Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery
Judith Weingram
A 72-year-old man with biopsy-proven carcinoma of the prostate had a prostatespecific antigen (PSA) of 22 ng per mL but negative pelvic computed tomography (CT) and bone scans. He weighed 120 kg. Despite hypertension, a 50 pack-year smoking history, and recent surgery for retinal detachments, he was vigorous and active. He chose to be treated surgically.
A. Medical Disease and Differential Diagnosis
What is the incidence of carcinoma of the prostate?
How is prostate cancer diagnosed?
How is prostate cancer treated?
Define laparoscopy.
Describe the development of robotic-assisted laparoscopy.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopy?
What are the differences in pulmonary function after laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with open cholecystectomy?
What are the contraindications to laparoscopic surgery? Is pregnancy a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery?
What other specialties commonly perform laparoscopic or other endoscopic surgery?
Why is carbon dioxide (CO2) the gas of choice for laparoscopy? What are its disadvantages?
How much endogenous CO2 is produced at basal level and at maximal exercise?
How much CO2 is stored in the body? Where is it stored? Of what significance is this to laparoscopy?
Describe the diffusion and solubility properties of CO2 and their significance in laparoscopy.
Is CO2 soluble in water or plasma? Is it soluble in blood? Why?
B. Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation
What do you want to know about this patient’s history and physical condition that may affect whether or not you clear him for laparoscopic surgery?
What factors increase this patient’s risk of pulmonary complications?
What laboratory tests should be performed preoperatively?
What specific information should the patient be given about robotic surgery before obtaining informed consent?
What additional procedures should be done before surgery?
What are the three major forces that uniquely alter the patient’s physiology during laparoscopy?
C. Intraoperative Management
What is the anesthetic technique of choice for robotic-assisted laparoscopy? Why?
Can a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) be used?
What anesthetic agents or adjuvant drugs are recommended for laparoscopy? Are any anesthetic agents contraindicated?
Should nitrous oxide (N2O) be used during laparoscopy? What are the pros and cons? Does N2O cause bowel distention during laparoscopy? Does N2O cause nausea and vomiting after laparoscopy?
Can laparoscopy be performed under local anesthesia or regional anesthesia?
What monitors and devices would you apply to the patient? Why?
How is the patient to be positioned? What special precautions are required for robotic laparoscopy?
How will you ventilate the patient? What are the respiratory and circulatory effects of the Trendelenburg position during laparoscopy?
What techniques are available for initial laparoscopic access to the peritoneal cavity? What anesthetic problems can arise during insufflation?
What intravenous (IV) solution and how much fluid volume do you plan to infuse?
Under what circumstances should laparoscopy be converted to laparotomy?
What is the arterial to end-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) gradient (PaCO2-PETCO2) in the normal awake patient? What is the cause of the gradient? Does the gradient change during laparoscopy? Why?
Is an arterial line necessary? Why? Does end-tidal CO2 tension accurately reflect arterial CO2 tension? Under what circumstances may the PETCO2 exceed the PaCO2? Why?
What are the possible causes of hypercarbia?
What factors play a role in the unusually rapid and marked elevation of CO2 that is sometimes seen in laparoscopy?
How rapidly does the PaCO2 rise in the apneic patient (endogenous CO2)? How rapidly does the PaCO2 rise if 5% CO2 gas is inhaled (exogenous)? How rapidly can the CO2 rise during laparoscopy? What factors explain the differences?
What are the direct and indirect effects of hypercarbia on the cardiovascular system? How are these effects altered by increased intra-abdominal pressure and patient position during laparoscopy?
What are the direct and indirect effects of hypercarbia on the respiratory system? Are these effects altered by increased intra-abdominal pressure and patient position?
What are the direct and indirect effects of hypercarbia on the central nervous system? How are these effects altered by increased intra-abdominal pressure and patient position during laparoscopy?
What are the neuroendocrine changes that occur during laparoscopy?
What are the direct and indirect effects of laparoscopy on the renal system?
What is the effect of laparoscopy on the bowel and gastrointestinal system?
How would you recognize a CO2 embolism during laparoscopy? How does this differ from an air embolism? Why should N2O be discontinued during suspected embolization? Will N2O increase the size of CO2 emboli?
What is the mechanism of increase in shunting resulting from embolization?
How is a gas embolism (CO2 or air) treated?
What are the causes of pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum during laparoscopy? How would you diagnose it? How would you treat it?
How would you decide when to extubate?
D. Postoperative Management
What are some of the unique complications of laparoscopy?
What postoperative orders will you write? When would you remove the Foley catheter and arterial line? Under what circumstances would you order a chest x-ray film?
What is the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting?
A. Medical Disease and Differential Diagnosis
A.1. What is the incidence of carcinoma of the prostate?
Carcinoma of the prostate is the most frequently diagnosed cancer (except for skin cancer) in American men. In 1983, the incidence of carcinoma of the prostate was approximately 75,000 new cases along with 25,000 deaths of old cases. In 2014, the American Cancer Society estimates that the newly diagnosed incidence will be 233,000 (or 27% of all new cancers) and 29,480 deaths in existing cases (or 10% of all cancer deaths).
This “epidemic” increase in carcinoma of the prostate stems from widespread use of the PSA blood test to detect the disease earlier rather than from a true rise in incidence of the disease. Undetected microscopic prostate cancer cells are believed to be present in 30% to 40% of men older than the age of 50 years and in 75% of men older than the age of 75 years, but it is estimated that only approximately 8% of these men will develop clinically significant disease. It has been stated that more men die with prostate cancer than from it. Therefore, it is not yet known whether early detection of subclinical disease, much of which may have remained clinically insignificant, will improve survival.
Carcinoma of the prostate is rare in Asian men, whereas African-American men have about twice the incidence as white American men.
American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2014. Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society; 2008. Jemal J, Siegel R, Xu J, et al. Cancer statistics, 2010. CA Cancer J Clin. 2010;60(5):277-300.
Potosky AL, Miller BA, Albertsen PC, et al. The role of increasing detection in the rising incidence of prostate cancer. JAMA. 1995;273:548-552.
A.2. How is prostate cancer diagnosed?
The most reliable methods for diagnosis include a digital rectal examination plus the serum PSA level. Palpation of a tumor or indurated area and finding an elevated PSA should be followed by prostatic needle biopsies, perhaps under transrectal ultrasound guidance.
Hayes JH, Barry MJ. Screening for prostate cancer with the prostate-specific antigen test: a review of current evidence. JAMA. 2014;311:1143-1149.
Qaseem A, Barry MJ, Denberg TD, et al. Screening for prostate cancer: a guidance statement from the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med. 2013;158:761-769.
A.3. How is prostate cancer treated?
Treatment choices vary not only with the stage of the disease but also with the patient’s age and life expectancy, associated medical conditions, and lifestyle. In patients with localized disease, treatment choices include “watchful waiting,” brachytherapy (in which radioactive seeds are implanted in the prostate gland), radiation (including external beam, intensity modulated radiation therapy, stereotactic therapy, proton beam therapy, etc.), cryosurgery, vaccine therapy, and other nonsurgical treatments. Surgical options include traditional open radical prostatectomy performed through either a retropubic (lower abdominal) or perineal incision or laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, which can be hand-assisted or robot-assisted.
A patient with nonlocalized disease may choose to be treated with radiation, hormones, chemotherapy, other nonsurgical options, or even to have no treatment.
Coelho RF, Rocco B, Patel MB, et al. Retropubic, laparoscopic, and robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a critical review of outcomes reported by high-volume centers. J Endourol. 2010;24:2003-2015.
D’Alonzo RC, Gan TJ, Moul JW, et al. A retrospective comparison of anesthetic management of robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy versus radical retropubic prostatectomy. J Clin Anesth. 2009;21(5):322-328.
Lim SK, Kim KH, Shin TY, et al. Current status of robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: how does it compare with other surgical approaches? Int J Urol. 2013;20:271-284.
A.4. Define laparoscopy.
Laparoscopy (or peritoneoscopy) is a “minimally invasive” procedure allowing endoscopic access to the peritoneal cavity after insufflation of a gas (CO2) to create space between the anterior abdominal wall and the viscera. The space is necessary for the safe manipulation of instruments and organs. Laparoscopic surgery can also be extraperitoneal. It can also be gasless with abdominal wall retraction, and more recently, it may be hand-assisted or robotically assisted.
Seifman BD, Wolf JS Jr. Technical advances in laparoscopy: hand assistance, retractors, and the pneumodissector. J Endourol. 2000;14:921-928.
A.5. Describe the development of robotic-assisted laparoscopy.
The era of open incisions in which surgeons could directly see, touch, and manipulate organs was superseded by minimally invasive surgery in which tiny cameras and laparoscopes could be inserted through small ports in the patient’s body. However, conventional laparoscopy is limited by poor depth perception (visualization on a two-dimensional monitor) and the use of long, straight instruments that limit mobility and dexterity.
Robotic devices were initially designed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for the purpose of performing tasks outside the Space Shuttle while being controlled remotely from inside the spacecraft or from earth. This technology was adapted for surgery as the Da Vinci computer-assisted robotic system.
The surgeon sits at a remote control console near the patient and operating room table and views the operative field as a high-resolution magnified three-dimensional image transmitted from a video camera. By using hand-and-finger control devices, the surgeon can precisely manipulate the mechanical arms of the robot to achieve wrist-like motion. Foot pedals also allow the surgeon to more precisely control the robot, camera, and cautery.
Awad H, Walker CM, Shaikh M, et al. Anesthetic considerations for robotic prostatectomy: a review of the literature. J Clin Anesth. 2012;24:494-504.
Wilson T, Torrey R. Open versus robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy: which is better? Curr Opin Urol. 2011;21(3):200-205.
A.6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopy?
The advantages include the cosmetic results of small, non-muscle-splitting incisions, decreased blood loss, less postoperative pain and ileus, shorter hospitalization and convalescence, and ultimately lower cost. Postoperative respiratory muscle function returns to normal more quickly than in open surgery, especially in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and other upper abdominal procedures. Wound complications such as infection and dehiscence are less frequent, and host defense mechanisms may be greater in laparoscopic than in open surgery.
The disadvantages include the long learning curve for the surgeon (most complications occur during the first 10 laparoscopies), the narrowed two-dimensional visual field on video in conventional laparoscopy, the need for general anesthesia, and the potentially longer operative duration. Ideally, surgeons should have more advanced laparoscopic skills, especially in knot tying, suturing, and working two instruments simultaneously. The use of simulators to enhance these skills has been advocated.
Robotic-assisted laparoscopy, by virtue of its high-resolution three-dimensional visualization and greater precision, offers a greater likelihood of nerve sparing in prostatectomy and, therefore, retention of continence and potency. The disadvantages of the robot include added
operative time, the high cost (in millions of dollars) of equipment purchase and maintenance, and the need for a permanently dedicated operating room location for this heavy and bulky equipment.
operative time, the high cost (in millions of dollars) of equipment purchase and maintenance, and the need for a permanently dedicated operating room location for this heavy and bulky equipment.
Robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is now the most commonly performed robotic surgery in the United States.
Conacher ID, Soomro NA, Rix D. Anaesthesia for laparoscopic urological surgery. Br J Anaesth. 2004;93(6):859-864.
Soto E, Lo Y, Friedman K, et al. Total laparoscopic hysterectomy versus da Vinci robotic hysterectomy: is using the robot beneficial? J Gynecol Oncol. 2011;22:253-259.
A.7. What are the differences in pulmonary function after laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with open cholecystectomy?
Pulmonary function is substantially impaired after a large upper abdominal or subcostal muscle-splitting incision, as in open cholecystectomy. Marked diaphragmatic dysfunction occurs postoperatively due to both reflex diaphragmatic changes and incisional pain. Vital capacity and functional residual capacity (FRC) may be reduced by 20% to 40% of preoperative values, and they may not return to normal until 2 to 3 days after surgery. The mini-incision of laparoscopic cholecystectomy results in far less pulmonary and diaphragmatic loss of function as well as less ileus.
Bablekos GD, Michaelides SA, Roussou T, et al. Changes in breathing control and mechanics after laparoscopic vs open cholecystectomy. Arch Surg. 2006;141(1):16-22.
Gunnarsson L, Lindberg P, Tokics L, et al. Lung function after open versus laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 1995;39:302-306.
Hong SJ, Cho EJ, Lee JY, et al. The physiologic response to laparoscopic cholecystectomy: CO(2) pneumoperitoneum vs wall lift. Can J Anaesth. 2003;50(2):200-201.
A.8. What are the contraindications to laparoscopic surgery? Is pregnancy a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery?
Increasing experience with the laparoscopic technique has made most contraindications relative rather than absolute. However, it is probably best to avoid or to use extreme caution in patients with a coagulopathy, a diaphragmatic hernia, severe cardiovascular or pulmonary disease (including bullae), increased intracranial pressure or space-occupying masses, a retinal detachment, impending renal shutdown, a history of extensive surgery or adhesions, sickle cell disease (because sickle crisis may be precipitated by acidosis), peritonitis, a large intra-abdominal mass, a tumor of the abdominal wall, or hypovolemic shock. Patients with shunts (e.g., ventriculoperitoneal) are at risk for gas emboli, shunt obstruction, and intracranial hypertension, all of which may occur during laparoscopy and may require intracranial pressure monitoring and ventricular drainage if laparoscopic surgery is necessary. In summary, most of the contraindications concern patients who are unable to tolerate extremes of position, pneumoperitoneum, and/or hypercarbia.
Although pregnancy has been considered a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery in the past, an increasing number of such procedures are being performed in the parturient. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now more frequent than open cholecystectomy in the pregnant patient. The overall objective of laparoscopic and open surgery is to preserve fetal and maternal well-being and to prevent premature labor. In addition to the general problems of anesthesia for the parturient, the anesthesiologist also must consider the specific problems that result from the interplay between the anatomic and physiologic changes of pregnancy and the anatomic and physiologic triad of pneumoperitoneum, hypercarbia, and positional changes.
Factors to consider in the management of the pregnant patient include awareness of her increased blood volume, increased cardiac output, decreased systemic vascular resistance (SVR), hypercoagulability, the supine hypotensive syndrome, increased respiratory minute volume, decreased residual volume, decreased FRC, increased oxygen consumption, mild hypocapnia, increased risk of aspiration, and decreased anesthetic requirement. This combination of factors tends to promote hypercarbia and hypoxemia. However, extreme
hyperventilation may result in decreased uteroplacental perfusion. Arterial blood gas monitoring has been suggested to detect fetal acidosis because capnography may not reveal a large arterial to end-tidal difference in CO2. In all cases, preoperative and postoperative fetal and uterine monitoring is essential.
hyperventilation may result in decreased uteroplacental perfusion. Arterial blood gas monitoring has been suggested to detect fetal acidosis because capnography may not reveal a large arterial to end-tidal difference in CO2. In all cases, preoperative and postoperative fetal and uterine monitoring is essential.
Chohan L, Kilpatrick CC. Laparoscopy in pregnancy: a literature review. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2009;52(4):557-569.
Ravaoherisoa J, Meyer P, Afriat R, et al. Laparoscopic surgery in a patient with ventriculoperitoneal shunt: monitoring of shunt function with transcranial Doppler. Br J Anaesth. 2004;92(3):434-437.
Steinbrook RA, Bhavani-Shankar K. Hemodynamics during laparoscopic surgery in pregnancy. Anesth Analg. 2001;93:1570-1571.
A.9. What other specialties commonly perform laparoscopic or other endoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic procedures in urology have become standard, especially for prostatectomy, uncomplicated adrenalectomy, and nephrectomy, including live donor nephrectomy. Laparoscopic gynecologic surgery includes tubal surgery (sterilization, treatment of ectopic pregnancy, etc.), cystectomies, hysterectomies, various ablations (endometriosis), and so on. Laparoscopy is performed in pregnancy and also in pediatrics.
Laparoscopic general surgery includes cholecystectomy, hernia repair, antireflux procedures, splenectomy, appendectomy, bowel surgery including bariatric procedures, and various other upper and lower abdominal procedures.
Thoracoscopic, cardiovascular, and neurosurgical intracranial surgery, using modified laparoscopic instruments without the need for gas insufflation, are some of the more recent areas of endoscopic surgery. Lumbar discectomies and other types of spinal surgery also have been done laparoscopically through an anterior approach. Even autopsies have been attempted laparoscopically. The list continues to grow.
Brown SL, Biehl TR, Rawlins MC, et al. Laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy: a comparison with the conventional open approach. J Urol. 2001;165:766-769.
Pennant JH. Anesthesia for laparoscopy in the pediatric patient. Anesthesiol Clin North America. 2001;19(1):69-88.
Rodrigues ES, Lynch JJ, Suri RM, et al. Robotic mitral valve repair: a review of anesthetic management of the first 200 patients. J Cardiothor Vasc Anesth. 2014;28(1):64-68.
A.10. Why is carbon dioxide (CO2) the gas of choice for laparoscopy? What are its disadvantages?
CO2 is the insufflating gas of choice because it is nonflammable, does not support combustion, readily diffuses across membranes, is rapidly removed in the lungs, and is highly soluble because of rapid buffering in whole blood. The risk of CO2 embolization is small. As much as 200 mL of CO2 injected directly into a peripheral vein may not be lethal, whereas only 20 mL of air may prove to be so. In addition, CO2 levels in blood and expired air can easily be measured, and its elimination can be facilitated by increasing ventilation. As long as oxygen requirements are met, a high concentration of blood CO2 can be tolerated. Also, medical grade CO2 is readily available and inexpensive.
It is for these reasons that the following gases are unsatisfactory for pneumoperitoneum: nitrous oxide (does not cause pain intra-abdominally but does not suppress combustion); oxygen (flammable); helium, air, and nitrogen (each has no hemodynamic or acid-base sequelae but can cause gas emboli); and argon (adverse effect on hepatic blood flow, emboli).
It should be emphasized, however, that CO2 plays a dual role in the body, and it is not inert. Under normal circumstances, it is an intrinsic waste product of metabolism. During laparoscopic surgery, it acts as an extrinsic drug often present in quantities far larger than the body is physiologically capable of generating even with the most extreme exercise or hypermetabolic state.
The disadvantages mainly stem from the fact that CO2 is not inert, and it has contradictory roles as an endogenous chemical and as an exogenous foreign substance. Changes in its concentration and tensions have enormous biochemical and physiologic consequences. Changes at the local tissue level are often at odds with the overall systemic effect. It causes direct peritoneal irritation and pain during laparoscopy under local anesthesia because it transiently forms carbonic acid when in contact with the moist peritoneum. In addition,
CO2 is not very soluble in the absence of red blood cells, and therefore, it can remain in gaseous form intraperitoneally (subhepatic) after laparoscopy, causing referred shoulder pain. Hypercarbia and respiratory acidosis occur when the buffering capacity of blood is temporarily exceeded. In addition, CO2 exerts widespread local and systemic effects that may manifest overall as hypertension, tachycardia, cerebral vasodilation, hypercarbia, and respiratory acidosis.
CO2 is not very soluble in the absence of red blood cells, and therefore, it can remain in gaseous form intraperitoneally (subhepatic) after laparoscopy, causing referred shoulder pain. Hypercarbia and respiratory acidosis occur when the buffering capacity of blood is temporarily exceeded. In addition, CO2 exerts widespread local and systemic effects that may manifest overall as hypertension, tachycardia, cerebral vasodilation, hypercarbia, and respiratory acidosis.
Menes T, Spivak H. Laparoscopy: searching for the proper insufflation gas. Surg Endosc. 2000;14(11):1050-1056.
Tsereteli Z, Terry ML, Bowers SP, et al. Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum for laparoscopic surgery. J Am Coll Surg. 2002;195(2):173-180.
Weingram J. Laparoscopic and laser surgery. In: Malhotra V, ed. Anesthesia for Renal and Genito-urologic Surgery. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1996:157.
A.11. How much endogenous CO2 is produced at basal level and at maximal exercise?
CO2 and water are the major end products of aerobic metabolism in the mitochondria of the cells. Carbonic acid, the major acid produced in the body, is uniquely volatile, and therefore, it must be eliminated mainly by the lungs. (Other acids are eliminated by the kidney.)
At basal rate, an average adult manufactures approximately 200 mL of CO2 per minute (while consuming 250 mL of O2) or 12 L of CO2 (35 g) per hour. At maximal metabolic rate, it is estimated that the body can produce, transport, and excrete 90 to 100 L per hour, an 800% increase over the basal rate.
Lumb AB. Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2010:159-173.
A.12. How much CO2 is stored in the body? Where is it stored? Of what significance is this to laparoscopy?
The body contains approximately 120 L of stored CO2, most of it in the form of carbonate ion in bone. (This is approximately 100 times the amount of stored oxygen.) CO2 in the blood is in equilibrium with CO2 in different tissues. The rate of uptake and distribution of CO2 from the blood (where it exists as bicarbonate ion) depends on the perfusion and storage capacity of those different tissues. The well-perfused tissues, including brain, kidneys, and blood, come to rapid equilibrium. The medium-perfused compartment consists mainly of resting skeletal muscle. The slowly perfused compartment, mainly fat and bone (where it exists as the carbonate ion), has the largest CO2 storage capacity. In contrast to rapidly changing oxygen levels, CO2 levels reach equilibrium more slowly.
These storage sites serve to buffer and stabilize blood CO2 levels because they provide a place for excess CO2 to “park” until ventilation can catch up and restore equilibrium. The increase in CO2 storage during laparoscopy is illustrated clinically by the decelerating rate of rise in PETCO2 despite continuing insufflation. Blood or end-tidal CO2 levels increase rapidly at first and plateau between 15 and 35 minutes despite continuing low flow insufflation. At constant ventilation, CO2 levels increase but not as much as if no simultaneous storage processes were occurring. But if ventilation is increased to keep CO2 constant, then the increase needed is only approximately 40% of the predicted volume of ventilation because of the drain off of CO2 into the storage sites.
Lumb AB. Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2010:159-173.
Seed RF, Shakespeare TF, Muldoon MJ. Carbon dioxide homeostasis during anaesthesia for laparoscopy. Anaesthesia. 1970;25:223-231.
A.13. Describe the diffusion and solubility properties of CO2 and their significance in laparoscopy.
Diffusion describes the process by which gases travel from an area of higher partial pressure to one of lower partial pressure. For a gaseous environment, Graham’s law states that the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of its density (i.e., the smaller the molecule, the more easily it will diffuse).
TABLE 26.1 Influence of Physical Properties on the Diffusion of Gas through a Gas/Liquid Interface | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When that same gas molecule arrives at an aqueous membrane (e.g., a gas-liquid interface), the solubility of that gas in water now becomes the major factor in determining its diffusing capacity (as shown in Table 26.1). The water solubility of CO2 is 24 times that of O2, whereas the diffusion capacity of CO2 is 20.5 times that of O2. The capacity of a gas to diffuse across an aqueous membrane is directly proportional to its solubility in water and inversely proportional to its molecular weight. However, the actual movement of that gas across the aqueous membrane depends not only on its diffusing capacity but also more importantly on the pressure gradient across that membrane (Table 26.1).
The fate of CO2 gas insufflated into the peritoneal cavity is the same that would occur in any other closed but distensible cavity. The pressure obtained within the cavity varies directly with the volume of gas insufflated and indirectly with the compliance of the closed cavity. Therefore, the ability of CO2 to move from the closed peritoneal cavity to the lungs for excretion is dependent on its intrinsic diffusion and solubility properties, the rate of continuing CO2 insufflation, the surface area of the cavity, and the partial pressure difference across membranes.
Lumb AB. Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2010:159-173.
McHoney M, Corizia L, Eaton S, et al. Carbon dioxide elimination during laparoscopy in children is age dependent. J Pediatr Surg. 2003;38(1):105-110.
A.14. Is CO2 soluble in water or plasma? Is it soluble in blood? Why?
CO2 is relatively insoluble in plasma, interstitial fluid, and water. (Think of the rapid escape of gas from a freshly opened carbonated soft drink.) The solubility of CO2 in water at 37°C (98.6°F) is only 0.03 mmol/L/mm Hg. This must be contrasted to the very high solubility of CO2 in whole blood. This extremely important distinction exists because of a zinc-containing enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, that exists within the erythrocyte but not at all in plasma.

In the equation shown, carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the left side of the equation (i.e., the hydration of CO2 to H2CO3). Once formed, carbonic acid is unstable and immediately dissociates into H+ and
. It is estimated that without carbonic anhydrase, it would take 200 seconds at 38°C (100.4°F) for the previous reaction to come to 10% equilibrium. Because blood travels through the pulmonary capillaries in less than 1 second, carbonic anhydrase speeds up the reaction by a factor of 7,500 times.

Carbonic anhydrase, therefore, allows the insufflated CO2 gas to be dissolved and carried as bicarbonate in the blood. The process is reversed in the lungs, and the reconstituted CO2 gas is removed by respiration.
Christian G, Greene NM. Blood carbonic anhydrase activity in anesthetized man. Anesthesiology. 1962;23:179-186.
Lumb AB. Nunn’s Applied Respiratory Physiology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier; 2010:159-173.
B. Preoperative Evaluation and Preparation
B.1. What do you want to know about this patient’s history and physical condition that may affect whether or not you clear him for laparoscopic surgery?
All patient comorbidities must be evaluated to ensure optimal pharmacologic management preoperatively. Because of this patient’s advanced age, it is best to form one’s own observations of his mental and physical condition. Is he confused, short of breath, kyphoscoliotic, and so forth? A glimpse at where and how this patient’s body weight is distributed means more than just knowing that he weighs 120 kg. Ask about smoking, wheezing, any change in exercise tolerance, cough, recent upper respiratory infection, or change in medications. Perform your usual preoperative evaluation and obtain any consultations that may be informative. Consult with the surgeon regarding the need for appropriate preoperative antibiotics. Find out when his retinal detachments were repaired and if intraocular gas was used.
Efron DT, Bender JS. Laparoscopic surgery in older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2001;49:658-663.
B.2. What factors increase this patient’s risk of pulmonary complications?
The laparoscopic procedure itself. The basic laparoscopic Trendelenburg position and the increased intraperitoneal volumes and pressures in a paralyzed, mechanically ventilated patient cause respiratory dysfunction. Insufflation pressures should not exceed 12 to 15 mm Hg. Lower pressures are especially advantageous in American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class III and IV patients with diminished cardiopulmonary reserve. In addition, an increased CO2 load might call for respiratory minute volumes that are so large that further cardiopulmonary compromise occurs.
Age. Pulmonary function declines with age, especially in a patient older than age 70 years.
Smoking/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smokers have increased tracheobronchial secretions with decreased ciliary transport function. They may already have significant pulmonary dysfunction, which may be manifested by diminished exercise tolerance. The forced vital capacity may be diminished in restrictive pulmonary disease, whereas the forced expired volume in 1 second is likely to be decreased in obstructive pulmonary disease.
Obesity. Obesity compounds the problems of increased intra-abdominal pressure in the Trendelenburg position. Excessive weight and pressure on the diaphragm and lung bases can lead to marked ventilation and perfusion abnormalities, difficulty in inserting trocars, upward displacement of the carina (leading to possible endobronchial intubation), barotrauma, and so forth.
Overhydration. Patients often experience oliguria during laparoscopy. This may be interpreted as insufficient hydration, and a relative overhydration with intravenous fluids may ensue. Unless frank pulmonary edema occurs, this cause of mild or moderate respiratory distress in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) may not be recognized without a chest x-ray film.
Kendall AP, Bhatt S, Oh TE. Pulmonary consequences of carbon dioxide insufflation for laparoscopic cholecystectomies. Anaesthesia. 1995;50:286-289.
B.3. What laboratory tests should be performed preoperatively?
Basic tests should include complete blood count, urinalysis, clotting functions, electrocardiogram (ECG), and blood typing and screening. In addition, baseline electrolytes, chemistries, and renal function tests (blood urea nitrogen, creatinine) should be obtained because of the possibility of oliguria during a long laparoscopy. Baseline pulmonary function tests, arterial blood gas measurement, and oxygen saturation values while breathing room air would be helpful in this patient. Markedly abnormal values might suggest the need for
bronchodilators, antibiotics, postural drainage, and delay in surgery until pulmonary function is optimal for this particular patient. Baseline chest films are necessary not only to rule out active disease but also for postoperative comparison of acute changes such as subcutaneous or mediastinal emphysema, pneumothorax, or interstitial or pulmonary edema. The presence of bullae on preoperative chest x-ray films may represent a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery because of the accompanying large tidal volumes and high intrathoracic pressures.
bronchodilators, antibiotics, postural drainage, and delay in surgery until pulmonary function is optimal for this particular patient. Baseline chest films are necessary not only to rule out active disease but also for postoperative comparison of acute changes such as subcutaneous or mediastinal emphysema, pneumothorax, or interstitial or pulmonary edema. The presence of bullae on preoperative chest x-ray films may represent a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery because of the accompanying large tidal volumes and high intrathoracic pressures.
In patients with cardiac issues, echocardiogram, stress test, and cardiology clearance may be advisable.
Miller RD, Cohen NH, Eriksson LI, et al, eds. Miller’s Anesthesia. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015:1085-1155.
B.4. What specific information should the patient be given about robotic surgery before obtaining informed consent?
In addition to the usual general complications of the planned surgery and anesthesia, the patient must also be told of the complications unique to robotic laparoscopy, and consent for possible laparotomy must be obtained. Emergency laparotomy may be required in the event of complications such as hemorrhage, organ perforation, or anatomic or technical difficulties. The patient should also be told about the possibility of having postoperative referred shoulder pain.
B.5. What additional procedures should be done before surgery?
Although the surgery is described as minimally invasive, the patient must be ready for maximally invasive surgery if necessary. Therefore, the patient must comply with preoperative orders regarding the following:
Diet—it should consist of clear liquids the day before surgery; nothing orally after midnight.
A complete bowel preparation is necessary.
Preoperative antibiotics, as per surgeon
B.6. What are the three major forces that uniquely alter the patient’s physiology during laparoscopy?
Pneumoperitoneum, and problems related to the creation, maintenance, and consequences of the increase in intra-abdominal pressure and volumeStay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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