Chapter 18 Hazards from Surgical Smoke
Decreasing Your Risk
The general population has been concerned about the inhalation of contaminated air for years. The harmful toxins from tobacco smoke, the toxic gases from artificial turf, the air pollution in confined areas such as airplane cabins, and the airborne debris from fires have all made the headlines in local and national newspapers and reports. Clean air is necessary for good health and longer lives (Maugh, 2009), but attention has not been focused on the air quality behind the closed doors of surgery. Erin Anderson (2005) once stated, “In hindsight, will health care professionals be embarrassed about their cavalier attitudes toward surgical smoke as they once were with cigarette smoke?”
Research has demonstrated that over 500,000 health care workers are exposed to the hazards of surgical smoke (Barrett and Garber, 2004). Even though evidence-based smoke evacuation recommendations have been widely publicized, compliance by perioperative nurses and other surgical team members is still not consistent (Edwards and Reiman, 2008; Ball, 2009). Perioperative nurses have reported an increased incidence of respiratory problems when compared with the general population (Ball, 2009). This alarming information could be the result of breathing in surgical smoke for years in the operating room. Some of the health conditions associated with surgical smoke include those listed in Box 18-1 (Alp et al, 2006).
When hot tools, such as electrosurgical energy or laser beams, impact tissue, heat is created that causes the cells to explode and cellular contents to be released into the air. This debris, consisting of water and particles, is known as surgical smoke or plume. There are few differences between electrosurgery and laser-generated plume. A classic study published in 1989 by Tomita et al compared the hazards of surgical smoke to those of cigarette smoke. When they used a CO2 laser to vaporize 1 g of tissue, the effect of breathing in the resultant plume was compared with the hazard potential of smoking three unfiltered cigarettes. When electrosurgery was used to vaporize tissue, the results compared the smoke inhalation hazards with those of smoking six unfiltered cigarettes (Tomita et al, 1989). This research demonstrates that electrosurgery plume may be more hazardous than laser smoke, but actually both types of smoke are very similar and can cause identical inhalation hazards (Tomita et al, 1989).
Even though research findings suggest that there may be differences between laser plume and electrosurgery smoke, both types of surgical smoke should be treated the same and properly evacuated (Bigony, 2007). Reports show that plume is more consistently evacuated during laser surgery (Edwards and Reiman, 2008). The appropriate evacuation of plume generated during electrosurgery procedures continues to be inconsistent and lacking (Ball, 2009).
Odor of Surgical Smoke
When surgical smoke is generated, an awful, offensive odor is produced by the inorganic and organic compounds that are created. Inorganic compounds, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur, and nitrogen, can lead to hypoxia if inhaled. Organic compounds, such as acrolein, benzene, and polycyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons, can lead to nausea, headaches, and fatigue. The odor is from the combination of these toxic gases that are found in trace amounts in the plume; however, the cumulative effect makes surgical smoke an inhalation hazard. Some of these toxic gases, such as benzene and formaldehyde, are also known carcinogens, so continual inhalation of these gases must be avoided (Ball, 2007; Ulmer, 2008).
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2006) has warned health care professionals that the toxic gases produced within surgical smoke can cause eye irritation. Providers wearing contact lenses may have difficulty if exposed to a lot of surgical smoke; therefore adequate smoke evacuation practices must be in place.
Size of Particulate Matter
The size of the particles within surgical smoke has been shown to be extremely small. Mihashi et al (1981) found that 77% of the particles in smoke are less than 1.1 μm in size. If inhaled, these particles can be carried to the bronchioles and alveoli of the lungs, where they can cause respiratory problems (Taravella et al, 2001). The mean particle size of smoke particulate produced by electrosurgical energy is approximately 0.07 μm in size, whereas laser plume particulate is approximately 0.31 μm in size (Bigony, 2007; Ulmer, 2008).
Baggish et al (1988) conducted research involving laboratory rats inhaling surgical smoke with and without the use of a smoke evacuator to filter the plume. The rats breathing in filtered plume had no lung changes, whereas the rats inhaling surgical smoke that was not filtered by a smoke evacuator developed hypoxia and other respiratory problems. This research demonstrated that smoke evacuation systems are effective if used properly.
Many surgical team members today have reported respiratory problems that may be connected to the inhalation of surgical smoke (Ball, 2009). Latex allergies and sensitivities have often been associated with repeated exposure to latex. In much the same way, allergies or respiratory conditions may be attributed to the continual exposure to surgical smoke.
Potential Viability
Of great concern is the potential for the transmission of viable organisms within surgical smoke. Garden et al (2002) conducted a classic research study on the probability of transmission of viable particulate during laser surgery. Laser energy was used to vaporize lesions on a cow. In the surgical smoke, intact DNA for bovine papilloma virus was identified. This intact DNA was then injected into another area of the cow, which led to the growth of more viral lesions. The cow was injected with the infective particulate; the cow did not inhale it. Results note that there is a high potential for the transmission of viable organisms within surgical smoke. Other studies have been conducted that have demonstrated similar results (Sawchuck et al, 1989; Bigony, 2007).
There are many anecdotal stories related today about health care professionals contracting a disease similar to that of their patients. Surgical smoke has been implicated as the carrier that can potentially transmit disease from the patient to the provider. Hallmo and Naess (1991) reported that a 44-year-old surgeon in Norway became hoarse after years of inhaling surgical smoke from the vaporization of condyloma. When biopsies of the surgeon’s lesions were performed, examination revealed the presence of the same DNA strain as is found in anogenital warts, not normally found in the throat. The theory is that surgical smoke that is not evacuated can spread disease to another host.
Laparoscopic Plume
Ott et al (1997) performed a research study to determine the reason for postoperative laparoscopic patients’ complaints of headaches, nausea, or vision problems. When surgical smoke was not evacuated during the laparoscopy, the patients with untoward symptoms also had an increase in blood methemoglobin and carboxyhemoglobin. When these elements increase, the oxygen-carrying capabilities of the patient’s red blood cells decrease, leading to symptoms of nausea, headaches, and visual problems. When the surgical smoke is properly evacuated during laparoscopy, the patient does not complain of these symptoms postoperatively and an increase in methemoglobin or carboxyhemoglobin is not detected. Therefore, to prevent the patient from absorbing the byproducts of combustion during laser or electrosurgery, proper smoke evacuation methods must be employed.
The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) (2009) has addressed the need for smoke evacuation in four different recommended practices: the recommended practices on laser, electrosurgery, endoscopic minimally invasive surgery, and safe environment of care. The recommendations are easy to read, understand, and follow and offer guidance and reference for the creation of hospital or surgery center policies and procedures. A sample smoke evacuation policy is provided in Box 18-2.
BOX 18-2 Sample Policy for the Evacuation of Surgical Smoke
1. Use the appropriate smoke evacuation system depending on the amount of plume generated. If small amounts of plume are generated and room suction is to be used, an in-line suction filter is positioned between the suction canister and the wall outlet to capture the surgical smoke particulate. An individual smoke evacuation system is used if larger amounts of plume are generated.
2. Change the smoke evacuation filter or filters according to the manufacturer’s written instructions.
3. Hold the smoke evacuation suction tube close (<1 inch away) to the tissue interaction site to remove as much plume (odor and particulate matter) as possible. If possible use a special electrosurgery device that also provides smoke evacuation through the tube surrounding the electrosurgical pencil blade.
4. Smoke evacuation tubing should have a smooth inner lumen to eliminate any whistling noise.
5. Use a reducer fitting to adapt a large smoke evacuation tube to a smaller suction or evacuation tube.
6. The scrub person or first assistant can operate the smoke evacuation foot pedal (if available) to minimize the wear and tear on the smoke evacuator motor and to decrease noise. Ideally a sensing system should be used on the laser or electrosurgery device that automatically activates and shuts off the smoke evacuator whenever plume is created.
7. Evacuate surgical smoke generated during endoscopic or laparoscopic procedures. Endoscopic smoke evacuation instruments help decrease the presence and retention of plume inside a body cavity or organ. During laparoscopic procedures, a delicate balance between smoke evacuation and insufflation is needed to maintain the pneumoperitoneum. A low-pressure suction valve or other smoke evacuation device can be attached to the trocar system sleeve to remove plume gently during a laparoscopic procedure without destroying the pneumoperitoneum. A special smoke evacuator that provides automatic plume removal also can be used to evacuate the intraabdominal smoke without destroying the pneumoperitoneum. A high-flow insufflator is recommended to replace any lost insufflation gas quickly.
8. Wear a surgical mask that provides adequate filtration (0.1 μm filtration) to protect against any residual smoke particulate matter that has not been evacuated. The high-filtration mask must fit snugly around the face. Wearing a high-filtration mask does not replace the need to use a smoke evacuation system to remove the surgical smoke from the environment.
9. Continuing education helps health care personnel understand the hazards of surgical smoke and encourages the use of appropriate methods for evacuation.

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