The Psychophysiology of Pain
C. Richard Chapman
Fadel Zeidan
Psychophysiology is a field of study that seeks to relate subjective awareness and behavior to physiologic events.1,2,3 As a field of scientific inquiry, it concerns itself with central mechanisms of perception, cognition, and behavior, including learning, the emotions, and the relationship of brain activity to consciousness. As a clinical area, psychophysiology has classically addressed somatoform disorders, stress (most recently posttraumatic stress disorders), and affective disorders in general. As a domain, psychophysiology is an important resource for the pain field for two primary reasons. On one hand, it offers a framework for understanding how stress contributes to pain, including the persistence of chronic pain. On the other hand, it uncovers links between cognitive processes (attention, expectancy, meaning, belief) and pain as well as pain relief through psychological intervention.
Most physicians and pain researchers think of pain as an unpleasant sensation that originates in traumatized or inflamed tissues; however, pain is more than sensory information about the condition of the body. Affect is an intrinsic dimension of pain. Any reasonable and unbiased observer studying mammals, particularly humans, would have to conclude that pain’s affective features rather than its sensory properties govern behavioral responses to injury. People who experience pain do not quietly report the fact; they express negative emotions.
Is the affective dimension of pain as important as its sensory aspect? The linguist, Elaine Scarry,4 described pain’s qualities as comprising extreme aversiveness, an ability to annihilate complex thoughts and other feelings, an ability to destroy language, and a strong resistance to objectification. Her perspective resonates with the lessons of everyday life: Although pain has sensory features and lends itself to sensory description, it is above all else a powerful negative feeling state. One cannot evaluate and address the suffering of a person in pain without an appreciation of its emotional nature.
The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) acknowledged the central role of emotion in its keystone definition: “Pain [is] an unpleasant sensory and emotional [emphasis added] experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.”5 This definition clearly emphasizes the role of affect as an intrinsic component of pain. Emotion is not a consequence of pain sensation that occurs after a noxious sensory message arrives at sensory cortices. Rather, it is an integral part of the pain experience.
Psychophysiology has revealed that emotion and cognition are interdependent. Strong emotions can alter thought processes, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and expectancies. Conversely, thoughts can generate negative or positive emotional states, and the physiologic changes associated with such states can interact with tissue injury or inflammation and alter both the sensory and affective aspects of pain. Because pain states rarely exist in isolation, it is important to consider the psychophysiologic context of a pain problem. The cognitive, emotional, and physiologic state of the patient presenting with pain is potentially very important for both assessment and intervention. We propose here that the best framework for characterizing this state is stress theory.
The purposes of this chapter are to describe the psychophysiologic mechanisms supporting the subjective experience of pain and to explore the importance of said mechanisms for the assessment and care of patients with pain. The psychophysiology of pain requires an incursion into mind-body issues, consideration of the nature of emotion and its interdependence with cognition, and the overarching influence of stress. In this chapter, we show that (1) pain (awareness of tissue trauma) has intrinsic affective properties, including negative emotional arousal; (2) the brain creates bodily states of arousal (negative emotions) in response to threat to biologic and psychological integrity; and (3) the affective dimension of pain is intrinsically linked to the related processes of defense and stress, and the physiologic mechanisms of these processes shapes the affective dimension of pain.
Historical Perspective: Mind-Body Issues
Through most of the 20th century, our understanding of the relationship between mental processes and the body stemmed directly from Cartesian notions of mind-body dualism. For Descartes, a 17th century philosopher and mathematician, human beings are dualistic: The mind and body are separate entities. Descartes described the life processes of the body as though they were clockwork mechanisms. The actions of the mind were, in his thinking, the workings of the soul.
Descartes believed that the awareness of pain, like awareness of other bodily sensations, must take place in a specific location where the mind observes the body. Dennett6 termed this hypothetical seat of the mind the Cartesian theater. In this theater, the mind observes and interprets the array of multimodality signals that the body produces. The body is a passive environment; the mind is the nonphysical activity of the soul.
Today, most people will agree that such a theater of the mind cannot exist. Scientifically, the activity of the brain and the mind are inseparable; yet, Cartesian dualism is endemic in Western thought and culture. Classical approaches to psychophysiology stemmed from Cartesian thinking, as did psychophysics. Early work on psychosomatic disorders focused on mind-body relationships. Today, much of the popular movement favoring integrative medicine emphasizes the “mind-body connection,” keeping one’s self healthy through health-promoting cognitive approaches to better regulate immune responses. It is hard to avoid Cartesian thinking when the very fabric of our language carries it along as we reason and speak.
Cartesian assumptions are a subtle but powerful barrier for someone seeking to understand the affective dimension of pain. Relegating emotions to the realm of the mind and their physiologic consequences for the body is classical Descartes. It prevents us from appreciating the intricate interdependence of subjective feelings and physiology, and it detracts from our
ability to comprehend how the efferent properties of autonomic nervous function can contribute causally to the realization of an emotional state. This chapter emphasizes the interdependence of mental processes and physiology. What we call the mind is consciousness, and consciousness is an emergent property of the activity of the brain. In a feedback-dependent manner, the brain regulates the physiologic arousal of the body, and emotion is a part of this process.
ability to comprehend how the efferent properties of autonomic nervous function can contribute causally to the realization of an emotional state. This chapter emphasizes the interdependence of mental processes and physiology. What we call the mind is consciousness, and consciousness is an emergent property of the activity of the brain. In a feedback-dependent manner, the brain regulates the physiologic arousal of the body, and emotion is a part of this process.
Emotions: Definition and Mechanisms
The first step in understanding the nociceptive experience as an affective response is by appreciating the origins and purposes of emotion. Many physicians regard emotions as epiphenomenal feeling states associated with mental activity, subjective in character, and largely irrelevant to the state of a patient’s physical health. In fact, emotions are primarily physiologic and only secondarily subjective. Because they can strongly affect cardiovascular function, visceral motility, genitourinary function, and immune competence, patient emotions can have an important role in health overall and especially in pain management. Simple negative emotional arousal can exacerbate certain pain states such as sympathetically maintained pain, angina, headache, neuropathic pain, and fibromyalgia. It contributes significantly to musculoskeletal pain, pelvic pain, and other pain problems in some patients.
Emotions are complex states of physiologic arousal and awareness that impute positive or negative hedonic qualities to a stimulus (event) in the internal or external environment. The objective aspect of emotion is autonomically and hormonally mediated physiologic arousal. The subjective aspects of emotion, feelings, are phenomena of consciousness. Emotion represents in consciousness the biologic importance or meaning of an event to the perceiver.
Emotion as a whole has two defining features: valence and arousal. Valence refers to the hedonic quality associated with an emotion—the positive or negative feeling attached to perception. Arousal refers to the degree of heightened activity in the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system (ANS) associated with perception.
Although emotions as a whole can be either positive or negative in valence, pain research addresses only negative emotion. Viewed as an emotion, pain represents a threat to the biologic, psychological, or social integrity of the person. In this respect, the emotional aspect of pain is a protective response that normally contributes to adaptation and survival. If uncontrolled or poorly managed in patients with severe or prolonged pain, it produces suffering.
Psychologists have many frameworks for studying emotion. Nature has equipped us with the capability of negative emotion for a purpose; bad feelings are not simply accidents of human consciousness. They are protective mechanisms that normally serve us well, but like uncontrolled pain, sustained and uncontrolled negative emotions can become pathologic states that can produce both maladaptive behavior and physiologic pathology.
By exploring the emotional dimension of pain from the sociobiologic perspective, the reader may gain some insight about how to prevent or control the negative affective aspect of pain, which fosters suffering. Unfortunately, implementing this perspective requires that we change conventional language habits that involve describing pain as a transient sensory event. Pain is a compelling and emotionally negative state of the individual that has as its primary defining feature awareness of, and adaptive adjustment to, tissue trauma or disease.
Emotions, including the emotional dimension of pain, characterize mammals exclusively, and they foster mammalian adaptation by making possible complex behaviors and adaptations. Importantly, they play a strong role in consciousness, producing and summarizing information that is important for selection among alternative behaviors. According to MacLean,7 emotions “impart subjective information that is instrumental in guiding behavior required for self-preservation and preservation of the species. The subjective awareness that is an affect consists of a sense of bodily pervasiveness or by feelings localized to certain parts of the body [emphasis added].” Because negative emotions, such as fear, evolved to facilitate adaptation and survival, emotion plays an important defensive role. The ability to experience threat when encountering injurious events protects against life-threatening injury.
The strength of emotional arousal associated with an injury indicates and expresses the magnitude of perceived threat to the biologic integrity of the person. Within the contents of consciousness, threat is a strong negative feeling state and not a pure informational appraisal. In humans, threatening events, such as injury that are not immediately present, can exist as emotionally colored somatosensory images.
Phenomenal awareness consists largely of the production of images. Visual images are familiar to everyone: We can readily imagine seeing things. We can also produce auditory images by imaging a familiar tune, a bird song, or the sound of a friend’s voice. Similarly, we can generate somatosensory images. We can, for example, imagine the feeling of a full bladder, the sensation of a particular shoe on a foot, or a familiar muscle tension or ache. Cognition operates largely on images and plays a strong role in the experience of symptoms.
Patients can react emotionally to the mental image of a painful event before it happens (e.g., venipuncture), or for that matter, they can respond emotionally to the sight of another person’s injury. The emotional intensity of such a feeling marks the adaptive significance of the event that produced the experience for the perceiver. In general, the threat of a minor injury normally provokes less feeling than one that incurs a risk of death. The emotional magnitude of a pain is the internal representation of the threat associated with the event that produced the pain.
Negative emotions compel action, such as fight or flight, along with expression through vocalization, posture, variations in facial musculature patterns, and alterations of activity. This represents communication and often elicits social support, thus contributing to survival. Darwin,8 observing animals, noted that emotions enable communication through vocalization, startle, posture, facial expression, and specific behaviors. He held that emotions must be inborn rather than learned tendencies. Darwin8 pursued this issue by comparing the facial and other emotional expressions of children born blind with those of other children, reasoning that blind children would express emotion differently if emotion is primarily a learned behavior. As others have since confirmed,9 Darwin8 learned that the basic blueprints for human emotional expression are innate.
Contemporary investigators who study emotions and human or animal social behavior emphasize that communication is a fundamental adaptive function of emotional expression.10,11 Social mammals, including humans, depend on one another or their social group as resources for adaptation and survival. The emotional expression of pain in the presence of supportive persons is socially powerful; it draws on a fundamental sociobiologic imperative: communicating threat and summoning assistance.
The limbic brain represents an anatomical common denominator across mammalian species,7 and emotion is a common feature of mammals. Consequently, investigators can learn much about human emotion by studying mammalian laboratory animals. Humans and animals differ in that the limbic brain is more developed in humans, the frontal lobes are unique to our species, and the interdependence of cognition and emotion is greatest in humans.
Early investigators focused on the role of olfaction in limbic function, and this led them to link the limbic brain to emotion. Emotion may have evolutionary roots in olfactory perception. MacLean12 introduced the somewhat controversial term “limbic system” and characterized its functions. He identified three main subdivisions of the limbic brain: amygdala, septum, and thalamocingulate7 that represent sources of afferents to parts of the limbic cortex. He also postulated that the limbic brain responds to two basic types of input: interoceptive and exteroceptive. These refer to sensory information from internal and external environments, respectively. Figure 29.1 summarizes and extends this concept. Noxious signaling can arise from an injurious event in the external environment or from a pathologic condition in the internal environment.
Over the last decade, numerous studies have employed functional brain imaging to investigate how the human brain responds to painful laboratory stimulation as well as how it behaves in chronic pain conditions. These studies reveal unequivocally that limbic structures involved in emotion and cognition are active during pain. In addition, related studies show that cognitive processes such as threat appraisal and perceived control are related to pain modulation. Early brain imaging studies have shown that the following brain structures are consistently active during states of pain: thalamus, primary and secondary somatosensory cortices, insular cortex, anterior cingulate, and the prefrontal cortices (PFC) as well as deactivation of the posterior cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex,13,14,15 which compose of the default mode network involved in self-referential processing.16 Thalamus and the somatosensory cortices played a prominent role in early neurophysiologic models of pain and processing of ascending nociceptive information. Insular cortex may play a role in the somatosensory representation of the body, and it appears to integrate multimodal sensory information.17 PFC control the executive functions of the brain and the sense of self. They are involved in threat appraisal, meaning, and the integration of information from the internal and external environment.
![]() FIGURE 29.1 Three subdivisions of the limbic brain and their relationship to limbic cortices. MacLean7 proposed a three-part grouping of limbic structures and functions: amygdalar, septal, and thalamocingulate subdivisions. These divisions receive information, including noxious signaling, from the external environment (exteroceptors) and the internal environment (interoceptors). Cortical areas related to limbic function include the prefrontal and frontal cortices (related to executive function and sense of self), the cingulate cortices (the anterior cingulate cortex is related to attentional states), the parahippocampal and entorhinal cortices, which are important in memory, and the insular cortex (emotional-motivational integration). |
The ANS plays a major role in regulating the constancy of the internal environment, and it does so in a feedback regulated fashion under the direction of the hypothalamus, the solitary nucleus (nucleus tractus solitarius) and ventral lateral medulla, the amygdala, and other brain structures.18,19 In general, it regulates activities that are not normally under voluntary control. The hypothalamus is the principal integrator of autonomic activity. Stimulation of the hypothalamus elicits highly integrated patterns of response that involve the limbic system and other structures.20
Many researchers hold that the ANS has three divisions: the sympathetic, the parasympathetic, and the enteric.21,22 Others subsume the enteric under the other two divisions. Broadly, the sympathetic nervous system makes possible the arousal needed for fight and flight reactions, whereas the parasympathetic system governs basal heart rate, metabolism, and respiration. The enteric nervous system innervates the viscera via a complex network of interconnected plexuses.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are largely mutual physiologic antagonists—if one system inhibits a function, the other typically augments it. There are, however, important exceptions to this rule that demonstrate complementary or integratory relationships. The mechanism most heavily involved in the affective response to tissue trauma is the sympathetic nervous system.
During emergency or injury to the body, the hypothalamus uses the sympathetic nervous system to increase cardiac output, respiration rate, and blood glucose. It also regulates body temperature, causes piloerection, alters muscle tone, provides compensatory responses to hemorrhage, and dilates pupils. These responses are part of a coordinated, well-orchestrated response pattern called the defense response.23,24,25 It resembles the better known orienting response in some respects, but it can only occur following a strong stimulus that is noxious or frankly painful. It sets the stage for escape or confrontation, thus serving to protect the organism from danger. In an awake cat, both electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus and infusion of norepinephrine into the hypothalamus elicit a rage reaction with hissing, snarling, and attack posture with claw exposure, and a pattern of sympathetic nervous system arousal accompanies this.26,27,28 Circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine produced by the adrenal medulla during activation of the sympathoadrenomedullary (SAM) axis accentuate the defense response, fear responses, and aversive emotional arousal in general.
Autonomic Arousal and Subjective Experience
Because the defense response and related changes are involuntary in nature, we generally perceive them as something that the environment does to us. We typically describe such physiologic changes not as the bodily responses that they are but rather as feelings. We might describe a threatening and physiologically arousing event by saying that “It scared me” or that “It made me really mad.”
Phenomenologically, feelings seem to happen to us; we do not “do” them in the sense that we think thoughts or choose actions. Emotions are who we are in a given circumstance rather than choices we make, and we commonly interpret events and circumstances in terms of the emotions that they elicit. ANS arousal, therefore, plays a major role in the complex psychological experience of injury and is a part of that experience.
Early views of the ANS followed the lead of Cannon23 and held that emergency responses and all forms of intense aversive arousal are undifferentiated, diffuse patterns of sympathetic activation. Although this is broadly true, research has shown that definable patterns characterize emotional arousal and that these are related to the emotion involved, the motor activity required, and perhaps the context.18,19 An investigator attempting to understand how humans experience emotions must remember that the brain not only recognizes patterns of arousal but also creates them.
The Role of Feedback
One of the primary mechanisms in the creation and management of emotion is feedback. Feedback means that information about the output of a system passes back to the input and thereby dynamically controls the level of the output. System self-regulation and self-organization depend on feedback, as does self-direction. Feedback loops can be negative or positive. Negative feedback permits stability, whereas positive feedback allows the organism to mount emergency responses. The regulatory processes of homeostasis and allostasis are negative feedback dependent. Negative feedback ensures system stability and maintains homeostasis. Feedback is positive when a variable changes and the system responds by changing that variable even more in the same direction, generating escalation and rapid acceleration.29 This process abandons stability for instability. From an adaptation point of view, positive feedback loop capability is essential for meeting acute threat with defensive arousal. Each mode of operation has adaptive value as a short-range response in certain types of injurious events.
In general, defensive reactions involve a pattern of rapid arousal created through positive feedback that prepares the body and brain for emergency response, followed by a negative feedback-controlled transition to recovery and return to normalcy. Because smaller physiologic systems are nested within larger physiologic systems, higher order systems typically limit positive feedback processes in smaller systems. In some cases, top-down regulation of positive feedback fails, for example, in a panic attack. In other cases, the event that triggered the emotion terminates, and the positive feedback process then stops. Sustained periods of positive feedback have the potential for destructive consequences.
Feedback is the basis of neuroendocrine regulation, as we describe it in the following discussion. Neuroendocrine feedback depends on blood-borne messengers that are typically hormones or peptides. The ANS uses feedback for afferent and efferent functions. The afferent mechanisms signal changes in the viscera and other organs, whereas efferent activity conveys commands to those organs. Consequently, the ANS can maintain feedback loops related to viscera, muscle, blood flow, and other responses. The visceral feedback system exemplifies this process.
The feedback concept is central to the field of psychophysiology: Awareness of physiologic changes elicited by a stimulus is a primary mechanism of emotion. The patient presenting with panic attack, phobia, or anxiety in a mental health setting is reporting a subjective state based on patterns of physiologic signals and not an existential crisis that exists somewhere in the domain of the mind, somehow apart from the body. Similarly, the patient in a medical context expressing emotional distress during a painful procedure, or during uncontrolled postoperative pain, is experiencing the sensory features of that pain against the background of a cacophony of sympathetic arousal and neuroendocrine stress response.
Relationship of Central and Peripheral Mechanisms
Figure 29.2 illustrates that noxious signaling undergoes parallel processing at the cognitive, affective, and sensory levels. An event representing a threat to biologic integrity elicits strong patterns of sympathetic and neuroendocrine response. These, in turn, contribute to the awareness of the perceiver. Sensory processing provides information about the environment, but this information exists in awareness against a background of emotional arousal, either positive or negative, and that arousal may vary from mild to extreme.
The transition from acute to chronic pain may involve complex changes in these pathways. The hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) and SAM axes are vulnerable to dysregulation with prolonged exposure to a stressor or series of stressors. This can include prolonged noxious signaling, as might occur with degenerative disease, or unrelenting noxious neuropathic signaling. Dysregulation in these systems may cause sensitization or impair normal inhibitory modulation. Moreover, neural networks associated with threat, dysphoria, or other
negative emotions such as the frontal-amygdalar system may strengthen and become self-sustaining so that they can persist even in the absence of noxious signaling. Duric and McCarson30 demonstrated that prolonged noxious signaling can produce stress-like damaging effects on the hippocampus, which is involved in the pathogenesis of depressive symptoms.
negative emotions such as the frontal-amygdalar system may strengthen and become self-sustaining so that they can persist even in the absence of noxious signaling. Duric and McCarson30 demonstrated that prolonged noxious signaling can produce stress-like damaging effects on the hippocampus, which is involved in the pathogenesis of depressive symptoms.
Central sensory and affective pain processes share common sensory mechanisms in the periphery. As other chapters in this book describe, Aδ and C fibers serve as tissue trauma transducers (nociceptors) for both, the chemical products of inflammation sensitize these nociceptors, and peripheral neuropathic mechanisms such as ectopic firing excite both processes. In some cases, neuropathic mechanisms may substitute for transduction as we classically define it, producing afferent signal volleys that appear, to the central nervous system, like signals originating in nociceptors. Differentiation of sensory and affective processing begins at the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Sensory transmission follows spinothalamic pathways and transmission destined for affective processing takes place in spinoreticular pathways.
Noxious centripetal transmission engages multiple pathways: spinoreticular, spinomesencephalic, spinolimbic, spinocervical, and spinothalamic tracts,31,32 as Figure 29.3 indicates. The spinoreticular tract contains somatosensory and viscerosensory afferent pathways that arrive at different levels of the brain stem. Spinoreticular axons possess receptive fields that resemble those of spinothalamic tract neurons projecting to medial thalamus, and, like their spinothalamic counterparts, they transmit tissue injury information.33,34 Most spinoreticular neurons carry noxious signals, and many of them respond preferentially to noxious activity.35,36 The spinomesencephalic tract comprises several projections that terminate in multiple midbrain nuclei, including the periaqueductal gray (PAG), the red nucleus, nucleus cuneiformis, and the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.32 Spinolimbic tracts include the spinohypothalamic tract, which reaches both lateral and medial hypothalamus37,38 and the spinoamygdalar tract that extends to the central nucleus of the amygdala.39 The spinocervical tract, like the spinothalamic tract, conveys signals to the thalamus. All of these tracts transmit tissue trauma signals rostrally.
Central Neurotransmitter Systems
Central processing of noxious signals to produce affect undoubtedly involves multiple neurotransmitter systems. Four extrathalamic afferent pathways project to neocortex: the dorsal noradrenergic bundle (DNB) originating in the locus coeruleus (LC), the serotonergic fibers that arise in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei, the dopaminergic pathways of the ventral tegmental tract that arise from substantia nigra, and the acetylcholinergic (ACh) neurons that arise principally from the nucleus basalis of the substantia innominata.40 Of these, the noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways link most closely to negative emotional states.41,42,43 The set of structures receiving projections from this complex and extensive network corresponds to classic definition of the limbic brain.7,43,44,45
Although other processes governed predominantly by other neurotransmitters almost certainly play important roles in the complex experience of emotion during pain, we emphasize the role of central noradrenergic processing here. This limited perspective offers the advantage of simplicity, and the literature on the role of central noradrenergic pathways in anxiety, panic, stress, and posttraumatic stress disorder provides a strong basis.41,46 This processing involves two central noradrenergic pathways: the dorsal and ventral noradrenergic bundles (VNBs) (Fig. 29.4).
Substantial evidence supports the hypothesis that noradrenergic brain pathways are major mechanisms of anxiety and stress.41 The majority of noradrenergic neurons originate in the LC. This pontine nucleus resides bilaterally near the wall of the fourth ventricle. The locus has three major projections: ascending, descending, and cerebellar. The ascending projection, the DNB, is the most extensive and important pathway for our purposes.47 Projecting from the LC throughout limbic brain and to all of neocortex, the DNB accounts for about 70% of all brain norepinephrine.48 The LC gives rise to most central noradrenergic fibers in spinal cord, hypothalamus, thalamus, and hippocampus,49 and in addition, it projects to limbic cortex and neocortex. Consequently, the LC exerts a powerful influence on higher level brain activity.
The noradrenergic stress response hypothesis holds that any stimulus that threatens the biologic, psychological, or psychosocial integrity of the individual increases the firing rate of the LC, and this in turn results in increased release and turnover of norepinephrine in the brain areas involved in noradrenergic innervation. Studies show that the LC reacts to signaling from sensory stimuli that potentially threaten the biologic integrity of the individual or signal damage to that integrity.48 Spinal cord lamina I cells terminate in the LC.33 The major sources of LC afferent input are the paragigantocellularis and prepositus hypoglossi nuclei in the medulla, but destruction of these nuclei does not block LC response to somatosensory stimuli.50,51 Other sources of afferent input to the locus include the lateral hypothalamus, the amygdala, and the solitary nucleus. Whether noxious signaling stimulates the LC directly or indirectly is still uncertain.
It is quite clear that noxious signaling inevitably and reliably increases activity in neurons of the LC, and LC excitation appears to be a consistent response to noxious signaling.48,52,53,54 Notably, this does not require cognitively mediated attentional control because it occurs in anesthetized animals. Foote et al.55 reported that slow, tonic spontaneous activity at the locus in rats changed under anesthesia in response to noxious stimulation. Experimentally induced phasic LC activation produces alarm and apparent fear in primates,56,57 and lesions of the LC eliminate normal heart rate increases to threatening stimuli.58 In a resting animal, LC neurons discharge in a slow, phasic manner.59
The LC reacts consistently, but not exclusively, to noxious signaling. LC firing rates increase following nonnoxious but threatening events, such as strong cardiovascular stimulation,53,60 and certain visceral events, such as distention of the bladder, stomach, colon, or rectum.48,61 Highly novel and sudden stimuli that could represent potential threat, such as loud clicks or light flashes, can also excite the LC in experimental animals.59 Thus, the LC responds to biologically threatening or potentially threatening events, of which tissue injury is a significant subset. Amaral and Sinnamon62 described the LC as a central analog of the sympathetic ganglia. Viewed in this way, it is an extension of the autonomic protective mechanism described earlier.
Invasive studies confirm the linkage between LC activity and threat. Direct activation of the DNB and associated limbic structures in laboratory animals produces sympathetic nervous system response and elicits emotional behaviors such as defensive threat, fright, enhanced startle, freezing, and vocalization.63 This indicates that enhanced activity in these pathways corresponds to negative emotional arousal and behaviors appropriate to perceived threat. LC firing rates increase two- to threefold during the defense response elicited in a cat that has perceived a dog.26 Moreover, infusion of norepinephrine into the hypothalamus of an awake cat elicits a defensive rage reaction that includes activation of the LC noradrenergic system. In general, the mammalian defense response involves increased regional turnover and release of norepinephrine in the brain regions that the LC innervates. The LC response to threat, therefore, may be a component of the partly “prewired” patterns associated with the defense response.
Increased alertness is a key element in early stages of the defense response. Normally, activity in the LC increases alertness. Tonically enhanced LC and DNB discharge corresponds to hypervigilance and emotionality.41,55,64 The DNB is the mechanism for vigilance and defensive orientation to affectively relevant and novel stimuli. It also regulates attentional processes and facilitates motor responses.40,43,48,65 In this sense, the LC influences the stream of consciousness on an ongoing basis and readies the individual to respond quickly and effectively to threat when it occurs.
LC and DNB support biologic survival by making possible global vigilance for threatening and harmful stimuli. Siegel and Rogawski66 hypothesized a link between the LC noradrenergic system and vigilance, focusing on rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. They noted that LC noradrenergic neurons maintain continuous activity in both normal waking state and non-REM sleep, but during REM sleep, these neurons virtually cease discharge activity. Moreover, an increase in REM sleep ensues after either lesion of the DNB or following administration of clonidine, an α2 adrenoceptor agonist. Because LC inactivation during REM sleep permits rebuilding of noradrenergic stores, REM sleep may be necessary preparation for sustained periods of high alertness during subsequent waking. Siegel and Rogawski66(p226) contended that “a principal function of NE in the CNS is to facilitate the excitability of target neurons to specific high priority signals.” Conversely, reduced LC activity periods (REM sleep) allow time for a suppression of sympathetic tone.
Both adaptation and sensitization can alter the LC response to threat. Abercrombie and Jacobs67,68 demonstrated a noradrenergically mediated increase in heart rate in cats exposed to white noise. Elevated heart rate decreased with repeated exposure as did LC activation and circulating levels of norepinephrine. Libet and Gleason69 found that stimulation via permanently implanted LC electrodes did not elicit indefinite anxiety. This indicates that the brain either adapts to locus excitation or engages a compensatory response to excessive LC activation under some circumstances. In addition, central noradrenergic responsiveness changes as a function of learning. In the cat, pairing a stimulus with a noxious air puff results in increased LC firing with subsequent presentations of the stimulus, but previous pairing of that stimulus with a food reward produces no alteration in LC firing rates with repeated presentation.59 These studies show that, despite its apparently “prewired” behavioral subroutines, the noradrenergic brain shows substantial neuroplasticity. The emotional response of animals and people to a painful stimulus can adapt, and it can change as a function of experience.

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