Heart disease is a common congenital abnormality, affecting 5–9 per 1,000 newborns. Successful evolution of treatment strategies has led to a significant reduction in the number of deaths from congenital heart disease (CHD) in children and this dramatic success has led to increased adult survivors with adult congenital heart disease (ACHD). Survival into adulthood is now more than 90% and estimates suggest that there are more than 2 million adults in the USA with ACHD; three times the number of children with CHD.
Heart disease is a common congenital abnormality, affecting 5–9 per 1,000 newborns. Successful evolution of treatment strategies has led to a significant reduction in the number of deaths from congenital heart disease (CHD) in children and this dramatic success has led to increased adult survivors with adult congenital heart disease (ACHD). Survival into adulthood is now more than 90% and estimates suggest that there are more than 2 million adults in the USA with ACHD; three times the number of children with CHD.
Approximately 40% of adults with CHD have simple lesions or have undergone curative procedures and thus require little specialist care. Between 35% and 40% require access to specialist consultation and 20–25% have complex lesions requiring lifelong specialist input. It is important to note that these patients have a significantly increased risk of premature death if managed inappropriately.
Although a small proportion (~10%) of first presentations may occur as an adult, most patients with ACHD have begun their medical care as a neonate or child. Transition from paediatric to adult congenital services can be difficult as adolescent patients start to take charge of their own medical condition.
Anaesthesia for ACHD patients relies on a multidisciplinary team approach with a thorough understanding of the original cardiac anatomy and knowledge of any procedures already performed. The functional capacity of individuals varies, and management should be tailored accordingly. ACHD can be divided into low-, moderate- and high-risk lesions (Box 23.1).
Box 23.1 Classification of ACHD according to risk
Low risk
Repaired lesions: PDA, ASD, VSD
Unrepaired lesions: Isolated mild AV or MV disease, isolated PFO, small ASD or VSD, mild PS
Moderate risk
Prosthetic valve or conduit
Intracardiac shunt
Moderate left-sided obstructive lesions
Moderate systemic ventricular dysfunction
Previous transposition of the great arteries
High risk
Cyanotic CHD
NYHA class 3 or 4
Eisenmenger syndrome
Severe systemic ventricular dysfunction (ejection fraction < 35%)
Severe left-sided obstructive lesions
Patients may be broadly divided into those who have had corrective or palliative surgery and those with unoperated CHD. The focus of this chapter is anaesthesia for moderate- and high-risk patients with ACHD.
Special Considerations
Fontan Circulation
A fully complete Fontan circulation necessitates surgery to create a direct connection between the venous return and the PA, excluding the subpulmonary ventricle. Blood flow through the lungs is passive and depends on a relatively high CVP, low PVR and low systemic atrial and ventricular diastolic pressures. Patients are delicately balanced between an inadequate blood supply to the lungs, causing cyanosis, and an excessive pulmonary blood flow (PBF) causing pulmonary oedema. Over time, these patients develop chronically increased venous pressure, leading to hepatic congestion, pulmonary venous congestion, an increased PAP and, eventually, cardiac failure.
Pulmonary Hypertension
PHT, defined as a mean PAP above 25 mmHg at rest, is a major perioperative risk factor. Strategies to manage PHT include avoidance of triggering agents, minimizing increases in the PVR with good oxygenation, avoidance of acidosis and limiting peak ventilatory pressures. Some patients are already taking conventional medications such as β-blockers, diuretics, digoxin or ACE inhibitors and may also require specific pulmonary vasodilators such as inhaled NO, prostacyclin (e.g. iloprost), calcium channel antagonists (e.g. diltiazem), phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (e.g. oral/IV sildenafil) or endothelin receptor antagonists (e.g. bosentan). Anaesthetic management must be tailored to the underlying cause of PHT in the ACHD patient.
1. Systemic-to-pulmonary shunt with an increased PVR or primary PHT – this may respond to pulmonary vasodilators.
2. Eisenmenger syndrome – Long-standing systemic-to-pulmonary shunts, leading to systemic pulmonary pressures, reversal of the right-to-left shunt and cyanosis. This is an anaesthetic challenge as both PHT and an exacerbation of the cyanosis must be addressed. This may respond to oral pulmonary vasodilators. The RV is accustomed to high afterload.
3. PHT due to left heart disease – this may require inotropic support and systemic afterload reduction.
Unrestricted Shunts
Patients with ASDs, VSDs, aortopulmonary collaterals or surgically created systemic-to-pulmonary shunts (e.g. Blalock–Taussig (B–T), Waterston and Potts) may have pulmonary to systemic blood flow (QP:QS) of 2:1 or 3:1 in room air, at rest. Breathing 100% oxygen reduces the PVR, leading to increased QP:QS, results in reduced systemic oxygen delivery and metabolic acidosis. Patients with single ventricles and pulmonary circulation supplied by aortopulmonary collaterals have a precarious balance between PBF and systemic oxygen delivery. Ideally, these patients should be maintained on an inspired oxygen concentration that recreates their normal room air oxygen saturations at rest, with the minimum ventilator settings, to maintain a normal PaCO2.
Preoperative Assessment
Details of the original congenital lesion, previous percutaneous or open surgical interventions, anaesthetic records and subsequent cardiological investigations should be reviewed. It is important to understand the patient’s current anatomy, any residual structural defects and the extent of any physiological adaptation. Many patients are accustomed to poor exercise tolerance, so it is important to determine what is normal for them. A history of prolonged periods of ventilation or prior tracheostomy should be elicited, as well as details of any associated pulmonary disease.
Episodes of syncope, chest pain, cyanosis or arrhythmias should be noted.
Cyanotic patients are at risk of thrombosis and details of anticoagulation therapy should be obtained. Patients may be taking other medications such as β-blockers and ACE inhibitors – details of these should be sought.
CHD is associated with a number of genetic syndromes, such as Trisomy 21 and 22q11 deletion – relevant associated features should also be elicited.
Physical Examination
The presence of clubbing, cyanosis and signs of congestive heart failure (jugular venous distension, pulmonary crackles, hepatomegaly and peripheral oedema) should be sought.
Problems associated with the airway should be highlighted as these can substantially increase the risk, especially in the setting of cyanotic heart disease or PHT. Previous cardiac surgery may have resulted in damage to the vocal cords, recurrent laryngeal nerve or phrenic nerve palsy, or Horner syndrome. Prolonged postoperative mechanical ventilation of the lungs may have led to subglottic stenosis.
Peripheral pulses may be diminished, unequal or absent following surgery or previous shunt placement. The presence of additional or abnormal heart sounds are evidence of residual disease.
Neurological assessment may reveal developmental delay and learning difficulties. This may be due to associated congenital disorders, chronic hypoxaemia or following complex cardiac surgery, with long bypass or deep hypothermic circulatory arrest times or prolonged intensive care. Cerebrovascular events occur in up to 14% of patients with cyanotic heart disease, especially in the presence of AF and hypertension.

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