Subjective description
Diagnostic considerations and therapy related effects
(Under off period or drug induced)
Feeling of restlessness often accompanied by an urge to move, crawling sensations, burning or tingling
May fluctuate with medication therapy and improve with levodopa. It may occur as an off-phenomenon
Central/primary pain
(Related to antiparkinsonian medication)
Feeling of burning/tingling pain. Characterized by bizarre, disagreeable painful sensations such as stabbing, burning, scalding, formication. Vague sensations of tension and discomfort
The painful sensations may have an autonomic, visceral aspect that fluctuate with the levodopa cycle
Dystonic pain
(Related to antiparkinsonian medication)
It may fluctuate with medication dosing. It can be subclassified into: off-pain period; beginning/peak/end-of-dose dystonia. Levodopa-related dystonia may respond to manipulation of dopaminergic medication
Musculoskeletal pain
(Due to parkinsonian rigidity, rheumatological disease or skeletal deformity)
Aching, cramping, arthralgic, myalgic sensations. Dull, shoulder stiffness/frozen, back pain
It may improve with medication dosing, especially levodopa and with exercise
Radicular/neuropathic pain
(Due to a root lesion, focal or peripheral neuropathy)
As tingling
In most studies on pain in PD patients, the cause of this symptom is inferred from subjective descriptions of discomfort, without an objective diagnostic assessment. Interestingly, the description of pain provided by patients pooled by different surveys may always overlap among different categories (see the second column of Table 13.1). In Table 13.1, it is possible to find the same description overlapping two different categories (i.e., burning, tingling). This aspect makes it difficult to know whether the painful complaint may be caused/aggravated/incidental to PD (Nègre-Pagès et al. 2008).
It is important to underline, despite these limitations, that the pain clinical description may be used as a framework to understand, classify, and treat painful symptoms.
A proposed classification separated PD pain (which included motor fluctuation, dyskinesia-related pain, and central pain) from non-PD pain, with some overlapping among categories (Chaudhuri and Schapira 2009). These classifications are not always easily applied because of the lack of clear objective measures and poor understanding of the mechanisms of the pain syndrome (Ha and Jankovic 2012).
Patients with PD may experience several types of pain, depending on the etiology (Table 13.1). A study on 95 outpatients found that 46 % experienced pain that they directly attributed to PD (Goetz et al. 1986). In one study that investigated 176 home-living PD patients, it was demonstrated that 53 % reported one type of pain, 24 % reported two types, and 5 % experienced three types. In particular, musculoskeletal pain was reported by 70 %, dystonic pain by 40 % (Beiske et al. 2009), radicular–neuropathic pain by 20 %, and central neuropathic pain by 10 % (Ha and Jankovic 2012). Back pain has been reported to occur in up to 74 % of 101 PD patients, and 38 % had also suffered from radicular pain (Broetz et al. 2007). In line with these findings, another study analyzed the prevalence of pain in the PD population and underlined the most common pain types as musculoskeletal and dystonic pain (Ford 2009). Despite the high frequency of occurrence, only 38 % of PD patients with pain used medications for relief (Beiske et al. 2009).
As far as the risk factors were concerned, the studies carried out revealed some discrepancies that may be related to a number of factors that include small sample size, patient populations, and self-rating data collection. In particular, pain was associated with female gender (Beiske et al. 2009; Zambito Marsala et al. 2011), disease severity (Zambito Marsala et al. 2011), depression (Ehrt et al. 2009), and young age in some studies (Nègre-Pagès et al. 2008); on the contrary negative studies involving age, gender, disease duration, Hoehn and Yahr stage, levodopa dosage, sleep disturbance, and the presence of depression or anxiety have also been reported (Lee et al. 2006; Hanagasi et al. 2011).
Levodopa dosage is a crucial factor to be carefully considered in these types of patients. Dysregulation in dopamine signaling may modulate the experience of pain both directly, by enhancing or diminishing the propagation of nociceptive signals, and indirectly, by influencing affective and cognitive processes, which affect the expectation, experience, and interpretation of nociceptive processing (Jarcho et al. 2012). Since cognitive and affective symptoms associated with depressive and anxiety disorders affect the perception of chronic and acute pain and are associated with negative treatment outcomes, it is important to study these patients through an overall assessment of the cognitive status and to carefully evaluate motivation and also look for any psychiatric disorders (see the Movement Disorder Society Task Force guidelines Litvan et al. 2012).
These affective symptoms, along with the deficits in attention (Czernecki et al. 2002) and motivation-based processes (Chaudhuri et al. 2006), are common in patients with PD and may contribute to enhanced pain sensitivity. Finally, coping styles related to the prediction of positive or negative outcomes play an important role in severity of symptoms in chronic pain patients. For example, a coping style that assumes a high probability of worst outcomes (also referred to as catastrophizing) is highly correlated with pain symptom severity in a variety of chronic pain conditions (reviewed by Quartana et al. 2009).
13.3 Experimental Pain in Parkinson’s Disease
Some studies demonstrated specific changes in psychophysical measures of pain in Parkinson’s disease. A recent study by Tykocki et al. (2013) has demonstrated that pain threshold in patients with PD is significantly lower than pain threshold in non-parkinsonian patients.
Patients with central pain had lower thresholds for heat pain and laser pinprick than patients with no central pain or control subjects. These effects were attenuated with levodopa treatment (Schestatsky et al. 2007). Similarly, another study reported that L-DOPA increases the pain threshold in Parkinson’s disease as assessed by the RIII nociceptive flexion reflex (Gerdelat-Mas et al. 2007). Lower activation thresholds of spinal reflexes—reflecting spinal nociception—were also detected by Mylius et al. (2009). Moreover, increased spinal nociception as well as increased sensitivity toward various experimental stimuli was diminished by dopaminergic therapy (Brefel-Courbon et al. 2005; Tinazzi et al. 2008).
PD patients also showed facilitation of temporal summation, a process where the response to repeated painful stimuli is greater than to the administration of single stimulus of the same intensity. Temporal summation is frequently increased in chronic pain and is often considered as an indicator of central sensitization. PD patients are more sensitive than controls to the administration of repeated painful stimuli, suggesting supraspinal input alteration to pain modulatory systems (Perrotta et al. 2011). Moreover, when examining experimental pain sensitivity and spinal nociception, it was demonstrated that alterations of pain sensitivity worsen during the course of the disease (Mylius et al. 2009; 2011). As the authors highlighted (Mylius et al. 2011), when summarizing experimental pain studies on PD patients, alterations in different parts of the pain pathway were reported in the literature. In particular, at central level, increased pain processing was elicited by laser-evoked potentials (Brefel-Courbon et al. 2005; Tinazzi et al. 2008). At the peripheral level, nociceptor alterations were noticed, and at the spinal level, dorsal horn layer I involvement within the pathological process was observed (Braak et al. 2007; Nolano et al. 2008).
PET data demonstrated L-DOPA-dependent activation of the right insula and prefrontal left and left anterior cingulate cortices, suggesting pain processing alterations within the medial pain pathway (Brefel-Courbon et al. 2005). It is worth mentioning that medial pain system plays a crucial role in the motivational–affective and cognitive–evaluative components, in the memory of pain and in the autonomic–neuroendocrine pain-evoked responses.
As far as deep brain stimulation was concerned, it is interesting to report the results obtained in two different groups of Parkinson’s disease patients with or without neuropathic pain (Dellapina et al. 2012). The authors compared pain-induced cerebral activations during experimental nociceptive stimulations using H2 15O positron emission tomography in both deep brain stimulation off and on conditions. Correlation analyses were performed between clinical and neuroimaging results. Deep brain stimulation significantly increased subjective heat pain threshold and reduced pain-induced cerebral activity in the somatosensory cortex (BA 40) in patients with pain, whereas it had no effect in pain-free patients. There was a significant negative correlation in the deep brain stimulation OFF condition between pain threshold and pain-induced activity in the insula of patients who were pain-free but not in those who had pain. There was a significant positive correlation between deep brain stimulation-induced changes in pain threshold and in pain-induced cerebral activations in the primary somatosensory cortex and insula of painful patients only. The authors underline that subthalamic nuclei deep brain stimulation raised pain thresholds in Parkinson’s disease patients with pain and restored better functioning of the lateral discriminative pain system.
13.4 Possible Integration Through a Neurocognitive Approach
A neurocognitive approach may represent the best theoretical procedure to study pain in patients with PD. Most importantly, it highlights how pain is linked to brain pathology, particularly concerning focal lesions, motivational and emotional factors, and concomitant cognitive disturbances. Indeed, understanding pain in patients with different levels of cognitive impairment, by studying the neuropsychological and psychophysiological parameters, should represent an endeavor that has strong clinical implications. This is a very important issue to be taken into account as patients in mild to moderate stages of dementia may be unable to indicate pain perception through verbal or behavioral reports of pain. As dementia progresses to more severe stages, people lose the ability to communicate verbally, leaving them at a greater risk of experiencing untreated pain.
Importantly, a major aspect of future advances in pain research on PD patients will be to demonstrate linkages between behavior, brain, and bodily responses by combining research findings from neuropsychobiological and neuroimaging methods. Moreover, it would be extremely useful for the immediate clinical and prognostic implications to investigate pain from the very early prodromal stages of dementia. Unfortunately, up till now no study has addressed all these important issues while considering PD patients with MCI (PD-MCI).
The concept of MCI was initially suggested by Petersen et al. (1999) to detect cognitive changes in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease. The construct of MCI was applied to PD patients to identify a transitional state between a normal cognitive status to the presence of mild cognitive dysfunction by Janvin et al. (2006) and Caviness et al. (2007) that is not related to normal age decline. In particular, MCI is a condition that frequently occurs in PD even in the early stages, and it is associated with demographic and clinical factors such as age and disease duration. It does not significantly interfere with functional independence. MCI predicts that patients may develop dementia (Litvan et al. 2011), and over 80 % of them are at risk of PD-D (Hely et al. 2008). Early detection of PD-MCI has implications for prognosis and treatment; it is therefore important to assess the presence of MCI in order to identify those patients at risk of developing a form of dementia associated with PD (PD-D). It is also important to emphasize that the cognitive impairment was associated with a more rapid involution phenotype and with increased severity of symptoms in numerous studies. Recently, a task force commissioned by the Movement Disorders Society (MDS) has proposed and outlined the diagnostic criteria for the identification of MCI associated with PD (Emre et al. 2007; Litvan et al. 2012). These criteria use an operational scheme based on two assessment levels of cognitive profile. These two levels differ in the methods of evaluation and the level of diagnostic certainty and are characterized by an abbreviated assessment (level 1 criteria) or a comprehensive assessment (level 2 criteria), respectively.
It is being increasingly recognized that PD-MCI is heterogeneous (Litvan et al. 2011) and that many PD patients without dementia may show cognitive deficits not only in executive function due to dopaminergic degeneration but also in other domains including memory, visuospatial function, psychomotor speed, and attention (Marras et al. 2013; Broeders et al. 2013). The prototypical PD-MCI pattern is a predominant dysexecutive syndrome with visuospatial impairment, attentional deficits, and slowed processing speed (Taylor et al. 1986). When the pattern is atypical, it may reflect a greater burden of comorbid pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease or cerebrovascular disease. Given this heterogeneity, clinicians require specific tools to assess the pattern and severity of cognitive impairment and to follow its progression (Marras et al. 2014). In particular, since executive dysfunction has been associated with declines in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) that do not allow a person to live independently in the community (Cahn et al. 1998), specific assessment tools should be used at this level. In this direction, the relatively few studies that have investigated the connection between functional and cognitive abilities in pre-dementia stages of PD (Sabbagh et al. 2005, 2007; Shulman et al. 2008; Kulisevsky et al. 2013) have shown that when accurately measured, a certain degree of functional impairment in IADL can also be identified in PD-MCI subjects.
An aspect that should be considered when studying pain in PD patients is the important concept that dopaminergic treatment influences cognitive performance. An exemplification of this concerns the role of dopaminergic treatment on the executive functions (EFs). The findings of a systematic review and meta-analysis on PD patients supported the view that EF impairments are evident even at the beginning of the disease (Kudlicka et al. 2011). As the exact pattern of executive impairment remains unclear and the clinical significance still has to be clarified (Kudlicka et al. 2011), the research results show that PD patients performed poorly in cognitive flexibility and, more specifically, in set switching and inhibition tasks. Only the performance of these particular tasks was impaired, but the whole spectrum of executive abilities was not compromised (Goldman et al. 2013). The results obtained by the authors (Kudlicka et al. 2011) should be explained taking into account the different effects of dopaminergic stimulation on cognitive functions at the dorsolateral prefrontal level, on one hand, and on the medial prefrontal–ventral striatal circuitry (orbitofrontal and cingulated frontal–subcortical loops), on the other hand. In particular, it was demonstrated that dopaminergic stimulation improved EFs related to the cortical–subcortical network, from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) to the dorsal caudate nucleus, which is dopamine depleted. On the contrary, the same dopaminergic treatment impairs functions connected to the medial prefrontal–ventral striatal non-depleted circuit (Cools et al. 2001), such as on tasks of attentional set-shifting and response inhibition (Dirnberger and Jahanshahi 2013; Dujardin et al. 2001; Lewis et al. 2012; Muslimovic et al. 2005; Werheid et al. 2007; Amanzio et al. 2010, 2014). Importantly, while studying the different roles of dopamine on those different loops, motivational and reward behavior should be carefully taken into account.

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