Gravid patient with a potentially viable fetus of ≥24 weeks’ gestational age and imminent maternal death or unresponsive to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for 5 minutes
Survival of mother and infant is greatest when the procedure is performed within 5 minutes of maternal arrest.
Fetus <24 weeks’ gestational age
Lower limit of fetal viability varies depending on institution and available resources
Verbal consent from family when possible
General Basic Steps
Maternal patient CPR
Estimate fetal age
Neonatal resuscitation
Continue maternal patient CPR
Patient Preparation
Procedure should be performed by the most experienced person available
Contact all essential personnel (i.e., neonatology/pediatrics, obstetrics)
Continue CPR on maternal patient throughout the entire procedure
Estimate fetal age (if unknown from history):
Height of uterine fundus reaches the umbilicus at 20 weeks’ gestational age and increases 1 cm for each additional week
Four fingerbreadths above the umbilicus is approximately 24 weeks’ gestational age
Incision (FIGURE 20.1)
No. 10 scalpel blade
Make a midline vertical incision from just above the symphysis pubis extending to the umbilicus along the linea nigra/linea alba
Incise through the abdominal wall to the peritoneal cavity
Use retractors to retract abdominal wall and expose the uterus
Reflect Bladder Inferiorly
If a full bladder obstructs view of the uterus, decompress bladder with a puncture incision and deflate with either pressure or suction
Bladder repair may be done later if mother survives