced long QT syndromes (early afterdepolarizations), and they also are important in many hereditary arrhythmias syndromes. Triggered activity is often dependent on the underlying heart rate, a feature that may sometimes be exploited therapeutically.

Supraventricular Tachycardias

“Supraventricular tachycardia” (SVT), “paroxysmal atrial tachycardia,” and “paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia” (PSVT) are descriptive but nonspecific terms commonly used interchangeably to describe tachycardias with a regular rate (usually in excess of 200 to 220 beats/min), normal QRS morphology, and P waves that either are not discernible or follow the QRS complex. This phenotype represents the most common form of SVT seen in otherwise healthy neonates and children and usually can be attributed to AV nodal reentry or AV reentry using an accessory connection (see next section). However, these typical ECG features can be produced by a more diverse array of tachycardia mechanisms.5 Furthermore, intermittent AV block or QRS prolongation may be observed in certain types of “SVT,” such that the ECG distinction of “SVT” from other atrial arrhythmias becomes obscured. Likewise, some tachycardias of supraventricular origin are associated with a widened QRS, either because of rate-related bundle branch block or anomalous antegrade conduction through an accessory connection. Therefore it is most useful to include among SVTs all tachycardias originating from the atrium, the AV node, or both, regardless of whether the ventricles participate primarily (i.e., AV reentry) or merely as a secondary consequence of AV conduction. This broad and inclusive definition appropriately allows inclusion of nonreciprocating mechanisms that need to be included in the differential diagnosis of “SVT,” such as intraatrial reentry.

Atrioventricular Reciprocating Tachycardias

AV reciprocating tachycardias use one or more accessory AV connections to allow a reentrant circuit to develop involving both atrial and ventricular tissues. By definition, they display a fixed 1:1 AV relationship. Orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia (ORT) is the most common AV reentrant tachycardia and, in otherwise normal infants, also is the most common mechanism of SVT.5,6 In ORT, antegrade conduction is over the AV node, whereas retrograde conduction to the atria occurs via an accessory AV connection. QRS morphology and duration usually are normal, with retrograde P waves often evident following each QRS complex. If the accessory connection conducts antegradely during sinus rhythm, ventricular preexcitation occurs prior to conduction over the AV node (Wolff-Parkinson-White [WPW] syndrome). The fusion of preexcited ventricular depolarization with the normal depolarization of the AV node and His-Purkinje system produces the characteristic short PR interval and Δ wave of WPW syndrome. Many patients experiencing ORT have normal QRS morphology during sinus rhythm. In these individuals the accessory pathway may only conduct retrogradely and is thus clinically evident only during tachycardia or during ventricular pacing.

Antidromic reciprocating tachycardia (ART) is a much less common AV reciprocating tachycardia in which the circuit is reversed: antegrade conduction occurs exclusively via the accessory connection and results in a “maximally preexcited” QRS. As a result, ART is not readily distinguishable from ventricular tachycardia by ECG features alone. Retrograde conduction occurs over the AV node (or a second accessory connection), producing a 1:1 ventricular-atrial (VA) relationship. By definition, patients with ART also have the ECG features of WPW syndrome during sinus rhythm. ART should be distinguished from ORT with aberrant conduction.

A specific form of antidromic AV reentry uses Mahaim fibers, which are accessory AV connections with decremental antegrade conduction. Most Mahaim fibers are located on the right ventricular free wall (atriofascicular connections), although some arise from the AV node itself (nodoventricular connections). Tachycardia using a Mahaim fiber should be considered in a young patient with a regular tachycardia and left bundle branch block QRS pattern. Typically, ART and tachycardia using Mahaim fibers have a 1:1 VA relationship. However, because retrograde conduction in either case may be supported over a second accessory connection, maneuvers typically resulting in AV nodal block may not terminate these tachycardias, further confusing clinical distinction between these wide QRS complex tachycardias and ventricular tachycardia.

Permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia (PJRT) is a variant of ORT with retrograde conduction over a slowly conducting accessory AV connection that possesses decremental (“AV nodelike”) conduction.7 The relative conduction and refractory properties of the accessory connection and the AV node are such that the PR interval is short or normal and tachycardia is incessant. In a single-lead rhythm strip, PJRT may mimic sinus tachycardia, although a 12-lead ECG reveals atypical P wave morphology with P-wave inversion in the inferior leads. This tachycardia typically displays repeated spontaneous termination and prompt reinitiation, resulting in incessant tachycardia until it is adequately treated (Figure 28-2).

Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia

AV nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is the most common cause of SVT in older children and young adults without WPW syndrome or structural heart disease. It is seen less commonly in infants.5,6 Occasionally it is precipitated for the first time by a serious illness or by other secondary factors associated with arrhythmias in the intensive care unit (ICU). This tachycardia can be attributed to so-called “dual AV nodal physiology.” Conceptually, one functional “limb” of the AV node typically displays slow conduction and a short refractory period, whereas the other limb typically displays more rapid conduction but a longer refractory period. The differential conduction between the two “limbs” of the AV node (slow and fast pathways) provides the functional substrate for reentry. In actuality, these “limbs” represent differential conduction properties of the fibers inputting the AV node from upper and lower approaches of the atrial septum, representing so-called “fast” and “slow” inputs.

Classically, two electrocardiographically distinct forms of AVNRT may occur. In the “typical” form of AV node reentry, antegrade conduction during tachycardia is over the slow AV node inputs, and the P waves often are obscured by the preceding QRS complex. In the “atypical” form of AV node reentry, antegrade conduction is via the fast inputs of the AV node and retrograde conduction is over the slow limb. This conduction results in a long RP and short PR with an inverted P wave. The typical form of AVNRT can be difficult to distinguish from ORT in which P waves also are often obscured. The atypical form of AVNRT may be indistinguishable from PJRT (see previous section), except that the tachycardia is paroxysmal rather than incessant. Like PJRT, atypical AVNRT must be carefully distinguished from other tachycardias with a normal PR interval, including sinus tachycardia, intraatrial reentry, or ectopic atrial tachycardias (see next section). Other atypical forms of AV nodal reentry using “intermediate” pathways can occur but are uncommon in children. Other variations of AVNRT can be characterized during the course of formal intracardiac electrophysiologic study.

Primary Atrial Tachycardias

Primary atrial tachycardias represent a diverse group of tachycardias originating solely from atrial tissue. They include tachycardias with discrete P waves (ectopic atrial tachycardia, intraatrial reentry), sawtooth flutter waves (atrial flutter), or disorganized atrial activity (atrial fibrillation, chaotic atrial tachycardia).8 The ECG appearance alone may not adequately distinguish the underlying mechanism.

In all cases, conduction to the ventricles is over the AV node (except in patients with associated WPW syndrome). The resulting ventricular rate determines the degree of clinical compromise during these tachycardias. If conduction is rapid or occurs over an accessory connection, the QRS morphology may be aberrant and difficult to distinguish from ventricular tachycardias. However, interventions that slow or block AV nodal conduction usually allow the ongoing and faster atrial rhythm to be revealed. It is useful and often necessary to directly record atrial depolarization (via esophageal, epicardial, or intraatrial recordings) to discern atrial activation. Despite the potential ECG similarities of the various primary atrial tachycardias, the varying mechanisms confer important differences in clinical behavior.

Most atrial tachycardias encountered in the intensive care setting are reentrant in nature. Most commonly these atrial tachycardias occur either in neonates, where the classic saw-toothed pattern of atrial flutter is observed, or in postoperative cardiac patients. In patients with congenital heart disease (CHD), the patterns of intra-atrial activation may be quite variable and depend upon the surgical anatomy and resultant scar and conduction slowing. As such, the tachycardia, often referred to as intra-atrial reentrant tachycardia (IART), often displays a slower atrial rate with more discrete and sometimes normal-appearing P waves (rather than classic “flutter” waves). Because of the slower atrial rate, 1:1 AV conduction may be especially common. The administration of an AV node–blocking agent may slow AV conduction, and especially if 2:1 AV conduction results, ongoing tachycardia may be mistaken as sinus tachycardia with first-degree AV block. Thus this arrhythmia should be considered with any monotonous and seemingly inappropriate sinus rate with PR prolongation in a patient with CHD. Careful inspection of any transient irregularities that may result from variations in the AV conduction ratio may reveal the diagnosis.

Atrial fibrillation, a very common arrhythmia among the elderly, is far less common in pediatric patients. It may occur as the result of atrial myocarditis,9 as a result of an underlying reentrant SVT,10 or sometimes as the result of central venous catheters (Figure 28-3). In patients with WPW syndrome, rapid conduction over the accessory pathway may be life-threatening. When atrial fibrillation is seen, the underlying basis should be sought, because the long-term implications and treatment measures are much different than in adult patients.

Ectopic atrial tachycardia is an automatic arrhythmia that typically presents as an incessant and chronically elevated atrial rhythm that may be mistaken for sinus tachycardia, depending on the site of the automatic focus. First-degree AV block may be seen as a result of the inappropriate rate. Patients often experience no overt palpitations but rather present with ventricular dysfunction and sometimes frank congestive heart failure. In such cases, careful scrutiny of the P wave morphology and evaluation of any abrupt changes in rate (as the result of transitions between sinus and the tachycardia) are necessary to establish the diagnosis. Adenosine may inhibit the automatic focus, making this diagnosis especially difficult.

Chaotic atrial tachycardia is an uncommon arrhythmia that is usually observed in infants and toddlers, often in association with a viral respiratory illness.11 The hallmark features are a rapid and irregular atrial rate, often exceeding 300 bpm, and presence of multiple P-wave morphologies. The resulting ventricular response is irregularly irregular, simulating atrial flutter. However, this rhythm is probably the result of multiple triggered foci within the atria, and thus acute termination measures (i.e., DC cardioversion, adenosine, or pacing) are of little benefit. Usually this arrhythmia resolves within weeks or months of presentation.

Ventricular Tachycardias

Ventricular tachycardias include all tachycardias that arise exclusively within the ventricle(s) and require neither the atrium nor the AV node for perpetuation. Because ventricular depolarization is aberrant, the QRS duration is always prolonged for a given age and heart rate. The QRS morphology may be either uniform or changing (bidirectional, polymorphic). Classically, ventricular tachycardias are associated with VA dissociation (atrial rhythm at a slower rate). However, in children, VA conduction over the AV node (or an accessory connection) may be sufficient to allow intermittent or even 1:1 VA conduction. Thus VA dissociation, when present, is helpful, but when it is absent (or uncertain) it does not exclude ventricular tachycardia as the underlying mechanism. The presence of periodic fusion complexes (QRS morphology intermediate between tachycardia morphology and sinus morphology) is virtually pathognomonic for ventricular tachycardia with VA dissociation.

Although often regarded as a homogeneous group of arrhythmias, ventricular tachycardias actually constitute diverse rhythms, representing each of the underlying tachycardia mechanisms (reentry, automaticity, and triggered activity) with important therapeutic implications.14 Likewise, although they are sometimes lethal, they may range in complexity and severity from benign accelerated ventricular rhythm to rapid polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Both the clinical setting and the QRS morphology during ventricular tachycardia may provide important clues to the mechanism and pathogenesis, anatomic origin or tachycardia focus (see incessant ventricular tachycardias), and treatment strategies, as discussed later.

Approach to Diagnosis

Monitoring and General Assessment

In the intensive care setting, there may be a tradeoff between precision of diagnosis and urgency of therapy. Even so, appropriate diagnosis remains key to ongoing therapy. When an arrhythmia develops, rapid assessment of hemodynamic stability dictates the extent to which diagnostic studies can be pursued relative to the urgency of treatment. This should include assessment of level of consciousness, ventilation, tissue perfusion, and blood pressure. If time allows, determination of acid-base balance or other indicators of tissue perfusion (e.g., mixed venous oxygen saturation and serum lactate levels) is helpful. Minimal initial diagnostic evaluation should always include a timely evaluation of available ECG rhythm strips and a rapid review of drugs being administered, potential toxic exposures, respiratory and acid-base status, and known associated illnesses. Electrolyte assessment (potassium, calcium, and possibly magnesium) and drug screening may provide valuable diagnostic clues and should be obtained. The history of surgical procedures for CHD and trauma (chest and cranial) should be quickly reviewed. Indwelling catheters should be surveyed on radiographs for potential intracardiac position. Concurrent with this brief survey, a differential diagnosis of the rhythm disturbance should be quickly established, followed by the most appropriate emergency therapy. If the patient is sufficiently stable, therapy may be deferred until the arrhythmia can be more precisely characterized.

Surface Electrocardiogram

The surface ECG remains the cornerstone of arrhythmia diagnosis. Certainly in patients with known cardiac abnormalities, and arguably in all patients admitted to the ICU, a baseline ECG should be obtained at admission. This ECG may provide a valuable baseline for later comparison in the event of an arrhythmia. Because these arrhythmias occur in a monitored environment, a strip should be available to assess the rate, regularity, QRS morphology and duration, and AV relationship (Table 28-2), which should provide an initial differential diagnosis (Figure 28-4). Ideally, multiple leads should be inspected. For sustained tachycardias, a full 12-lead ECG should be obtained whenever possible because diagnostic details, such as QRS aberrancy, atrial rate, and P-wave morphology, or hidden features, such as “flutter waves,” may be evident only in selected leads (Figure 28-5). Most contemporary monitoring systems now have automatic arrhythmia detection and storage capabilities, allowing discrimination between a gradual versus abrupt change in rhythm or rate. Such distinctions may be key in discriminating between sinus and nonsinus tachycardias in the critical patient. Familiarity with the capabilities and limitations of the specific system available is therefore essential.

Table 28–2 Electrocardiographic Patterns

Pattern Description
Mobitz I Shortened PR of first conducted beat after block
Mobitz II No change in PR before/after block
  Periods of high-grade block
Third-degree Fixed, rather than variable, RR interval
AV reentrant supraventricular tachycardia P waves obscured or buried in ST segment
AV nodal reentrant supraventricular tachycardia P waves obscured by terminal QRS
  ”Pseudo” R′ in lead V1 during tachycardia, not sinus
Junctional ectopic tachycardia Narrow QRS tachycardia, VA dissociation
  RR periodically shortened because of sinus capture complexes
Atrial ectopic tachycardia Monotonous rate, inappropriately fast
  Abnormal P-wave morphology (may be subtle)
Intraatrial reentrant tachycardia Inappropriately fast rate, discrete P waves, variable AV conduction in postoperative patient with congenital heart disease
Atrial flutter Variable RR interval
  Rapid, sawtooth flutter waves (>280 beats/min)
Atrial fibrillation Irregular ventricular rate
  Coarse baseline with no discernible P waves
Chaotic atrial tachycardia Three or more P-wave morphologies, irregular atrial rate, variable AV conduction (periods or atrial flutter or fibrillation common)
Monomorphic Wide QRS for age, different from baseline
  Slurred upstroke of QRS
  Variable VA conduction
  Sinus capture complexes
Idiopathic types Left bundle branch block, inferior axis (right ventricular outflow tract origin)
  Right bundle branch block, left superior axis (left ventricular septal origin)
Bidirectional Alternating QRS axis (beat-to-beat)
Torsades des pointes Initiation with “short-long-short” sequence
  QT-interval prolongation prior to onset
  “Twisting” of QRS axis

AV, Atrioventricular; VA, ventriculoatrial.

Junctional ectopic tachycardia may be associated with third-degree AV block.

Helpful when seen; absent if 1:1 VA relationship.

For bradycardias, the surface ECG usually is sufficient to characterize the arrhythmia and differentiate between an abnormality in sinus nodal function and AV block, based on the ratio of atrial-to-ventricular rate. The diagnosis of tachycardias may not be feasible from the surface ECG alone. Nevertheless, a combination of surface ECG and simple diagnostic maneuvers, sometimes coupled with direct recording of atrial activation, should allow accurate determination of most tachycardias. As with bradycardias, the surface ECG should be inspected for the ventricular rate and regularity, QRS duration and morphology, and atrial-to-ventricular relationship. Too often the apparent atrial-to-ventricular relationship is not clearly reflected on the surface ECG, and direct atrial recording, either with temporary atrial pacing wires or an esophageal ECG, is necessary to facilitate the diagnosis (Figure 28-6).


In the absence of AV block, bradycardias are characterized by the origin of the initiating impulse as sinus, atrial, junctional, or ventricular. It is important to distinguish junctional or ventricular bradycardia from sinus bradycardia with an underlying junctional or ventricular escape, respectively. Terms such as “nodal rhythm” and “dissociated” are imprecise and demand further characterization. When the atrial rate exceeds the ventricular rate, second-degree or third-degree AV block is present. In complete AV block, the resultant escape rhythm usually is regular; in second-degree AV block, the ventricular intervals vary (see Figure 28-1). Occasionally, sinus node disease and complete AV block coexist, so it is important in the setting of a slow atrial rate to note “sinus capture” complexes when appropriately timed P waves conduct to the ventricle. When atrial pacing is feasible (as in patients with recent cardiac surgery), temporary atrial pacing can be used to demonstrate normal AV conduction, and the maximum rate at which 1:1 conduction can be maintained can be easily determined and followed serially.

The distinction between bradycardia resulting from AV block and sinus nodal dysfunction may have important therapeutic implications. If AV nodal conduction is intact, it usually is most appropriate to pace the atrium only (see AAI mode) rather than perform dual-chamber pacing. In contrast, isolated AV block is best managed by sensing and tracking the intrinsic atrial rate (see DDD mode).


Extrasystoles, or premature beats, usually are defined as supraventricular (supraventricular premature beats or premature atrial complexes) or ventricular (premature ventricular complexes, ventricular premature beats [VPBs]) in origin. True junctional extrasystoles are uncommon. When the extrasystole results in an early QRS with normal morphology and duration, a supraventricular extrasystole may be presumed. Usually, an early P wave can be discerned, but it may be obscured by the preceding T wave in certain leads. The ensuing sinus beat usually is advanced by the atrial extrasystole, but entrance block can result in a “full compensatory pause,” usually attributed to a ventricular extrasystole.

Isolated premature QRS complexes with prolonged QRS duration may represent either ventricular extrasystoles or aberrantly conducted atrial extrasystoles. Distinguishing the two may be difficult from a single rhythm strip. Premature P waves often may be obscured in a particular lead, or the ventricular extrasystole morphology may appear similar to the sinus QRS in one lead (but totally dissimilar in another). The ECG features favoring ventricular extrasystoles over aberrantly conducted atrial extrasystoles include (1) wide QRS morphology, (2) a full compensatory pause, (3) presence of fusion beats, and (4) absence of a discernible premature P wave. In the setting of ventricular preexcitation, variable fusion can occur as a result of exaggerated preexcitation with premature atrial depolarizations. As noted earlier, ventricular extrasystoles usually are followed by a full compensatory pause because the sinus node is not reset by the ventricular depolarization. However, an atrial extrasystole may sometimes fail to reset the sinus node (because of entrance block) or a ventricular extrasystole may occasionally reset the sinus node because of retrograde (VA) conduction. The simultaneous occurrence of both narrow QRS and wide QRS extrasystoles usually favors normally and aberrantly conducted atrial extrasystoles, particularly when the QRS width varies with the degree of prematurity (excluding fusion complexes).

The distinction of atrial versus ventricular extrasystoles may be somewhat academic in otherwise asymptomatic individuals because neither generally warrants therapy. However, either might be a harbinger for underlying myocardial irritability and should prompt a search for underlying causes. Occasionally, measures to suppress ectopy may appear to improve cardiac output by “regularizing” filling time in an otherwise tenuous patient. The relative advantages and risks of any such measure, whether achieved with medications or temporary pacing, need to be considered individually.

Tachycardias with Normal QRS

By definition, all tachycardias with normal QRS represent either sinus tachycardia or a form of SVT. It should be noted that the terms supraventricular tachycardia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, and paroxysmal atrial tachycardia often are used in reference to tachycardias with normal QRS, a regular rate in excess of 200 bpm, and no readily discernible P waves. In otherwise healthy infants, children, and adolescents, these features usually result from either AV reentrant tachycardia or AVNRT (Figure 28-7). Further distinction between these two mechanisms has little impact on acute management. However, in the ICU setting, primary atrial tachycardias (including sinus tachycardia) and junctional tachycardias also must be considered (particularly following cardiac surgery). Abnormal P-wave morphology (determined by 12-lead ECG), PR interval greater than 50% of the RR interval, or completely obscured P waves favor a nonsinus mechanism. Finally, the QRS duration may appear normal by adult standards but be significantly prolonged for age.

In young patients, intraatrial reentry, atrial flutter, and atrial fibrillation usually are seen following surgical treatment for congenital heart defects involving the atrium (atrial septal defects, atrial repair of transposition of the great arteries, or the Fontan operation).15 The sawtooth pattern typical of atrial flutter may be absent in these patients, and the term intraatrial reentrant tachycardia (IART) may be more appropriate when discrete P waves are present. Because the atrial rate often is relatively slow in comparison with “typical” atrial flutter, a high index of suspicion is required. In some cases, the atrial rate is slow enough that consistent 1:1 conduction (with discrete P waves) further obscures the diagnosis by simulating sinus tachycardia. Similarly, with 2:1 conduction, alternate P waves may be obscured by the T wave, giving the impression of sinus rhythm.

Distinguishing sinus tachycardia from various types of SVT may be difficult. The appropriateness and variation of the rate (or lack thereof) may be particularly helpful in differentiating sinus from nonsinus tachycardias. Observing the heart rate response to interventions such as volume expansion, analgesia, antipyretic agents, and catecholamine infusions often is helpful. Depending on the pattern of atrial activation, P waves may even simulate a normal sinus P-wave morphology during primary atrial tachycardias. In other cases, AV conduction may appear to be 1:1 on the surface electrocardiogram when, in fact, a second P wave is obscured by the QRS complex or T wave. Direct atrial recordings using transesophageal electrocardiography or temporary epicardial atrial pacing wires usually facilitate the diagnosis (see Figure 28-6, B). Vagal maneuvers or administration of adenosine to interrupt AV conduction transiently often helps characterize the true AV relationship and determine whether the AV node participates in the tachycardia mechanism.

Tachycardias with Prolonged QRS

Generally, tachycardias with prolonged QRS should be presumed to be ventricular tachycardias until or unless evidence of an alternative diagnosis is demonstrated. VA dissociation, the hallmark ECG feature of ventricular tachycardia, may not be seen in childhood because of rapid retrograde conduction over the AV node (see Figure 28-4). The distinction between ventricular tachycardia and SVT with aberrant conduction can be difficult and may require invasive electrophysiologic study. Prolonged attempts to differentiate the two at the bedside by noninvasive means often are fruitless and may delay treatment. The wrong conclusion may prompt inappropriate and potentially dangerous therapeutic maneuvers. In the acute setting, treatment based on a presumed diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia is rarely deleterious, even when the mechanism subsequently proves to be supraventricular. However, an erroneous presumption of “SVT with aberrant conduction” may have disastrous consequences. When feasible, a full 12-lead ECG may aid in the diagnosis, particularly when a baseline ECG in normal rhythm is available for comparison. Apparent hemodynamic stability should not be mistaken for evidence of SVT rather than ventricular tachycardia, whether in an otherwise healthy child or in a patient with known cardiac disease.

Diagnostic Uses of Adenosine

Although most widely used as an acute therapy for terminating SVT that involves the AV node, adenosine administration also may yield important diagnostic clues to the underlying arrhythmia mechanism.16 By producing transient block in the AV node during tachycardia, it often is possible to distinguish AV reentrant tachycardias and AVNRTs (either of which should terminate) from atrial tachycardias and ventricular tachycardias. However, adenosine’s effects are not confined to the AV node. Ectopic (automatic) atrial and junctional tachycardias, intraatrial reentry, and certain ventricular tachycardias also may terminate with adenosine. Extreme caution should be taken when administering adenosine during wide QRS tachycardia. Adenosine produces vasodilatation, which theoretically can result in hemodynamic deterioration and tachycardia acceleration, or even fibrillation, if tachycardia fails to terminate. Ventricular fibrillation has been rarely observed when adenosine is administered in the setting of WPW syndrome, probably as a result of atrial fibrillation that then is conducted rapidly to the ventricles. Prompt defibrillation should always be readily at hand when administering adenosine for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

Treatment of Rhythm Disturbances

The approach to treatment of cardiac arrhythmias is influenced by the clinical setting, but several important considerations help guide therapy in any given situation. The first and most important concern is the degree of hemodynamic compromise associated with a particular arrhythmia. Minor rhythm disturbances may be more readily recognized in the intensive care setting than in other situations simply because of the level of monitoring and may prompt undue attention. In contrast, potentially life-threatening arrhythmias may best be treated by acute measures (e.g., cardioversion or temporary pacing) not readily available in other settings. Extracorporeal support and assist devices add another dimension to the equation. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support may serve as adjunctive therapy for refractory arrhythmias, whereas other modes of support (e.g., an assist device or balloon pump) may require a regular rhythm for appropriate coordination of the device with spontaneous cardiac activity.

A second important consideration in critically ill patients, particularly those undergoing cardiac surgery, is to favor therapies that maintain appropriate AV synchrony. In the setting of marginal hemodynamics, an otherwise acceptable ventricular rate during arrhythmias such as atrial tachycardias and fibrillation, junctional tachycardia, or AV block may further compromise cardiac output as a result of loss of AV synchrony (see Figure 28-8).

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