Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation in Tetraplegia

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Antonio M. Esquinas (ed.)Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation and Difficult Weaning in Critical Care10.1007/978-3-319-04259-6_37

37. Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation in Tetraplegia

Michael A. Gaytant  and Mike J. Kampelmacher 

Department of Home Mechanical Ventilation, University Medical Centre Utrecht, 85500, Utrecht, GA, 3508, The Netherlands



Michael A. Gaytant (Corresponding author)


Mike J. Kampelmacher

Spinal cord injuryTetraplegiaNoninvasive ventilationMechanical ventilationPositive-pressure ventilationSleep disordered breathingIntrapulmonary percussive ventilationMechanically assisted coughing



Arterial blood gas


Bi-level positive airway pressure




Continuous positive airway pressure


Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation


Mechanically assisted coughing


Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation


Pressure controlled ventilation


Pressure support ventilation


Spinal cord injury


Sleep disordered breathing


Tidal volume


Volume-controlled ventilation

37.1 Introduction

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is prevalent worldwide, with an estimated 15–40 cases per million population [1]. Injury to the cervical and upper thoracic cord may disrupt the function of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, accessory respiratory muscles, and abdominal muscles. This causes reduction in spirometric parameters and static mouth pressures and results in ineffective cough and difficulty in clearing secretions [2]. As a result, there is a predisposition to mucus retention, atelectasis, and pulmonary infections. These respiratory complications are the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with SCI, particularly in patients with cervical SCI. In acute SCI, 80 % of deaths among hospitalized patients with cervical SCI are secondary to pulmonary dysfunction, with pneumonia being the cause in 50 % of the cases [3].

Prevention of respiratory complications is of major importance and needs to commence immediately after injury [3, 4]. Despite improvement in the first months of the initially low vital capacity and maximum inspiratory and expiratory flow rates, patients with SCI still may face problems such as impaired cough or sleep-disordered breathing. These problems, in the acute phase or later, can lead to ventilatory failure requiring ventilatory support. This can either be invasive or noninvasive.

37.2 Pathophysiology

In the case of an intact central nervous system, respiration occurs via two systems [3, 5]:


A coordinated activity of the somatic nervous system, which controls the inspiratory and expiratory muscles



The autonomic nervous system, which controls the bronchial tone and secretion


The diaphragm is the main inspiratory muscle and is innervated by the phrenic nerve. It receives primary innervation at the C4 level, often with contribution from C3 and C5. The diaphragm provides 65 % of the tidal volume during normal breathing. Other inspiratory muscles are the external intercostal muscles and the accessory muscles (scalene, sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, and pectoralis). The intercostal muscles are innervated by segmental spinal nerves (T1–11) and assist inspiration by elevating the ribs, which expands the chest wall. The scalene muscles receive innervation by segmental nerves C4–8, the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid by C1–4 and the accessory nerves.

Expiratory muscles are the abdominal muscles and the lateral internal intercostals (T1–12) and are important for the expulsive force needed for an effective cough and to clear secretions.

37.3 Respiratory Complications

The development of respiratory complications is directly correlated with the level of injury as diagnosed by the American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale [6]. Cervical SCI above the C3 level results in complete paralysis of all muscles involved in respiration and therefore requires immediate mechanical ventilation to sustain life [5]. Respiratory complications occurred in 84 % of patients with C1 to C4 injuries and in 60 % of patients with C5 to C8 injuries [6]. In patients with T1 to T12 lesions, respiratory complications occurred in 65 % of patients and were often related to direct chest trauma. The main respiratory complications are atelectasis, pneumonia, and ventilatory failure, but the incidence varies with the level of injury: atelectasis 40 % (C1–4), 34 % (C5–8), and 65 % (T1–12); ventilatory failure 40 % (C1–4), 23 % (C5–8), and 10 % (T1–12); and pneumonia 63 % (C1–4) and 28 % (C5–8) [3].

Other factors associated with pulmonary complications are age, preexisting (pulmonary) illness, and associated major traumatic injuries. Patients with these premorbid and comorbid conditions are at the highest risk to deteriorate rapidly over the first 5 days.

Pulmonary complications after acute tetraplegia progressively increase over the first 5 days following injury [2, 3, 6]. Several respiratory dysfunctions can lead to respiratory failure:

  • Vital capacity impairment resulting from (a) a decreased respiratory muscle strength and fatigue, (b) a reduction in inspiratory capacity, and (c) atelectasis.

  • Reduced expiratory pressures with ineffective cough will lead to mucus plugging and atelectasis.

  • Autonomic nervous system dysfunction will lead to increased secretions, bronchospasms, and pulmonary edema.

37.4 Respiratory Management in the Acute Phase of SCI

Although pulmonary complications are a common problem in patients with SCI, there is little evidence about their management. Current practice is mainly based on clinical experience and expert opinion [7].

In patients with acute SCI, it is important to determine the level of injury as accurately and as soon as possible because it will assist in the assessment and judgment of the patient’s likely ventilatory dysfunction. Examination must include an evaluation of the breathing pattern, effectiveness of cough, vital capacity, and respiratory rate. The relevant medical history must include review of prior lung disease, medication, substance abuse, and smoking history [35].

Because cervical SCI above the C3 level results in complete paralysis of all muscles involved in respiration, immediate and 24-h mechanical ventilation is required to sustain life. Usually, this will lead to tracheostomal ventilation.

In case of cervical injury at C3–5, respiratory insufficiency results as a consequence of significant respiratory muscular dysfunction. At the first sign of respiratory distress, semi-elective intubation in these patients is recommended [8]. Criteria for intubation are vital capacity deteriorating toward less than 10 ml/kg ideal body weight, increasing oxygen requirements, and increasing respiratory rate with shallow breathing or hypoventilation (PCO2 > 45 mmHg). As the diaphragm receives primary innervation at the C4 level with contribution commonly seen from C3, there is a high degree of variability of the ability to wean in the C3 and C4 population [9]. In patients with SCI C5–6 or below, there is a probability to recover sufficient spontaneous ventilation.

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