Tracheostomy Decannulation After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury



Alert and cooperative

No sedative medications to improve sleep

Clinical hemodynamic stability

No vasoactive medications

Normal gas exchange on room air

PaCO2 < 45 mmHg (6.0 kPa), PaO2 > 94 %

Ventilator-free breathing ability

Perform an SBT; if successful, discontinue mechanical ventilation

Preferably, absence of aspiration

ENT swallow evaluation assessment by speech pathologist

Perform Evan’s blue dye test

Exclusion of upper airway abnormalities caused by endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy

ENT endoscopic evaluation of larynx and upper trachea

Ability to tolerate deflation of tracheostomy tube cuff

Perform endotracheal suctioning during cuff deflation

Ability to tolerate capping of the tracheostomy tube

Perform a capping trial [7]. Subsequently, monitor for respiratory distress caused by increased airway resistance for 12–24 h

Ability to maintain airway patency

Evaluate voice quality during temporary occlusion of tube with cuff deflated

Measure involuntary CPF while intubated (should exceed 58.5 l/min [5]); measure voluntary CPF with capped tracheostomy tube (should exceed 130 l/min [8])

PaCO 2 partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, SBT spontaneous breathing trial, ENT ear, nose, and throat, CPF cough peak flow

In the study of Pandian et al. [7], the following criteria for eligibility for capping were defined:

  • The patient should have a small tracheostomy tube, preferably size four cuffless.

  • While occluding the tube with a finger for 1 min, the breathing pattern should remain comfortable without release of positive pressure from the tracheostomy tube upon removal of the finger as a sign of air trapping.

  • The patient should be able to tolerate a speaking valve without respiratory distress.

  • Coughing should be adequate to mobilize airway secretions.

  • Airway suctioning should be required less frequently than every 4 h.

  • Capping of the tracheostomy tube should be tolerated without respiratory distress.

  • The patient should maintain stable oxygen saturation at all times.

  • The patient should be alert and sufficiently dexterous to remove the cap from the tracheostomy tube within 30 s without assistance from healthcare personnel.

  • During capping, sedation must be avoided. Those patients already known to have a “difficult” airway according to their medical history or anesthesiology assessment upon prior intubation were evaluated by a ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist, who then could advise whether to proceed with or withhold a capping trial. SCI patients will not be able to satisfy a number of the above-mentioned criteria because of their tetraplegia. Therefore, nursing attendance should be continuous and an adequate call bell should be provided and its effective operation by the patient should be ascertained.

Next, because of the increased risk of dysphagia in SCI patients, an ENT investigation evaluating swallowing is recommended. Tracheostomy tubes should be removed early in the morning, preferably at the beginning of the week, to allow for close monitoring by as many knowledgeable professionals as possible over the following 24–48 h.

During this period patients should be continuously monitored by pulse oximetry and checked every 30 min for the need for suctioning or assisted coughing. Forced vital capacity should be assessed every 4 h to identify respiratory deterioration or signs of exhaustion. Respiratory rate should also be monitored, counting for 30 s once every 15 min for the first 4 h and consecutively every 30 min for the next 20 h and once hourly for the following 24 h. A spare tracheostomy tube of the same size and one size smaller should be kept in readiness to recannulate the patient if the need should arise [9].

43.3 SCI Patients for Whom Mechanical Ventilation Cannot Yet Be Discontinued

Patients with high-level cervical SCIs for whom mechanical ventilation cannot yet be discontinued either will or will not pass an SBT, depending on the recurrence of some ventilator-free breathing ability. They usually remain cannulated for prolonged periods of time, often indefinitely. They remain at increased risk of airway damage from suctioning procedures, complications associated with the tracheostomy, airway microbial colonization, pulmonary infection, and recurrent ICU admission. Because they cannot breathe, a capping trial may seem inappropriate or even dangerous for the simple reason of interrupting invasive mechanical ventilation. Often, the presumed permanent dependence on the artificial airway is accepted by physicians because of the continuous necessity for removal of bronchial secretions. It is rarely appreciated that these artificial airways cause and increase secretions and impair the ability to cough. Many tracheostomized patients, however, choose to be decannulated or to forgo tracheostomy if noninvasive techniques are available [10].

The question then arises regarding whether and how to remove the tracheostomy tube for these patients. In the 1990s, Bach and coworkers [11, 12] showed that patients with high-level cervical SCIs without ventilator-free breathing ability could be extubated and decannulated by converting them from invasive to noninvasive ventilation using facial interfaces during the night and mouthpiece ventilation during the day. It was extremely important that patients were able to manage their bronchial secretions, which were the main reason for oxygen desaturation, atelectasis, retention pneumonia, and hospitalization. When using assisted coughing techniques following aggressive lung volume recruitment (LVR), a cough peak flow (CPF) of > 160 l/min could usually be achieved, and this proved enough to safely permit the removal of the tracheostomy tube. Bach et al. proposed continuing LVR techniques following decannulation every day to prevent airway secretion encumbrance. Patients could use air (or breath) stacking or glossopharyngeal breathing (GPB) to augment lung volume, improve voice volume, improve respiratory compliance, facilitate noninvasive mechanical ventilation, and improve CPFs. In addition, they could regain ventilator-free breathing ability by using GPB as a breathing method. McKim and coworkers [8] demonstrated that, using LVR and assisted coughing techniques, CPFs measured after decannulation were some 30–40 l/min greater than during coughing with the capped cannula in place using these techniques, probably because of the surplus airway resistance of the endotracheal part of the tube. They suggested that, in cannulated patients, these findings might lower the CPF threshold of 160 l/min with this flow difference as an indication for safe decannulation.

For the high cervical SCI patient who cannot pass an SBT, discontinuing invasive mechanical ventilation often seems impossible. In the ICU it may go unnoticed that one of the main reasons for failure to discontinue invasive ventilation is airway secretion encumbrance. During their training, intensivists have been taught to rely on artificial airways to invasively remove airway secretions and they have seldom been trained in using LVR techniques, which are necessary to effectively resolve retention of bronchial secretions. Hence, they may be reluctant to remove the tracheostomy tube because they think the patients depend on them for mucus removal. Of note, contrary to what is seldom considered, these patients often can be successfully liberated from their artificial airways [13]. In these patients, the aims are to discontinue invasive ventilation, proceed with mechanical ventilation noninvasively, and remove the artificial airway. The latter goal cannot be achieved without effective airway clearance techniques [13, 14].

For SCI patients in the ICU, early treatment with LVR techniques is recommended. For an effective tution of air stacking or GPB, the patient should be awake, alert, cooperative, and highly motivated to achieve the maximum insufflation capacities necessary to enhance CPFs for mucus removal. Training in these techniques is time consuming and requires a dedicated and patient teacher. In the early post-injury phase it is more prudent to use mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) with a cough-assist device, which can also be operated on a cuffed tracheostomy tube for unresponsive patients. Only after lungs and airways have been completely cleared of secretions, which in our experience can never be achieved with invasive suctioning procedures only, training in noninvasive mechanical ventilation may be initiated. Starting invasive LVR techniques early in the course of recovery may prevent pulmonary complications and can shorten ICU stay and length of hospital admission [14].

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Oct 12, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Tracheostomy Decannulation After Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

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