Cancer-Related Visceral Pain
Mary Alice Vijjeswarapu
Lalitha Sundararaman
Edgar Ross
Epidemiology Review
In 2004, 1.4 million Americans were diagnosed with cancer. This number equals approximately 4,000 new diagnoses per day. In the same year, over 500,000 American deaths were attributed to cancer, accounting for 22% overall mortality.1 Currently, more than 10 million individuals in the United States carry the burden of a cancer diagnosis, which is 3% of the population.2 Approximately 50% of patients who carry a diagnosis of cancer report pain as a symptom of the disease process. This percentage increases to 75% of patients reporting pain in the advanced stages of disease.3,4
In 2016, it is estimated that there are 1,685,210 new cases of cancer in the United States, and 595,690 people will die from the disease. The number of people living beyond a cancer diagnosis reached nearly 14.5 million in 2014 and is expected to rise to almost 19 million by 2024. Approximately 39.6% of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes (based on 2010 to 2012 data).5 The prevalence of pain in cancer varies widely depending on the stage of cancer, type of cancer, and treatment received. The pooled prevalence is about 50% with the highest prevalence in head and neck cancer patients (70% 95% CI, 55% to 80%).6
With competent management, cancer pain can be eliminated or well controlled in 80% to 90% of cases, but nearly 1 in 2 patients in the developed world receives less than optimal care. Worldwide, nearly 80% of people with cancer receive little or no pain medication.7 Trends in death rates for all cancer sites combined from 2000 to 2014 showed a decrease. Death rates decreased statistically, significantly from 2000 to 2014 by 1.8% (95% CI = -1.8% to -1.8%) on average per year among men and by 1.4% (95% CI = -1.4% to -1.3%) per year among women.8
After patients come to terms with the diagnosis of cancer and the implications of their disease, most patients and their families will express concern about the pain and suffering they will experience as their disease progresses. Commonly asked questions include how much pain will there be and can it be controlled?4 Unfortunately, despite evidence that cancer pain can be controlled, it is managed poorly in many cases. Multiple factors limit adequate treatment of cancer pain, including misperceptions of disease processes, misconceptions regarding pain medications and procedures, professionals inadequately trained in pain management, failure to consult specialists trained in contemporary pain management methods, and social stigma around opioid use, including fears of addiction by patients, family members, and professional health care providers.9 Also, many common cancers in the advanced stages of disease when pain is highly prevalent are incurable, and survival may be measured in months, not years. Whereas health care professionals may only measure survival duration as a meaningful treatment outcome, patients and families may measure outcomes in terms of improvement in quality of life, alleviation of pain, and relief of other associated symptoms related to cancer and treatment.10
Because pain syndromes arise from cancer therapies (including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery), patients who survive their primary malignancy may be left with pain secondary to an iatrogenic process. Chemotherapy may induce a painful peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy is well described with vincristine, platinum, taxanes, thalidomide, bortezomib, and other agents. Pain secondary to radiation may appear years to decades after completion of radiotherapy. Pain syndromes following surgery may present after mastectomy, amputation, thoracotomy, or other surgical approaches to malignancies (see Chapters 41, 42, 45, and 48).11
Characteristics of Visceral Pain
Visceral pain is caused by disorders of internal organs such as the stomach, kidney, gallbladder, urinary bladder, and intestines as well as changes in the central nervous system. Pain can result from distension, impaction, ischemia, inflammation, or traction on the mesentery and can be associated with symptoms such as nausea, fever, malaise, and pain.12 Growth of visceral tumors disrupts normal physiologic processes secondary to compression and invasion of adjacent structures. Progression of disease may be asymptomatic until a critical event manifests (e.g., obstruction of a hollow viscus). Under these conditions, the first symptom a patient may experience is pain.13,14,15
Visceral pain is unique in quality of presentation when compared to pain that arises from musculoskeletal structures of the body. Visceral pain is usually vague in its presentation and may be confused by referral to a variety of somatic locations secondary to viscerosomatic convergence.16 The phenomenon of viscerosomatic convergence refers to the diffuse nature of visceral pain and its referral to superficial structures due to the convergence of visceral and somatic afferents on the same dorsal horn neurons and secondary hyperalgesia. Symptoms may seem out of proportion to physical examination and imaging.17 Additionally, visceral pain may be attributable both to the malignancy itself and to chemotherapeutic and radiation therapies. Increased pain following symptomatic relief may suggest the local recurrence of disease or a new locus of disease requiring repeat evaluation of the patient.18
Some features of visceral nociception may offer a better understanding of the experience of patients with visceral pain. Visceral pain is more frequently accompanied by an autonomic response than is somatic pain or pain from skin injury, unless the pain is referred visceral pain mimicking somatic pain.16 There is a poor correlation between the extent of visceral tissue damage and the severity of pain experienced. Visceral pain is poorly localized because of poor representation within the primary somatosensory cortex. The majority of visceral afferents are specific to motor or reflex responses with few neural afferents that are specialized for pain transmission. Those afferents that are specialized for pain are sparsely distributed throughout the viscera; both high-threshold nociceptors and low-threshold “silent” nociceptors are invoked in the pain experience.15
Studies have demonstrated multiple visceral pain mechanisms as well as the mechanisms by which one class of visceral pain may relate to other sources of malignant pain. There are four primary classes of visceral pain:
Mechanical: caused by stretch of visceral structures (bowel lumen or hepatic capsule)
Ischemic: caused by tumor invasion or compression of visceral blood supply
Inflammatory: humoral mediators of inflammation released secondary to tumor infiltration of visceral structures
Neuropathic: compression or invasion of neural structures supplying the viscera18
Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy of cancer can also be responsible for iatrogenic damage of the viscera, associated visceral structures, or nerves. Applying a stimulus that causes tissue damage (e.g., cutting, burning, or pinching) to skin or muscle reliably produces the perception of pain, but these stimuli do not reliably evoke reports of pain when applied to visceral structures. Pain secondary to distension of a hollow viscous, such as in the case of bowel obstruction, does not necessarily produce a similar perception when applied to surface structures. In controlled studies, visceral pain can be consistently demonstrated by mechanical distension of hollow organs using distending fluids or balloon devices.19 These modalities of inducing pain most closely reproduce the natural or pathophysiologic processes causing pain. Mechanical distension can be specifically applied to a given organ structure in isolation of other structures, mimicking processes involving the gastrointestinal, biliary, and urinary tracts which may occur from tumor obstruction (or adhesions) in these sites. Distension of organ capsules, such as the splenic, renal, or hepatic capsule, has also been demonstrated to produce profound pain. On the other hand, gentle or slow but progressive distension or obstruction may not produce pain until a critical point in which ischemia or rupture results. Torsion or stretch on mesenteric structures or omentum may produce states of ischemia, infarct, and inflammatory response producing reports of severe pain.20
Inflammatory processes in visceral structures may produce pain as a result of ischemic response, but some tumors may produce inflammatory mediators with no inciting ischemic event. Both prostaglandin E2 and serotonin have been demonstrated as independent chemical stimuli in the production of pain as malignancy invades adjacent structures.21,22,23 Experimental studies have demonstrated that the application of inflammatory chemical stimuli can evoke pain behaviors, yet specific mechanical means of eliciting pain have been limited in their translation to studies of other visceral structures.24
Ischemic pain has also been described as occurring secondary to occlusion of visceral vasculature or by compression of visceral structures by tumor growth. When tumor growth exceeds vascular supply, necrosis may result, inducing a variety of inflammatory processes.23 Inflammatory mediators, such as hydrogen ions, kinins, prostanoids, leukotrienes, or other cytokines, are initiators of visceral pain. These chemical agents also sensitize neurologic afferents of organ structures amplifying nociception associated with mechanical stimuli. In general, healthy viscera are typically insensate to pain, whereas superficial structures are continually sensate.24 When diseased, however, visceral organs produce pain severe enough to be incapacitating to other physical activity. Pain from surface structures of the body evokes reflexive motion in the classic “fight or flight” response, whereas the sensation of visceral pain discourages motion or physical activity. Anecdotal evidence supports an association between pain of visceral origin and emotional response and is commonly held to be more anxiety-provoking than pain from somatic structures. Some argue that this anxiety comes from a patient’s inability to visualize the cause of the pain.25 Anxiety scales are reported higher in patients with visceral pain ratings of 2 on a scale of 10 when compared to a higher rated pain experience with visible cause on a superficial structure.26 Furthermore, some symptomatology is more common in patients with visceral pain. Perception of both nausea and dyspnea are more commonly associated with pain of a visceral organ. An autonomic response to visceral pain is far more common than to pain of superficial structures.27,28
Psychological processing of visceral pain is distinct from that related to somatic pain. There are a low number of visceral nociceptors compared with somatic nociceptors. There is a lack of specialization of visceral afferents. Many visceral afferents are polymodal nociceptors. Viscera have unique ascending tracts through the dorsal column and poor representation within the primary somatosensory cortex.29,30 Viscera have significant input through the medial thalamus to the limbic cortex, amygdala, anterior cingulate, and insular cortex, which influence the affective aspect of pain perception.31 Viscera also have a close association with autonomic nerves. The perception of visceral pain may be disproportionate to pathology exhibited by physical examination or imaging. As an example, a small nephrolith may offer some of the most severe pain states, whereas extensive cancer metastasis may evoke little or no discomfort. Disorders such as chronic pancreatitis demonstrate very little correlation between laboratory studies and flares in pain perception. Disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and noncardiac chest pain syndrome appear to lack a definitive histopathologic basis for the discomfort and pain.32,33
Many models exist for visceral pain including intraperitoneal injection of a chemical, distension of hollow organs (cecum, colon, rectum), distension of the gallbladder and associated biliary system, and distention or chemical stimulation of the bladder and other urinary tract structures, as well as distension, compression, or traction on reproductive organs. However, lesions studied in one organ are limited in that they are specific to a given stimulus and do not necessarily translate to application in other visceral structures.34
Sensitization occurring secondary to the repeated presentation of visceral stimuli has been noted in human psychophysical studies as well as in animal studies. Repeated presentation of the same visceral stimuli produces increasing strength of response in neuronal, cardiovascular, and visceromotor reflex responses. Inflammation of visceral structures increases the magnitude of response to a given mechanical stimulus and decreases the stimulation thresholds for the evocation of nociceptive responses.35 Inflammation of visceral structures significantly modifies behavioral, neuronal, autonomic, and motor responses to visceral stimulation in experimental models. This model mirrors clinical circumstances because inflammation in visceral structures frequently leads to reports of pain.36
Painful conditions such as mucositis, esophagitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, and colitis all exhibit mucosal inflammatory changes. The inflammatory sensitization may take place at primary afferents. These afferents are normally nonreactive to most stimuli and have been described as “silent” in nonpathologic states. However, in the context of an inflammatory tissue response, they become spontaneously active and highly reactive to mechanical stimuli. Silent afferents may comprise 50% of the neuronal sample in a visceral organ but are infrequently noted in superficial or cutaneous structures. Lack of baseline sensitivity in normal viscera may be secondary to sparsity of visceral afferentation. There are fewer afferents per unit area than similar measures of cutaneous afferents. Because of this sparse innervation, increased activity may be necessary to cross a threshold for perception. Spinal neurons responsive to visceral stimuli also change their responsiveness to visceral stimuli in the presence of inflammation. The cause of this behavior is unknown, although voltage-gated sensitization by the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV-1) and tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) receptors may play a role.37,38 Increased afferent activity, altered intrinsic properties of dorsal horn neurons, and altered modulatory influences or some combination may all serve a role in the process. Dorsal column pathways have been demonstrated to play a role in visceral nociception but not in cutaneous nociception. The results of multiple studies suggest that visceral pain requires a sensitization process both in the periphery and the spinal cord.39
Visceral pain is classically thought of as deep and diffuse in presentation. Localization of the pain generator can be difficult to identify by physical examination. Superficial pain, in contrast, can be elicited by examination with precise localization and with consideration to the site of the body examined; pain locus can be identified within millimeters. Moreover, surface pain loci reliably localize to the same site, never migrating to other body areas, in the absence of neural injury.
Visceral pain is characterized as migratory in its presentation, often perceived in several loci simultaneously or migrating regionally in spite of localization of pathology. This is evident in the presentation of appendicitis. Furthermore, the perception of pain associated with visceral pathology is not normally localized to the organ itself but to somatic structures that receive afferent inputs at the same spinal segments as the visceral afferent entry. For this reason, visceral pain is classically described as either unlocalized pain or as referred pain that may have two separate features. Sensation of the diseased viscera is transferred to a surface site (e.g., an ischemic myocardium can be felt in neck and arms) or additional sites may become hypersensitive to inputs applied directly to those other sites (e.g., flank muscle becomes sensitive to palpation with urolithiasis). This latter phenomenon is referred to as secondary somatic hyperalgesia.
Psychophysical studies of internal organ sensation have focused on a given organ using simple stimuli, correlating the given stimuli to a given organ with perception at the respective site of stimulus. Other psychophysical studies using visceral stimuli have examined the referred sensations described by subjects. These studies have often failed to contrast referred pain to a body surface with cutaneous sensations at the same surface. Patient illustrations of referred sensations tend to extend over large surface areas, whereas studies using cutaneous stimuli generate pinpoint localization to highly precise sites.
The phenomenon of secondary somatic hyperalgesia produced by visceral pathology has been compared to sites of sensitivity with lesions produced by herpes zoster. These initial studies were fundamental to the development of dermatomal mapping. In visceral disease processes, multiple dermatomes have been identified suggesting that secondary somatic hyperalgesia is widely distributed (i.e., poorly localized).
Recent psychophysical studies have attempted to compare visceral with nonvisceral pain. In one study, the sensation produced with balloon distension of the esophagus was compared to thermal stimulation of the mid-chest skin. Subjects perceived larger areas of sensation for esophageal distension than for intensity-matched, heat-evoked sensation on body maps. Temporally, there was also a difference. A rapid response was noted with heat stimulus, whereas there was poor correlation with the esophageal stimulus and the perception of the sensation. Intense visceral discomfort remained after discontinuation of the distending apparatus but not after discontinuation of the cutaneous stimulation. Visceral sensation was concluded to be diffuse both spatially and temporally. Corollary observation of cerebral blood flow identified that similar cerebral areas were activated by both stimuli.
When evaluating the patient in visceral pain with malignancy, the early presentation may be misleading with vague midline discomfort. It may be poorly localized and accompanied by both an emotional response and autonomic event. Later in the evolution of disease process, patients may complain of somatic or referred pain hypersensitivity at the spinal level of the visceral nociceptor terminus. Referred pain is sharp and localized. It is often associated with allodynia and muscle spasm. Furthermore, visceral hypersensitivity may induce the perception of pain in another organ receiving innervation from the same spinal segment.
Visceral primary afferents differ significantly from cutaneous primary afferents in both number and pattern of distribution. Visceral sensory pathways are organized into nerve fascicles and cell body groupings extending from prevertebral regions to contact viscera predominately via perivascular pathways. Cell bodies of visceral primary afferent nerve fibers are located in the visceral dorsal root ganglia of the thoracic and upper lumbar spine, but the peripheral axons of these neurons follow a circuitous path to visceral organs passing via the paravertebral sympathetic chain and ganglia as well as nerve fascicles that are termed the cardiac and splanchnic nerves. The splanchnic nerves are divided into the greater, lesser, least, thoracic, and lumbar divisions. The pelvic nerves arise from dorsal root ganglia at sacral levels, accepting sympathetic chain input before innervating urogenital structures.
Visceral sensory processing also differs from cutaneous sensory processing because visceral neuronal synapses exist at cell bodies of prevertebral ganglia such as the celiac ganglion, superior mesenteric ganglion, and pelvic ganglion, producing changes in local visceral function outside central control. The gastrointestinal tract is also supplied by an independent enteric nervous system relating to functions of digestion and absorption. In the pelvis, structures receive dual innervation with afferents from lower thoracic to upper lumbar segments and from sacral segments. Testicle and ovary embryologically originate in the superior aspect of the abdomen and, therefore, receive thoracic innervation. The urinary bladder has a similar thoracolumbar innervation with sensory inputs extending up to the T10 level but also receives sacral inputs (the pelvic nerve) with other tissues originating from sacral dermatomes (rectum, genital structures).
Pelvic organs also receive efferent and afferent connections from the vagus nerve and local ganglionic circuitry, resulting in a complex and diffuse neuroanatomy. Afferents with endings in a focal visceral site may have cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia of 10 or more spinal levels in a bilaterally distributed fashion. In contrast, cutaneous afferents from a particular body surface arise from only 3 to 5 unilaterally located dorsal root ganglia.
Visceral receptors are located in mucosa, serosa, and muscle of hollow organs as well as visceral mesentery. They are not reported in parenchyma of solid organs. The specialized receptors that discriminate a variety of stimuli in somatic structures are absent in viscera. The mesentery, however, does contain Pacinian corpuscles. Hollow organs contain specialized low-threshold and high-threshold mechanoreceptors. Low-threshold receptors serve a basic regulatory function, whereas high-threshold receptors are activated only with noxious mechanical stimuli. Visceral nociception results from summation of nociceptive input to regulatory low-threshold receptors and noxious high-threshold and silent nociceptors rather than activation of stimulus-specific nociceptors.40
Visceral afferent fiber activation causes an increase in nitric oxide synthase in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, causing expression of the oncogene c-Fos in laminae I, V, VII, X of the dorsal horn within the thoracolumbar spine. Similar upregulation is seen in the amygdala and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei and consequent elevation in norepinephrine production within the locus ceruleus.
Features of visceral pain processing differing from somatic processing include dorsal column ascending secondary sensory afferents, the spinal trigeminal to parabrachioamygdaloid tract, and the spinohypothalamic pathway. In the visceral system, both ventrolateral and dorsal column postsynaptic neurons have a role in nociception. Ascending tracts synapse at the lateral thalamus first, then limbic centers, and then somatosensory cortex.
Whereas somatic nociception is represented somatotopically within the primary somatosensory cortex, visceral pain is represented in the secondary somatosensory cortex and poorly represented within the primary somatosensory cortex. Visceral pain is well represented in the limbic system, including anterior cingulate gyrus, insular cortex, and amygdala, suggesting a basis for the strong emotional component of visceral pain. Whereas visceral pain elicits decreased patient activity, nausea, and hypotension, somatic pain elicits agitation, reactive activity, and hypertension. Nociceptive activity within the gastrointestinal tract induces inhibition of dorsal motor neurons of the vagus within the medulla leading to gastroparesis and nausea.
Visceral Pain Syndromes
Although most pain associated with malignancy is diffuse and chronic, most acute pain syndromes in cancer are secondary to diagnostic or therapeutic interventions. Some tumors generate an acute onset of pain, which may be the result of a perforation of a hollow viscus or rupture of a visceral capsule. Any sudden onset of pain warrants a comprehensive pain assessment. Following is a list of possible pain syndromes that may be encountered by the health care provider.
Paraneoplastic Pemphigus
Paraneoplastic pemphigus is a mucocutaneous disorder accompanying non-Hodgkin lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. It is characterized by widespread shallow ulcers, hemorrhagic crusting of the lips, conjunctival bullae, and may be accompanied by pulmonary lesions, occurring secondary to autoantibodies directed against desmoplakins and desmogleins.41
Oropharyngeal Mucositis and Stomatitis
Mucositis and stomatitis should be distinguished as two separate processes (also see Chapter 45). Oral mucositis is an inflammation of oral mucosa resulting from chemotherapeutic agents or ionizing radiation, manifesting as erythema or ulcerations. Stomatitis is any inflammatory condition of oral tissue, including mucosa, dentition, periapices, and periodontium, including inflammation secondary to infection of oral tissues. Mucositis appears 7 to 10 days after initiation of high-dose cancer therapy and is generally self-limited when uncomplicated by infection, resolving 2 to 4 weeks after completion of chemotherapy. In order to standardize assessment, a variety of scales have been created to grade the level of stomatitis by characterizing alterations in lips, tongue, mucous membranes, gingiva, teeth, pharynx, quality of saliva, and voice. The clinical syndrome usually involves the oropharynx but may involve other gastrointestinal mucosal surfaces such as the esophagus, stomach, or intestine, producing such symptoms as odynophagia, dyspepsia, or diarrhea. Any mucosal damage may become superinfected with microorganisms, most commonly Candida albicans and herpes simplex.42
Radiotherapy may also induce mucositis. Doses of radiation in excess of 4,000 cGy frequently cause ulceration with pain lasting several weeks following treatment.43 Acute pain associated with radiotherapy can be caused by acute radiation toxicity causing inflammation and ulceration of skin or mucous membranes. The syndrome produced is dependent on the exposed field.44,45
5-Fluorouracil-Induced Anginal Chest Pain
In patients receiving 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) infusions, ischemic chest pain may develop. Painful events are more common in patients with a history of coronary artery disease and are likely secondary to coronary vasospasm.
Lung tumors, with or without chest wall involvement, may produce visceral pain. In a large case series of patients with lung malignancies, pain was found to be unilateral in 80% of patients and bilateral in 20% of patients. Patients with hilar tumors reported sternal or scapular pain. Patients with tumors involving the upper and lower lobe experienced referral of pain into the shoulder and lower chest, respectively.46,47 Additionally, some lung malignancies generate ipsilateral facial pain, thought to be secondary to noxious stimulation of vagal afferent neurons.48,49,50,51
Pancoast Syndrome
Pancoast syndrome is caused by malignant neoplasms of the superior sulcus of the lung with destructive lesions of the thoracic inlet and involvement of the brachial plexus and cervical sympathetic nerves (stellate ganglion).52,53 Patients report severe pain in the shoulder region radiating toward the axilla and scapula along the ulnar aspect of the muscles of the hand, and patients may also develop atrophy of hand and arm muscles, Horner syndrome (ptosis, miosis, hemianhidrosis, enophthalmos), and compression of the blood vessels with edema.54 Ninety-five percent of patients have either squamous cell or adenocarcinomas. Small cell carcinoma is found in fewer than 5% of cases in most series. Along with these symptoms and signs, additional predictors of poor prognosis are weight loss, supraclavicular fossa or vertebral body involvement, disease stage, and surgical treatment.55,56
These bronchopulmonary tumors may invade the bony structures of the chest. The first or second thoracic vertebra or the first, second, or third ribs may be invaded. One review has described rib erosion in 50% of patients. The tumor may invade the first or second thoracic vertebral bodies or intervertebral foramina, extending to the spinal cord, and resulting in cord compression. The subclavian vein or artery may also be invaded. Advanced tumors may involve the recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve, or superior vena cava (SVC).
Midline Retroperitoneal Syndrome
The most common cancer-related causes of upper abdominal retroperitoneal pain are pancreatic cancer and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, particularly celiac lymphadenopathy. These disease processes elicit afferent activity via injury to deep somatic structures of the posterior abdominal wall, distortion of pain-sensitive connective tissue, vascular and ductal structures, as well as local inflammation and direct infiltration of the celiac plexus. Patients report pain in the epigastrium, in the low thoracic region of the back, or both. Pain is described as diffuse and dull, exacerbated with recumbency, and improved by sitting forward. Computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, or ultrasound scanning of the abdomen may reveal the disease process.
Pancreatic Cancer
Patients with pain secondary to unresectable pancreatic cancer report severe abdominal pain radiating into the back. This pain is often refractory to analgesics, even strong opioids. Pain may be accompanied by obstructive jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes, itching, dark urine, clay-colored stool) and occurs more frequently when the cancer is located at the head of the pancreas. Other associated symptoms may include weight loss, anorexia, fatigue, and a change in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea). Controlled trials support the use of neurolytic celiac plexus block with superior results in terms of pain relief over analgesics alone (see Chapter 44 and discussion of celiac plexus block in the following discussion).57
Hepatic Distension Syndrome
The liver has many nociceptive structures including the liver capsule, blood vessels, and biliary tract. Afferents from these structures travel via the celiac plexus, the phrenic nerve, and the lower right intercostal nerves. Hepatic metastasis typically causes pain when the tumor stretches the capsule. Patients with intrahepatic metastases or hepatomegaly secondary to cholestasis may report discomfort in the right subcostal region or right midback or flank.58 Patients may experience referred pain to the right neck, shoulder, or scapula.59 Patients describe the pain as a dull ache exacerbated by movement, pressure in the abdomen, and deep inspiration. Associated symptoms include anorexia and nausea. Physical examination reveals a hard, irregular subcostal mass, which is dull to percussion, and descends with inspiration. Diagnostic ultrasound or CT may reveal a space-occupying lesion.

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