Burns/Inhalation Injury

Burns/Inhalation Injury

James H. Holmes IV

I. Introduction

  • Epidemiology

    • Approximately 45,000 people in the United States require hospitalization each year for burn injuries, with10% suffering a concomitant inhalation injury.

    • Overall mortality rate is 4%, with the LD50 (50% lethal dose) occurring at 70% total body surface area (TBSA).

    • Most burn deaths occur in residential fires and nearly half are smoking-related or due to substance abuse.

    • Suspect abuse and report when seeing a patient with unusual burns like a child (e.g., immersion burns, odd shape/distribution, recurrent injuries, etc.), or when the history and injury do not match (see Chapter 21).

    • Approximately 5% of burn patients have concomitant non-thermal injuries.

  • Transfer to burn center

    • American Burn Association (ABA) criteria for transfer to a dedicated burn center:

      • Partial-thickness burns >10% TBSA

      • Burns involving the face, ears, hands, feet, genitalia, perineum, or major joints

      • Full-thickness burns of any size

      • Electrical burns or injuries, including lightning

      • Chemical burns

      • Inhalation injury

      • Burns in patients with preexisting medical conditions

      • Burns associated with concomitant non-thermal trauma in which the burn injury poses the greatest risk of morbidity or mortality

      • Burned children in hospitals without qualified personnel

      • Burns in patients requiring special social, emotional, or long-term rehabilitation interventions

II. Prehospital

  • History

    • Time of injury (start time for calculating fluid resuscitation)

    • Open or closed space (inhalation injury is more likely in closed space)

    • Source of burn: Flame, liquid, steam, chemical, explosion, electrical

    • Duration of exposure

    • Mechanism of any associated injury: Motor vehicle crash (MVC), fall, etc.

    • Quantity of prehospital fluid

  • Care at scene

    • Safely remove patient from source of injury.

    • Extinguish flames and remove clothing.

    • Burn patients are trauma patients and receive full evaluation until proven otherwise.

    • Assess for immediate life-threatening injuries, as per advanced trauma life support (ATLS) and advanced burn life support (ABLS).

    • Provide supplemental oxygen and airway protection.

    • Apply dry dressings.

    • Maintain normothermia.

    • Initiate transport to hospital.

III. Initial Assessment and Resuscitation

  • General

    • Burn injury can be dramatic and distract the resuscitation team from concomitant non-thermal injuries.

    • Patients with severe burn injury may appear deceptively stable on arrival. A patient may be talking on admission with stable blood pressure and mild tachycardia. Within 24 hours, the patient is frequently critically ill.

    • Provide early pain control with frequent small doses of intravenous (IV) opiates.

    • Elevate the ambient room temperature to avoid heat loss from the burn wound.

    • Burns are tetanus-prone and mandate prophylaxis.

  • Airway

    • Note: Although urgent endotracheal intubation is sometimes necessary, time usually exists to assess the airway and provide a semi-elective intubation, when necessary.

    • Provide supplemental oxygen to all patients.

    • Criteria for intubation are the same as in all trauma patients. The following clinical conditions may require immediate or early intubation in a burn patient:

      • Apnea, respiratory failure, or profound hypoxia.

      • Patients with severe facial burns may appear initially stable. Consider semi-elective intubation because profound orofacial swelling over the next few hours can make intubation very difficult.

      • Signs and symptoms of inhalation injury:

        • Injuries sustained in a closed-space fire

        • Carbon deposits in the naso/oropharynx

        • Expectorated, carbonaceous sputum

        • Wheezing

        • Hoarseness

        • Stridor

        • PaO2: FiO2 <300

      • Upper airway injury and obstruction frequently occur in patients with burns of the face and neck. Soft-tissue swelling of the face, oropharynx, glottis, and trachea can be dramatic, precluding safe intubation and making cricothyroidotomy/tracheostomy difficult. Any patient with phonation changes or stridor should be considered for immediate intubation.

  • Breathing

    • If intubated, deliver 100% oxygen (generally with 5 to 10 cm H2O of positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP]) with a goal to avoid high airway pressures while maintaining patient comfort. Perform arterial blood gasses (ABGs) to ensure adequate oxygenation, ventilation, and clearance of acidosis.

    • Perform a chest radiograph to look for associated trauma, early signs of inhalation injury, and position of tubes/lines.

    • Bronchoscopy may be necessary to assess inhalation injury.

    • Circumferential torso burns causing elevated airway pressures may require escharotomy. Note: Patients without complete circumferential torso burns may also require escharotomy to provide adequate ventilation at lower airway pressures.

  • Circulation

    • Intravenous access is ideally obtained with large-bore (14 to 16 gauge in adults) peripheral catheters placed through unburned tissue. In severe burns (>30% TBSA), it is optimal to obtain central venous access early before massive swelling and edema occur. Placement through burned tissue is acceptable, if it is the only option.

    • Initial fluid resuscitation

      • Typically, only burns ≥20% TBSA in adults require formal IV fluid resuscitation.

      • Start with and use only Lactated Ringer’s (LR). Do not use normal saline (NS), as profound hypernatremia and hyperchloremia may result when a large burn resuscitation is completely done with NS.

        Figure 33-1. Rule of nines.

      • The Parkland/Baxter formula (4 mL LR/kg body weight/% TBSA burn) is used to guide initial resuscitation.

      • How to use the Parkland/Baxter formula:

        • The formula is only a guide for fluid requirements in the first 24 hours following injury. Fluid resuscitation should be adjusted based on the patient’s physiologic response to treatment, notably urine output and blood pressure.

        • Only partial- and full-thickness burns (aka second and third degree) are included in the TBSA estimation.

        • TBSA is determined by the rule of nines (Fig. 33-1) or age-appropriate burn diagrams.

        • Give one-half of the calculated requirement in the first 8 hours from the time of injury. The second half is given over the subsequent 16 hours.

        • The first 8 hours begin at the time of burn, not at the time the patient is first seen.

        • For example, a 35% TBSA burn in a 70 kg person gets 9,800 mL LR over 24 hours, 4,900 mL over the first 8 hours (613 mL/hour), and 4,900 over subsequent 16 hours (306 mL/hour).

        • Once started, use urine output to guide the fluid rate to obtain 30 to 50 mL/hour in an adult.

        • In the second 24 hours post-burn, a patient’s maintenance fluid requirements are ∼1.5 to 2 times normal maintenance fluid volumes. This volume should be given as crystalloid, with the composition of the fluid determined by serum electrolyte levels. Any colloid supplementation (i.e., albumin) should occur >24 hours post-burn.

      • A subset of patients (inhalation injury, high-voltage electrical, delayed resuscitation, massive deep burns) may require additional fluid over that estimated by the Parkland/Baxter formula. Hemoconcentration (i.e., hematocrit >55%) may be an early clue to increased fluid requirements.

      • Any patient who does not respond with adequate urine output during the first few hours of resuscitation, is elderly, or has a history of cardiopulmonary/renal disease may require a more formal goal-directed resuscitation, guided by any of the various means of invasive hemodynamic monitoring.

  • Pediatric fluid resuscitation (infants and toddlers <20 kg)

    • The head and neck represent larger proportions of calculated TBSA than in adults (Fig. 33-1 and Table 33-1).

    • Careful fluid resuscitation is necessary to avoid:

      • Pulmonary edema from excessive fluid administration

      • Cerebral edema associated with hyponatremia

    • Formula for estimated fluid = dextrose-based maintenance + 3 mL/kg/% TBSA LR over 24 hours

      Table 33-1 General Body Differences: Children Versus Adults

      Factor Difference
      Size and shape

      • Less fat and connective tissue available for protection.
      • Energy is transferred and dispersed over a smaller body surface area.
      • Internal organs are in relatively close proximity, which predisposes to multiple organ injuries.
      • Solid organs are larger compared with the rest of the abdomen.
      • Rib cage is higher, affording less protection to abdominal organs.
      • The infant’s head is disproportionately larger compared with the adult and subjected to a high incidence of shear injuries.

      • Incomplete ossification of bones causes them to be more pliable and thus less likely to fracture. As a result, pulmonary contusions and splenic lacerations often occur without rib fractures.
      • A different array of partial fractures (e.g., greenstick, torus, and buckle fractures).
      • Injuries to the growth plates during the various stages of childhood development result in a specific pattern of fractures.
      Surface area

      • Large surface-area-to-weight ratio results in a greater predisposition to heat loss (three times greater) and hypothermia.
      Psychological development

      • Children often regress to a previous developmental stage during stressful and anxiety-provoking situations.
      Long-term effects of injury

      • Splenectomy in children places them at lifelong risk for overwhelming postsplenectomy infection (OPSI).

      • Maintenance volume is pro-rated over 24 hours.

      • One half of burn component in first 8 hours, and second half over ensuing 16 hours.

      • For example: A 3-year-old male weighing 20 kg with a 35% TBSA burn would require 2,100 cc LR and 1,500 cc D51/2NS with 40 mEq KCl/L over the first 24 hours following injury. The LR would be administered at 130 cc/hr for the first 8 hours and then at 65 cc/hr for the subsequent 16 hours, while the D51/2NS would run continuously at 60 cc/hr.

    • Goal is a well-perfused child with a urine output of 1.0 to 1.5 mL/kg/hour.

IV. Initial Wound Assessment and Management

Oct 17, 2016 | Posted by in CRITICAL CARE | Comments Off on Burns/Inhalation Injury

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