Implications of Manual Chest Physiotherapy and Technology in Preventing Respiratory Failure after Extubation

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Antonio M. Esquinas (ed.)Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation and Difficult Weaning in Critical Care10.1007/978-3-319-04259-6_8

8. Implications of Manual Chest Physiotherapy and Technology in Preventing Respiratory Failure after Extubation

Maria Luísa Soares1, Margarida Torres Redondo1 and Miguel R. Gonçalves1, 2, 3  

Pulmonology Department, University Hospital of São João, Porto, Portugal

Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Sáude, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal



Miguel R. Gonçalves

8.1 Introduction

The process of discontinuing mechanical ventilation must balance the risk of complications caused by unnecessary delays in extubation with the risk of complications resulting from early discontinuation and the need for reintubation [1]. Extubation failure occurs in 10–20 % of patients who meet all weaning criteria [2] and is associated with a higher mortality rate [3]. After extubation, if respiratory failure happens, a reintubation must be performed. Therefore, strategies that can prevent the development of respiratory failure after extubation and the need for reintubation are necessary to reduce the percentage of extubation failure. Airway secretion clearance and noninvasive ventilation (NIV) can be two of the most helpful approaches to addressing extubation failure.

Patients in the intensive care setting often have impaired airway clearance. Studies show the importance of cough strength and the amount of secretions for a successful extubation [4, 5]. Beuret et al. [6] showed that extubation failure was more likely among patients who were unable to cough on command or who had a peak expiratory flow rate during a cough of <35 l/min. Therefore, following extubation, all patients should be closely monitored and an early airway secretion clearance must be performed to prevent reintubation. This may include manual chest physiotherapy techniques, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, high-frequency chest wall oscillation, and mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E).

NIV can be used in the period after extubation to prevent extubation failure [7]. Patients most likely to benefit from the early application of NIV following extubation include those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), especially those who have compensated hypercapnia during their spontaneous breathing trial before extubation. However, routine use of NIV immediately after extubation is not recommended.

8.2 Chest Physiotherapy

The effective elimination of airway mucus and other debris is one of the most important factors that permits successful use of ventilation support (invasive and noninvasive) for patients with either ventilator or oxygenation impairment. Approaches to prevent airway secretion retention include pharmacotherapy to reduce mucus hypersecretion or to liquefy secretions, and the application of chest physiotherapy techniques. The goals of chest physiotherapy, in ventilator-dependent patients, are to maintain lung compliance and normal alveolar ventilation at all times and to maximize cough flows for adequate bronchopulmonary secretion clearance [8]. Further studies are needed to identify the patients and circumstances that are at risk from complications or adverse effects of manual chest physiotherapy.

Airway clearance refers to two separate, but connected, mechanisms: mucociliary clearance and cough clearance.

8.3 Mucociliary Clearance

Positioning the patient to enable gravity to assist the flow of bronchial secretions from the airways has been a standard treatment for some time in patients with retained secretions [9]. The combination of positioning with breathing techniques and manual chest physiotherapy increases the effectiveness of airway clearance in patients with different etiologies. Breathing control techniques include autonomous breathing exercises such as forced and deep expirations and diaphragmatic breathing to optimize airway mucus clearance. Positioning can also place the patient at risk for skin and cardiac complications, cerebral blood flow or intracranial pressure changes, and gastroesophageal reflux [8]. Manual chest percussion (clapping) and chest wall vibration have been shown to increase in airflow obstruction and hypoxemia [9]. Guidebooks on manual thoracic techniques are available demonstrating the hand placements and thrusting techniques in children and adults [10].

8.3.1 Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation

The intrapulmonary percussive ventilator is an airway clearance device that simultaneously delivers aerosolized solution and intrathoracic percussion. This modified method of intermittent positive pressure breathing superimposes high-frequency minibursts of gas (at 50–550 cycles/min) on the patient’s own respiration. This creates a global effect of internal percussion of the lungs, which can promote clearance of the peripheral bronchial tree. The high-frequency gas pulses expand the lungs, vibrate and enlarge the airways, and deliver gas into distal lung units, beyond the accumulated mucus [11].

Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation can be delivered through a mouthpiece, a face mask, or through endotracheal and tracheostomy tubes. The primary aims of this technique are to reduce secretion viscosity, promote deep lung recruitment, improve gas exchange, deliver a vascular “massage,” and protect the airway against barotrauma. The main contraindications are the presence of diffuse alveolar hemorrhage with hemodynamic instability. Relative contraindications include active or recent gross hemoptysis, pulmonary embolism, subcutaneous emphysema, bronchopleural fistula, esophageal surgery, recent spinal infusion, spinal anesthesia or acute spinal injury, presence of a transvenous or subcutaneous pacemaker, increased intracranial pressures, uncontrolled hypertension, suspected or confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchospasm, empyema or large pleural effusion and acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema [12].

8.3.2 High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation

During high-frequency chest wall oscillation, positive pressure air pulses are applied to the chest wall through a vest or under a chest shell. This technique provides oscillation at 5–25 Hz. Mechanical vibration is performed at frequencies up to 40 Hz. Vibration is applied during the entire breathing cycle or during expiration only. The adjustable inspiratory/expiratory ratio permits asymmetrical inspiratory and expiratory pressure changes (e.g., +3–6 cmH20), which favors higher exsufflation flow velocities to mobilize secretions. The average length of time spent in each treatment session will vary according to patient tolerance, amount and consistency of secretions, and the phase of the patient’s illness (acute or chronic). Simultaneous use of an aerosolized medication or saline is recommended throughout the treatment. This humidifies the air to counteract the drying effect of the increased airflow [13]. High-frequency chest wall oscillation may act like a physical mucolytic, reducing both the spinnability and viscoelasticity of mucus and enhancing clearance by coughing [9, 11].

Contraindications for this therapy are mostly the same as for intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, with the addition of head or unstable neck injury, burns, open wounds, infection or recent thoracic skin grafts, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis, coagulopathy, rib fracture, lung contusion, distended abdomen, and chest wall pain [9, 13].

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