High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen in Acute Respiratory Post-extubation Failure in Pediatric Patients: Key Practical Topics and Clinical Implications

Fig. 52.1
Mechanism by which HFO therapy obtains better oxygen concentrations in relation to low-flow systems

52.3 Mechanism of Action [3]

HFO accomplishes washout of nasopharyngeal dead space. The extrathoracic dead space in children is proportionally two or three times greater than in adults. It may measure up to 3 ml/kg in newborns; after 6 years of age it becomes similar to the adult volume. Under normal conditions in children, during breathing, approximately 30 % of the tidal volume inhaled is anatomic dead space. At the beginning of the inhalation, this dead space is filled with gas from the previous breath remaining at the end of the exhalation. Therefore, HFO may improve breathing efficiency by flooding the nasopharyngeal dead space with clean gas, thereby contributing to improving the minute ventilation. As in the case of any reduction in anatomic or physiological dead space, this treatment contributes to establishing better alveolar gas fractions, facilitating oxygenation, and bringing a theoretical improvement in carbon dioxide (CO2) elimination.

Because HFO provides a flow that is sufficient to equal or exceed the patient’s inhalation flow, it is likely to reduce the inhalation resistance related to the passage of air through the nasopharyngeal airway. This gives rise to a change in the work of breathing (WOB).

The appropriate heating and humidification of the airways is associated with improved pulmonary compliance and elasticity compared with dry, cold gas. In addition, the nasal mucosa receptors respond to cold, dry gas by provoking a protective bronchoconstriction in normal and asthmatic subjects. The heated, humidified air generates a beneficial effect on the ciliary movement, clearing of secretions, and prevention of atelectasis. HFO reduces the metabolic work required to heat and humidify external air, which is drier and colder with respect to body temperature and humidity.

Despite the different hypotheses postulated in the literature with respect to the mechanisms of action of HFO, there seems to be agreement about the fact that it originates a certain positive pressure on the airway. This pressure is variable (ranging from scant to excessive), is relatively unpredictable, cannot be regulated, and is related to the flow, size of the patient’s nasal cannulas, leaks, and whether the mouth is closed. One of the main differences between HFO and noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is that the former maintains a fixed flow and generates variable pressures, whereas NIV systems use variable flows to obtain a fixed pressure. HFO improves the ventilation pattern, reducing the respiratory frequency, heart rate, and oxygen needs, but does not normally affect alveolar partial pressure carbon dioxide (PaCO2) or pH. The devices are easy to apply and allow the children to eat, talk, and move. The tendency to use HFO is partly the result of a perception of greater ease in using it and improved tolerance by the patient, thereby achieving further benefits.

52.4 Advantages and Disadvantages

There are few disadvantages because this system has good tolerance. In some cases, abdominal distension may be observed due to flatulence. Condensation may occur in the nasal cannula at low flows. There has been described air leak syndrome (pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum) [4]. In prolonged situations, nasal trauma may occur, and another disadvantage is the high level of noise correlated with the flow (Table 52.1).

Table 52.1
Advantages and disadvantages of HFO therapy




Rhinorrhea, sialorrhea

99 % humidity

Less effective in oral respiration

High oxygen concentrations

Prolonged situations: nasal trauma

Prevents claustrophobia

Pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum

Easy to use

High level of noise correlated with the flow

Better tolerated than CPAP

Allows patient to eat and talk

52.5 Administration Methods

There are several commercial systems for administering HFO (Fig. 52.2):


Fig. 52.2
Commercial systems for administering HFO

  • Precision Flow® (Vapotherm, Exeter, UK), the first system approved for use in patients by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2004

  • Optiflow system® (Fisher & Paykel, Auckland, New Zealand)

  • Comfort-flo® (Teleflex Medical, Durham, NC, USA).

No studies have demonstrated differences in efficacy between systems. They may be used in all age groups (neonates, infants, children, and adults). These devices require a gas source (air and oxygen) to generate the necessary flow, a heated humidifier, circuit tubing sized for the patient, and a nasal cannula.

The nasal cannula may be of different sizes, depending on the flow used; the outer diameter of the cannula should be less than the internal diameter of the nose, to ensure it is not completely high-flow oxygen therapy and continuous positive airway pressure blocked and to prevent excess pressure and pressure sores. It is advisable for it to measure at least half the diameter of the nostril. One difference between the systems is the presence of an (Precision Flow, Optiflow system). This allows the maximum pressure generated by the device to be controlled, thus reducing the risk of a sudden increase in the pressure in the airways, which suggests they may be useful in neonatal air leak syndromes.

The HFO system can be used to incorporate medicinal gases (e.g., heliox 70/30, NO) and drugs in aerosol form can also be administered. In vitro studies show that with this method high dosis of drug are requiered, otherwise we can use heliox as a vehicle to achive the appropiate levels. Until new studies emerge, the administration of these drugs using this device is not recommended.

52.6 Indications

No evidence can be found to allow determination of the safety or effectiveness of the high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) therapy as a form of respiratory support in children [5]. Nor are there established guidelines or decision-making pathways to guide use of the HFNC therapy in adults. In summary, there are no clearly established indications for the use of HFO. They are extrapolated from observational or physiological studies, mainly in adults and premature infants without evidence (Table 52.2). It is used for the same indications as the traditional method of CPAP and may be more effective than standard oxygen supply devices for oxygenation in the post-extubation period.

Table 52.2
Indications for the use of HFNC

HFNC indications

Moderate respiratory failure and/or need for high oxygen intake

Apnea pauses. Obstructive sleep apnea

Upper airway obstruction. Laryngitis after extubation

Airway inflammation (asthma, bronchiolitis)

Heart failure

Withdrawal of mechanical ventilation or noninvasive ventilation

For clinical practice, HFO seems feasible in mild to moderate forms of respiratory distress and hypoxemia, transcutaneous oxygen saturation (SpO2) <90 %, despite standard flow oxygen. It is useful in hypoxemic, nonhypercapnic patients who require fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) >0.3 using a face mask (type I respiratory failure). It is not considered useful in type II respiratory failure because it does not reduce PaCO2 levels and is not indicated in CO2 retainers because it reduces the respiratory stimulus triggered by hypoxia that is produced in hypoventilation.

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Oct 12, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on High-Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen in Acute Respiratory Post-extubation Failure in Pediatric Patients: Key Practical Topics and Clinical Implications

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