Monitoring Gastrointestinal Tract Function

Monitoring Gastrointestinal Tract Function

Ruben J Azocar

Suresh Agarwal

Ishaq Lat

Gastrointestinal system function is of paramount importance for the maintenance of the body’s homeostasis, which is not only limited to the important functions of digestion and absorption but also closely related to immune function. Monitoring the gastrointestinal tract function remains largely based on clinical exam and a few diagnostic tests. The majority of the tests that are available have been primarily used for research purposes and are not available at the bedside of the critically ill patient (Table 32-1).

This chapter examines the diagnostic modalities available, on an organ system basis, for assessing abnormalities in the critically ill patient.


Tests of Esophageal Motility and Lower Esophageal Sphincter Function

The evaluation of esophageal function may be performed with barium swallow and real-time fluoroscopy, yielding both functional and anatomic data about the esophagus and the swallowing mechanism. Similarly, an isotope swallow, utilizing a technetium-99 colloid and a gamma camera, may provide data regarding esophageal physiology. The ease of performing fluoroscopy usually outweighs benefits that may be had from nuclear radiography.

Esophageal manometry has been used extensively to study gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in critically ill patients. One study, of 15 critically ill patients, demonstrated that low esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure (mean 2.2 ± 0.4 mm Hg) and poor motor response to reflux correlated with the presence of GERD. Furthermore, low LES pressures were associated with frequent reflux episodes (60% of untreated patients) and decreased esophageal motility [1].

Twenty-four-hour pH monitoring further elucidates the function of the LES and the amount of gastric reflux a patient is experiencing. Over a 24-hour period, the pH should not drop below 4 frequently or for a prolonged duration (6% of total time in the supine patient, 10% of total time in the upright patient). An indirect method by which to assess for gastric reflux is by treating with proton pump inhibitor and assessing for abatement of symptoms.


Tests of Gastric and Duodenal Motility

Clinical measurement of gastric motility can be done by means of physical exam and quantification of gastric residual volumes via orogastric or nasogastric intubation. Despite being easy to perform, these tests are poor predictors of the patient’s ability to tolerate enteral nutrition. In addition, a recent article suggests that the use of residual volumes as a marker of risk for aspiration in critically ill patients has poor validity [2]. Gastroduodenal manometry has been used as a more accurate method of assessing gastric emptying but has been largely used for research purposes.

Breath tests are a novel and useful bedside technique to assess gastric emptying of both solids and liquids by using 13C or 14C labeled octanoic acid. The absorption of the labeled octanoic acid in the small intestine and subsequent metabolism in the liver produce 13co2, which can be measured in the exhaled air. The delivery of the 13-octanoic acid into the duodenum is the rate-limiting step for these processes. As such, measurement of 13co2 levels correlates with the rate of gastric emptying. Ritz et al. [3] founded that gastric emptying of a caloric-dense liquid meal is slow in 40 to 45 of unselected mechanically ventilated patients by using the 13-octanoic acid breath test. They concluded that this test is a useful bedside adjunct to measure gastric emptying in ventilated, critically ill patients. Other investigative modalities, such as reflectometry of gastric contents, have also described valuable complementary information to the adequacy of gastric emptying [4].

The acetaminophen absorption test may also be used to assess gastric emptying, by administering 1,000 mg of acetaminophen and measuring serum concentrations of acetaminophen over a 1-hour period to construct an area under the curve (AUC) absorption model. This AUC is then compared to a known AUC model constructed from healthy volunteers. The utility of this test may be quite variable in the critically ill patient given differences in volume of distribution, hepatic metabolism, and renal clearance [5].

Finally, gamma scintigraphy presents a quantitative method to measuring gastric motility by administering radiolabeled solid food (usually greater than 200 kcal) and measuring transit after 2 to 4 hours. The administration of liquids may not be
relevant as liquids may empty from the stomach even as solid food remains behind. The feasibility of scintigraphy testing for the critically ill patient makes the test less relevant as it is often impractical to transport these individuals to the nuclear radiology suite.

TABLE 32-1. Tests for Monitoring Gastrointestinal Function

Organ Function Test
Esophagus Motility/LES function Barium swallow
Isotope swallow
Esophageal manometry
Esophageal pH
Stomach Motility Gastric residuals
Gastroduoduodenal manometry
Breath tests
Acetaminophen absorption test
Mucosal permeability and ischemia Gastric tonometry
Laser Doppler flowmetry
Near infrared spectrometry
Positron emission tomography
Small intestine Absorption Stool analysis: fecal pH, fecal osmotic gap, steatorrhea
Carbohydrates absorption tests (D-xylose, L-rhamnose)
Acetaminophen absorption test
Breath tests
Pancreas: Exocrine functions Fecal fat concentration
Secretin tests
Liver Liver function test Static tests
Coagulation tests
Dynamic test
Breath tests
Hepatic blood flow tests ICG
Cholestasis Transaminases
Alkaline phosphatase
Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase

Tests of Mucosal Permeability and Ischemia

Gastric Tonometry

Although the diagnosis of bowel ischemia may be done by a variety of different methods, gastric tonometry is the simplest, most practical, and least invasive [6]. It attempts to determine the perfusion status of the gastric mucosa by measuring the local Pco2 [7]. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the mucosa into the lumen of the stomach and subsequently into the silicone balloon of the tonometer. The co2 in the balloon is used as a reflection of the mucosal co2 and can be measured by either saline tonometry or air tonometry. In the saline tonometry technique, a saline solution is injected into the balloon and after an equilibration period, the co2 is measured using a blood gas analyzer. For the air tonometry technique, air is pumped through the balloon and an infrared detector measures the Pco2 continuously. As perfusion to the stomach decreases, the Pco2 in the tonometer will increase. Once cellular anaerobic respiration starts, the hydrogen ions titrate with bicarbonate, with the end result of more co2 production by mass action. Initially, most investigators calculated the intramucosal pH (pHi) using the Henderson-Hasselbach equation and assumed that arterial bicarbonate was equal to the mucosal bicarbonate. Experimental evidence has shown that a lower pHi was associated with lower mucosal flow by laser Doppler, demonstrating that mucosal bicarbonate is not equal to arterial bicarbonate [8]. Furthermore, it has been shown that respiratory acid/base disturbances affect pHi calculation [9]. Therefore, the use of the Pco2 gap (the difference between gastric mucosa and arterial co2) is considered a better way to assess gastric perfusion [10].

The use of the technique has not gained widespread popularity despite many clinical studies that have validated gastric tonometry as a valuable and easily accessible prognostic tool [11, 12]. This may be explained by the possibility of error in the determination of the Pco2 and interoperator variability [13, 14]. Other pitfalls include multiple local effects, including increased gastric secretions and refluxed duodenal contents; both of which can increase co2 measurement and lead to false Pco2 measurement, and that this technique may only represent one region of perfusion [7].

Laser Doppler Flowmetry

Laser Doppler flowmetry, which estimates gastric blood perfusion by integrating red blood cell content and velocity, is highly correlated with absolute blood flow. The flowmeter consists of a laser source, a fiberoptic probe, and a photodetector with a signal-processing unit. The laser conducts through the tissue by a flexible fiberoptic guide. The probe contains an optic fiber for transmission of laser light to the tissue and two fibers for collecting the reflected scattered light. The signal-processing unit consists of a photodetector and an analog circuit to analyze the frequency spectrum of the scattered light. By determining the instantaneous mean Doppler frequency and the fraction of backscattered light that is Doppler shifted, the signal-processing unit provides a continuous output proportional to the number of red blood cells moving in the measuring volume and the mean velocity of these cells. Measurements are considered satisfactory if: (a) the measurement is stable for 15 seconds; (b) the measurement is free of motion artifacts; (c) pulse waves can be clearly identified; and (d) the reading is reproducible [8].

Other Techniques

Near infrared spectrometry (NIRS) has been used to measure local tissue blood flow and oxygenation at the cellular level [15]. Local oxygen delivery and oxygen saturation can be determined by comparing the differences in absorption spectrum of oxyhemoglobin with its deoxygenated counterpart, deoxyhemoglobin [16]. Puyana et al. [17] reported using NIRS to measure tissue pH in a model of experimental shock and showed that NIRS gut pH correlated with the pH obtained by microelectrodes.

Positron emission tomography (PET) may also be used to evaluate regional blood flow. Fluoromisonidazole accumulation has been used to demonstrate abdominal splanchnic perfusion and
regional oxygenation of the liver in pigs; however, the lack of portability of this technique makes it difficult to use for monitoring in the intensive care unit (ICU) [15].

Microdialysis measurement of mucosal lactate is a novel way to assess gut mucosal ischemia. Tenhunen et al. [18] inserted microdialysis catheters into the lumen of the jejunum, the jejunal wall, and the mesenteric artery and vein of pigs. Subsequently, the animals were subjected to nonischemic hyperlactatemia or an episode of mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion. The lactate levels from the jejunal wall and the jejunal lumen were compared. The gut wall lactate was increased in both the nonischemic and the ischemic lactatemia, whereas the lactate measured from the jejunal lumen only was altered significantly during true ischemia.

Microdialysates of other substances have also been measured, including glucose and glycerol, showing that, while lactate levels increase with ischemia, intestinal wall glucose levels drop with the same stressor. Glycerol was increased, but the changes were seen later than the changes in lactate [19]. Similarly, increases in the lactate/pyruvate ratio in both intraperitoneal or intraluminal placed microdialysis catheters have correlated with hypoperfusion [20]. As glucose from the splanchnic circulation is inhibited, pyruvate accumulates in the tissue and, in the setting of inadequate oxygen delivery, is broken down to lactate. Using glycerol as a marker, Sollingard et al. [21] suggested that gut luminal microdialysis could serve as a valuable tool for surveillance not only during ischemia, but also after the ischemic insult.

These data support the idea that microdialysis could be a potentially useful method to monitor gut ischemia. However, even under investigational conditions, technical difficulties were reported in up to 15% of cases by either damage to the microdialysate membrane, dislocation of the probe, or incorrect placement [22].

Small Intestine

Tests of Intestinal Absorption

Clinically, the recognition of malabsorption in the ICU is associated with a variety of signs and symptoms. On physical exam, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, and increased flatulence may be present. Isolated carbohydrate malabsorption may result in increased gas production, which can lead to flatulence, bloating, and abdominal distention. Likewise, diarrhea may indicate a problem with absorption of nutrients, but again it is nonspecific and other potential causes should be examined. Steatorrhea may indicate pancreatic insufficiency. It is also important to elicit the past medical history since it can provide useful information in regards to primary (i.e., lactose intolerance) or secondary (i.e., chronic pancreatitis) malabsorptive problems.

Malabsorption can be detected by a variety of tests. Stool analysis may provide information regarding carbohydrate and fat malabsorption. Bacterial fermentation of malabsorbed carbohydrates may result in an acidic fecal pH. Eherer and Fordtran [23] found that when diarrhea was caused by carbohydrate malabsorption (lactulose or sorbitol), the fecal fluid pH was always less than 5.6 and usually less than 5.3. Other causes of diarrhea rarely caused fecal pH to be as low as 5.6 and never caused a pH less than 5.3. Assuming than fecal osmolality is similar to that of the serum, the fecal osmotic gap can be calculated. The sample is taken from the stool supernatant and if the value were greater than 50 to 100 mOsm, it would suggest the presence of an unmeasured solute. Although this solute may be a malabsorbed carbohydrate, other compounds, such as sorbitol, or ions, such as sulfates, may yield similar results.

Steatorrhea is defined as the presence of at least 7 g of fat in a 24-hour stool collection [24]. Sudan II stain is a simple screen testing and it is helpful to detect those patients with mild degrees of steatorrhea (7 to 20 g per 24 hours). The gold standard is represented by quantitative fecal fat analysis [25]. Stool is collected over 2 to 3 days while the patient ingests 75 to 100 g of fat within 24 hours. Normal values are less than 7 g per day. However, this test is laborious and may not help with differentiating diagnoses.

D-Xylose Uptake

The D-xylose test has been used in the diagnosis of malabsorption. This pentose sugar of vegetable origin is incompletely absorbed in the small intestine by a passive mechanism. The test consists in the ingestion of 25 g dose of D-xylose and the subsequent measurement of the levels on the serum or in urine. In normal individuals, a serum sample taken 1 to 2 hours after ingestion will reveal a level of 25mg per dL and a 5-hour urine collection will result in at least 4 g of this substance. Many entities such celiac disease, alterations in gastrointestinal motility, and impaired function of the pylorus will result in abnormal results. In the critically ill, renal function may be altered and may alter the results of the urine test. Chiolero et al. [26] studied the intestinal absorption of D-xylose in the critically ill patients that were tolerating enteral feeding. They introduced D-xylose to the stomach or the jejunum and found that although the levels in plasma in all patients in the study increased, indicating proper gastric emptying, in those receiving the compound in the stomach, the levels of D-xylose were lower than normal, indicating delays or depression in absorption. These results were similar to a prior study in trauma and septic patients. In this study, in both groups the D-xylose test showed abnormal results at the onset of the illness with resolution by 1 to 3 weeks after trauma or resolution of sepsis. Interestingly, enteral feedings were tolerated by these patients before the test results returned to normal [27]. As the patients in both studies were tolerating tube feeds even with abnormal D-xylose test results, Chiolero et al. [26] suggested that this test may not be a good indicator to determine the capacity of patients to tolerate enteral feeds. This does confirm that absorption of D-xylose stays depressed for a prolonged period of time in the critically ill.

Johnson et al. [28] also found decreased absorption in the septic population when compared with healthy individuals. They used an oral test solution that contained 5 g of lactulose, 1 g of L-rhamnose, 0.5 g of D-xylose, and 0.2 g of 3-O-methyl-D-glucose. L-rhamnose is absorbed by passive diffusion and therefore particularly sensitive to changes of the absorptive capacity of the gut when compared with D-xylose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose, which depend on specific carrier mechanisms. The authors found that septic patients had decreased L-rhamnose/3-O-methyl-D-glucose ratios when compared with normal individuals, a result consistent with decrease absorptive capacity during sepsis. They also used the lactulose/L-rhamnose ratio to assess permeability of the gut. This group concluded that the
changes in the absorptive capacities of the gut may contribute to the pathophysiology of sepsis.

Other Tests

The rapid absorption of acetaminophen at the jejunal level can also aid the assessment of the absorptive capacity of the gut. It has, however, been used more to assess gastric emptying [5] and tube feeding location for enteral feeding [29]. Details of this test were discussed in the motility section. From these data, it appears that either carbohydrate absorption tests or the acetaminophen test could be used to a monitor absorption in the critically ill. No correlation has been established between tolerating tube feeds and the degree of absorption. The role of this test may be to monitor improvement of absorptive function of the gastrointestinal tract after critical illness.

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