Chapter 45
Regional Anesthesia
Upper and Lower Extremity Blocks
The advantages of regional anesthesia techniques as opposed to general anesthesia are numerous and include reduction in nausea and vomiting, decreased urinary retention, reduction in the surgical stress response, fewer recovery room admissions, earlier patient discharge, reduction in blood loss, better communication with and easier positioning of the patient, avoidance of airway compromise and cervical manipulation, reduced environmental exposure to anesthetic gases, and improved postoperative analgesia.1–4
The use of long-acting local anesthetics, the introduction of peripheral nerve stimulators, ultrasonography, and the placement of peripheral nerve catheters have significantly altered the landscape with respect to the practice of regional anesthesia and pain management. The best strategy for achieving maximum successful conduction block may be to use a combination of these advances. Although the type of complications associated with peripheral nerve block as compared with general anesthesia are different, the frequency and severity of the complications are likely similar.2
Selection of Regional Anesthesia Techniques
When regional anesthesia is chosen for management of pain, the technique should be thoroughly discussed with the patient beforehand. The patient is informed of all optional procedures available, their potential risks, and their potential complications before an anesthesia technique is selected. Once this conversation takes place, the most appropriate anesthesia technique can be selected, and true informed consent can be obtained. Regional anesthesia is used extensively for surgical procedures involving the extremities or the lower abdomen, for the management of labor pain, for the management of obstetric procedures, and for the control of chronic pain syndromes. Frequently, regional anesthesia techniques are used in combination with other techniques to provide analgesia or anesthesia during surgical or obstetric procedures. Regional anesthesia may be the technique of choice when local anesthesia requires supplementation with heavy sedation. These techniques provide the patient with additional anesthesia options when selecting an anesthetic for surgical or obstetric procedures. It is the preferred technique for obstetrics and many other types of procedures.5–10
The administration of regional anesthesia to patients with a difficult airway or a full stomach presents both additional benefits and potential risks. The use of regional anesthesia, when appropriate, permits the patient to retain upper airway and pharyngeal reflexes while providing surgical anesthesia. Unless the sedation is reduced to a minimum, the airway may not be protected after the administration of the regional technique. Furthermore, block of the sympathetic nervous system theoretically results in increased gastric and intestinal motility, causing the stomach to empty sooner. However, this benefit may be negated by the perception of pain and anxiety that accompanies injury. If hypotension develops, the patient may have increased nausea and vomiting. When the block is instituted, the patient may lose consciousness as a result of the effects of alcohol if the patient is intoxicated at the time of treatment. At this point, airway support is required, and other problems may arise as well. Regional anesthesia should not be considered an alternative to securing the airway. If the patient’s airway cannot be secured in a safe manner in an emergent situation, use of a regional anesthetic should be avoided. The airway concerns must be addressed before the anesthetic technique is initiated so that the patient’s safety is maximized.11
Absolute Contraindications
Contraindications to the selection of regional anesthesia techniques are few, and some remain controversial. Absolute contraindications include patient refusal, uncorrected coagulation deficiencies, and infection at the site of the block. The most significant absolute contraindication to regional anesthesia is patient refusal. Each patient must be informed of the acceptable techniques that will provide analgesia or anesthesia, as well as significant risks and potential benefits. The discussion must include the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed technique. The patient’s questions should be answered completely. This level of communication helps the practitioner uncover misconceptions while educating the patient about regional anesthesia.12
Another absolute contraindication is systemic anticoagulation in the patient. Certain drugs and systemic diseases can cause alterations in the coagulation profile. The long-term or extended use of aspirin products or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can prolong bleeding time without significantly altering other laboratory data. The patient’s medical and pharmacologic history may provide information about increased bleeding time. Asking the patient about frequent bruising without injury may reveal the first indication of a problem. For instance, physical evaluation of the skin may show evidence of bruising or subcutaneous bleeding of which the patient may not recall the cause. If injury to a large epidural vessel were to occur during the performance of either a spinal or an epidural technique, significant bleeding could develop in the epidural space. A similar injury to the axillary artery in the confined space of the axilla might result in a hematoma that would produce further complications. Injury to a large vessel in the neck during an interscalene technique could result in compromise of the airway. Guidelines for the use of regional techniques in a patient receiving anticoagulation therapy are given in Chapter 44.
Severe bleeding with or without symptomatic hypovolemia or the potential for severe bleeding is a contraindication to the administration of a regional anesthetic. The contraindication can be considered either absolute or relative, depending on the clinical presentation of the patient. Trauma, along with physiologic or pathophysiologic conditions that cause contracted volume states and abruptio placentae, can result in the development of significant hypotension and tachycardia after the initiation of regional anesthesia, especially spinal or epidural anesthesia. A blockade of the sympathetic nervous system quickly develops, resulting in significant relaxation of the smooth muscles of the vascular bed. When the patient demonstrates symptoms of hypovolemic shock on evaluation, his or her ability to safely tolerate peripheral vasodilation and the subsequent reduction in systemic vascular resistance is reduced. The patient’s ability to compensate for falling blood pressure by increasing systemic vascular resistance places the patient at risk for potential hypoperfusion to vital organs and subsequent hypoxic tissue injury.13
When an obstetric patient experiences abruptio placentae with or without fetal distress, the anesthesia practitioner must consider other anesthetic procedures. These alternatives should be considered so that hypotension and the compromise to fetal oxygen supply that results from decreased uterine blood flow can be minimized. Regional techniques require time to administer in addition to the reduction in blood pressure that occurs with establishment of the block. Uterine blood flow is dependent on arterial pressure and has few autoregulatory capabilities. However, when an epidural anesthetic has been established for labor, the time required for surgical anesthesia to be instituted may be less with epidural than with general anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia technique must focus on the possible effects of the sympathectomy, even if its development can be slowed or controlled. With the onset of the sympathetic blockade, the fall in blood pressure may be more than the mother and baby can tolerate. The anesthesia practitioner caring for the patient, in consultation with the patient’s obstetrician, must decide whether administration of the regional anesthetic should be continued or whether another anesthesia procedure should be selected.14 Finally, if an active infectious process is present near the location at which regional anesthesia is to be performed, another anesthetic should be chosen.
Relative Contraindications and Precautions
One relative contraindication to regional anesthesia is patient age. In neonates with impairment in ventilatory regulation, regional anesthesia techniques are recommended when either surgery or pain management is required.15,16 Small children tolerate the administration of a combination anesthetic for many surgical procedures, including hernia procedures, extremity procedures, and circumcision. A general anesthetic can be administered for the surgical procedure, and a regional technique can be used for postoperative pain management. Anatomic landmarks are easily identified in children, which permits implementation without extensive difficulty. Precautions must be taken when the patient is of short stature. This technique should be avoided in children who are unable to tolerate the loss of feeling and strength in the legs. As children begin to acquire independence through increased ambulation, the loss of feeling and movement in the legs may increase their fear. This phenomenon is especially common in children between the ages of 3 and 9 years.17,18
Interscalene and axillary blocks have been used to permit immobilization and analgesia of the upper extremity for extended periods of time. Intravenous regional anesthesia (Bier block) has been used in small children aged 8 to 12 years; in these cases a reduced amount of local anesthetic medication is used for the reduction of an arm fracture.17
Patients with chronic neurologic disorders must be well informed of the potential effects of the regional anesthetic technique. The regional anesthetic may not cause an increase in the patient’s symptoms; however, if symptoms of the disorder increase or deterioration results, the regional anesthetic technique may be identified as the cause of the problem.19,20
Patients with a history of a documented local anesthetic allergy should undergo further evaluation in a controlled situation by an allergist. A true allergy to local anesthetic agents is rare. The problem may be caused by a preservative in the anesthetic solution or by a metabolic product of local anesthetic hydrolysis (para-aminobenzoic acid [PABA]). Skin testing is helpful but not always practical. Alleged allergic reactions may be related to an intravenous injection of a local anesthetic solution that contains epinephrine. If a regional technique is used in a patient with an allergy, a local anesthetic that is unrelated to the suspected agent should be selected. For example, if the patient is allergic to an ester anesthetic, an amide anesthetic agent should be chosen. Before the anesthetic is administered, the patient should be medicated with histamine-1 and histamine-2 receptor blockers.21–23
Patients with fixed-volume cardiac states are at risk for cardiovascular compromise after the initiation of a regional anesthetic. If the patient is unable to respond to changes in systemic vascular resistance by increasing stroke volume as a means of maintaining cardiac output, selected regional anesthesia techniques, including spinal and epidural anesthesia, should be reconsidered. As the heart rate increases to compensate for the falling pressure, the heart may fail, or ischemia may develop. Absolute and relative contraindications to regional block are noted in Box 45-1.
Complications of Regional Anesthesia
Immediate Complications
The potential of an intravascular injection is increased when local anesthetics are injected into the tissues around nerves and blood vessels. It is especially important to be prepared for a local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) reaction when performing peripheral blocks because high volumes are frequently injected into vascular areas. A complete discussion of the management of LAST is given in Chapter 10. A functional intravenous line and all of the necessary equipment and drugs must be immediately available prior to administration of any regional block.
Delayed Complications
The anesthesia practitioner must be prepared to manage complications that occur after the block has been established or during the postanesthesia recovery period. The choice of needle type may play a role in peripheral nerve injury when the injury is caused by intraneural injection. Nerve fascicles move away from the needle tip, especially when using a short-beveled needle. The use of a long-beveled needle, which tended to impale the nerve, resulted in a greater number of injuries, especially if the needle tip was oriented transversely to the nerve fibers. Patients with preexisting nerve pathology, such as diabetic neuropathy, are at increased risk for prolongation of the block and local anesthetic neurotoxicity. The absence of a motor response to a peripheral nerve stimulator does not exclude the possibility of intraneural needle placement, and seeking nerve stimulator confirmation of apparent intraneural needle position noted on ultrasound can lead to unnecessary trauma to the nerve. Local inflammation is an infrequent occurrence with the use of a peripheral nerve catheter technique; however, bacterial colonization rates of the catheter are high. Even so, the incidence of local infection, abscess formation, and sepsis is rare. The use of aseptic technique and chlorhexidine, which is considered to be the best skin disinfectant currently available, is recommended.23,24
Complications Associated with Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks
Continuous peripheral nerve blocks (CPNBs) have been shown to improve postoperative pain control and hemodynamic stability, reduce opioid requirements, and decrease nausea and vomiting. There are few studies evaluating the adverse effects and complications of this technique. Permanent neurologic complications are rare after peripheral blocks, but transient neuropathies occur in approximately 3% of patients.25 Wiegel et al.26 analyzed 1398 CPNBs performed in 849 orthopedic patients. The CPNBs included interscalene, femoral, sciatic, and a combination of femoral and sciatic blocks performed preoperatively in addition to general or spinal anesthesia. The standard technique included use of a nerve stimulator, injection of a bolus of local anesthetic, placement of the catheter, application of a transparent dressing, a single dose of antibiotic prophylaxis, and infusion of 0.2% ropivacaine at 5 to 8 mL per hour commencing in the postanesthesia care unit for a period of 24 hours. Following this period, bolus doses of 0.2% ropivacaine (10 to 20 mL) were administered every 6 hours on an orthopedic ward.
Patients were questioned about complications during their 3-month postoperative visit. The primary study end-point was the rate of complications, including nerve injury, bleeding requiring surgical intervention, catheter-associated infection, dyspnea, pneumothorax, and local anesthetic toxicity. A unique feature of this study was the extended period of time catheters remained in situ—up to 12 days in some cases. Local inflammation at the catheter insertion site occurred in 9 patients (0.6%), and local infection occurred in 3 patients (0.2%)—all femoral CPNBs. There were 12 patients with transient neurologic deficits (0.9%), and 1 with a permanent neurologic deficit (0.1%). Vascular puncture occurred at a rate of 5.2%, and a catheter was broken in one patient as a result of withdrawing the catheter back into the needle, a practice that should always be avoided. The authors found that while major complications of CPNBs are rare, minor adverse events are not uncommon.26 A number of potential risks and complications of continuous peripheral nerve block are discussed throughout this chapter, including inaccurate catheter placement, dislodgement or migration, vascular puncture and hematoma, delayed local anesthetic toxicity, nerve injury, infection, pulmonary complications associated with phrenic nerve block, and catheter knotting, retention, or shearing.
Technical Difficulties
Disposable needles are made in two parts: the hub and the barrel. The two parts are joined together and then fused to create a single unit. The weakest point on the needle is at the joint with the hub. Precautions should be taken so that the needle is not inserted so far that the hub abuts the skin surface. In addition, the needle should not be bent. If extreme force is used while the needle is being inserted, the needle is stressed at the hub; this stress could cause the needle to break at the hub. If the needle is not inserted with the hub abutting the skin surface, some portion of the needle can be secured and removed, thus preventing its loss.10,27,28
If the catheter is sheared off, radiography can be used to locate the catheter, verify its position, and document the shearing. Catheters in use today have a radiopaque tip and are made of a material of low tissue reactivity. Surgical procedures used in the search for a catheter can delay a patient’s recovery. The patient should be told of the problem, where the catheter is located, the composition of the catheter, and any other information that might help reduce concerns about the catheter’s location. Most catheters can remain in place without causing problems. However, when the remaining catheter is located in the subarachnoid space, it must be retrieved. The potential exists for the catheter to migrate cephalad, causing further problems once it reaches the level of the spinal cord or is directed through a foramen into a nerve root.20
Discharge Information
A useful tool to provide patients who have received a regional anesthetic is a discharge information sheet (Box 45-2). This sheet provides the patient with information about the nature of the anesthetic and what to expect as the block resolves. Most importantly, it should alert the patient to contact the anesthesia provider in the event certain symptoms, which may indicate a potential complication of the regional anesthetic, occur after discharge.
Electrical Stimulators In Regional Anesthesia
When this technique is used, the stimulator should not be turned on until the needle has entered the skin. This measure reduces the discomfort experienced by the patient during the initial advancement of the needle. The patient must be instructed to identify discomfort verbally and to not move during the advancement of the needle.29 Limiting the sedation helps the patient tolerate the procedure, maintain sufficient alertness to respond to the stimulus, and be cooperative.
Patients may complain of aching or weakness along the path of the stimulated nerve after the regional anesthesia is terminated. This phenomenon is seen after the posterior tibial or the common peroneal nerves are stimulated. Severe or prolonged discomfort occurs when the stimulus is delivered over a long period or at a high current. The response to a stimulus with a lower amplitude is often adequate and results in less discomfort. Placement of the negative electrode has been important in the enhancement of electrotranslocation of the nerve. If the path of the nerve fiber is located under the negative electrode, a lesser stimulus produces a significant response.
Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
The technology and clinical understanding of anatomic sonography has evolved greatly over the past decade. In anesthesia departments throughout the United States, ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia (UGRA) has become a routine technique and may become the “gold” standard for performing regional anesthetic nerve blocks.30–32 Direct visualization of the distribution of local anesthetics with high-frequency probes can improve the quality and avoid the complications of upper/lower extremity nerve blocks and neuroaxial techniques. Ultrasound guidance enables more accurate needle position and monitoring of the distribution of the local anesthetic in real time. The advantages over conventional guidance techniques, such as nerve stimulation and loss-of-resistance procedures, are significant. The key requirement for successful regional anesthetic block is to ensure optimal distribution of local anesthetic around nerve structures. This goal is most effectively achieved under sonographic visualization. Advantages of using ultrasound-guided techniques are noted in Box 45-3.33,34 When compared with other forms of nerve localization, UGRA decreases performance time and onset time, and therefore decreases the time for surgical readiness from regional anesthesia. The quality of peripheral nerve block is also improved. To date, there are insufficient data to declare that UGRA improves overall block success. Whether UGRA improves safety has not been proven with large-scale randomized trials. Empirically, by allowing for the use of smaller volumes of local anesthetic as well as visualization of the real-time interaction of the needle, the nerve, and the local anesthetic, it appears the risk of LAST or neuronal toxicity will be reduced.35,36 An interesting report noted that novice trainees learn the technique at variable rates but generally require 28 supervised trials before competency is achieved.37
The standard ultrasound image is rendered in shades ranging from white to black depending on the amount of energy that returns to the probe from structures being examined. Hyperechoic tissues reflect a large amount of the ultrasound waves back to the probe and therefore appear white. Hypoechoic tissues reflect fewer ultrasound waves and therefore appear as shades of gray. Anechoic areas do not reflect ultrasound waves and therefore appear black. The amount of reflection of ultrasound waves back to the probe is dependent on the amount of resistance to passage of the waves through a particular tissue. This characteristic is known as acoustic impedance. Differences in acoustic impedance at tissue interfaces results in the ability to identify specific anatomic structures. For example, bone has much greater acoustic impedance than soft tissue; therefore the interface between these two tissues will produce a hyperechoic image.38
The orientation of the needle to the ultrasound probe during the administration of a regional anesthetic block is typically described in relationship to the image plane. The in-plane or axial/longitudinal approach allows the entire length of the needle (including the tip) to be visualized within the plane of the ultrasound image (Figure 45-1). In contrast, the out-of-plane, or tangential/short axis approach allows only the cross section of the needle to be visualized as a hyperechoic dot where it pierces the plane of the ultrasound image (Figure 45-2). The in-plane approach is favored when possible because it permits visualization of the entire length of the needle at all times; however, the anatomy associated with certain blocks may necessitate the use of the out-of-plane approach.
Upper-Extremity Block
Frequent injury of the hand, arm, and shoulder, combined with the accessibility of the nerves of the brachial plexus, has encouraged the development of regional anesthesia techniques for surgical procedures of the upper extremity, as well as the diagnosis and control of pain.39 The widespread use of upper-extremity regional anesthesia is the result of numerous factors, including the availability of equipment to locate and deliver local anesthetics to the nerves of the plexus, the development of local anesthetics that can be applied alone and in combination to produce an appropriate duration of action for the procedure at hand, and the variety of techniques and approaches that can be used.
The four primary approaches for blocking the brachial plexus are axillary, interscalene, supraclavicular, and infraclavicular. Because of the ease of performance, the relatively high success rate and low incidence of complications, and the ability to produce anesthesia of the forearm and hand, the most frequently used technique is the axillary approach. The requirement for anesthesia of the upper arm and shoulder is most often met through use of the interscalene approach. This is because of the potential complications associated with needle placement in close proximity to the apex of the lung necessary with supraclavicular and infraclavicular block. The infraclavicular block is a safe and simple technique for providing surgical anesthesia of the lower arm, with an efficacy comparable to other approaches. The disadvantage is a higher risk of pneumothorax. Advantages of the infraclavicular approach include a lower likelihood of tourniquet pain and more reliable blockade of the musculocutaneous and axillary nerves when compared with a single-injection axillary block.40,41
Brachial Plexus Anesthesia
Applied Anatomy of the Brachial Plexus
An understanding of brachial plexus anatomy is mandatory if effective clinical application of regional block techniques of the upper extremity is to be achieved. This includes familiarity with muscle, facial, and vascular anatomy in relation to the origin and distribution of the brachial plexus. However, intimate knowledge of many of the anatomic details with regard to the evolution of nerve roots distributed to the brachial plexus and ultimately to peripheral nerves is not clinically essential for successful blockade. The brachial plexus is a large network of nerves that extend from the neck through the axilla and innervate the upper extremity (Figure 45-3). It is composed of ventral rami, trunks, divisions, cords, and their branches. The supraclavicular portion of the plexus, including the five primary ventral rami and the three nerve trunks and their six divisions, lies in the posterior triangle of the neck. The infraclavicular portion of the plexus, including the three cords and their four terminal branches, lies in the axilla. These nerves combine, divide, recombine, and divide again as they pass between the anterior and middle scalene muscles, through the posterior triangle of the neck, and into the axilla, where they end in the four terminal branches that supply the upper extremity. The resulting nerve pathway, when pictured and contemplated in two dimensions and without the associated bone, muscle, and vascular structures, often leads to difficulty in understanding and applying this textbook anatomy in the clinical setting. When learning brachial plexus blockade, the value of augmenting written material with an apprenticeship at the hands of a master of the art cannot be overestimated.42–44
Cadaver studies have demonstrated the existence of extensive velamentous septa that can form compartments around the contents of this sheath. These septa appear to be incomplete and therefore may not function as mechanical barriers to the spread of local anesthetics. Indeed, a single injection of local anesthesia into this sheath commonly produces complete block of the upper extremity. Nevertheless, anatomic variations do exist, and it is possible that in certain individuals, septa occur that isolate nerves, resulting in so-called “patchy blocks” by preventing exposure to the injected local anesthetic. It has also been shown that injection even outside the sheath can produce neural blockade, albeit with a considerably greater latency period. The lesson to be learned with regard to clinical application of this information is that failure to allot a sufficient amount of time to perform an upper extremity block, and in particular to allow it to “set up,” generally produces an unsatisfactory result.42–44
Approaches to Brachial Plexus Block
There are multiple approaches to local anesthetic block of the brachial plexus and various techniques applied with each approach. The choice of approach should be based on several factors, including patient considerations, the location of the planned surgical intervention, and especially the skill and experience of the anesthesia practitioner. Although surgical site and practitioner preference often drive the decision regarding which approach and technique are used, the patient’s body habitus, comfort, and coexisting disease and the nature and location of the injury are as important, if not more so, than these other concerns. Patient-related considerations should be weighed in the context of the risk of potential complications associated with a given approach, technique, and local anesthetic solution. The following discussion provides a practical approach to anesthesia of the brachial plexus, with a focus on axillary and interscalene approaches.41
Interscalene Approach
The interscalene approach to the brachial plexus was first described in 1970 by Dr. Alon Winnie. The interscalene approach is the most proximal brachial plexus block and is typically used to provide anesthesia for surgical procedures involving the shoulder and proximal humerus. It is the only technique that can provide adequate anesthesia and analgesia to the shoulder and the rest of the upper extremity. The catheter is placed at the level of the trunks, where the brachial plexus is relatively compact in size.45 With the patient in the supine position, the anesthetist asks the patient to lower the shoulder on the side of the proposed anesthetic and surgery site to pull the shoulder away from the brachial plexus, intentionally trying to stretch the neck muscles and improve visualization and access. The patient’s head can then either be turned so that the patient looks away from the area of the anesthetic or moved laterally away from the site, maintaining forward vision.
The cricoid cartilage ring is then palpated just below the thyroid cartilage. This anatomic landmark correlates to the vertebral body of C6 and the corresponding area of the transverse process called Chassaignac’s tubercle. A straight line is drawn posteriorly to cross over the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle, and the lateral border of the SCM is palpated. If this border is difficult to assess, the patient can be asked to raise the head against gentle resistance and then relax. Posterior to this border, the anesthetist palpates for the groove between the anterior and middle scalene muscles with two fingers (Figure 45-4). This is the level of the trunks of the brachial plexus (Figure 45-5).
FIGURE 45-5 Three trunks of the cervical plexus are revealed lying alongside the subclavian vessels. m., Muscle.
After cleansing the patient’s skin, an intradermal skin wheal of local anesthetic is made at this point on the groove. A 22-gauge, insulated B-bevel needle, usually 1½ inches long, is inserted gently through the skin wheal perpendicularly to the skin and then angled slightly caudad. The needle is attached to an intravenous extension tube with an anesthetic-filled syringe. The patient is told what to expect, and the needle is slowly advanced until a motor twitch response is elicited. The nerve stimulator current is lowered from 1 to 0.5 mÅ to minimize excessive current to the patient and to ensure proper needle position. After gentle aspiration is negative for blood or CSF, a test dose of 1 mL of local anesthetic solution is injected. A fade will be observed in the quality of the motor twitch experienced by the patient. This indicates that the needle is probably within the brachial plexus sheath. If no subjective symptoms of toxicity reaction are present, incremental injections of 3 to 5 mL of local anesthetic, each followed by aspiration to detect blood, are administered until the intended volume is given. In adult patients, the volume is usually 30 to 35 mL.41,46
