α-Adrenoceptor antagonists (α-blockers) prevent the actions of sympathomimetic agents on α-adrenoceptors. Certain α-blockers (phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine) are non-specific and inhibit both α1– and α2-receptors, whereas others selectively inhibit α1-receptors (prazosin) or α2-receptors (yohimbine). The actions of specific α-adrenoceptor stimulation are shown in Table 14.1.
α-Adrenoceptor Antagonists
α-Adrenoceptor antagonists (α-blockers) prevent the actions of sympathomimetic agents at α-adrenoceptors. Certain α-blockers (phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine) are non-specific and inhibit both α1– and α2-receptors, whereas others selectively inhibit α1-receptors (prazosin) or α2-receptors (yohimbine). The actions of specific α-adrenoceptor stimulation are shown in Table 14.1.
Non-Selective α-Blockade Phentolamine
Phentolamine (an imidazolone) is a competitive non-selective α-blocker. Its affinity for α1-adrenoceptors is three times that for α2-adrenoceptors.
It is presented as 10 mg phentolamine mesylate in 1 ml clear pale-yellow solution. The intravenous dose is 1–5 mg and should be titrated to effect. The onset of action is 1–2 minutes and its duration of action is 5–20 minutes.
Phentolamine is used in the treatment of hypertensive crises due to excessive sympathomimetics, monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) reactions with tyramine and phaeochromocytoma, especially during tumour manipulation. It has a role in the assessment of sympathetically mediated chronic pain and has previously been used to treat pulmonary hypertension. Injection into the corpus cavernosum has been used to treat impotence due to erectile failure.
Cardiovascular – α1-blockade results in vasodilatation and hypotension while α2-blockade facilitates noradrenaline release leading to tachycardia and a raised cardiac output. Pulmonary artery pressure is also reduced. Vasodilatation of vessels in the nasal mucosa leads to marked nasal congestion.
Respiratory – the presence of sulfites in phentolamine ampoules may lead to hypersensitivity reactions, which are manifest as acute bronchospasm in susceptible asthmatics.
Gut – phentolamine increases secretions and motility of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
Metabolic – it may precipitate hypoglycaemia secondary to increased insulin secretion.
Phenoxybenzamine is a long-acting non-selective α-blocker. It has a high affinity for α1-adrenoceptors.
It is presented as capsules containing 10 mg and as a clear, faintly straw-coloured solution for injection containing 100 mg/2 ml phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride with ethyl alcohol, hydrochloric acid and propylene glycol.
Phenoxybenzamine is used in the pre-operative management of phaeochromocytoma (to allow expansion of the intravascular compartment), peri-operative management of some neonates undergoing cardiac surgery, hypertensive crises and occasionally as an adjunct to the treatment of severe shock. The oral dose starts at 10 mg and is increased daily until hypertension is controlled, the usual dose is 1–2 mg.kg−1.day−1. Intravenous administration should be via a central cannula and the usual dose is 1 mg.kg−1.day−1 given as a slow infusion in at least 200 ml 0.9% saline. β-blockade may be required to limit reflex tachycardia.
Mechanism of Action
Its effects are mediated by a reactive intermediate that forms a covalent bond to the α-adrenoceptor resulting in irreversible blockade. In addition to receptor blockade, phenoxybenzamine inhibits neuronal and extra-neuronal uptake of catecholamines.
Cardiovascular – hypotension, which may be orthostatic, and reflex tachycardia are characteristic. Overdose should be treated with noradrenaline. Adrenaline will lead to unopposed β effects thereby compounding the hypotension and tachycardia. There is an increase in cardiac output and blood flow to skin, viscera and nasal mucosa leading to nasal congestion.
Central nervous system – it usually causes marked sedation although convulsions have been reported after rapid intravenous infusion. Miosis is also seen.
Miscellaneous – impotence, contact dermatitis.
Phenoxybenzamine is incompletely and variably absorbed from the gut (oral bioavailability about 25%). Its maximum effect is seen at 1 hour following an intravenous dose. The plasma half-life is about 24 hours and its effects may persist for 3 days while new α-adrenoceptors are synthesised. It is metabolised in the liver and excreted in urine and bile.
Selective α1-Blockade Prazosin
Prazosin (a quinazoline derivative) is a highly selective α1-adrenoceptor antagonist.
Presentation and Uses
Prazosin is available as 0.5–2 mg tablets. It is used in the treatment of essential hypertension, congestive heart failure, Raynaud’s syndrome and benign prostatic hypertrophy. The initial dose is 0.5 mg tds, which may be increased to 20 mg per day.
Cardiovascular – prazosin produces vasodilatation of arteries and veins and a reduction of systemic vascular resistance with little or no reflex tachycardia. Diastolic pressures fall the most. Severe postural hypotension and syncope may follow the first dose. Cardiac output may increase in those with heart failure secondary to reduced filling pressures.
Urinary – it relaxes the bladder trigone and sphincter muscle thereby improving urine flow in those with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Impotence and priapism have been reported.
Central nervous system – fatigue, headache, vertigo and nausea all decrease with continued use.
Miscellaneous – it may produce a false-positive when screening urine for metabolites of noradrenaline (VMA and MHPG seen in phaeochromocytoma).
Plasma levels peak about 90 minutes following an oral dose with a variable oral bioavailability of 50–80%. It is highly protein-bound, mainly to albumin, and is extensively metabolised in the liver by demethylation and conjugation. Some of the metabolites are active. It has a plasma half-life of 3 hours. It may be used safely in patients with renal impairment as it is largely excreted in the bile.
Selective α2-BlockadeYohimbine
The principal alkaloid of the bark of the yohimbe tree is formulated as the hydrochloride and has been used in the treatment of impotence. It has a variable effect on the cardiovascular system, resulting in a raised heart rate and blood pressure, but may precipitate orthostatic hypotension. In vitro it blocks the hypotensive responses of clonidine. It has an antidiuretic effect and can cause anxiety and manic reactions. It is contraindicated in renal or hepatic disease.
β-Adrenoceptor Antagonists
β-Adrenoceptor antagonists (β-blockers) are used widely in the treatment of hypertension, angina and peri-myocardial infarction.
They are also used in patients with phaeochromocytoma (preventing the reflex tachycardia associated with α-blockade), hyperthyroidism (propranolol), hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (to control infundibular spasm), anxiety associated with high levels of catecholamines, topically in glaucoma, in the prophylaxis of migraine and to suppress the response to laryngoscopy and at extubation (esmolol).
They are all competitive antagonists with varying degrees of receptor selectivity. In addition some have intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (i.e. are partial agonists), whereas others demonstrate membrane stabilising activity. These three features form the basis of their differing pharmacological profiles (see Table 14.2). Prolonged administration may result in an increase in the number of β-adrenoceptors.
Table 14.2 Comparison between receptor selectivity, intrinsic sympathomimetic activity and membrane stabilising activity of various β-blockers

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