Chapter 14
Chemistry and Physics of Anesthesia
General Chemistry: Matter and Energy
International System of Measurement
When studying and interacting with matter and energy, it is necessary to have a system of standardized units of measurement. The Systéme International (SI) is a set of standardized units of measure based on the metric scale. The SI uses 7 base quantities for measurement (Table 14-1) and 12 standard prefixes for naming units of measure to denote quantity (Table 14-2). Other units or combinations of units may be used in addition to those shown. Additionally, temperature and pressure affect the behavior of matter, and a standardized reference has been established for both. The standard temperature and pressure (STP) is 100.00 kilopascals at 273 kelvin.
TABLE 14-1
Systéme International Seven Base Quantities for Measurement
SI Unit | Symbol | Quantity |
meter | m | Length |
kilogram | kg | Mass |
second | s | Time |
ampere | A | Electric current |
kelvin | K | Temperature |
candela | cd | Luminous intensity |
mole | mol | Amount substance |
TABLE 14-2
Systéme International Prefixes
Name | Symbol | Factor |
tera- | T | 1012 |
giga- | G | 109 |
mega- | M | 106 |
kilo- | k | 103 |
hecto- | h | 102 |
deca- | da | 101 |
deci- | d | 10−1 |
centi- | c | 10−2 |
milli- | m | 10−3 |
micro- | µ | 10−6 |
nano- | n | 10−9 |
pico- | p | 10−12 |
Elements are matter that possess similar atoms containing the same protons. The periodic chart of the elements lists these elements according to their chemical characteristics. Vertical columns known as groups list elements with similar properties. Horizontal rows are known as periods. Atomic size progresses up across rows from left to right. Atomic weights are listed with each element on the chart (Figure 14-1).
Atomic Structure
Atomic theory has its origins in the philosophical musings of the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who described indivisible building blocks of matter referred to as “atomos.”1 The orbital theory of atomic structure was later put forth by Ernesto Rutherford (1871-1937) and improved upon by Neils Bohr (1885-1962), who described electron orbits in terms of energy levels and ability to emit quantized energy by stimulated emission. The atomic theory describes atoms as having a central core, the nucleus, with orbiting particles called electrons (Figure 14-2). Electrons are negatively charged. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons. Protons have a positive charge and are larger than electrons. Neutrons lack a charge and are similar in size to protons. The number of protons in an atom constitutes its atomic number. Electrons, much smaller than protons and neutrons, orbit around the nucleus and are negatively charged.
FIGURE 14-2 Atomic structure showing nucleus containing protons and neutrons with orbiting electrons.
Molecular Bond Types
Covalent Bonds
The physical sharing of electrons between atoms constitutes a covalent bond. The sharing of one pair of electrons is called a single bond, sharing two pairs of electrons is a double bond, and sharing three pairs of electrons is a triple bond. Often covalent bonds are stronger than electrostatic bonds. Covalent bonding may be between same or different atoms that share similar electronegativity.
Electrostatic Bonds
Ion-Ion Bonding
Ion-to-ion bonds are the strongest of the electrostatic bonds. These bonds are not directional and occur anywhere along the outer electron shell of an atom. Molecules with ionic bonds have high melting and boiling points. Sodium chloride (table salt) is an example of ion-to-ion bonding (Figure 14-3).
Ion-Dipole Bonding
Ion-to-dipole bonds are weaker than ion-ion bonds, with only partial charges involved. Some molecules have structural arrangements that produce an uneven distribution of electrons. This uneven distribution of charges creates a dipole in which there is a more positive or more negative side to the molecule, although the molecule does not have a formal charge. An example of a molecule with an uneven charge distribution is water. The spatial arrangement of water’s hydrogens toward one side of an oxygen atom causes that side to have a more positive character and the opposite side to have a more negative character. This dipole of water may bond to an ion of opposite charge. The ions of sodium and chlorine bond to water by ion-to-dipole interaction (Figure 14-4).
Dipole-Dipole Bonding
Water is an example of dipole-to-dipole molecular bonding. The spatial arrangement of water’s hydrogens at a 105-degree angle to each other causes this molecule to be dipolar (Figure 14-5). The dipolar nature of water molecules allows them to form weak bonds with one another (Figure 14-6). The polar sides of water molecules also enable them to bond to ions and other polar molecules. For this reason, water is a convenient solvent for many substances such as drugs. Surface tension of water is a physical characteristic that is caused by water’s dipole-to-dipole intermolecular attractions.
Molecular Bonding Representations
There are several ways to denote bonding and electron distribution. The Lewis structure (electron dot structure) shows the valence electrons as they bond among atoms. Lewis structures may show dots or lines to represent electrons. Again, only outer shell valence electrons are represented and not lower, fully filled shells. Skeletal diagrams are another frequently used method to represent molecular bonding. In organic chemistry, skeletal diagrams use lines to show atom bonding often omitting the letter C for carbon (Figure 14-7).
The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion diagrams (VSEPR) are more descriptive Lewis structures based on the theory of the same name. These diagrams represent electron repulsions, and the resultant approximation of the geometric distribution of atoms in covalently bonded molecules (Figure 14-8).
Molecular Modeling
Molecular models are detailed representations of molecules. Electrons are in constant “orbit” in an atom, and attempts have been made to graphically represent their space-occupying possible locations (Figure 14-9). Space-filling models reflect the “electron cloud” of specific atoms in a molecule. These models can appear as spherical, ball and stick, or ribbon-like representations of atoms and molecules that are affixed to one another. Molecular modeling is expanding our understanding not only of molecular geometries but also molecular behavior.2
Bond Breaking
Bond energy is the amount of energy needed to make or break a bond. Energy is released when a bond is formed, and energy is consumed with breaking a bond. The energy released when a bond is formed is the same amount of energy needed to break that same chemical bond. Short bonds, such as covalent bonds, tend to possess greater bond energies than longer, electrostatic bonds. When molecular bonds are broken, new molecular bonds are often formed and energy is released. An example of this is adenosine triphosphate (ATP) conversion to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Energy is actually consumed in the process of breaking an ATP bond. A greater amount of energy is released when the free phosphate forms new bonds with hydrogen.3 Bond energies are measured as an enthalpy change.
Organic Compounds
Hydrocarbons are molecules composed entirely of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms attached. These molecules are often found in straight chains, with or without branches. Saturated hydrocarbons are single-bonded carbon chains with all available carbon bonds attached to hydrogen. Hydrocarbons containing only single-bonded carbon atoms are called alkanes. The six-carbon hydrocarbon shown in Figure 14-10 is called a hexane. The hex– prefix denotes six carbons and the –ane suffix denotes an alkane with all single bonds.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons have one or more double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. Hydrocarbons containing double-bonded carbons are called alkenes and triple-bonded carbons are called alkynes. The six-carbon hydrocarbon containing a double bond is called hexene (Figure 14-11).
Cyclic hydrocarbons are carbon chains in a ring structure. They may contain multiple carbon atoms and may have single, double, or triple bonds. The cyclic hydrocarbons hexane and benzene (1,3,5 cyclohexatriene) are shown in Figure 14-12.
Functional Groups
Phenols are similar to alcohols in that they both have the general formula ROH. The R in phenols instead represents an aryl group (benzene). A simple phenol is polar due to the hydroxyl group, but more complex phenols such as propofol (diisopropyl phenol) are not water soluble (Figure 14-13).
Ethers have the general formula ROR′, where R and R′ are alkyl groups attached by oxygen. Ethers are inert and do not react with oxidizing or reducing agents but are highly flammable. The outdated anesthetic agent diethyl ether clearly shows both alkyl groups bonded to oxygen (Figure 14-14). Halogen substitution on ethers alters anesthetic characteristics, such as blood solubility and potency, while lowering flammability.
Gas solubility in liquids is inversely related to temperature. As temperature increases, less gas is able to dissolve into a liquid. An increased temperature represents greater kinetic energy. Greater kinetic energy allows dissolved gas molecules to escape and prevents further dissolving. Lower temperature slows the kinetic energy of gas molecules, allowing them to dissolve into liquids. A clinical example of temperature affecting solubility is seen with the slower emergence of hypothermic patients receiving volatile-agent general anesthetics. The hypothermic patient retains anesthetic gases in the blood because of increased solubility related to temperature.4 Gas solubility in a liquid is directly proportional to pressure and is described by Henry’s law.5
Henry’s Law
Henry’s law (William Henry, 1775-1836) states “at constant temperature, the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas at equilibrium above the gas-liquid interface.” The formula is:
where p is the partial pressure of the solute above the solution, k is Henry’s constant, and c is the concentration of the solute in solution. Increasing the partial pressure of a gas above a liquid will increase the amount of gas that dissolves in the liquid. Increased delivery of oxygen (Fio2) to patients to improve arterial oxygenation (Pao2) and overpressurizing (high concentration) anesthetics reflect the direct relationship of pressure and solubility described by Henry’s law. “Overpressurizing” is the process of significantly increasing a volatile anesthetic concentration (partial pressure) delivered to a patient to increase the alveolar concentration, and therefore the amount dissolved in the blood, to speed uptake.
Diffusion is the process of net movement of one type of molecule through space as a result of random motion intended to minimize a concentration gradient (Figure 14-15). This basic process occurs by Brownian (Robert Brown, 1773-1858) motion, which is driven by the inherent kinetic energy of the molecules.6 Temperature is directly proportional to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy allows molecules to move freely in a fluid, and therefore mixtures of fluids tend to evenly distribute. The velocity at which a molecule may distribute is determined by its molecular weight. Every molecule at a given temperature will have the same kinetic energy, independent of its size, but its velocity may differ. From the formula for kinetic energy, KE = (½) mv2, we can determine that if the mass of a molecule is changed, there must be an opposite change in velocity. Greater velocity correlates with faster diffusion. Thus, molecules with smaller mass will diffuse faster.
Graham’s Law
where r is the rate of diffusion, and mw is the molecular weight. Graham’s law determines the faster diffusion of smaller molecules compared to larger molecules. Graham’s law is helpful in understanding the effect of molecular weight on diffusion but is limited in fully describing all the factors influencing diffusion.
Osmosis is the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane to equilibrate a concentration gradient (Figure 14-16). Semipermeable membranes are permeable to water only and not to solute. Osmotic pressure is the force needed to stop osmosis from occurring. Oncotic pressure is the osmotic pressure by plasma proteins and electrolytes in capillaries. Oncotic pressure balances the hydrostatic pressure tendency to push water out of capillaries. Normal oncotic pressure is approximately 28 mmHg. Our vascular system is a semipermeable membrane that responds to intravascular delivery of colloids by sequestering fluid.7,8
Diffusion in Anesthesia
Diffusion is a passive process driven by entropy (see Entropy in this chapter). The diffusion of oxygen and nitrous oxide represents both positive and negative consequences of this process. Nitrous oxide diffuses into air-filled cavities; therefore, delivery of nitrous oxide is contraindicated in patients with pneumothorax or where air-filled cavity expansion is undesirable.9 Nitrous oxide expansion of endotracheal cuffs may cause tracheal mucosal damage.10,11 Distention of bowel during nitrous oxide delivery also has been documented.12,13 Apneic oxygenation is well known and exemplifies the beneficial process of diffusion.14 An intubated patient who has previously been ventilated with 100% oxygen and remains connected to the ventilation circuit with 100% oxygen flow will maintain an acceptable Pao2 if ventilation is ceased. The continual diffusion of oxygen into the blood is driven by a concentration gradient that continually diffuses oxygen into the alveoli via the ventilator circuit. The diffusion of gases across biological tissues is expressed by Fick’s law.
Fick’s Law
Fick’s law for diffusion of a gas across a tissue plane is an encompassing law that accounts for molecular weight, concentration gradient, solubility, and membrane interactions. Fick’s law states that diffusion of a gas across a semipermeable membrane is directly proportional to the partial pressure gradient, the membrane solubility of the gas, and the membrane area and is inversely proportional to the membrane thickness and molecular weight of the gas. Specific application of the Fick equation for diffusion of respiratory gases is as follows:
where J is diffusion flux, α is the solubility constant for oxygen, D is diffusivity, Δx is the membrane thickness, and (Pao2 − Pcapo2) is the alveolar-capillary oxygen partial pressure difference. Fick’s equation allows determination of pulmonary gas exchange.15,16 The diffusion hypoxia that occurs after the delivery of nitrous oxide is discontinued, and low inspired oxygen is administered as explained by Fick’s equation.17
Newtonian Physics
Newton’s Laws of Motion
• Newton’s first law (law of inertia): A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by another force.
• Newton’s second law (law of acceleration): Acceleration of a body is in the direction of and proportional to the force (F), and that acceleration (a) is inverse to the mass (m) of the body, F = ma. If multiple forces exist, the direction and acceleration are proportional to the sum of all the forces. These are called vectors.
• Newton’s third law (law of reciprocal action): For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It states that objects exert equal but opposite forces on one another.18 Example: An apple on a desk pulls down with a gravitational force equal to the force that the table resists.
The newton is the standard measure of force derived from the force of gravity.
where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. Often in settings of small measures of force, the newton is too large. A dyne is 1000th of a newton. A dyne is the force required to move a 1-g weight 1 cm per second. Dynes are used in calculating systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance.19,20
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is the measure of the pulmonary vascular system’s resistance to flow from the right ventricle. Normal PVR is 100 to 200 dyne sec/cm5. Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) is the measure of the peripheral vascular system’s resistance to flow that must be overcome for flow to occur. The left ventricle must therefore pump blood with a force greater than the resistance of the vascular system. The formula for calculating SVR is 80 × (MAP − CVP)/CO = SVR. Normal SVR is 900 to 1200 dyne sec/cm5.
Another application of force measurement in anesthesia is the technology of accelerometry used to measure the degree of neuromuscular blockade.21,22 Accelerometry uses a piezoelectric disk to generate an electric current in proportion to acceleration (see Piezoelectric Effect in this chapter). An accelerometer measures the acceleration caused by the contraction of the adductor pollicis muscle after ulnar nerve stimulation. A comparison of baseline stimulated muscle twitches (forces) to twitches suppressed by neuromuscular blocking agents allows the quantification of the degree of neuromuscular blockade.23 Accelerometers provide objective twitch data referenced to the patient’s baseline twitch response.24 Visual or tactile assessment of twitch heights is subjective and less reliable than accelerometry.24,25
Axis deviation estimates the summation of forces that shift from the normal direction of electrical flow in the heart. Electrocardiogram vector diagrams are scaled clockwise from 0 degrees in the east position. The normal axis of electrical flow summation in the heart is between −30 degrees and +90 degrees. The axis determination steps that follow are based on identifying the positive (upward) deflections of the 12-lead electrocardiogram, which represents electrical flow toward the positive electrode. Because the normal axis of electrical flow is between −30 and +90 degrees, positive deflections in leads I and II would represent electrical flow in the normal direction. Negative deflections in lead I or lead II would reflect a deviation of normal axis and requires determination of the electrical flow vector. Vector deviations are described as left, right, or right superior. Several methods are available for quick determination of myocardial electrical axis deviation. Figure 14-17, Table 14-3, and Table 14-4 offer help in determining axis deviation.
TABLE 14-3
Axis Deviation Determination Methods
Vector Method | Inspection Method | Grant Method |
I+, aVF+ = Normal axis | I+, III+ = Normal axis | I+, II+ = Normal axis |
I−, aVF− = Superior right | I− = Right axis | I+, II− = Left axis |
I−, aVF+ = Right axis | III−, II− = Left axis | I−, II+ = Right axis |
I+, aVF− see lead II (if II+ = Normal; if II− = Left axis) | I−, II− = Superior right |
TABLE 14-4
Normal Axis | −30 to +90 degrees |
Left axis deviation | −30 to −90 degrees |
Right axis deviation | +90 to ±180 degrees |
Superior right axis deviation | −90 to ±180 degrees |
Pressure is defined as force over area, where P is pressure, f is force, and a is area.
These calculations show the extremely high pressures that can be generated by exerting a force over a small area. The tuberculin syringe generates more than 20 atmospheres of pressure and can rupture catheters if used to flush or dislodge blockages. Larger syringes are recommended for flushing or unclogging enteral feeding tubes because of the potential for generating high pressures with smaller syringes.26–28
Pressure Measurement
The simplest method for determining pressure is the manometer. A manometer is a liquid-filled tube that is open to atmospheric pressure on one end and exposed to a pressure for measurement on the other end (Figure 14-18). A pressure greater than atmospheric pressure (760 mmHg) will displace the column of liquid proportional to the pressure difference (Δh). Calibrating the column of liquid allows for quantification of the pressure.
A sphygmomanometer uses an inflatable cuff connected to a mercury-filled manometer to measure blood pressure. As the inflated cuff is slowly deflated, the arterial flow resumes, causing a pressure wave that is transmitted to a mercury column. The mercury column is calibrated to show the measured pressure in millimeters of mercury. A more recent advancement in blood pressure measurement is oscillometry. Oscillometry automates noninvasive blood pressure measurements by recording the oscillations in pressure caused by arterial pulsation.29 As an inflated cuff is deflated, multiple measurements are made of these oscillations. Oscillations increase at systolic pressure and are maximal at the mean arterial pressure. Algorithmic computation of systolic and diastolic pressures is derived from the mean arterial pressure. Often these noninvasive automated blood pressure monitors use the piezoelectric principle to record the pressure oscillations and a microprocessor to derive the systolic and diastolic measurements.30 Invasive blood pressure monitors use a piezoelectric transducer that converts pressure waves into electrical signals. Blood pressure measurements are gauge pressures that are zeroed to atmospheric pressure.
Gauge and Absolute Pressure
Different pressure measurements may use different zero reference points. The zero reference point may be a complete vacuum devoid of all molecules and molecular collisions that impart pressure. This is true zero pressure and is the reference point used when measuring absolute pressure. Absolute pressure is atmospheric pressure plus gauge pressure. Gauge pressure is zero referenced at atmospheric pressure and reads zero at 760 mmHg at sea level. Gauge pressure is absolute pressure minus atmospheric pressure.
Bourdon gauges are often used in anesthesia to measure high pressures, such as in gas cylinders, and are zero referenced to atmospheric pressure (Figure 14-19). Bourdon gauges contain a coiled tube that expands as pressure is applied. A linkage connects the coil to a rotating arm that records the pressure. The American Society for Testing Materials International mandates that the zero reading of Bourdon gauges lie between the 6 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions. Other methods of pressure measurement in anesthesia include manometers.
1. Law of conservation of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. The increase in the internal energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the amount of heat energy added to the system minus the work done by the system on the surroundings.
2. Energy moves toward greater entropy or randomness. The entropy of an isolated system not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time, approaching a maximum value at equilibrium.
3. Absolute zero (0° K or −273.15° C) is void of all energy. Absolute zero is theoretical, because it has been impossible to achieve. As a system approaches absolute zero of temperature, all processes cease, and the entropy of a system approaches a minimum value.
Entropy is the universe’s trend to equilibrate all things. It is the process that allows everything from ice melting to gas expansion. Sleep and the induction of general anesthesia have been proposed to be entropic processes.31–34 All of these processes involve the equilibration of energy. Even matter is a form of energy. Entropy is unidirectional; it is the movement of energy from high concentration to lower concentration. It moves because of a gradient. The difference in the gradient influences the speed of the flow. Greater difference usually equals greater flow, and always from higher concentration to lower concentration. All energy and matter tend to follow this rule. An example of this unidirectional action is ice added to lemonade. Ice does not make lemonade colder, lemonade makes ice warmer. Diffusion, which will be covered later, is also a process driven by entropy. Entropy ends when all energy is equally distributed. Entropy is the underlying process promoting spontaneous and elicited movement in our everyday lives and the universe in general. Essentially, entropy drives the universe. This process should be kept in mind when learning or reviewing any dynamic concepts of anesthesia.35
Temperature is the measurement of the thermal state of an object. Heat is thermal energy; temperature is the quantitative measurement of that energy. Several temperature scales exist: Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin (Figure 14-20). Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-1736) is credited with inventing the mercury thermometer (1714) and devising the Fahrenheit temperature scale. The Celsius (Anders Celsius, 1701-1744) or centigrade scale is the primary scale used for everyday temperature measurements. The Kelvin scale (William Thompson Lord Kelvin, 1824-1907) was developed to better reflect mathematically the temperature/pressure relationship of gases and is used when calculating their behaviors. Water freezes at 273.15° K and boils at 373.15° K. Conversion among temperature scales is as follows:
Celsius to Kelvin: °K = °C + 273
Celsius to Fahrenheit: °F = 1.8 (°C) + 32
Fahrenheit to Celsius: °C = (°F − 32)/1.8
Heat Loss
Heat and energy are the same. Heat loss (energy loss) of a system, as discussed previously, is unidirectional from higher concentration to lower concentration, from hotter to less hot. Even ice possesses heat (energy). Remember absolute zero, 0° K (−273.15° C or −459.67° F), is the absence of all energy and therefore absence of all heat. The human body is a system that contains energy. Much of this energy is in the form of heat. Our bodies continually exchange heat with the environment from high concentration to lower concentration. On a very hot day or in a very hot room, we could become hyperthermic. Similarly, in a cool room our bodies could become hypothermic, especially with exposed body surface. We will focus on heat loss in the cool operating room environment. Clothes, hair, skin, and fat insulate us from heat loss. Protective mechanisms exist that further lessen heat loss.
Core Temperature Redistribution
Core temperature redistribution is the process of increased heat loss from the body resulting from the vasodilating effects of volatile and regional anesthetics, which cause greater blood flow and therefore heat flow to the body’s surface from the core.36–38 A patient’s core temperature can quickly drop by the vasodilating actions of anesthetics, with the greatest decrease in the first hour.37 It is imperative that one be cognizant of this heat loss mechanism and take measures to decrease it.39–41

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