Key Points
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Excellent clinical performance is not achieved by the use of sound medical knowledge alone, as clinicians have to face multifaceted challenges not just medical issues. There is an increased awareness that human factors—both on the individual and the team level—as well as organizational factors in the health care system play major roles in providing excellent medical care. Therefore, for anesthesia professionals (1) the study of human performance is fundamental, (2) the knowledge and successful application of efficient safety strategies are highly relevant, and (3) understanding of the pertinent organizational matters is very important.
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The health care system in general, individual clinical institutions, and work units in particular must provide the appropriate organizational characteristics to facilitate safe patient care including: promoting a culture of safety, effective incident reporting and analysis systems, continuous training for professionals, and optimized structures and processes.
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Organizations that provide such characteristics are referred to as high-reliability organizations (HRO). HRO theory describes the key features of systems that conduct complex and hazardous work, but do so with extremely low failure rates and complications. The credo of HROs is not to erase all errors but rather to identify human error mechanisms and make systems more impervious to errors and their sequelae (resilience).
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Several mechanisms of optimal versus poor performance have been demonstrated through human performance research. A particular technique of human performance research called task analysis has been useful in understanding the work of anesthesia professionals. Observing them during routine operations or in the handling of (simulated) adverse events has improved our knowledge on human performance. The findings include the impact of critical and continuous situation awareness and decision making (i.e., core cognitive process model), effective teamwork, leadership, and communication, as well as task management and the use of cognitive aids (e.g., checklists or emergency manuals).
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Organizations and individuals need to fully recognize that the performance of individual anesthesia professionals can—as for all human beings—be adversely influenced by performance-shaping factors, including noise, illness, aging, boredom, distraction, sleep deprivation, and fatigue, as well as by social dynamics within and between crews and teams.
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It is necessary to have a clear understanding of known human performance pitfalls such as fixation errors, ineffective team communication, misunderstandings, medication errors, unclear task management, and erroneous assumptions. While anesthesia professionals’ knowledge and skill are key strengths needed for safe patient care, addressing the limitations will help them to actively avoid or mitigate the risk of adverse events.
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One approach to understanding and intervening in human performance issues for anesthesia care, especially focused on challenging situations, is that of crisis resource management (CRM). CRM (as in “cockpit [then crew] resource management”) was developed in aviation first but then adapted to health care, initially for anesthesia care, in the early 1990s. There are many formulations of CRM but they typically highlight situation awareness, dynamic decision making, task management, communication, and teamwork. The introduction of CRM in anesthesiology and its spread into many other health care disciplines and domains have typically been associated with the use of realistic simulation-based training of anesthesia professionals in single-discipline or combined team training. It also has helped focus attention on systems’ issues that relate to key aspects of human performance highlighted in CRM-oriented training.
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“First do no harm”: Every avoidable harm or death to a patient is one tragic event too many. Anesthesia professionals must strive to avoid all harm that they may potentially impose, knowingly or not, on patients. Future progress on patient safety and human performance in anesthesia will require interdisciplinary research and training, improvements in systems thinking and systems safety, organizational learning, and the involvement of all levels of the health care industry.
The editors, publisher, and Drs. Marcus Rall, David M. Gaba, and Peter Dieckmann would like to thank Dr. Steven K. Howard for his contribution to this chapter in the prior edition of this work. It has served as the foundation for the current chapter.
What this Chapter is About: An Overview
This chapter provides the reader with an overview of key human performance and safety issues concerning anesthesiology and demonstrates the relevance of those topics to the clinical performance of anesthesia professionals. Applying the knowledge of this chapter to patient care can help to avoid unnecessary harm to patients and also prevent psychological harm to the anesthesia professional (as the “second victim”). Hence, this chapter is not only about patient safety, but also about the anesthesia professional’s safety and well-being as care provider. The authors provide a set of practical safety concepts and strategies to guide the reader in improving or refreshing case management-related skills and to sensitize the reader to safety-related core issues and competencies in anesthesia.
Because most of the work on human performance has focused on anesthesiology in the operating room (OR), this chapter deals primarily with aspects of performance and safety in that setting. Nevertheless, most of the same principles and issues are relevant to other perioperative settings, to critical care, and to a lesser degree, in pain medicine. They will also largely apply to emergency medicine and other health care domains sharing similar cognitive profiles. For readers with a special interest in intensive care, a selection of references is given as a starting point.
The chapter contains references ranging from several decades old to quite recent. The authors have tried to balance retention of classic references, where the intellectual content has only changed slightly over the years, with the introduction of current literature that reflects changes in thinking or evidence, or newer syntheses of knowledge and experience.
In this chapter, the authors use “anesthesia professional” to refer to any anesthesia clinician taking care of a patient, whether a physician, certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), or anesthesia assistant (or to similar positions in other countries).
Readers Will Learn
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… safety relevant aspects of a dynamic and complex work environment and the resulting consequences for clinicians. Several sections highlight the nature of anesthesia as a highly complex and dynamic working environment and the difficulties that arise for human performance and patient safety.
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… characteristics and risks of different tasks performed by anesthesia professionals and countermeasures to mitigate their potential risks.
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… the issues of human performance, human limitations, and various relevant safety strategies that address them for both individuals and teams.
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… aspects of system safety concerning high-reliability organizations (HROs).
What this Chapter is Not About
The literature related to human performance and patient safety is vast. Standard reference works are available as well as several Internet sources ( Appendix 6.1 ). This chapter samples only a portion of this literature as it most closely relates to the work of anesthesia professionals. This chapter does not address in detail human-machine interactions and the physical design of the work environment. These aspects of human factors, or ergonomics, in anesthesiology are important in their own right. The reader is referred to several publications that review these issues in detail. Also not part of this chapter are most issues of infection control and medication safety, even as they pertain to the perioperative arena. Here, too, the reader is referred to several publications that review these issues in detail and also to other chapters in this book.
Human Performance and Patient Safety in Anesthesia: Why is this Important?
Even though provision of anesthesia has become a “safe” discipline over the last decades through many scientific and technical improvements, anesthesia per se is an intrinsically hazardous undertaking. Many aspects of anesthetic drugs and care can affect vital human functions and are potentially lethal while they are not therapeutic in themselves. Evolution did not intend for human beings to be rendered temporarily insensitive to pain, unconscious, amnestic, and in many cases paralyzed. The surgical procedure itself may cause or trigger a variety of physiologic derangements and some patients needing anesthesia are already severely ill. Thus, in anesthesiology a stable situation can turn into a life-threatening situation in seconds, minutes, or hours, whereas in many arenas of health care changes happen in days, months, or years.
Medical and technical skills alone are not sufficient for excellent medical care. Historically, an adequately trained anesthesia professional was automatically assumed to always perform appropriately. Deviations from optimal outcomes were understood to result from imperfections in the art and science of anesthesiology. This perception led to heavy emphasis on the scientific and technical aspects of anesthesia training and care. Adverse outcomes were mostly ascribed to unavoidable side effects of a medication, underlying patient disease, negligence, or incompetence on the part of the anesthesia professional.
Interestingly, research shows that the etiology of most adverse events is generally not related to intrinsic problems associated with equipment, drugs, or diseases, but rather that 80% of the avoidable events are caused by so-called human factors (HF)—similar to the statistics emanating from the aviation industry. For instance, a review of critical anesthesia incidents by Cooper and associates revealed that human factors were contributory in 82% of the 359 incidents reported. These incidents ranged from simple equipment malfunction in some cases, to death in others, indicating the seriousness and importance of the problems. Data from an earlier evaluation of 2000 incident reports support these findings with 83% of incidents occurring due to human error. The term HF describes the physical and psychological behavior of humans in relation to specific environments, jobs, organizational patterns, machines, products, and individual challenges.
The performance of human beings is incredibly flexible, powerful, and robust in some aspects but limited and vulnerable in others. Today we have a more complete understanding of the human performance of anesthesia professionals than existed decades ago. For example, we know that the successful conduct of an anesthetic depends on having the requisite technical skills and relevant pathophysiologic knowledge. But it has also become clear that the effective real-time implementation of such expertise to a large extent depends on several nonmedical and nontechnical elements of performance. Among HF issues are those that are termed human performance-shaping factors like fatigue, boredom, and distraction.
Human factor-related safety strategies for the individual and the team are indispensable. Lapses, mistakes, and errors have the potential to harm a patient (“first victim”), but can also harm professionals themselves (“second victim”). Professionals suffer as second victims largely from the perceived guilt about an error that led to actual harm. The clinical institution involved may also suffer financially or in reputation from such events, although often the occurrence of these events are not known to the public, and unlike in other industries (e.g., aviation, chemical manufacturing) there is no direct harm to the physical means of production. Nonetheless, the best way to avoid harm to the professional or the organization is to prevent adverse events or mitigate harm to patients.
Organizational safety attitudes are essential to support high individual human performance. More attention should be devoted to training anesthesia professionals in human performance issues so that they can develop and apply core competencies for achieving human performance on a daily basis. Moreover, departmental and organizational leadership must understand the enormous impact their attitudes and behavior have in shaping human performance, safety culture, outcomes, and ultimately (in all likelihood), the level of patient safety.
Even in anesthesiology, still a long way to go. Historically, anesthesiology was the first medical specialty to specifically focus on the promotion of patient safety. As a consequence, anesthesiology is widely recognized as the pioneering leader in patient safety efforts. Compared to other medical disciplines, the track record of anesthesiology is indeed a model of patient safety for the rest of health care. However, safety science teaches us that patient safety and quality improvement are never-ending processes and complacency is dangerous. In addition, the increasing “production pressure” in anesthesia practice from expanding clinical demands in the face of constant or diminishing resources may threaten previously won gains. Any patient harmed by an anesthetic is one patient too many. This approach is aligned with the zero vision statement of the U.S. Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF): “That no one shall be harmed by anesthesia care.” In this regard Cooper and Gaba wrote that anesthesia professionals “… should remain aware of the hazards they still face, take pride in having been the leaders in patient safety efforts, and stay motivated to continue the pursuit of ‘no harm from anesthesia’ with the passion it still demands” (p. 1336).
Saving hearts, brains, and lives. Several recently published studies demonstrate the benefits of implementing various patient safety strategies. The authors have experienced the benefit of a more safety- and human performance-focused approach in their own work, as have their colleagues who also work in this field or in other fields that are endeavoring to create a safer health care system. Although it may be challenging to produce undisputable evidence that patient outcomes are improved by addressing the issues and implementing the strategies presented in this chapter, there is strong reason and ongoing research to support the belief that hearts, brains, and lives have indeed been saved by applying them. That belief is reward enough for the efforts of the authors as they share with the reader what is known about human performance and patient safety.
Nature of the Anesthesia Professional’s Operational Domain: A Dynamic and Complex Environment
The practice of anesthesiology can be characterized as a dynamic and complex environment that presents the anesthesia professional with challenges that may jeopardize human performance and patient safety.
To better understand these patient safety challenges that are related to human performance, the authors first describe the key characteristics of anesthesia work. In what follows they address (1) critical factors that categorize anesthesiology as a complex and dynamic working environment; (2) the safety challenge of inherent asymmetry between safety and production, and the effects of production pressure; and (3) the safety challenge of complexity and tight coupling in the anesthesia domain.
Anesthesiology by its Nature Involves Crises
What makes anesthesiology and a few other medical domains (such as intensive care medicine, emergency medicine, obstetrics, neonatology, and surgery, to name a few) different from most other medical fields? The answer is that the clinical environment of anesthesiology is both complex and dynamic which, when combined with the inherent risks of surgery and anesthesia, makes crisis situations frequent and challenging to deal with. These moments of terror necessitate that anesthesia professionals be expert in crisis management.
Criteria defining a complex and dynamic world Based on the work of Orasanu and colleagues, the following text describes some of the characteristics of anesthesia that make it a complex and dynamic world.
- 1.
Ill-structured problems. In contrast to well-structured problems, the nature and the goal of ill-structured problems are often vague or unclear, and many problem elements remain unknown or ambiguous. In anesthesiology, the patient’s physiologic behavior is not an independent random variable but is causally linked to previous decisions and actions. There often is not just a single problem with a single decision to be made, but rather a variety of interrelated problems. Interdependent decisions must be made and actions taken by the anesthesia professional, surgeon, and other perioperative personnel.
- 2.
Uncertain system. The patient is the main “system” of immediate interest to the anesthesia professional, just as the aircraft is of immediate interest to the pilot. Patients are intrinsically very complex, and they contain many components with underlying functions that are imperfectly understood. The medical world knows very little about the underlying causes of specific physiologic events, although the general principles involved can be described. Unlike industrial or aviation systems, patients are not designed, built, or tested by humans, nor do they come with an operator’s manual. The true state of the patient cannot usually be measured directly. It must be inferred from ambiguous patterns of clinical observations and data from electronic monitors. These data are imperfect because, unlike industrial systems that are designed and built with sensors in key areas to measure the most important variables, patients are typically instrumented to measure the variables that are easiest to monitor, predominantly with the use of noninvasive methods. Most physiologic functions are observed indirectly through weak signals available at the body surface that are prone to various types of electrical and mechanical interference. Invasive measurements are also vulnerable to artifacts and uncertainties of interpretation. Even if the anesthesia professional knew the exact state of the patient, the patient’s response to interventions would be unpredictable, as normal patients show genetic or acquired differences in reflex sensitivity, pharmacokinetics, or pharmacodynamics that can yield a wide range of responses to a given dose of a drug or to a routine action (e.g., laryngoscopy). In diseased or traumatized patients, or in the presence of acute abnormalities, these responses may be markedly abnormal, and patients may overreact or underreact to otherwise appropriate actions. Thus, the patient as a system has substantially greater uncertainty than do engineered systems.
- 3.
Dynamic environment. Dynamism stems from the frequency of routine and anomalous changes or events, the rapidity with which they evolve, and the unpredictability of the patient’s physiology and response to interventions. An anesthetized patient is in a constant state of change during surgery, with many events outside the anesthesia professional’s control, such as when the surgeon inadvertently transects a major vessel or when a patient with a previously unknown allergy suffers anaphylaxis. Although preventive measures can reduce the likelihood of some events, other events cannot be totally avoided because they are inevitable side effects of medically necessary procedures (e.g., surgical blood loss). Unpredictable and dynamic occurrences compete with the preplanned aspects of the case and together they drive the anesthesia professional’s actions.
- 4.
Time stress. Because the OR is a scarce resource, an incessant overall time pressure exists to use the OR efficiently (see section “Production Pressure”). Surgeons or OR managers pressing to start a case may affect the anesthesia professional’s decisions and actions that could jeopardize safety standards. Over the long run this can cause a systematic “normalization of deviance” (see section “Normalization of Deviance and Flirting with the Margin”), meaning the emergence of new, less stringent standard behaviors that are seen as normal judgments that previously would have been viewed as aberrant. An even more intense time stress occurs within a case when dynamic situations evolve rapidly and become time critical.
- 5.
Shifting, ill-defined, or competing goals. Multiple goals of case management may compete with each other. (e.g., hemodynamic stability vs. good operating conditions for the surgeon vs. rapid emergence from anesthesia). The OR manager’s administrative goals (high throughput, low cost) may sometimes compete with those of the anesthesia professional. All these goals shift as the patient’s situation changes dynamically throughout a procedure and the flow of cases changes throughout the work day. For example, decisions on surgical operation planning are heavily influenced and manipulated by micropolitics and power, as investigated by Engelmann and colleagues. Nurok and colleagues portray this aspect in their survey: “Are surgeons and anesthesiologists lying to each other or gaming the system?”
- 6.
Short action feedback loops. The time constants of actions and their effects are very short, on the order of seconds to minutes. Complete intermixing of decision making and action occurs; these functions are not performed in separate cycles. Most decisions and actions are implemented incrementally, constantly evaluating the relative success or failure of actions-to-date to determine how best to proceed. Anesthesia professionals often do not jump to conclusions or implement a whole set of actions all at once but try one or two approaches and see how they work, constantly reassessing rather than jumping ahead too far at once.
- 7.
High stakes. The decisions and actions taken by anesthesia professionals can determine the outcome for the patient. The stakes are high because even for elective surgery in healthy patients, the risk of catastrophe is ever-present. Death, brain damage, or other permanent injury may be the end result of many pathways that can begin with seemingly innocuous triggering events. Each intervention, even if appropriate, is associated with side effects, some of which are themselves serious. Some risks cannot be anticipated or avoided. Unlike an event such as a commercial flight, which can be delayed or aborted if a problem occurs or if the weather is bad, these options are not always possible in health care. Sometimes immediate surgery (and anesthesia) may be necessary to treat a medical problem that is itself life threatening. Balancing the risks of anesthesia and surgery against the risk of the patient’s underlying diseases can be extremely difficult.
- 8.
Multiple players. Perioperative domains involve multiple players from different professional backgrounds. Each profession has its own characteristics. On the one hand, surgeons, anesthesia professionals and OR nurses all want safety and a good outcome for the patient. On the other hand, each discipline and profession has other inherent goals. For example, surgeons may usually seem eager to perform the surgery and may seem to be more willing to take risks and to view the probability of a good outcome with optimism. In contrast, anesthesiologists may tend to be rather risk averse. Also, for a variety of reasons, it seems that surgeons tend to put production pressure on anesthesia professionals and nurses more than the other way around. The idiosyncrasies of interaction among various individual OR team members sometimes dominate the work environment. The OR sometimes offers a unique team structure of action teams, where the members may vary greatly from one day to the next (see later section “Teamwork”). Furthermore, there is a certain individual variation in the performance of each member; on any given day even usually “good” people may not be at their best.
- 9.
Organizational goals and norms. The anesthesia professional works within the formal and informal norms of the OR suite, the anesthesia department, the institution, and the professional culture as a whole. Sometimes anesthesia professionals feel pressured to make decisions that they do not believe are best for the patient in order to comply with these norms. Therefore, it is important to face human performance and patient safety pitfalls not only on the individual and team level, but also on a larger departmental and organizational level (see later section “Patient Safety on the Organizational Level: Issues and Strategies”).
Although some of these aforementioned characteristics apply to other domains of medicine, anesthesiology is unique in that many of the characteristics are prominent. In particular, what sets anesthesia apart from clinic-based or ward-based medicine is the intensity of the dynamics, time pressure, uncertainty, and extreme variation within the complexity, with danger lurking just below the surface, as well as the unique team constellation of so-called action teams (see section “Human Factors on the Team Level”).
Other factors influencing complexity in anesthesia: device variety and tight coupling. The complexity in anesthesia also stems from the variety of devices in use and their interconnections. The challenge is that the equipment often consists of a proliferation of independent devices with multiple, nonstandardized interconnections. Devices seem often to be designed by engineers in isolation. As a consequence, interactions between devices, or among the equipment, the patient, and the human operator, may not be adequately addressed in the design phase.
Furthermore, complexity in anesthesia derives from complex interactions which are highly interdependent (tightly coupled). Coupling describes the notion of relations between parts of a system, which either can be tightly or loosely coupled. Because many body systems affect each other, the patient is a major site of tight coupling. The anesthetic state tends to erode the protective and compensatory physiologic buffers among some of these interconnected systems, thereby forcing the patient’s system to become even more connected and strengthening the coupling between them and between the patient and external technologic supports (e.g., ventilator or infusions of hemodynamically active drugs).
Production Pressure Resulting in Asymmetry Between Safety and Production
The current trend of increasing production pressure in perioperative care can further strain the working conditions in this demanding work environment. Social and organizational environments may act as a source of production pressure on anesthesia professionals.
Safety attitudes compete against economic thinking. Production pressure encompasses the economic and social pressures placed on workers to consider production, not safety, their primary priority. In anesthesiology, this typically means starting cases early, keeping the OR schedule moving speedily, with few cancellations and minimum time between cases. In principle, safety and efficiency can go hand in hand. Many aspects of high reliability, such as standard operating procedures, preprocedure briefings, and flattening the hierarchy, may smooth operation of the system, as well as make it safer. However, the pressure for throughput as well as the wish to please the surgeon or the OR manager, or the attempt to make up time by skipping essential procedures can erode safety and lead to a normalization of deviance (the new normal, see sections “Normalization of Deviance” and & “Flirting with the Margin”). For example, when anesthesia professionals succumb to production pressures, they may skip appropriate preoperative evaluation and planning, or they may not perform adequate pre-use checkout of equipment. Even when preoperative evaluation does take place, overt or covert pressure from surgeons (or others) can cause anesthesia professionals to proceed with elective cases despite the existence of serious or uncontrolled medical problems.
Production pressure as a trigger to depart inappropriately from standard operating procedures and standards. Production pressure can cause anesthesia professionals to choose techniques that they would otherwise believe to be inadvisable. Gaba and associates reported on a survey of a large random sample of California anesthesiologists concerning their experience with production pressure. A nontrivial minority of respondents (20% to 40%) reported meaningful levels of pressure to conform to such pressures, to make decisions against their judgment of optimal safety, and to risk economic consequences if they act as they see appropriate. Generally, the pressures were already internalized after prior unpleasant experiences rather than stemming from blatant external attacks. Although there are anecdotal reports of increasing production pressure, as well as organizational practices that increase it (e.g., scheduling elective cases to start late at night or after midnight without separate shifts of anesthesia professionals), there has been no comparable repeated survey of such pressures in recent years. Fully investigating these aspects of the work environment is difficult because such relationships are driven by economic considerations, as well as by the complex organizational and interpersonal networks linking the different medical cultures. Changing the environment will be equally challenging and calls for organizational action (see section “Patient Safety Strategies on the Individual and Team Level: Crisis Resource Management [CRM] and Other Training Curricula”).
The efficiency-thoroughness trade-off (ETTO). Given the limited resources in the health care system, professionals constantly need to prioritize and make trade-offs, the most common being the efficiency-thoroughness trade-off (ETTO) described in detail by Eric Hollnagel in his book The ETTO Principle: Efficiency-Thoroughness Trade-Off: Why Things that Go Right Sometimes Go Wrong . One example of a tradeoff is reducing the amount of information sought about individual preoperative patients in order to more efficiently process large numbers of them. Since it rarely is possible to be both effective and thorough at the same time, the balance of the trade-off can get into an unnoticed disequilibrium threatening human performance and patient safety.
Inherent imbalance between signals of safety and signals of production. One of the challenges in achieving optimal safety is the asymmetry of the signals of safety and the signals of production : (1) Investments for production are easy to plan for and measure. Feedback about production is easy to obtain (revenue, earnings, expenses) and to interpret (success, no success). Success is indicated positively (more production, more earnings) and reinforcing. The relationship between the application of resources (money, effort, time) and production goals is relatively certain. (2) On the contrary, investments for safety are more difficult to plan for and the costs and benefits can only be measured indirectly and without continuity, making them difficult to interpret or even deceptive. Feedback about safety is inherently weak and ambiguous. Success is less reinforcing because if indicated negatively (fewer accidents or incidents)—how can one measure the accidents that could have occurred but did not? The relationship between the application of resources (money, effort, time) and safety goals is equally uncertain. There have been many occasions when only after a catastrophe takes place are the signals concerning a safety hazard understood, and often there is evidence that some personnel did recognize the hazards but either did not sufficiently press the issue or else they were systematically ignored or repressed.
Nature of the Anesthesia Professional’s Work: Task Variation and Workload Management
As previously described, the operational domain of anesthesia can be considered as a complex and dynamic world, managing different challenges with uncertain systems, competing goals, time pressure, and multiple players with special team constellations. All of these can affect human performance and patient safety. There also exist the challenges of the different specific tasks of conducting an anesthetic, whether manual (i.e., insertion of cannula, intubation), behavioral (i.e., leadership behaviors, communication patterns), or cognitive (i.e., attention, preparedness, dynamic decision making). Safe and efficient performance requires both medical and non-medical skills.
Human failure or equipment failure can have disastrous consequences. Errors in cognitive tasks as well as cognitive biases are common in anesthesiology and pose a threat to patient safety. In the following section the authors provide insights into the nature of the anesthesiaology professional’s many tasks and their various vulnerabilities. This is important not only for individual and team improvements but also for improvements concerning clinical education, training, organizational structures, and equipment design. The focus of the upcoming section is on manual and cognitive tasks. The behavioral non-medical are discussed later (see section “Patient Safety on the Individal and Team Level”).
This section briefly highlights the different phases of an anesthetic regimen and summarizes findings of task analysis and task performance studies, provides facts about the anesthesia machine checkout protocol as a safety relevant task, and introduces nonobservable cognitive tasks of administering anesthesia, in particular dynamic decision making. In addition, this section provides an introduction to workload measurement methodologies, gives study results concerning the performance of anesthesia professionals summarizes the benefits and obstacles of human performance measures, and highlights results from task analysis studies.
Procedural Tasks of Anesthesia Professionals and Related Vulnerabilities
Multiple task analysis studies have investigated what actions and thought processes an anesthesiologist is required to perform to achieve good anesthetic care. Since the 1970s, numerous studies have been done either by direct observation during real cases or by indirect observation during cases captured on videotape. In addition, an increasing number of studies have been performed in realistic simulation environments. Of note, many of the studies cited are pioneering ones that remain valid today.
The early studies of the work of anesthesiologists drew attention to the wide spectrum of tasks in the trajectory of perioperative care. They highlighted that many tasks must be done in close parallel with others (approximating multitasking, see section Task Management), showing not only the different tasks and their substeps that can be prone to error, but also different phases of task intensity during an anesthetic. Subsequent task analysis studies focused on the workload and the performance of the anesthesiologist, at a later time expanding to performance measures based on teamwork, communication, and leadership. More recently, task analysis studies have been performed with respect to ergonomic equipment design questions. Certain very complex issues concerning human-machine interactions and the ways in which technology affects behavior in complex patient-care environments are beyond the scope of this chapter; however a number of publications address these issues.
The different phases for an anesthetic regimen are commonly classified into (1) preoperative planning, (2) induction, (3) maintenance of, and (4) emergence from anesthesia. Every phase is characterized by manual and cognitive tasks, each of which consists of further subordinated steps and each of which presents with a variable density of tasks and human error pitfalls. For a comprehensive review, the reader is directed to the publication of Phipps and colleagues for detailed information.
Preoperative Planning
The anesthesia professional needs to be prepared for active intervention during the whole anesthetic regimen. Part of this preparedness involves obtaining the necessary equipment and supplies, preparing medications, and conducting pre-use checkouts of life-support equipment and the anesthesia machine before induction (See section “Pre-use Checkout of Equipment/Anesthesia Machine Checkout”).
However, with 44 task steps as identified in the task analysis study by Phipps and associates, the equipment check is a lengthy and detailed process, and it is possible that steps may be omitted, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Task analysis studies demonstrated increased anesthesiologist workload during induction, emergence, and emergency surgery. Phipps and associates identified 73 task steps between the preparation of drugs and transferring the anesthetized patient to the operating room (induction phase), including cognitive and communicative tasks, machine checkouts, as well as a considerable number of manual task steps, such as the insertion of the cannula and airway devices. Pape and Dingman examined the number of unrelated distractions during the induction process (i.e., unrelated questions of other personnel, OR doors opening and closing, noise, answering incoming telephone calls, unrelated communication), discovering an average of 7.5 total interruptions per 9 minutes. They argued that interruptions and distractions can lead to loss of focus and result in errors, and requested further research to determine whether silence during induction is needed as a safety measure. Another study concluded that on average during cases one distractive event occurs every 4 minutes 23 seconds, with approximately 3.4 distractions during induction and 3.0 distractions when moving from the induction room to the OR. In this study while most distracting events had no negative consequences for the patient, 22% had negative consequences (suboptimal management). Interestingly 3% were actually not distractions because they had positive consequences for the patient. In another study, 20% of visual attention during induction was directed to the patient monitor, increasing up to 30% during simulated critical incident induction scenarios. During the observation of real cases, yet another study group found that drug/fluid tasks comprised 20 ± 6% of induction, 15 ± 8% of maintenance, and 12 ± 7% of emergence during routine cases.
Maintenance Phase of Anesthesia
Betza and colleagues found in an observational study that anesthesia providers spent 71% of their time during maintenance doing patient or display monitoring tasks. Transitions between the task categories occurred approximately once every 9 seconds. It appeared that regardless of the task, there was a high frequency of task transitions to look at the visual displays and then from the visual displays toward the patient. Compared with the induction phase, there are fewer (16) task steps during the maintenance phase. However, there is evidence that a relatively high proportion of critical incidents occur during the maintenance phase (59% of incidents during maintenance, 26% during induction). Patients’ conditions may vary in an overt or subtle way. Therefore, anesthesia professionals need to continuously monitor several parameters. Their attention may be distracted or misbalanced, as not all parameters need the same level of attention all the time. Sometimes other tasks, such as telephone calls, auscultation, insertion of an arterial cannula, use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), and “problem solving,” may divert the attention of the anesthesia professional. As attention is a limited resource and susceptible to distractions, it is important to learn how to best allocate one’s attention in continuously changing and complex environments like anesthesia (see later section, “Situation Awareness”).
Very detailed task analyses took place in a series of studies carried out by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Stanford University, the San Diego and Stanford Veterans Administration Medical Centers. Generally, studies of workload indicate that induction and, to a lesser degree, emergence are the most intensive. However, it is also argued that many of those tasks performed are part of a routine, which tends to reduce the effort required. Maintenance, in contrast, is typically less physically “action dense” but mental activity continues as a wide range of information is used and processed.
With 40 task steps to carry out in a relatively short period of time, the discontinuation of anesthesia and subsequent transfer of the patient to recovery is fairly busy. A study from Broom and associates suggests that emergence is the most distractive period compared with induction and maintenance, finding noise during emergence at 58 decibels (dB) (compared to induction at 46 dB and maintenance at 52 dB), with sudden loud noise (>70 dB) occurring more frequently during emergence than at induction or maintenance. The range of staff entrances and exits were also highest during emergence (10), compared to induction (0) and maintenance (6). Conversations unrelated to the procedure occurred in 93% of emergences. Emergence also was found to be the period of most frequent distractions, occurring on average every 2 minutes. Those findings are acknowledged by the following quotations retrieved from subjective study interviews:
“I don’t think people quite appreciate that emergence is as important as induction really and sometimes they’re just glad to have finished off their case. They’re crashing and banging and moving on and fail to realize.” and “(…) [B]asically as far as they’re concerned the job’s finished. They’re there moaning, yelling, or talking about the next case. I do find that distracting because I think: ‘we haven’t actually finished this case yet’.” (p. 711)
The period of the patient’s emergence from anesthesia is high risk and a high workload for the anesthesia professional while low stress for other OR personnel. Often they forget and the noise level may rise considerably. If so the anesthesia professional should politely demand thoughtfulness and quiet from the other OR team members. This would also be a possible setting to invoke the auditory “sterile cockpit” protocol (see later section “Distractions and Interruptions in the Operating Room”).
Pre-Use Checkout of Equipment/Anesthesia Machine Checkout
A pre-use check to ensure the correct functioning of anesthetic equipment is essential to patient safety. Failure to check anesthesia equipment prior to use can lead to patient injury or “near misses.” Based on a retrospective incident analysis of 668 reported incidents, Marcus reported a total of nearly 18% of in-theater incidents in pediatric anesthesia resulted from the failure to check. More recent generations of anesthesia machines have internal computers that can conduct checks of many aspects of machine functioning and alert the anesthesia professional to problems. However, the authors have observed in simulations of embedded machine problems or external equipment faults (e.g., nitrous oxide vs. oxygen swap) that anesthesia professionals may lack a complete understanding of these systems.
In the United States an updated machine checklist was released by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) in 2008. Because no specific checkout recommendation could be applicable to all modern anesthesia delivery systems and to all anesthetizing locations, the latest recommendation is based on a set of design guidelines for the pre-anesthetic checkout and provides samples of checkout procedures (available at: ). The 2008 pre-use anesthesia apparatus checkout recommendation (AACR) contains a list of 15 separate items that should be checked at the beginning of each day (preoperative check) or whenever a machine is moved, serviced, or the vaporizers changed. Eight of these items should be checked prior to each procedure (preinduction check). Some of the steps may be already part of an automated manufacturer’s checkout process in the anesthesia machine; others need to be performed individually. Feldman and associates state:
“Following these checklists will typically require <5 minutes at the beginning of the day, and <2 minutes between cases, but will provide you with the confidence that the machine will be able to provide all essential life support functions before you begin a case.” (p. 6)
In 2012, the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) released a new safety guideline on checking anesthesia equipment that also includes, but is not limited to, the pre-use checkout of the anesthetic machine (available at: ). Rather recently revised guidelines on pre-use checking of the anesthetic equipment including the anesthesia workstation have been published by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA) in 2014 and by the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society (CAS) in 2016.
There are numerous checkout checklists available. A serious patient safety issue is the non-adherence to standard protocols. The anesthetic checkout of equipment is a method of systematically ensuring the anesthetic professional executes a thorough check of the anesthetic equipment. All professionals should therefore use it as a standard practice for checking the anesthetic machine to provide the best and safest patient care. The implementation of a checklist is an organizational process that needs systematic implementation and, optimally, user training.
Cognitive Tasks of Administering Anesthesia and Related Vulnerabilities
The observable tasks do not tell the whole story of what the anesthesia professional is doing. Even when the anesthesia professional appears idle, most of the time mental activity is ongoing. Several investigators have written about the cognitive elements in anesthesiology. Of those errors made, cognitive errors and cognitive biases in anesthesiology are common and pose a threat to patient safety. In the following section, (1) the cognitive tasks of dynamic decision making and situation awareness are described and summarized in the anesthesia professional’s core cognitive process model; (2) subsequently, the management and coordination of the core cognitive process model are discussed in this section; and (3) several methodologies to measure cognitive workload are touched on.
Introduction of the Anesthesia Professional’s Core Cognitive Process Model
Besides the constant check whether anticipated milestones of the anesthetic regimen are achieved and the constant check of incoming data streams, the anesthesia professional must also react to a large number of contingencies, some of which can be predicted in advance based on the patient’s history and the type of surgery, whereas others cannot. If so, the existing plan may have to be reactively modified.
Different aspects of decision making and situation awareness are summarized in the anesthesia professional’s core cognitive process model. The model was developed by David Gaba and draws heavily on the work of a number of other investigators who studied human performance in a variety of complex, dynamic worlds. It is described in detail as a framework for understanding the empiric data, and provides a vocabulary for discussing the elements of both successful and unsuccessful performance by anesthesia professionals.
The entire core process model, shown in Fig. 6.1 , depicts the anesthesia professional as working at five different interacting cognitive levels (resource management level, procedural level, communication level, abstract reasoning level, supervisory control level) to implement and control a core process of observation, verification, problem recognition, prediction of future states, decision making, action, and reevaluation ( Box 6.1 ). The core process must then be integrated with the behavior of other team members and with the constraints of the work environment. Expert performance in anesthesia involves these features in a repeated loop of the different steps. Errors can occur at each step in this process.

- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
Problem recognition
- 4.
Prediction of future states
- 5.
Decision making
- a.
Application of precompiled responses (recognition-primed decision making)
- b.
Decision making using heuristics and probability
- c.
Decision making including abstract reasoning
- a.
- 6.
Action implementation
- 7.
Reevaluation (avoiding fixation errors)
- 8.
Start again with 1 (loop continues)
The division of mental activities into levels follows the work of Rasmussen and Reason et al.. Having multiple levels supports the concepts of parallel processing (performing more than one task at a time but working on different levels of mental activity) and multitasking/multiplexing (performing only one task at a time but switching very rapidly from one task to another), as shown in several task analysis studies. Table 6.1 gives an overview and a brief explanation of the different mental activity levels.
Level of Control | Explanation | Comments |
Resource management level | Command and control of all resources, including teamwork and communication | Incident analysis shows a huge contribution of lack of resource management and communication skills to the development of incidents and accidents; the importance of these factors is reflected in the ACRM principles and simulation training courses (see Chapter 7 ) |
Supervisory control level | Metacognition: thinking about thinking | Dynamic adaptation of the thought process, decision making (e.g., avoiding fixation errors), scheduling, and remembering actions (e.g., prospective memory tasks) |
Abstract reasoning level | Use of fundamental medical knowledge, search for high-level analogies, deductive reasoning | Often in parallel with other levels; in emergency situations often too slow and too sensitive to distractions in high-workload situations |
Procedural level | Precompiled responses, following algorithms, heuristics, “reflexes” | Recognition-primed decision making—experts are more often on this level; special errors may occur as a result of not checking for the appropriateness of the “procedure”; less experienced personnel may misuse this level for ill-considered, unadapted “cookbook medicine” |
Sensorimotor level | Use of all senses and manual actions; “feeling, doing, hearing”; sometimes subconscious control of actions | Experts perform smooth action sequences and control their actions by direct feedback from their senses (e.g., action sequences of placing an intravenous line or endotracheal intubation; skill-based errors such as slips and lapses may occur) |
At the sensorimotor level, activities involving sensory perception or motor actions take place with minimal conscious control; they are smooth, practiced, and highly integrated patterns of behavior. At the procedural level, the anesthesia professional performs regular routines in a familiar work situation. These routines have been derived and internalized from training and from previous work episodes. A level of abstract reasoning is used during preoperative planning, and intraoperatively it is used in unfamiliar situations for which no well-practiced expertise or routine is available from previous encounters. Rasmussen’s model was extended by the explicit addition of two additional levels of mental activity—the supervisory and the resource management level—that provide for dynamic adaptation of the anesthesia professional’s own thought processes. Supervisory control is concerned with dynamically allocating finite attention between routine and non-routine actions, among multiple problems or themes, and among the five cognitive levels. Attention is such a scarce resource, therefore its allocation is extremely important in every aspect of dynamic decision making. Resource management deals with the command and control of available resources, including teamwork and communication. Expert performance in anesthesia involves these features in a repeated loop. An overview of the core cognitive process and its elements is given in Box 6.1 . The elements are explained in detail in the following text sections and include (1) observation; (2) verification; (3) problem recognition; (4) prediction of future states; (5) precompiled responses; (6) action taking/action implementation; and (7) reevaluation.
Anesthesia professionals use observations to decide whether the patient’s course is on track or whether a problem is occurring; this is the first step of the decision making cycle. Data are observed and transformed by interpretation into information, followed by further interpretation into meaning. Data streams typically involve direct visual, auditory, or tactile contact with the patient, the surgical field, routine electronic monitoring, special (sometimes invasive) monitoring systems, contents of suction canisters and sponges, reading of reports of laboratory test results, and communications from other personnel. Loeb showed that anesthesiologists typically observe monitors for approximately 1 to 2 seconds every 10 to 20 seconds and that it usually took several observing cycles before they detected a subtle cue on the monitor. Management of rapidly changing situations requires the anesthesia professional to assess a wide variety of information sources. Because the human mind can attend closely to only one or two items at a time, the anesthesia professional’s supervisory control level must decide what information to attend to and how frequently to observe it (as later shown at CRM key point 14 “Allocate attention wisely”). Constant observation and interpretation of the different information systems is executed repeatedly throughout the course of an anesthetic regimen. The plethora of simultaneous data streams in even the most routine cases is a challenge. Vigilance, defined as the capacity to sustain attention, plays a crucial role in the observation and detection of problems and is a necessary prerequisite for meaningful care. Vigilance can be degraded by performance-shaping factors (see later section “Performance Shaping Factors”) and it can be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and the rapidity with which it is changing.
In the working environment of an anesthesia professional, the available, observed information is not always reliable. Most monitoring is noninvasive and indirect and is susceptible to artifacts (false data). Even direct clinical observations such as vision or auscultation can be ambiguous. Brief transients (true data of short duration) can occur that quickly correct themselves. To prevent them from skewing the decision making process and triggering precipitous actions that may have significant side effects, critical observations must be verified before the clinician can act on them. This requires the use of all available data and information and cross-checking different related data streams rather than depending solely on any single datum without sensible interpretation (as later shown in CRM key point 8 “Use all available information” and CRM key point 10 “Cross check and double check; never assume anything”). Verification uses a variety of methods, shown in Table 6.2 .
Try to be sensitive to changes and do not just explain them away as normal without double-checking or using other information to determine if everything really is okay. Assume there is a big problem unless you can prove otherwise. If in doubt, it should always be assumed that the patient is at risk and that the parameter in question is real (rule out the worst case). The burden of proof is on you. Beware of too easily assuming that it is just a technical artifact.
Method | Explanation and Example |
Repeating | The observation or measurement is repeated to rule out a temporary wrong value (e.g., motion artifacts during noninvasive blood pressure measurement) |
Checking trend information | The short-term trend is observed for plausibility of the actual value. Trends of physiologic parameters almost always follow curves, not steps |
Observing a redundant channel | An existing redundant channel is checked (e.g., invasive arterial pressure and cuff pressure are redundant, or heart rate from an ECG and pulse oximeter) |
Correlating | Multiple related (but not redundant) variables are correlated to determine the plausibility of the parameter in question (e.g., if the ECG monitor shows a flat line and “asystole” but the invasive blood pressure curve shows waves) |
Activating a new monitoring device | A new monitoring modality is installed (e.g., placing a pulmonary artery catheter). This also adds another parameter for the method of “correlating” |
Recalibrating an instrument or testing its function | The quality and reliability of a measurement are checked, and its function is tested (e.g., if the CO 2 detector shows no values, the anesthetist can exhale through it to see whether the device works). Observation of redundant channels can also help verify a value (see above) |
Replacing an instrument | If doubt exists about the function of a device, an entirely new instrument or an alternative backup device may be installed |
Asking for help | If the decision on the values remains unclear, help should be sought early to obtain a second opinion from other trained personnel |
Problem Recognition
Having recognized a problem, how does the expert anesthesia professional respond? The classical paradigm of decision making involves a careful comparison of the evidence with various causal hypotheses that could explain the problem. This is followed by a careful analysis of all possible actions and solutions. This approach, although powerful, is relatively slow and does not work well with ambiguous or scanty evidence. Many perioperative problems faced by anesthesia professionals require quick action under uncertainty to prevent a rapid cascade to a catastrophic adverse outcome, and solution of these problems through formal deductive reasoning from first principles is just too slow. The process of problem recognition is a central feature of several theories of cognition in complex, dynamic worlds. Problem recognition involves matching sets of environmental cues to patterns that are known to represent specific types of problems. Given the high uncertainty seen in anesthesia, the available information sources cannot always disclose the existence of a problem, and even if they do, they may not specify its identity or origin. Anesthesia professionals use approximation strategies to handle these ambiguous situations; psychologists term such strategies heuristics . Stiegler and Tung give a detailed review of heuristics and other biases that affect problem recognition. One heuristic is to categorize what is happening as one of several generic problems, each of which encompasses many different underlying conditions (similarity/pattern matching). Another is to gamble on a single diagnosis (frequency gambling ) by initially choosing the single most frequent candidate event. During preoperative planning, the anesthesia professional may adjust a mental “index of suspicion” for recognizing certain specific problems anticipated for that particular patient or surgical procedure. The anesthesia professional must also decide whether a single underlying diagnosis explains all the data or whether they could come from multiple causes. This decision is important because excessive attempts to refine the diagnosis can be very costly in terms of allocation of attention. By contrast, a premature diagnosis can lead to inadequate or erroneous treatment. The use of heuristics is typical of expert anesthesia professionals and often results in considerable time savings in dealing with problems. However, it is a double-edged sword. Both frequency gambling and inappropriate allocation of attention solely to expected problems can seriously undermine problem solving when these gambles do not pay off or are not corrected in the reevaluation process.
Many of the issues that are related to problem recognition and cognition in general are discussed in more detail in the section on decision making further below, especially when dealing with the models of System I thinking and System II thinking and of recognition-primed decision making.
Prediction of Future States
Problems must be assessed in terms of their significance for the future states of the patient. Predicting future states based on the occurrence of seemingly trivial problems is a major part of the anticipatory behaviors that characterize expert crisis managers. Problems that are already critical or that can be predicted to evolve into critical incidents receive the highest priority (as later shown in CRM key point 15 “Set priorities dynamically”). Prediction of future states also influences action planning by defining the timeframe available for required actions. Cook and colleagues described “going sour” incidents in which the future state of the patient was not adequately taken into account when early manifestations of problems were apparent. One of the challenges known from research in psychology is that the human mind is not very well suited to predict future states, when things are changing in a nonlinear fashion. Under such circumstances, which are common for natural systems such as the human body, the rate of change is almost invariably underestimated, and people are surprised at the outcome.
Slow but steady and sustained blood loss in a child during surgery might result in few or subtle changes in hemodynamics for some time until rapid decompensation occurs. If the weak signs of the developing problem were not detected or misjudged the ensuing catastrophe may seem to have occurred suddenly. The use of a visible trend monitoring of heart rate or blood pressure over a longer period of time can help the anesthesia professional to be better aware of changes that are not readily apparent if only the last few measurements are compared.
Precompiled Responses
Once a critical event has been observed and verified the anesthesia professional needs to respond. In complex, dynamic domains, the initial responses of experts to the majority of events stem from precompiled rules or response plans for dealing with a recognized event. This method is referred to as recognition-primed decision making, because once the event is identified, the response is well known (see later section “Decision Making”). In the anesthesia domain, these responses are usually acquired through personal experience alone, although there is a growing realization that critical response protocols must be codified explicitly and taught systematically. Experienced anesthesia professionals have been observed to rearrange, recompile, and rehearse these responses mentally based on the patient’s condition, the surgical procedure, and the problems to be expected. Ideally, precompiled responses to common problems are retrieved appropriately and executed rapidly. When the exact nature of the problem is not apparent, a set of generic responses appropriate to the overall situation may be invoked. For example, if a problem with ventilation is detected, the anesthesia professional may switch to manual ventilation at a higher fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO 2 ) while considering further diagnostic actions. However, experiments involving simulation have demonstrated that even experienced anesthesia professionals show great variability in their use of response procedures to critical situations. This finding led these investigators to target simulator-based training in the systematic training of responses to critical events.
Even the ideal use of precompiled responses is destined to fail when the problem does not have the suspected cause or when it does not respond to the usual actions. Anesthesia cannot be administered purely by precompiled “cookbook” procedures. Abstract reasoning about the problem through the use of fundamental medical knowledge still takes place in parallel with precompiled responses, even when quick action must be taken. This seems to involve a search for high-level analogies or true deductive reasoning using deep medical and technical knowledge and a thorough analysis of all possible solutions. Anesthesia professionals managing simulated crises have linked their precompiled actions to abstract medical concepts.
Taking Action/Action Implementation
Anesthesiologists need to share their attention among different cognitive levels, among tasks, and often among problems. The intensive demands on the anesthesia professional’s attention could easily swamp the available mental resources. Therefore, the anesthesia professional must strike a balance between acting quickly on every small perturbation (which requires a lot of attention) and adopting a more conservative “wait-and-see” attitude. This balance must be constantly shifted between these extremes as the situation changes. However, during simulated crisis situations, some practitioners showed great reluctance to switch from business as usual to emergency mode even when serious problems were detected. Erring too far in the direction of wait and see is an error that can be particularly catastrophic. Preparedness for active intervention in case of dynamically changing events is a key element of an anesthesiologist’s work. But how frequent is this requirement? According to the review of Wacker and Staender, adverse events in the perioperative period continue to be frequent, occur in about 30% of hospital admissions, and may be preventable in more than 50%.
Once you are sure there is a big problem, it is important for the entire team to transition into emergency mode efficiently. One way of doing so is to declare the emergency out loud with appropriate force, such as: “Ok, everybody, there’s a very serious problem with the patient—probably anaphylaxis—this is a major emergency.”
At any time during an anesthetic regimen there may be multiple things to do, each of which is intrinsically appropriate, yet they cannot all be done at once. Simulation experiments have shown that anesthesia professionals sometimes have difficulty selecting, planning, and scheduling actions optimally.
It helps if team members know the actions planned and the schedule of actions preferred (referred to as shared mental models). If the anesthesia professional does not provide the information, team members should check with the anesthesiologist. It also is helpful to distribute actions with clear communicated priorities and/or timeframes (CRM principle 7: “Effective Communication”, e.g., “[Name of receiver of message], prepare xxx first, then I need xxx, and after that bring me xxx,” or “After you have done xxx, let’s start xxx together”, or “In 30 minutes, please check the blood gases/blood sugar level/ etc. again…” )
A particular hallmark of anesthesiology is that the decision maker does not just decide what action is required but is often involved directly in the implementation of actions. Executing these actions requires substantial attention and may in fact impair the anesthesia professional’s mental and physical ability to perform other activities (e.g., when an action requires a sterile procedure). This is particularly an issue when other tasks have been interrupted or temporarily suspended. Prospective memory, one’s ability to remember in the future to perform an action (i.e., to complete a task) can be easily disrupted. In addition, anesthesia professionals engaged in a manual procedure are strongly constrained from performing other manual tasks or from maintaining awareness of incoming information.
In order to successfully solve dynamic problems and to cope with the rapid changes and profound diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties seen during anesthesia, the core process must include repetitive reevaluation of the situation. Thus, the reevaluation step, initiated by the supervisory control level, returns the anesthesia professional to the observation phase, but with specific assessments in mind (see also CRM key point 12, “Reevaluate repeatedly”). Only by frequently reassessing the situation can the anesthesia professional adapt to dynamic processes, since the initial diagnosis and situation assessment can be incorrect. Even actions that are appropriate to the problem are not always successful.
The process of continually updating the assessment of the situation and monitoring the efficacy of chosen actions is termed situation awareness . Situation awareness is a very interesting and important topic in analyzing performance and reasons for errors and is discussed in detail in a later section. Box 6.2 gives examples of reevaluation questions in order to maintain situation awareness.
- ▪
Did the actions have any effect (e.g., did the drug reach the patient?)?
- ▪
Is the problem getting better, or is it getting worse?
- ▪
Are there any side effects resulting from previous actions?
- ▪
Are there any other problems or new problems that were missed before?
- ▪
Was the initial situation assessment/diagnosis correct?
- ▪
What further developments can be expected in the (near) future?
Faulty reevaluation, inadequate adaptation of the plan, or loss of situation awareness can result in a type of human error termed fixation error . Fixation errors have been described in responses of professionals to abnormal situations. Avoiding and recognizing fixation errors in the field of anesthesia is covered more in detail in section “Introduction of the 15 Crisis Resource Management Key Principles.”
Management and Coordination of the Core Cognitive Process: Supervisory Control and Resource Management
Anesthesia professionals’ abilities to adapt their own thinking (metacognition—thinking about thinking) through supervisory control and resource management are key components of dynamic decision making and therefore of crisis management.
Supervisory Control
The supervisory control allocates the scarce resource of attention during multitasking, and oversees and modulates the core process. For example, determining the frequency of observation of different data streams, prioritizing diagnostic and therapeutic alternatives, actively managing workload, prioritizing and scheduling actions. Supervisory control actively manages the workload by (1) avoiding high-workload situations by anticipation and planning, (2) distributing workload over time or (3) over personnel, (4) changing the nature of the task to reduce work, or (5) minimizing distraction. More details regarding the active management of workload are touched on in the later section on CRM key point 5 “Distribute the Workload.”
Resource Management
The highest layer of metacognition and control is known as resource management—the ability to command and control all the resources at hand to care for the patient and to respond to problems. This involves translating the knowledge of what needs to be done into effective team activity by taking into account the limitations of the complex and often ill-structured perioperative domain. Resources include personnel, equipment, and supplies, both in the immediate vicinity and, when necessary, throughout the various levels of the organization. Resource management explicitly demands teamwork and crew coordination. It is not enough for the anesthesia professional to know what to do or even to be able to do each task alone. Only so much can be accomplished in a given time, and some tasks can be performed only by other skilled personnel (e.g., catheterization lab). A key responsibility of the anesthesia professional is to mobilize needed resources and to distribute the relevant goals and tasks among those available. The details of this critical function are described in the section on “Crisis Resource Management.”
Anesthesia Professional’s Workload and Methodologies to Measure It
Most anesthesia professionals have significant other responsibilities in addition to the manual, cognitive, and behavioral duties described above, for example in administration, supervision, or teaching. Depending on the task, the task density, the individual’s experience and skill, the patient’s state, and the given circumstances (production pressure, staff availability, noise, light, space, team, etc.), the workload of the anesthesia professional can change at any time during an anesthetic regimen. Cognitive resources are diminished when the workload is heavy (i.e., during task dense phases like induction, emergence, or during an emergency), leading to lower levels of performance, increased response time, decreased vigilance, and greater risk of errors.
The concept of workload is tricky to define. Hart and Staveland describe it as follows: “Workload is not an inherent property, but rather emerges from the interaction between the requirements of a task, the circumstances under which it is performed, and the skills, behaviors, and perceptions of the operator” (p. 140). Psychology literature suggests that emotions during highly demanding activities impair cognitive processing efficiency. Task analysis studies as described earlier and task (action) density studies (see later) give insights into several aspects of workload, especially facilitating workload measurements by identifying the individual work components or subtasks to be measured. However, those kind of studies do not necessarily give insight into the performance shaping aspects of workload.
Methods to measure workload include task performance via observation, subjective assessments, and physiological measures. They are described below. For a more comprehensive review, see, for example, Leedal and Smith, and Byrne.
Primary Task Performance
The primary task performance measure assesses the subject’s performance on standard work tasks (e.g., cases seen, knots tied, etc.) as they are made progressively more difficult by increasing the number of tasks, task density, or task complexity. At first, the subject is able to keep up with the increasing task load, but at some point, the workload exceeds the ability to manage it, and performance on the standard tasks decreases.
Secondary Task Probing
Secondary task probing tests the subject with a minimally intrusive secondary task that is added to the primary work tasks. The secondary task is a simple one for which performance can be objectively measured. Reaction time, finger tapping, mental arithmetic and a vibrotactile device have for example been used for this technique as a secondary task. The anesthesia professional is instructed that the primary tasks of patient care take absolute precedence over the secondary task. Therefore, assuming that the secondary task requires some of the same mental resources as the primary task, the performance of the anesthesiologist on the secondary task is an indirect reflection of the spare capacity available to deal with it: the greater the spare capacity, the lower the primary workload. Depending on the secondary task response channels (manual, voice, gesture, multiple ways) there can exist channel interference. Controversy exists about whether these probes measure “vigilance” or “workload,” although the same techniques probably measure both aspects of performance. When probes occur infrequently, are subtle, have multiple response channels, and are performed with a low level of existing workload, they are more likely to measure vigilance; when they are frequent, readily detectable, require a manual response, and are performed during a high-workload period, they probably are more indicative of spare capacity and workload.
Subjective Measures
In subjective measures, individuals are asked, most commonly in retrospect but sometimes in real time, how much load they were or are under during actual work situations. A common and validated form to assess subjective workload is the NASA TLX form. Subjective measures usually complement objective measurements of external observations, since an anesthesia professional may subjectively underestimate the workload in settings in which objective measurements demonstrate a marked reduction in spare capacity.
Physiologic Measures
The final set of techniques for assessing workload consists of physiologic measures. Visual or auditory evoked potentials have been used successfully to assess mental workload, but this technique can be used only in a static laboratory environment. Heart rate (especially certain aspects of heart rate variability) and blood pressure are other physiologic measures that have been used, but there are challenges in reliable interpretation.
Assessing the Performance of Anesthesia Professionals
Over the years several study designs investigating manual (i.e., technical aspects of a procedure), cognitive (i.e., dynamic decision making, situation awareness, vigilance) and behavioral/nontechnical (i.e., communication, teamwork, leadership) tasks were used to assess the performance of anesthesiologists. In this section, studies with special focus on anesthesia professional’s performance about action density, work experience, teaching/delegation/supervision activity, and critical incidents/emergency treatment are presented. Most of the studies were performed in a simulated medical environment.
Because much of the more recent literature recapitulates findings of the pioneering studies, in this chapter those initial studies are used but the reader also is referred to newer, selected studies, without providing an exhaustive list. The latest, large-scale study concerning the performance of anesthesiologists was published by Weinger and co-workers in 2017, examining the performance of board-certified anesthesiologists during four emergency cases. The study is also presented in detail below.
A broader view on general human performance aspects related to anesthesia can be found in the next sections on “human performance, human factors and nontechnical skills” and “system thinking.”
Performance as a function of task density
It is generally accepted that there are limits on human ability to process information, and that information overload can lead to poor performance. For example, many people will have experienced the difficulties of simultaneously trying to drive, navigate, read road signs, and listen to passengers. However, the work domain of anesthesia oftentimes seems to require exactly this kind of task density ( Fig. 6.2 ). An interdisciplinary research group performed several task analysis studies, which allowed the analysis of multiple parallel and overlapping actions (action/task density). Figs. 6.3 and 6.4 show examples of observations of 24 real OR studies. The observation data contain many short-term fluctuations (dots) ; the moving average of action density of the previous 5 minutes was charted as well (line) . Fig. 6.3 shows a complete anesthesia procedure with increases in action density during induction and emergence from anesthesia. Fig. 6.4 shows two final phases of cardiac cases involving cardiopulmonary bypass. The described task analysis technique was also used to study action sequences in simulated cases and compare them with findings in the real OR to demonstrate and evaluate the ecologic validity of simulators (see Chapter 7 ). Findings indicated that as the density of tasks per unit time increased, the dwell time on each task decreased, and vice versa. This finding has important implications for how anesthesia professionals allocate their attention.

Another interesting aspect in this respect is the hypothesis that the mental workload of novices may be lower than that of more experienced staff because they have yet to appreciate the difficulties facing them; this is termed unconscious incompetence.
Xiao and colleagues used simulations to investigate the dimensions of task complexity and their impact on crisis activities and team processes in the trauma room. They identified four components of complexity that affected team coordination in different ways. Multiple concurrent tasks led to goal conflict, task interference, and competition for access to the patient. Uncertainty regarding the case led to differences in opinion when interpreting information and difficulties when trying to anticipate the actions of other team members. The use of contingency plans caused difficulty in knowing when to switch tasks and how then to reallocate activities. Finally, a high workload caused procedures to be compressed and this deviation from normal work further increased the complexity of the situation. They suggested training in explicit communication to meet the challenges of task complexity.
Performance as a Function of Teaching, Delegation, and Supervision
Close interaction of experienced anesthesia professionals with inexperienced clinical trainees during actual surgical procedures is a standard approach to training. It can be hypothesized that teaching adds to the workload of the more experienced care provider who is simultaneously responsible for safe and efficient anesthesia care during the procedure. Weinger and co-workers found that teaching teams, involving one-to-one supervision of fourth-year medical students or first-month anesthesia residents by an attending anesthesiologist, had significantly slower response times to a warning light than non-teaching teams of attending(s) of similar experience. Response latency was highest during induction and emergence. This vigilance test was also a procedural (performance) workload assessment measure indicating increased workload and reduced spare capacity. They also found that workload density was significantly increased for teaching as opposed to non-teaching teams. In sum, intraoperative teaching increased workload and decreased vigilance, suggesting the need for caution when educating during patient care.
Delegation and Supervision
Experience suggests that the effect of delegation on workload varies depending on the nature of the task and how confident the delegating anesthesia professional feels about the capability of the person to whom the task is assigned. Delegation must be guided by the supervisor’s situation awareness and overall ability to process information on the patients’ condition. Several further aspects are presented in the work of Leedal and Smith.
Performance as a Function of Experience
Routine Events
Novice trainee anesthesia professionals were found to perform many of the same tasks as do more experienced personnel at specific phases of an anesthetic regimen, but take longer over tasks, show longer latency of response, and greater task workload than third-year trainees and experienced nurse anesthetists. While task density was generally highest for both subject groups in the period up to, during, and immediately after intubation, the more experienced trainees had higher task densities than the novices, suggesting greater competence among the former in carrying out multiple tasks in a short period of time. Those findings are in line with other studies, including the study of Weinger and associates that evaluated the mean response time of pressing a buzzer at the flashing of a red light (secondary task). The response time was markedly less than 60 seconds for experienced subjects in both the induction and post induction (maintenance) phases, but it was much higher for novice residents during the induction phase. One explanation for those findings may be that the reduction of workload depends partly on the degree to which tasks can become routine, thus freeing mental resources for other tasks. Leedal and Smith conclude concerning this matter in their review: “Experienced staff appear to show ‘spare capacity’ in performance during routine cases, which we suggest allows them an attentional ‘safety margin’ should adverse events occur ” (p. 708)
In contrast, a more recent study presented by Byrne and co-workers found there was limited evidence of a relationship between workload and experience.
Another recent finding indicates that more experienced anesthesia teams may be more likely to attempt to coordinate implicitly, without much overt communication, which makes them more reliant on accurate and shared understandings of the task and their teamwork.
Novice residents also spent more time speaking to their attending staff (11% of preintubation time) than did experienced residents or CRNAs. Experienced personnel observed the surgical field more than did the novices. Novices did take longer to complete patient preparation and induction of anesthesia, but it appeared that some of the extra time taken by novices working under supervision was offset by the efficiency of offloading other concurrent tasks to the attending anesthesiologist such that preintubation time was increased by only 6 minutes for novices.
Critical Events/Emergencies
Schulz and colleagues presented data where more experienced anesthetists (>2 years work experience) increased the amount of time dedicated to manual tasks from 21% to 25% during critical incidents, whereas the less experienced decreased from 20% to 14%. The less experienced anesthesia providers spend more time on monitoring tasks.
A study by Byrne and Jones looked at differences in the performance of experienced and less experienced anesthesia professionals during 180 simulated anesthesia emergency scenarios. The results showed significant differences only between the first and second year. As seen in other studies, significant errors occurred at all levels of experience, and most of the anesthesia professionals deviated from established guidelines.
A classic simulation study by DeAnda and Gaba investigated the response of anesthesia trainees and experienced anesthesia faculty and private practitioners to six preplanned critical incidents of differing type and severity. The incidents included (1) endobronchial intubation (EI) resulting from surgical manipulation of the tube; (2) occlusion of intravenous (IV) tubing; (3) atrial fibrillation (AF) with a rapid ventricular response and hypotension; (4) airway disconnection between the endotracheal tube and the breathing circuit; (5) breathing hoses too short to turn the table 180 degrees, as requested by the surgeon; and (6) ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation. For each incident, considerable interindividual variability was found in detection and correction times, in information sources used, and in actions taken. The average performance of the anesthesia professionals tended to improve with experience, although this varied by incident. The performance of the experienced groups was not better than that of the second-year residents (who were in their final year of training at that time). Many (but not all) novice residents performed indistinguishably from more experienced subjects. Each experience group contained some who required excessive time to solve the problem or who never solved it. In each experience group at least one individual made major errors that could have had a substantial negative impact on a patient’s clinical outcome. For example, one faculty member never used electrical countershock to treat ventricular fibrillation. One private practitioner treated the EI as though it were “bronchospasm” and never assessed the symmetry of ventilation. One resident never found the airway disconnection. The elements of suboptimal performance were both technical and cognitive. Technical problems included choosing defibrillation energies appropriate for internal paddles when using external paddles, ampule swap, and failure to inflate the endotracheal tube cuff that resulted in a leak. Cognitive problems included failure to allocate attention to the most critical problems and fixation errors.
Schwid and O’Donnell performed an experiment similar to those of DeAnda and Gaba and received similar results. After working on several practice cases without critical incidents, each subject was asked to manage 3 or 4 cases involving a total of 4 serious critical events (esophageal intubation, myocardial ischemia, anaphylaxis, and cardiac arrest). The anesthesiologists studied had varying experience levels. Significant errors in diagnosis or treatment were made in every experience group. The errors occurred in both diagnosis of problems and in deciding on and implementing appropriate treatment. For example, 60% of subjects did not make the diagnosis of anaphylaxis despite available information on heart rate, blood pressure, wheezing, increased peak inspiratory pressure, and the presence of a rash. In managing myocardial ischemia, multiple failures occurred. 30% of subjects did not compensate for severe abnormalities while considering diagnostic maneuvers. Fixation errors in which initial diagnoses and plans were never revised were frequent, even when they were clearly wrong.
Independent from professionals’ experience, Howard and colleagues found a substantial incidence of difficulties during simulated emergencies: managing multiple problems simultaneously, applying attention to the most critical needs, acting as team leader, communicating with personnel, and using all available OR resources to best advantage. Analysis of videotaped trauma and resuscitation cases has revealed inadequacies in the availability and arrangement of monitoring equipment, as well as nonexistent or ambiguous communication. Byrne and Jones evaluated the performance of anesthetists during nine emergency cases, showing that serious errors in both diagnosis and treatment were made and accepted treatment guidelines were not followed. Diagnosis of several common critical incidents, for example, anaphylaxis, was hard to name. As described earlier, once diagnosed, no structured plans or algorithms were used.
These classic studies date back 25 years or more, yet the most recent studies remain completely consistent with older studies. In the 2017 Weinger and colleagues publication, a total of 263 consenting U.S. board-certified anesthesiologists (BCAs—i.e., physicians) participated in two, 20-minute, standardized, high-fidelity simulation scenarios of unanticipated acute events during existing Maintenance of Certification in Anesthesiology simulation courses. The scenarios were from among the following: (1) local anesthetic systemic toxicity with hemodynamic collapse; (2) hemorrhagic shock due to hidden retroperitoneal bleeding during laparoscopy; (3) malignant hyperthermia presenting in the postanesthesia care unit; and (4) acute onset of AF with hemodynamic instability during laparotomy followed by ST elevation myocardial infarction. Performance measurement rubrics were established in advance: a scoresheet of critical clinical performance elements, behavioral anchored ordinal scales of four nontechnical skills, ordinal scales for overall individual and team technical performance and nontechnical performance, and a binary rating as to whether performance met or exceeded that expected of a BCA. The results showed that critical clinical performance elements were commonly omitted, roughly in four broad areas of crisis management, failures to: (1) escalate therapy where first-line options did not work (e.g., using epinephrine or vasopressin when phenylephrine, ephedrine, or fluids did not sufficiently correct hypotension); (2) use available resources (e.g., calling for help when conditions have deteriorated appreciably); (3) speak up and engage other team members, especially when action by them was required (e.g., asking the surgeon to change the surgical approach when it is essential to effective treatment); and (4) follow evidence-based guidelines (e.g., giving dantrolene to a patient with obvious MH). The performance of approximately 25% of subjects was rated in the low portion of the various technical and nontechnical 9-point ordinal scales. In about 30% of encounters, performance was rated as “below the level expected of a BCA.”
Experienced anesthetists are not immune to error. Studies show that significant errors can occur at all levels of experience. Experience is not a substitute for excellence or expertise , making recurrent training and continuous awareness of possible safety pitfalls important, independent of the experience level.
Do not think this cannot happen to you… In her paper, “Lake Wobegon for anesthesia…where everyone is above average except those who aren’t: variability in the management of simulated intraoperative critical incidents,” McIntosh discusses the applicability to anesthesiology of the pervasive human tendency to overestimate one’s achievements and capabilities in relation to others. Such effects have been documented for drivers, CEOs, stock market analysts, college students, parents, and state education officials, among others. Indeed we may all be living in Lake Wobegon in terms of evaluating our own abilities to manage critical events.
What are the practical implications of performance assessment in Anesthesia?
In summary, simulation studies on performance all showed appreciable performance gaps of anesthesia professionals managing critical incidents and emergencies. The results expand on the few comparable data on real cases. Overall, the surprisingly high frequency of mediocre performance represents a patient safety concern for the field of anesthesiology, emphasizing the need for anesthesia professionals and their organizations to:
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be aware of performance shortcomings and pitfalls in everyday work
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regard the knowledge and training of performance-enhancing strategies as one of the core competencies
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focus on the application of and adherence to evidence-based practice guidelines
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focus on the efficient management of the environment (team, resources, equipment, etc.)
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implement case management skills in the education, training, and re-certification, that go beyond only medical/technical knowledge and skill
Benefits and Challenges of Assessing Performance
Benefits of the Scientific Study of Tasks and Performance in Anesthesia
The generation of an improved understanding of the human performance of anesthesia professionals can help them to provide patient care more safely, in a wider variety of clinical situations, with greater efficiency, and with increased satisfaction to both patients and practitioners. The possible benefits of studying human performance include, but are not limited to, the following:
- 1.
Improved clinical performance: Behavior observation helps to identify which processes and behaviors are associated with effective and safe performance. Thus, it provides us with new knowledge on what effective teams do differently compared with ineffective teams and how they do it. Compared with self-reports, behavior observation allows for measuring actual team-level phenomena and dynamics that teams may not even be aware of and that may unfold over time.
- 2.
Improved operational protocols: The way in which individuals conduct anesthesia is based, in part, on knowing the limits of their performance envelope. Anesthetic techniques and OR practices should draw on anesthesia professionals’ abilities and should mitigate their weaknesses.
- 3.
Enhanced clinical education and training of anesthesia professionals: Understanding the required performance characteristics and inherent human limitations will lead to improved training, which will most fully develop the strengths and counter the existing vulnerabilities of the anesthesia professional. Identification of performance gaps informs opportunities for improvement. Identification of expert knowledge through elicitation of unaware expertise behavior creates educational gain. Taking this knowledge into action should make patient care safer, less stressful, and more efficient.
- 4.
A more effective work environment: Anesthesia professionals now perform their tasks by using an array of technologies, many of which have not been designed to support the anesthesia professional’s work optimally. By understanding the relevant tasks and performance requirements, the workspace and tools could be improved for better support of the most difficult tasks. This, too, can lead to greater safety and to greater efficiency and work satisfaction.
- 5.
A more efficient organizational system: Anesthesiology is embedded within a larger system of organized medical care that involves interactions among numerous people, institutions, organizations, and professional domains. Understanding how the anesthesia professional’s work relates to the larger system may enable the development of more rational and efficient flow of information and organizational control.
- 6.
A more rational view of professional work and legal responsibility: Modern health care, especially in the United States, is strongly influenced by medicolegal concerns. The litigation system has a major selection bias in that every case that comes before it involves an adverse outcome for a patient. The duty of the practitioner is to render care as a reasonable and prudent specialist in the area of anesthesia. What is reasonable and prudent? What type of performance is to be expected from appropriately trained human beings in a complex and dynamic environment? By understanding human performance, it may be possible to generate a more rational view of what is and is not within the standard of care.
Challenges of the Scientific Study of Tasks and Performance in Anesthesia
Study of human performance involves research paradigms different from those typically used in the science of anesthesia. Many obstacles exist to obtaining valid data on human performance. There are no animal models for expert human performance and no Sprague-Dawley anesthesia professionals to be studied in detail. Recruiting experienced personnel to be the subjects of study is difficult and raises issues of selection bias concerning those who do volunteer. Especially if conducted during actual patient care, investigations of human performance are strongly influenced by concerns about litigation, credentialing, and confidentiality, thus making it difficult to execute optimal studies. Furthermore, variability among individual anesthesia professionals is quite striking because different anesthesia professionals respond to the same situation in different ways, and each individual may act differently on different days or at different times of the same day. The magnitude of this intraindividual variability is often nearly the same as the interindividual variability. Another challenge is that the performance measures may not be sensitive to an increase or decrease in workload if the subject compensates through increased, or reduced, effort respectively.
Performance itself is an intuitively meaningful concept that is difficult to define precisely. No universal standards are available for the clinical decisions and actions of anesthesia professionals. They depend heavily on the context of specific situations. In addition, determining how anesthesia professionals perform their jobs, whether successfully or unsuccessfully, means delving into their mental processes. This cannot be measured easily. Experimental designs can involve artificial laboratory tasks for which performance can be objectively measured, but these tasks will then be far removed from the real world of administering anesthesia. Conversely, investigating the actual performance of trained practitioners in the real world yields primarily subjective and indirect data. Understanding the anesthesia professional’s performance must be seen as analogous to solving a jigsaw puzzle, an analogy introduced by Gaba and extended by McIntosh. Pieces of the puzzle probably come from a variety of sources, none of which by itself captures the entire picture.
Problems faced by all investigators are the lack of an accepted standard for objective or subjective evaluation of anesthesia professional performance and the absence of an agreed-on methodology for analyzing and describing anesthesia professional performance. As one result of the divergent research landscape in human performance, the number, scope, and variety of applied behavior observation taxonomies are growing, making comparison and convergent integration of research findings difficult. Several groups were working on methodologies for evaluating technical and behavioral aspects of performance.
Kolbe and colleagues pointed out four methodological challenges when rating behavior. First is identifying the optimal balance between specificity versus generalizability. Researchers must decide whether to investigate processes from a general perspective using methods that capture all teamwork behaviors simultaneously or whether to focus on one single process (e.g., closed-loop communication) to explore it in detail. Second is deciding whether to rate the quality or describe the occurrence of teamwork behavior. Quality of behavior can be measured with an anchored ordinal rating scale (e.g., from excellent to poor). Or alternatively, the occurrences of particular behaviors can be measured such as when?—by whom?—to whom?, etc., delivering different results. Third is linking research findings with team training content, when no common language and no common behavioral codes, respectively, are used in research. Fourth is applying different rating systems (in different studies) without respect to the usability and the different requirements for research, training, and examination purposes.
Patient Safety on the Individual and Team Level
In earlier sections the characteristics of the complex and dynamic working environment in anesthesia were described in detail, as well as the multiple manual, behavioral, and cognitive tasks and related performance assessment studies of the anesthesia professional. Both sections illustrated several human performance and patient safety challenges that personnel face regularly. The knowledge and management of the complex work environment and the various tasks, workload, and performance pitfalls can determine the ultimate success of professionals’ intervention. These human factors comprise issues related to perception, memory, problem solving, physiological rhythm, and more. This section focusses on the so-called nontechnical skills and performance-shaping factors as they have the most direct practical impact for the work of anesthesia professionals.
The importance of nontechnical skills and performance-shaping factors is also in line with the performance studies of anesthesiologists mentioned earlier in this chapter. They revealed room for improvement at any level of experience, especially in non-routine and emergency situations. Recent views on nontechnical skills emphasize their relevance also in routine situations to prevent those from becoming critical. Nontechnical skills explain difficulties in applying knowledge and skills that team members possess in stressful moments in a dynamic, complex, and high-workload environment. They are related to challenges in managing and coordinating oneself (e.g., remembering to do tasks, monitoring one’s own actions, acting as a team leader), the team (e.g., distributing tasks, managing conflict, sharing mental models), and the equipment (e.g., knowing the application of the equipment, understanding different use modes, troubleshooting).
Therefore, in the upcoming sections the following topics are addressed: (1) General concepts of human factors (HF) and nontechnical skills (NTS) are introduced and discussed in the larger context of human performance. Subsequently, several examples of the impact of HF/NTS are given, indicating that from a safety point of view, HFs and NTS deserve as much attention as medical knowledge [patho-] physiology, diagnosis, treatment) and practical skills, which by tradition have dominated training programs for anesthesia professionals. (2) Two sets of key elements of patient safety: first relating to individual performance (situation awareness and decision making), and second relating to team performance (communication, teamwork, and task management). (3) Additionally, individual performance-shaping factors are discussed, in particular fatigue, interruptions, distractions, and ambient noise.
Human Performance, Human Factors, and NonTechnical Skills
In the literature, the interrelated terms human performance, human factors, and nontechnical skills are used in a variety of ways and sometimes even synonymously, making it difficult to classify them. They are interconnected and while several models and taxonomies exist there is not always a clear distinction between these terms and concepts. In the upcoming section the authors explain the general underlying principles and give a simplified overview of their interrelationships in order to generate a more systematic understanding of key concepts. The term human error, also used in this context occasionally, is itself a different term, almost the flipside of human factors. One might say that challenges in human factors (and other aspects) can result in human error. For the definition and classification of human error see later section on “System Thinking.”
Human Performance and Human Factors
What are Human Factors? Human performance is shaped, positively or negatively, by different levels of so-called human factors (HF). Good HF increases and poor HF decreases human performance. The term ergonomics is also used in some contexts. A broad variety of disciplines are involved and many different topics are embraced by both terms; hence, several definitions exist. The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society defines HF as follows: “Human factors is concerned with the application of what we know about people, their abilities, characteristics, and limitations to the design of equipment they use, environments in which they function, and jobs they perform.” Catchpole and McCulloch define human factors in the medical context as: “Enhancing clinical performance through an understanding of the effects of teamwork, tasks, equipment, workspace, culture, and organization on human behavior and abilities and application of that knowledge in clinical settings.”
Different Components of Human Factors
Derived from the SEIPS model and adapted by the authors, different components of HF are:
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the behavior of individuals and their behavior/knowledge in regard to tasks (individual level)
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the interactions with each other (team level)
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the interactions of professionals with the organizational/sociocultural conditions (organizational level)
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the interactions of professionals with the environment/workspace (environmental level) and
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the interactions of professionals with technology/equipment (technology/engineering/design level)
Those five human factor components are necessary and sufficient to describe and understand the anesthesia professional’s entire work system from a HF perspective. The components interact with and influence each other, resulting in a large number of relationships between different levels. At times the components compensate each other (e.g., when professionals work faster to compensate for time pressure or when people collaborate to solve problems that are beyond an individual’s abilities). Other times the components resonate with each other and amplify their effects—for the good (e.g., having the right equipment for the task at hand) or the bad (e.g., lacking resources to solve a problem). Given that this chapter cannot deal with human factors in a comprehensive way, many topics can be touched on only briefly. Although the environmental and technology levels can be important—cognition is challenged when there is a power failure or a breakdown of key clinical equipment—in this chapter the focus lies on the most important aspects of human factors directly relevant to anesthesia professionals: the individual level, team level, and organizational level.
Human Factors and Nontechnical Skills
What are NonTechnical skills in comparison to Human Factors? When talking specifically about HF that are directly related to actions of a single individual and/or of a team, often this is referred to as the concept of nontechnical skills (NTS). NTS are defined as “the cognitive, social, and personal resource skills that complement technical skills (which encompass the technical knowledge of health care and its various procedures), and contribute to safe and efficient task performance” or alternatively as “attitudes and behaviors not directly related to the use of medical expertise, drugs, or equipment.”
While some authors object to the term nontechnical skills—using a negative to describe something—others have pointed out that not only is this term in wide use already, but that actually a variety of terms involving negation are in common use in science, mathematics, and medicine. One main paper and an editorial discuss this issue. For health care, instead of nontechnical skills, the term could also be non-medical skills. However, because of the extensive use of nontechnical skills in the literature of other industries and in health care, this chapter uses that terminology.
Different Ways to Categorize NonTechnical Skills
In general, NTS can be categorized into two broad areas: (1) cognitive and mental skills on the individual level, including decision making and situation awareness; and (2) social and interpersonal skills on the team level, including teamwork, communication, and leadership. Commercial aviation incorporated such nontechnical skills in the cockpit (later crew) resource management paradigm (CRM, 1980s and continuous later evolution) and the “NOTECHS” paradigm in the late 1990s. In anesthesiology, the anesthesia crisis resource management (ACRM) framework was introduced by Howard and co-workers in 1990 as an adaptation of aviation’s CRM. The ACRM approach categorizes NTS based on the five key elements of communication, situation awareness, decision making, teamwork (implicitly including leadership), and task management ( Fig. 6.5 ). The anesthesia nontechnical skills (ANTS) framework by Fletcher and colleagues was introduced in 2003; Flin and colleagues give an overview of its history, development, application, use, and emerging is issues. , The ANTS approach typically includes the four categories of situation awareness, decision making, teamwork (explicitly including leadership), and task management. Neither of these frameworks, and indeed no usable paradigm, can capture explicitly every important aspect of HF applied to anesthesiology. For example the management of the performance-shaping factors stress and fatigue are also part of the ANTS framework, but are implicit in ACRM. Communication itself is not an explicit skill element of the ANTS framework (which assumes that communication pervades each element), whereas in ACRM it is a specific skill that needs explicit mention and training. Of note, from their start in anesthesiology, nontechnical skills frameworks have been further adapted to several other medical fields, such as for surgeons and intensive care specialists.

Assessment of NonTechnical Skills
In response to the growing acceptance of human factors and nontechnical skills influencing medical performance, several rubrics to measure NTS have been developed. Gaba and colleagues in 1998 described the direct adaptation for assessment of NTS of a set of CRM-anchored ordinal scale markers from Helmreich et al. concerning aviation. In 2004 the ANTS framework was complemented by a behaviorally anchored rating scale in 2004. A new set of assessment scales for four markers of NTS was introduced by Weinger and colleagues in 2017 based on the fusion of aspects of a number of prior approaches.
A further, rather new approach for the assessment of nontechnical skills is the Co-ACT framework described by Kolbe and co-workers. The framework serves observing coordination behavior, especially in acute care teams like anesthesia, and consists of four categories, each category obtaining three further subelements that more specifically describe the NTS: (1) explicit action coordination with the elements instruction, speaking up , and planning ; (2) implicit action coordination with the elements monitoring , talking to the room (action-related), and providing assistance ; (3) explicit information coordination with the elements information request , information evaluation , and information upon request ; and (4) implicit information coordination with the elements gathering information, talking to the room (information-related), and information without request .
Challenges of the Assessment of NonTechnical Skills
The psychometric qualities of measuring NTS have been assessed by the developers of the ANTS system and were considered to be of acceptable level, whereas another study assessed the reliability after a 1-day training for raters and concluded that reliability was poor. A study from Denmark showed good psychometric qualities. Originally developed for educational purposes and used to discuss the NTS of anesthesiologists after training sessions in order to improve in NTS, Zwaan and colleagues assessed the usability and reliability for ANTS in research, finding that the ANTS system was reliable for the total score and usable to measure physicians’ NTS in a research setting. However, the investigators found a variation between the reliability of the different elements and recommend excluding elements in advance that are not applicable or observable in the situation of interest. It might not always be easy, however, to identify those elements that should be excluded. On the whole, the ANTS system appears to be a useful tool to enhance assessment of nontechnical skills in anesthesia and other medical fields further, and its careful derivation from an established system of nontechnical assessment in aviation (NOTECHS) may even allow some interdomain comparisons. However, more recently Watkins and colleagues directly compared ANTS with the system used in the Weinger and colleagues 2017 paper and showed that ANTS was more difficult to use but that the two systems otherwise achieved equivalent assessment results.
NonTechnical Skills: The Bad – The Good – The Variable
Good nontechnical skills (i.e., vigilance, efficient communication, team coordination, etc.) reduce the likelihood of active and passive errors and adverse events, and also increase human performance, whereas suboptimal NTS are expected to do the reverse. These effects are variable; for example, a person may communicate very effectively in one instance and fail to do so in the next challenging communication role.
A study from Denmark investigated the relationship between technical and nontechnical skills. Twenty-five video recordings of second-year anesthesiologists managing a simulated difficult airway management scenario were rated with the ANTS instrument and a score for the technical aspect for the procedure. In addition, written descriptions of the NTS performance were collected and content analyzed. The correlation between the two scores was not significant, but the content analysis comparing the NTS description in the best and poorest three scenarios identified what contributed most to good NTS. These were systematically collecting information, thinking ahead, communicating and justifying of decisions, delegating tasks, and vigilantly responding to the evolving situation. Poor NTS were related to: lack of structured approach, lack of articulating plans and decisions, poor resource and task management, lack of considering consequences of treatment, poor response to the evolving situation, and lack of leadership.
What is the Impact of Non-Technical Skills and Human Factors on Poor Performance in Medicine?
The impact of poor NTS on poor human performance in the medical field cannot be overestimated. Depending on the literature, it is estimated that up to 80% of all errors in medicine can be attributed to problems with NTS and human factors.
Even though one can argue on the one hand that due to progress in technology the findings and estimates of the pioneer study of Cooper and colleagues performed in 1978 (results relating up to 80% of incidents to human factors) have been outdated for a long time, on the other hand those figures are (1) comparable to findings in other dynamic and complex work environments and (2) newer studies as recent as 2015 still reconfirm those findings (references see below). In the following some illustrative studies are mentioned that link HF and safety challenges.
In 1993 an analysis of 2000 incident reports from the Australian Incident Reporting Study took place, investigating the incidents for relations to human factors and NTS. In 83% of incidents, human factor elements were scored by the reporters. Even though scoring by the incident reporters might not produce results as accurate as those of a systematic scoring by human factor experts and such text descriptions are of limited value for this type of data collection, it still shows the scope of the problem—having also in mind that voluntarily reported incidents only represent the peak of an iceberg, with many incidents not reported at all.
Fletcher and colleagues published a review of studies describing the influence of nontechnical skills in anesthesia in 2002, summarizing that it is clear “ that nontechnical skills play a central role in good anesthesia practice and that a wide range of behaviors are important […] [including] monitoring, allocation of attention, planning and preparation, situation awareness, prioritization, applying predefined strategies/protocols, flexibility in decision-making, communication, and team-working” [p.426].
As increasing evidence suggested that human factors like communication, leadership, and team interaction influence the performance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Hunziker and colleagues presented a study in 2010 reviewing the impact of human factors during simulation-based resuscitation scenarios. Similar to studies in real patients, simulated cardiac arrest scenarios revealed many unnecessary interruptions of CPR as well as significant delays in defibrillation—two outcome-relevant parameters. The studies showed that human factors played a major role in these shortcomings and that medical performance, at least in non-routine situations, depends among others on the quality of leadership and team-structuring.
Jones and co-workers only recently systematically reviewed the literature on the impact of HFs in preventing complications in anesthesia due to poor airway management and highlighted recent national reports and guidelines, including the 4th National Audit Project (NAP4). NAP4 (2011) was the first prospective study of all major airway events occurring throughout the UK, reviewing any complications resulting from airway management that led to either death, brain damage, the need for an emergency surgical airway, unanticipated ICU admission, or prolongation of ICU stay. 184 reports were reviewed. Subsequent in-depth analysis identified HFs as having been a relevant influence in every case, with a median range of 4.5 contributing HFs per case. HFs in the report included for example : casual attitude toward risk/overconfidence, peer tolerance of poor standards, lack of clarity in team structures, poor or dysfunctional communication including incomplete or inadequate handovers, inadequate checking procedures, failure to formulate back-up plans and discuss them with team members, failure to use available equipment, attempts to use unknown equipment in an emergency situation, heavy personal workload, lack of time to undertake thorough assessment, equipment shortage, inexperienced personnel working unsupervised, organizational cultures which induce or tolerate unsafe practices, no formalized requirement to undertake checking procedures, incompatible goals, and reluctance to analyze adverse events and learn from errors.
The Sentinel Event Report of the Joint Commission analyzed the root causes of 764 sentinel events (patient’s death, loss in function, unexpected additional care and/or psychological impact) reported voluntarily in 2014. Human-factor-related root causes, including among others communication and leadership, were the leading root causes of sentinel events and made up 65% of root causes. Even though the data are not specifically linked to anesthesia practice, it is very likely that there exist strong parallels.
One of the latest simulation-based studies, performed by Weinger and colleagues in 2017 and explained in detail earlier (section on assessing performance, “Performance as a Function of Experience”), also shows a broad variety of human-factor-related hurdles for anesthesiologists when handling emergencies.
What are the implications of the Impact of Humand Factors and NonTechnical Skills on Human Performance?
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Balancing the importance of technical and nontechnical skills during medical education and training. While technical skills and medical knowledge have always been at the core of medical education and training, the importance of NTS has—despite long growing evidence—only recently been recognized.
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Acknowledgement of the importance of human factors as individual and team. One of the first steps for individuals and teams in minimizing and mitigating human frailties and strengthening human strengths—and in consequence reducing medical error and its consequences—is by acknowledging human factors as a part of human performance and thus acknowledging human limitation. The World Health Organization (WHO) states:
“A failure to apply human factors principles is a key aspect of most adverse events in health care. Therefore, all health-care workers need to have a basic understanding of human factors principles. Health-care workers who do not understand the basics of human factors are like infection control professionals not knowing about microbiology.” (p. 111)
Human Factors on the Individual Level
This section will introduce three levels of human factors in more detail: (1) understanding the behavior of individuals (individual level), (2) the interactions between individuals (team level), and (3) their interactions with the organization (organizational level). This first section on the individual level addresses five interrelated elements: (1a) task management, (1b) situation awareness, (1c) decision making, (1d) general individual performance-shaping factors (e.g., fatigue, distractions and noise), and (1e) personal (safety) attitudes.
Task Management
According to the ANTS framework, task management is defined as (p. 8) “skills for organizing resources and required activities to achieve goals, be they individual case plans or longer-term scheduling issues. It has four skill elements: planning and preparing; prioritizing; providing and maintaining standards; identifying and utilizing resources . ”
Anesthesia professionals are often—within the operating room setting—their own phlebotomist, IV inserter, echocardiographer, pharmacist, technician, cleaner, data recorder, patient transporter, as well as performer of activities on behalf of the surgeon (e.g., manipulate the OR table, answer telephone calls, etc.) all while maintaining situation awareness, engaging in decision making, doing administrative tasks, and managing the anesthetic itself. That’s a lot of activities! Task management in a team might include the delegation of tasks to appropriate personnel, using effective communication, and closing the loop, both to verify the request was received and understood and then to inform the leader that the task is done, or that there are problems.
Task density can become so high that (1) errors in tasks or their subtasks are more likely; (2) no single person can manage all the tasks alone so that help from team members is needed (teamwork); and (3) tasks may be delayed by interruptions or competing demands, which then require prospective memory to remember what to do in the future or to correctly resume interrupted actions.
Multitasking and Multiplexing
Sometimes multitasking—doing several things at a time—can be successful, depending on the situation and the tasks at hand. Yet professionals need to be aware that it can be unsuccessful when the situation or the tasks change. When task density becomes high, simple linear performance of tasks becomes impossible; instead more complicated processes of both multitasking and multiplexing are needed. Multitasking—trying to perform two (or more) tasks simultaneously—is frequent in hospital settings, but is virtually impossible to execute if the same cognitive resources are involved. Conducting two or more relatively simple tasks is often possible, such as observing the surgical field while asking the surgeon a straightforward question. Even then there is a risk that one task will be dropped or degraded. However, adjusting an infusion pump while calculating the upcoming dose of antibiotic for an infant would be difficult to do in parallel.
In common use, the term multitasking sometimes refers specifically to media multitasking—everyday attempts to simultaneously work, listen to music, check email and text messages, and search the web. Studies have shown that frequent media multitaskers perform worse on psychology laboratory probes of actual multitasking than those who are infrequent media multitaskers. Many suggest that true multitasking is impossible and that almost always there is a decrement of performance on some or all tasks when multitasking is attempted.
The degree to which media multitasking, or laboratory tests, relate to the kinds of multitasking performed by personnel in professional settings of many data streams and many tasks is as yet uncertain; it seems likely that in anesthesia care there are limits to what individuals can safely do on their own.
While simple multitasking in perioperative settings may work, when tasks are complex it may in fact be inefficient. Rather than conducting two (or more) activities in parallel, humans often do things sequentially but shift rapidly between items or back and forth across many simultaneous threads. If the tasks use different cognitive resources, this is referred to as multiplexing. Multiplexing brings the challenges that people (1) have to refocus their concentration each time they switch and (2) are more susceptible to distractions and errors. This is especially true if the tasks at hand involve intensive real-time control as opposed to being cognitively automatic. There is evidence that health care personnel are not aware of the risks of decreased performance when attempting to multitask.
Douglas and co-authors recently reviewed the current literature concerning multitasking in the health care setting. They suggest that multitasking typically results in increased time of task completion, increased stress, risk of memory lapses, and subsequent errors and accidents. Those performance limitations occur more often if one is forced to multitask by the environment and/or if the different tasks compete for the same local cognitive resource. Their review located only two studies on the association between multitasking and errors in the health care setting although nothing definitive was found. Executing two tasks at the same time was found to carry the risk of decreased accuracy and efficiency and to have an increased reaction time to environmental stimuli.
Keep focused. Instead of trying to do several things at once—and maybe none of them well—shift your attention consciously and completely from one task to the next and organize the tasks at hand according to priority. Giving your full attention to what you are doing will help you do it better, with fewer mistakes and less load on your prospective memory. Prevent or modulate avoidable distractions whenever possible.
Multitasking During Handovers?
One study observed different modes of patient handover from the OR to the post-anesthesia recovery unit in six hospitals. The researchers compared handovers of (1) simultaneous transfer of equipment and information (i.e., a nurse connecting the monitor while at the same time receiving verbal information) to (2) sequential transfer (equipment is first connected and lines sorted, then verbal information follows). The findings from 101 observed handovers showed that 65% of them took place simultaneously. Interestingly, simultaneous handovers were not significantly faster than sequential ones (1.8 vs. 2.0 min). In review of postoperative handovers Segall and colleagues recommended: (1) standardize/structure processes (e.g., through the use of checklists and protocols); (2) complete urgent clinical tasks before the information transfer; (3) allow only patient-specific discussions during verbal handovers; (4) require that all relevant team members be present; and (5) provide training in team skills and communication. More information on handoffs is given in the later section on “Communication.”
The recommendations given above are helpful for safe postoperative handovers. Another handover type occurs when one anesthesia professional replaces another, temporarily or permanently. And yet another handover is when you have called someone for help or when you are the one coming to help. For this last situation often the person arriving to help concentrates immediately on performing tasks without really listening to the briefing from the original anesthesia professional. Unless the task is critical (e.g., CPR) it is better to wait, assess the situation and the observable information, and then pay full attention to the briefing. For further information on handoffs see section “Effective Communication and Delegation of Tasks.”
Situation Awareness
In anesthesia many sources of information need to be scanned in order to get the overview of the situation. These include, but are not limited to: the patient (clinical impression and history), various monitoring equipment, the patient chart, explicit and implicit information by colleagues and OR team members, and workday characteristics (i.e., staff composition, staff shortage, available equipment/time, etc.). Gaba, Howard, and Small introduced the concept of SA in the context of anesthesia in 1995. Schulz and colleagues wrote a review article in 2013 especially on SA in anesthesia.
Situation awareness (SA) describes “the ability of an individual to maintain an adequate internal representation of the status of the environment in complex and dynamic domains where time constants are short and conditions may change within seconds and minutes” (p. 729).
SA is a concept drawn from military aviation concerning a variety of aspects of cognition in complex real-time environments. While important itself, situation awareness is influenced by previous decisions, communication patterns, and team dynamics; the level of SA in turn influences team communication and coordination. Situation awareness incorporates the circumstances of the patient at hand (e.g., “Is all required expertise represented?”), the state of the treatment team (e.g., “Is a team member task-overloaded?,” “Do team members trust each other?”); and the state of the environment including the rest of the facility (e.g., “Is the problem I’m having also happening elsewhere in my OR suite?”).
One of the primary experts on SA, Mica Endsley, postulates three different components of individual SA: (1) Perception of the elements of a situation/environment within a volume of time and space (= gathering information, detection of cues); (2) comprehension of elements and their meaning (= interpretation of information/cues, diagnosis); and (3) projection of their status in the near future (= anticipation, prediction). Dekker and Hollnagel challenge this model.
Success or failure of SA can occur at each component: gathering, comprehension, and projecting. Some readily available information can be missed, or perceived incorrectly; on the other hand experience makes them sensitive to barely perceptible cues. They also often, but not always, comprehend the meaning of what is perceived by everyone even when others miss its significance. Experts also are usually able to assess the situation not only as it stands but also to project where things are headed, but of course their future projection can be inaccurate or disregarded (including the “everything is OK fixation error”).
Schulz and colleagues reviewed 200 incidents in anesthesia and critical care in an in-hospital setting and determined the frequency of situation awareness errors for an individual patient. Admittedly there could be some degree of hindsight bias; nonetheless, situation awareness errors were identified in 81.5% of cases—predominantly in perception (38.0%) and comprehension (31.5%).
Shared Situation Awareness
SA is a concept that can be applied to the individual (personal SA, see above), but also the team (shared SA). Team SA is defined as “the degree to which every team member possesses the SA required for his or her responsibilities” (p. 39). Within different professions and different physical positions in the room, the situational awareness and interpretation of the same case can differ substantially within a team, due to variation in experience, involvement, focus point, interest, knowledge, or information. Of course, not every bit of information can be shared with the whole team; doing so would overwhelm everyone. Yet, creating and maintaining an overall shared mental model of the situation across all team members is critical for determining the best plan of action for patient care. Some team communication in the operating room that seemingly does not serve an obvious purpose, might, in fact, be a gauging of shared mental models and therefore shared SA. Anesthesia professionals, for example, routinely assess the progress and possible complications of the operation by perceiving nuances in the conversation of the surgeons.
Shared mental models predict good team performance and were, for example, shown to be related to positive performance in trauma teams, with team leaders and followers actively working toward an information exchange. Adapted from psychology and management literature, Schmutz and Eppich introduced the conceptual framework of team reflexivity to health care. They propose that shared SA is fostered by components of team reflexivity, namely (1) pre-action briefing, (2) in-action deliberation, and (3) post-action debriefing. Fioratou and colleagues challenge the common model of individual and team SA and instead introduced the model of distributed situation awareness (DSA) to anesthesia, arguing that cognition actually involves elements of the (physical) environment, for example, the values on a monitor.
A multicenter study from Denmark explored shared mental models of surgical teams during 64 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomies to explore familiarity of the people involved in the operation with each other; mutual assessment of technical and nontechnical skills in the other persons present during the operation; assessment of the perceived risk for the patient from the procedure and from the anesthetic; and noting of problems in the present co-works task management. There was poor agreement between team members’ risk ratings showing limitations in how much the members of the surgical team share a mental model about the patient and the related risks. A follow-up study demonstrated the connection between relevant clinical markers and shared mental models.
Other aspects of situation awareness have already been introduced within the “core cognitive process model” in an earlier section. Box 6.2 gives examples of reevaluation questions in order to maintain situation awareness.
Decision Making
Decision making is the generic term for the cognitive and emotional processes of determining appropriate information seeking and actions in a changing environment. It involves “ skills for reaching a judgement to select a course of action or make a diagnosis about a situation, in both normal conditions and in time-pressured crisis situations. It … [includes]: identifying options; balancing risks and selecting options [and] re-evaluating” (p. 13). Many aspects of the anesthesia professional’s decision making have already been addressed in the earlier section where the “core cognitive process model” was introduced, so for more information the reader is referred back to that section.
Although decision making in anesthesiology involves many sorts of perioperative decisions, this chapter is particularly interested in the processes used for the non-routine decisions made during the management of problems or crises. This is a very complex process. Although information is sometimes used in what seems to be a purely rational manner, decision making is affected strongly by a number of non-rational elements such as group pressure, ingrained habits, cognitive biases, and perceptual illusions. When determining the alternatives and their various pros and cons the set of options available or their perceived value will also vary.
Traditional concepts of decision making in much of medicine (not anesthesiology) have concentrated on relatively static, well-structured decisions. For example, should patient A with an elevated blood pressure be treated for hypertension with drug X, or should no treatment be started? Other studies have looked at diagnosis as an isolated task (specifically, diagnostic explanation) both in internal medicine and in radiology. These approaches to decision making have not captured the unique aspects of dynamism, time pressure, and uncertainty seen in anesthesiology. Since the 1980s, several paradigms have emerged regarding decision making and action in complex real-world situations.
On the one hand there are models that have their basis largely in research done in the psychology laboratory investigating the limits and pitfalls of decision making under controlled conditions, especially delineating cognitive biases. Daniel Kahneman and his colleague Amos Tversky won a Nobel Prize in Economics in 2002 for this kind of research. While Tversky passed away in 1999 Kahneman continued to work on decision making, and he recently synthesized and summarized the topic in the popular book Thinking Fast and Slow . Two cognitive systems are described. System I is intuitive (heuristic), very fast, less concerned with the precision of the information processing and decision (as long as it is approximately correct) and more concerned with reducing cognitive load. Research about heuristic decision making shows that reducing the amount of information considered can still lead to equally good or superior decisions. System II is analytical, slow but able to consider in detail the sources of information and the fine points of a decision. Especially in time-critical situations humans tend to run on System I as long as possible, sometimes too long—accepting imprecise results when precision is actually needed. Understanding the pitfalls of System I thinking can help professionals to lower the bar for their activation of System II. Another approach to studying and describing decision making, based on observational research on professionals engaged in doing complex decision-making work in real-world settings (or simulations thereof) is known as naturalistic decision making (NDM), with Gary Klein, Judith Orasanu, and others as the pioneers. Models in NDM-oriented work also invoke the idea of parallel systems of decision making, one heuristic and fast, the other systematic, precise, and slow, as well as a number of other aspects of iterative consideration of useful actions.
The core cognitive process model including dynamic decision making (see earlier section on “Core Cognitive Process Model of the Anesthesia Professional”) is based largely on the NDM model, but is consistent with Kahneman’s description of System I and System II. In fact, Klein and Kahnemann have co-written a paper that outlines how their two approaches are in many ways similar, while in a few ways somewhat different. A common (if incomplete) way to describe this is that the work of Kahneman and Tversky emphasizes the pitfalls and errors of decision making, NDM emphasizes how it is often successful despite these risks.
Stiegler and Tung—representing views influenced by the Kahneman-Tversky research—(1) identified current theories of human decision behavior in the context of anesthesia, which are: expected utility, Bayesian probability, formalized pattern matching, heuristics, dual process reasoning, and sensemaking; (2) identified common effects of non-rational cognitive processes on decision making; and (3) suggested strategies to improve anesthesia decision making.
In another publication, Stiegler and co-workers summarized the most common cognitive/non-rational errors detected specific to anesthesiology practice; the leading 10 errors were anchoring, availability bias, premature closure, feedback bias, framing effect, confirmation bias, omission bias, commission bias, overconfidence, and sunk costs. In a simulated emergency setting, the frequency of seven of those errors was over 50%, with premature closure (accepting a diagnosis prematurely, failure to consider reasonable differential of possibilities) and confirmation bias (seeking or acknowledging only information that confirms the desired or suspected diagnosis) being the most common cognitive errors with a frequency of nearly 80% each. In 2016 the Joint Commission also published a paper on the safety issues of cognitive errors and factors that can predispose or increase the likelihood of cognitive biases.
Gigerenzer frames the view on the characteristics of human decision making differently. What is called biases in other frameworks is seen as relevant features of human cognition and decision making that allow for functional perception and action in a very complicated world. Perhaps like NDM, this view suggests that theories of decision making do not really describe decision making in the real world. For example, in many situations it will not be possible to collect all relevant decision alternatives, to assess them fully, and to select the best option. There might not be enough data available about the alternatives and/or the evaluation might take too long. The “take-the-best” (also termed “satisficing”) heuristic suggests that decision makers consider what they see as a key feature for the decision and only compare any alternatives along this criterion. Further criteria are only considered if the first ones do not identify an acceptable option.
Performance-Shaping Factors on the Individual Level
The previous discussion about the performance of skilled anesthesia professionals has mostly assumed that they are normally fit, rested, and acting in a standard working environment. However, human performance on the individual level also depends on so-called performance-shaping factors such as interruptions, distractions, fatigue, and stress. Performance-shaping factors can predispose a person to error. Experience in human performance in the laboratory and other domains suggests that internal and external performance-shaping factors exert profound effects on the ability of even highly trained personnel. The degree to which this occurs and to which it affects patient outcome is highly uncertain. In extreme cases, such as profound fatigue, it is obvious these factors result in severe degradation of the anesthesia professional’s performance or even complete incapacitation. However, these extreme conditions are quite unusual, and it is still unclear whether the levels of performance decrement most frequently seen in typical work situations have any significant effects.
Several performance-shaping factors are potentially of sufficient magnitude to be of concern. Those include ambient noise, music, distraction by personal electronic devices, distraction by other personnel, fatigue and sleep deprivation, aging, illness, drug use, and relatively fixed hazardous attitudes. These are discussed in the course of this section. A variety of other performance-shaping issues such as the level of illumination and environmental temperature are not dealt with in this chapter.
Currently, the responsibility for ensuring fitness for duty rests solely with the individual clinician. In high-reliability organizations (see later), where the maintenance of organizational safety is one of the key elements, the institution implements measures to mitigate decrements due to performance-shaping factors. As health care systems address issues of human performance and patient safety more seriously, these aspects of work will need to be dealt with.
Distractions and Interruptions in the Operating Room
Several recent publications deal with distractions and interruptions in the OR. For detailed information the reader is referred to further literature, as the upcoming section can only give a brief overview on the topic.
Ambient Noise and Music
The workplace of anesthesia professionals—predominantly, but not exclusively, the operating room—is a very complex physical and cognitive setting. Unless there is an unusual effort to reduce sound levels the routine noises of the suction, surgical equipment (electrocautery, pneumatic or electric power tools), and monitoring equipment yield levels considerably higher than in most offices or control rooms. Other sound sources such as conversation and music are controllable. The potential interference of noise with communication and situation awareness among personnel in the OR is particularly worrisome to those concerned with optimizing teamwork in this complex work environment.
The use of music in the OR is now widespread. Many health care professionals believe that music enlivens the workday and can build team cohesiveness when all team members enjoy the music. Others note that in some cases the volume level of music makes it harder to hear the rhythm and tone of the pulse oximeter and alarms as well as work-related conversation between team members. A laboratory study by Stevenson and colleagues determined that visual attentional loads and auditory distractions additively reduced anesthesiology residents’ ability to detect changes in pulse oximeter tone.
A controversial study by two social psychologists, Allen and Blascovich, suggested that surgeon-selected music improved surgeons’ performance on a serial subtraction task and reduced their autonomic reactivity (i.e., “relaxed” them) when compared with control conditions consisting of experimenter-selected music or no music at all. The methodology of this study has been criticized. In response to Allen and Blascovich, several anesthesiologists challenged the notion that the surgeon’s preference for the type or volume of music can or should override the needs of other members of the team.
Murthy and colleagues studied the effect of OR noise (80 to 85 dB) and music on knot-tying ability in a laparoscopic skill simulator. They found no difference in time or knot quality in the conditions tested and concluded that surgeons can effectively block out noise and music. The invited commentary that accompanied the article brings up important issues: What impact does noise have on other members of the surgical team? How does noise affect communication between team members? Does noise affect judgment? The question of the proper role of music in the OR has no simple answer. Clearly, optimal patient care is the primary goal. Some surgical or anesthesia personnel explicitly forbid any type of music in the OR. A more common approach of many OR teams is to allow any team member to veto the choice or volume of music if they believe that it interferes with their work.
Distractions include music, social conversation, and jokes. Each of these activities is appropriate under the right circumstances. They can make the work environment more pleasant and promote the development of team spirit, but they can also seriously lessen your ability to detect and correct problems. This issue can be raised during the pre-surgical time-out to ensure that all personnel agree. During patient care you must take charge of modulating these activities so that they do not become distracting. If the music is too loud, one must insist that the volume be reduced or that it be turned off (a rule of thumb is that the pulse oximeter volume should always be louder than the music or conversation). When a crisis occurs, all distractions should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible.
Reading and Use of Mobile Electronic Devices
The observation that some anesthesia professionals have been seen to read journals or books casually during patient care led to a vigorous debate of the appropriateness of such activity. Although it is indisputable that reading could distract attention from patient care, a study by Slagle and Weinger in 2009 suggested that when the practice of reading is confined to low-workload portions of a case, it has no effect on vigilance. Many comments about the issue were related not to the actual decrement in vigilance induced by reading but rather to the impact of the negative perception of the practice and of those who do it by surgeons and by patients, if they were aware of it.
This issue has been greatly magnified by now-ubiquitous smartphones and social media. Nearly all clinical personnel (other than those scrubbed into surgery) have a smartphone immediately at hand. These provide great temptation for both pull activities—reading email, websites, or social media sites—and push activities, notification of new text messages, mail, or social media posts. The wide variety of channels of information makes it far more likely for people to spend time interacting with their phones than with newspapers, journals, or books. The content available is never ending. In their survey, Soto and colleagues give a current update of the usage patterns, risks, and benefits of personal electronic device use in the operating room.
Distractions Caused by Work Itself
An important source of distraction is actually the work itself. That is, engaging in one task can distract attention from other important tasks. Repositioning the patient on the operating table (or rotating the table itself) can take a surprising amount of time and physical and mental effort. During these tasks it can be difficult, and in some cases impossible, to maintain all usual data streams, or to view, hear, or attend to them. Another highly distracting activity is the use of echocardiography, which requires focused attention on the image and manipulation of the probe and of the device’s interface. While it may generate crucial clinical information, it can also distract attention from other important monitors or the surgical field.
Beyond distracting attention from important data streams, various stimuli can also cause “interruptions” in the sequence of conducting a task. Campbell and associates found that slightly more than 20% of distractions—particularly interruptions—were associated with an observable negative impact. Such events are particularly problematic when they disrupt prospective memory which is one’s ability to remember in the future to perform an action or to resume interrupted tasks in the right spot. It is particularly prone to disruption by concurrent tasks or interruptions. In anesthesia, for example, if the anesthesia professional suspends ventilation temporarily (say to allow a radiograph to be taken), the intention to restart the ventilator depends on prospective memory and can be easily forgotten.
A variety of methods may preserve prospective memory of intentions. Visual or auditory reminders can be used (physiologic monitor alarms often serve this purpose whether intended or not), although the effectiveness of such methods is variable.
Special actions—such as leaving one’s finger on the ventilator switch when one has turned off the ventilator for an appropriate reason—can be used to indicate that an important intention is pending. Another strategy is putting a small sign on the ventilator to remind you that it is off. As a last resort in this example, properly set alarms should warn you of apnea should you forget to turn the ventilator back on. Depending on the requested action another strategy can be to accustom oneself to consciously finish tasks entirely before starting the next task (see also section on Task Management). If team members interrupt during a task it can be helpful to let them know that you are busy, something like “One moment please, you’ll have my full attention shortly.” However, asking others to help you remember (“can you please remind me”), has shown to be a less effective strategy, apparently because it diffuses the responsibility to actually remember.
Resulting Implications
Clearly, for all these distractions and interruptions the pros and cons of policing them need to be balanced. In our opinion—similar to those of Slagle and Weinger —blanket policies against reading nonessential materials or interacting with mobile phones except for patient care needs are both doomed to failure and possibly detrimental. First, because they are hard to enforce and any intensive efforts to eradicate the use of such devices at work is likely to generate a tense work climate despite the best safety intentions of proponents. Second, because reading or phone use might actually counteract boredom in some situations and thus might increase performance. Third, these distractions are not necessarily any different from many other kinds of activities not related to patient care that are routinely accepted, such as social conversation among personnel. Of course, there are reasonable limits for such activities.
The bottom line is, to quote Slagle and Weinger: “(1) the patient must be the foremost priority and (2) being distracted or performing noncritical tasks during critical or unstable situations is inappropriate and dangerous ” (p. 282). In the end it is important for anesthesia professionals to keep in mind that there are potential pitfalls linked to distractions and that the anesthesia professional is responsible for modulating controllable distractions and for developing work processes that balance the cognitive load of tasks against their personal, clinical, or teambuilding utility. Allowing music during routine work (if all agree) and a modest amount of reading or smartphone use, but emphasizing the need to reduce or eliminate it when it is too distracting, the workload increases, or a situation becomes complex or urgent is one example. The threshold for abandoning any potential distraction to provide maximum attention to patient care should be rather low.
In response to the patient safety concerns related to distractions and interruptions in the OR and other patient care areas from the use of personal electronic devices for non-patient-related purposes, several professional societies and organizations have established position statements and guidelines to define appropriate use of those devices in the OR. Some health care settings have implemented a “no interruption zone” during critical phases of patient care activities, in the style of a “sterile cockpit” concept, derived from aviation regulations that prohibit crewmembers from engaging in any activity except those duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft during critical phases of flight.
Stress is a performance-shaping factor that influences human performance. To go into detail about stress is beyond the scope of this chapter. Therefore the reader is referred to other references for more details.
Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue
Fatigue is common in the life of anesthesia professionals, whether due to work hours, on-call duties, or the vagaries of life with children and otherwise. Sleep can be thought of as a physiologic drive state similar to hunger or thirst and is necessary for maintenance of alertness, performance, and overall well-being. The amount of sleep required by any individual is genetically determined and is the amount that allows that individual to be awake and alert throughout the day. The average sleep time for young adults is 7 to 8 hours per 24-hour period, with an approximately 15% interindividual variation. These sleep requirements do not change with age, and humans can do little to train their physiology to function optimally on less sleep than required.
The physiology and psychology of sleep and sleep deprivation are well established, and this section can only provide a cursory summary of what is known.
Sleep Debt
Sleep loss is cumulative and results in what is referred to as sleep debt. An individual who has obtained an optimal amount of sleep is better prepared to perform long periods of sustained work than one who is operating from a sleep debt. Because of the additive effects of chronic partial sleep loss, even minor sleep restriction on a nightly basis can insidiously accumulate into a substantial sleep debt. The only way to pay back a sleep debt is with sleep. Sleep debts are commonplace in our culture. The National Sleep Foundation’s annual survey continues to reveal that Americans chronically undersleep by 30 to 90 minutes each day. Shift work, long and irregular work hours, and the demands of family and recreation lead to irregular sleep patterns and prevent restful sleep. This is particularly true for health care workers, who often work in shifts, have long duty periods, and must frequently care for patients for long periods. To some degree it seems as if sleep deprivation might have led into a situation that is more dangerous than one thinks.
Circadian Rhythms
Our biological clock, responsible for the human circadian system, is synchronized to the 24-hour day by external stimuli referred to as “zeitgebers,” the most influential of which is the light-dark cycle of day and night. The circadian system is biphasic in that it produces a state of increased sleep tendency and decreased performance capacity during two periods throughout the 24-hour day—from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. These are periods when professionals are more vulnerable to incidents and accidents because the body clock is “turned off.” The circadian clock is very resistant to alterations, and it does not adjust rapidly to changes such as those produced by jet lag or shift work. Disruption of the normal circadian rhythm or incomplete circadian adaptation leads to acute and chronic sleep deprivation, decreased alertness, increased subjective fatigue, and decreased physical and mental performance.
Sleepiness and Alertness
Sleepiness and alertness are at opposite ends of a continuum. Daytime sleepiness is the most obvious effect of failing to obtain adequate sleep. Data from the U.S. Department of Transportation reveal that the greatest number of single-vehicle accidents takes place during the early morning hours when people are at a circadian lull of alertness. These accidents are thought to result from inadvertent lapses in driver attention brought about by extremes of sleepiness.
Both behavioral and subjective sleepiness can be masked by a stimulating environment. When environmental stimuli wane, physiologic sleepiness manifests itself as an overwhelming propensity to fall asleep. A person who is physiologically alert does not experience sleepiness as environmental stimuli decrease. For example, without physiologic sleepiness, an individual may become bored during a lecture but does not fall asleep.
Microsleep Events
The most extreme cause of impaired vigilance is the occurrence of actual sleep episodes (microsleeps) encroaching into periods of wakefulness. Microsleep events typically last a few seconds to a few minutes. They are intermittent in onset, and their impending occurrence is difficult for the individual to predict. Most individuals underestimate their level of sleepiness when they can be objectively shown to be extremely sleepy, thus making this problem even more insidious. This has significant meaning in the workplace and when driving home after long work periods.
Microsleeps are a sign of extreme sleepiness and are harbingers of the onset of longer sleep periods. Typically, they occur during periods of low workload or stimulation and when an individual is maximally sleepy. In addition, an individual’s performance between microsleep episodes is impaired. Frequent and longer microsleeps increase the number of errors of omission.
Evaluation of Physiologic Sleepiness in Anesthesia Residents
Using the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT), a sleep disorder diagnostic tool, Howard and colleagues evaluated the physiologic (objective) daytime sleepiness of anesthesia residents under three different conditions: (1) baseline (daytime shift, no on-call duty period in the previous 48 hours), (2) post-call (immediately after a 24-hour work and in-house on-call period), and (3) sleep extended. In the sleep-extended condition, residents were told to maximize sleep and were allowed to arrive for work at 10 am (3 to 4 hours later than normal) for 4 consecutive days before testing. They were not on call during this time. The sleep-extended condition was included to provide a true control state of maximal rest and optimum alertness. In this study, for anesthesia residents the MSLT scores for baseline as well as for post-call condition revealed the nearly pathologic levels of daytime sleepiness seen in patients with narcolepsy or sleep apnea. The baseline group slept an average of 7.1 ± 1.5 hours per night, whereas the post-call group reported an average of 6.3 ± 1.9 hours of sleep during their night on call. Ironically, although the on-call periods occurred during rotations that often have very busy call nights, only a few subjects were, in fact, awake most of the night. In the sleep-extended condition, the subjects extended their sleep to an average of more than 9 hours per night, and MSLT scores were in the normal range. These results clearly demonstrate that medical personnel who have not been on call cannot be assumed to be rested when compared with fatigued post-call residents. These data also indicate that under normal working conditions, the resident physicians studied were physiologically sleepy to nearly pathologic levels. Notably, these data cast substantial doubt on previous studies of the performance of medical personnel that have relied on the assumption that individuals working under normal conditions are truly rested.
Evaluation of Subjective Sleepiness in Anesthesia Residents
The previously mentioned study also investigated the connection between subjective and physiologic sleepiness. In the previously discussed study, Howard and colleagues also investigated the degree of discrepancy between the residents’ subjective sleepiness (how sleepy they felt) and their physiologic sleepiness (how easily they fell asleep). Subjects’ self-reported sleepiness immediately before each sleep opportunity did not, in general, correlate with their measured sleepiness. The authors also found that subjects demonstrated little ability to determine whether they had actually fallen asleep. For example, in 51% of trials in which the electroencephalographic and electro-oculographic measurements showed that the subject had fallen asleep, the subjects thought they had remained awake throughout the test. These results support the contention that medical personnel are physiologically vulnerable to degraded alertness yet are unable to perceive this decrement. Thus, an anesthesia professional could, in fact, fall asleep during a case, awaken, and be totally unaware of the lapse in vigilance.
Long work hours, fatigue, and sleep deprivation have been shown to bring about consistent and dramatic changes in mood and emotions. Depression, anxiety, irritability, anger, and depersonalization have all been shown to increase during testing of chronically fatigued house staff. These emotions are an obvious source of stress between anesthesia professionals and their co-workers, patients, and families. The relationship of mood, performance, and patient safety has yet to be determined.
Sleep Inertia
Sleep inertia corresponds to the period of reduced ability to function optimally immediately on awakening. This phenomenon usually occurs when individuals are awakened out of slow-wave sleep and is manifested as grogginess and impaired performance lasting as long as 15 to 30 minutes after awakening. Sleep inertia can also occur after being awakened from normal sleep and is most common during the early morning circadian trough (2 to 6 am). Depending on the preexisting level of sleepiness, individuals who take naps longer than 40 minutes are at greater risk for sleep inertia on awakening.
Sleep inertia can be important to health care professionals who may be awakened out of deep sleep to provide emergency care to patients (e.g., emergency cesarean section or emergency intubation). If urgent work can be anticipated, the sleeping individual should be awakened with sufficient time (at least 15 minutes) to minimize the fogginess and decrement in performance associated with sleep inertia. Another option is to not sleep longer than short naps in situations where immediate performance is required. If sleep inertia is unavoidable, it would be wise for the affected person to ask for help until the grogginess dissipates.
Effects of Fatigue on Anesthesiologists’ Performance and Patient Outcome
It is highly uncertain as to whether, how, or in what circumstances these established psychophysical changes might interact with clinical work processes to affect patient safety in anesthesiology. Various methods are used for assessing an individual’s level of sleepiness, including behavioral indicators, subjective measures, and physiologic (objective) measures.
The survey by Gaba and associates revealed that more than 50% of respondents believed that they had made an error in clinical management that they thought was related to fatigue. In another survey of anesthesiologists and CRNAs, 61% of respondents recalled having made an error in the administration of anesthesia that they attributed to fatigue. In a study in 2011, a large, national, random sample of CRNAs in the United States was asked to complete an anonymous survey to quantify sleep activity. Findings of the almost 1300 respondents revealed that nearly 16% have experienced sleep-related behavior during a surgical case, and close to 50% have witnessed a colleague asleep during a case. A similar survey of CRNAs was conducted in 2015, where nearly 30% of the 325 respondents reported they had committed a patient care error because of fatigue.
The challenge of sleep deprivation and fatigue in medical personnel was addressed by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations in 2011 in a Sentinel Event Alert on “Health Care Worker Fatigue and Patient Safety.” The Sentinel Event Alert is public and can be retrieved from the homepage of the Joint Commission. Sinha and co-workers ask: “The fatigued anesthesiologist: A threat to patient safety?” and Gregory and Edsell picked up the topic in their educational publication in 2014.
Considerable research on fatigue effects has targeted the transportation industries, especially driving which needs both continuous vigilance and psychomotor skill. If a driver has microsleeps lasting many seconds a problem is likely, unless the road is quite straight or there is an autosteering/autospeed autonomy. Even in health care, studies have largely been carried out in hospital ward settings where, during night on-call shifts, they may have responsibility for many patients. The anesthesiology environment is different. Each patient having anesthesia will have at least one anesthesia professional in constant attendance and that individual is not directly responsible for other patients at the same time. Moreover, although vigilance is indeed the slogan of the ASA, there are few situations that require sustained second-by-second attention. The demand for high vigilance and effort does not usually occur at random; such situations are usually present at induction, emergence, and a few key milestones during the surgical procedure. Critical events are uncommon, and even when the chain of accident evolution has begun, the clinical team will likely have multiple opportunities to detect and correct it before any substantive negative impact has occurred. Thus, while anesthesia personnel may be prone to fatigue, and complaints about sleepiness and fatigue are common, the probability of a negative patient outcome during anesthesia directly attributable to sleepiness alone is very small. In health care, there is no formal mechanism for evaluating causation in adverse events, let alone for evaluating sleep-wake issues and fatigue, so one does not know the full contribution of this factor to negative outcomes. As for many aspects of human performance, variables that can be reliably and precisely measured do not capture the complexity or the typical resilience of clinical work. Conversely, measures and techniques that do address such factors are by nature non-quantitative and invasive.
Howard and colleagues conducted a study of rested versus sleep-deprived (awake for 25 hours on a pseudo-on-call period) anesthesiology residents by collecting multiple measures of performance during a 4-hour high-fidelity simulation scenario: Mood questionnaire, PVT psychomotor reaction time, response time to secondary task probes, and response to changing clinical events. Psychomotor tests revealed progressive impairment of alertness, mood, and performance over the course of the pseudo–on-call period, as well as on the experimental day, when compared with the well-rested condition. Secondary task probe response times were slower after sleep deprivation, although this reached statistical significance for just one of three probe types. No statistical difference in case management between conditions was reported—in fact, subjects in both conditions made significant errors. Sleep-deprived subjects cycled (often rapidly) in and out of sleepy behavior, and the most impaired individuals showed such behavior for more than 25% of the experiment (60 minutes).
A key thing learned about fatigue during this study was that highly fatigued anesthesia personnel in simulations are not either awake all the time or asleep all the time. Rather they usually cycled frequently in and out of states of apparent wakefulness, drowsiness, and microsleeps throughout the simulated case. Typically, when awake their performance was at most mildly degraded but when they showed extreme drowsiness or were actually asleep their performance was essentially zero. Participants were observed being totally asleep at one moment but awakening just in time to happen to catch a probe stimulus or clinical event, and respond to it satisfactorily. For most subjects the fraction of time spent in highly impaired states was low as their microsleeps were brief, in part because even a quiet routine clinical setting has a variety of stimuli, including other personnel and their tasks. The intrinsic redundancies in the OR team, the potential benefits of monitor alarms, and the resilience of clinical systems and patients may explain why catastrophes during anesthesia are very rare even though many operations are conducted with personnel suffering from substantial chronic and acute fatigue.
Fatigue Countermeasures
Anesthesia professionals cannot prevent sleepiness by willpower alone because it is a fundamental physiologic drive. Strategies that institutions or practitioners can use to minimize the negative effects of sleepiness and fatigue on performance include: education and promotion of safety culture, improved sleep habits, rest breaks at work, strategic napping, medications and social drugs, and light therapy. Strategies that national bodies and professional societies and organizations can call for are reasonable duty hour requirements.
Duty Hour Requirements
One direct regulatory strategy to minimize sleep deprivation has been to limit the work hours of clinicians. For the most part this has been attempted only for those in training (who traditionally have worked very long hours both during the day and in nighttime on-call). Results of process and outcome studies have varied but there has been no proof that such regulations, by themselves, improve patient safety. Changing work schedules will not eliminate chronic fatigue, and in settings where clinicians at night may cover large numbers of unfamiliar patients the probability of information loss and confusion across the handoffs may outweigh any benefits of greater alertness. Yet, these findings may not apply to the anesthesiologists’ operating room environment in the same way. The previous studies provided addressed the effects of sleep deprivation and fatigue on physician performance and well-being.
Back in 2003 the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) instituted the first set of common duty hour requirements for all accredited residency training programs in the United States. Those requirements were revised in 2011 in response to the 2009 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report entitled Resident Duty Hours: Enhancing Sleep, Supervision, and Safety. A white paper published by Blum and colleagues debates the latest information and innovative practices on the topic and discusses how to best implement the 2009 IOM recommendations. Work hour regulations in the European Union and in Australia or New Zealand are much more stringent than they are for trainees in the United States. For more details on work hour regulations see also further literature.
Education and Safety Culture
A first and relatively simple and inexpensive step in addressing sleepiness and fatigue of medical personnel is to educate practitioners and the administrators of health care institutions about the impact of sleep issues on work performance, mood, job satisfaction, and health. Educational programs covering sleep deprivation, circadian disruption and fatigue, and countermeasures have been enthusiastically adopted by an increasing fraction of the aviation community. Similar programs should be developed for the health care community. However, it is clear at both the individual and organizational level that education will not be sufficient to address this issue fully. Other competing forces, for example measures of production versus safety, are very powerful and difficult for practitioners to manage.
The organizational framework plays a major role. Only if fatigue is seen as an organizational issue affecting safety negatively and safety is made a high organizational priority with all the resulting consequences, will fatigue-related safety issues be minimized. For an organization that implies, for example, that (a) tired staff are not always implicitly expected to work under all circumstances, (b) opportunities are created for tired staff to rest and to recover (i.e., regular rest breaks, strategic napping, etc.), and (c) an organizational safety culture is fostered that allows anesthesiologists to call for the assistance of a colleague (teamwork, speak up, see next section) when they know that they are impaired (from fatigue or for any other reason), without any negative consequences (cowardice, etc.). For additional countermeasures also see the Sentinel Event Alert of the Joint Commission introduced earlier.
Improved Sleep Habits
It is important to obtain adequate sleep. Most adults need at least 8 hours and the amount you need will not change—no matter what you do. Good sleep habits include the following: regularity of bedtime and wake-up time; sufficient time for sustained and individually adequate sleep; restriction of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine before bedtime; and use of exercise, nutrition, and environmental factors so that they enhance rather than disturb sleep. Also, mobile devices should be put aside about half an hour before sleep—not only because of their (blue) light that signals “wake-up time” to the body, but also because a lot of what you read in them might get your heart-rate up, not down.
A regular sleep schedule is an important part of optimal sleep hygiene, but it is often not possible for medical personnel, given the requirement to cover clinical needs on a 24-hour basis. It helps to maintain as constant a sleep schedule as possible and to maximize sleep opportunities before and after periods of reduced sleep. Social drug use can have profound effects on sleep (see below). Ideally, the sleep setting should be a dark, quiet room devoid of sources of interruption such as pets, telephones, pagers, and children. Psychological stressors increase baseline physiologic arousal and can impair the quality and quantity of sleep. When possible, effort should be made to separate the work of the day with a period of relaxation before attempting to initiate sleep.
Caffeine and other stronger stimulants are known to reduce nocturnal sleep if ingested close to bedtime, hence decreasing sleep quantity and quality. Potent stimulants such as amphetamines do produce increased alertness and performance, but they have significant side effects and are not an option for health care personnel (e.g., the individual must undergo a substantial amount of recovery sleep [“crash”] after their effect is gone).
Rest Breaks, Strategic Napping at Work, and Use of Caffeine
Rest Breaks
Although other industries have openly recognized the reality of decrements in vigilance resulting from fatigue and sleepiness, the health care system has not. Rest breaks and rotation of task duties are mandatory for air traffic controllers and are part of naval ship command procedures in an attempt to prevent potential lapses in vigilance. Short breaks in surgery have been shown to increase productivity and job satisfaction, and they probably also help alleviate boredom. The organizational hurdle in anesthesia: oftentimes an extra anesthesia professional would be necessary to provide these opportunities on a regular basis.
The optimal timing and length of breaks are unknown, but periodic relief from duty should be taken when possible. Cooper and co-workers studied the effects of intraoperative exchange of anesthesia personnel. Although in some cases the process of relieving OR personnel caused a problem, it more frequently was associated with the discovery of a preexisting problem. The positive effect of relief of personnel probably depends on the quality of the handover briefing conducted by anesthesia professionals. If anesthesia professionals are unable to obtain a break during long work periods, they can take other measures to remain alert. They can engage other OR personnel in conversation (although this, too, can be distracting), thereby increasing the level of stimulation in the environment. Walking around and standing up are also techniques that decrease subjective (but not physiologic) sleepiness.
Strategic Napping at Work
If adequate sleep during the night cannot be obtained, naps can be used to decrease sleepiness and improve performance. The optimal nap length for most individuals is about 45 minutes; this duration acutely improves alertness, allows improved performance, and minimizes the possibility of sleep inertia on awakening. Naps as short as 10 minutes have beneficial effects on alertness. A nap of 90 to 120 minutes allows a full sleep cycle and can additionally boost alertness and performance over that of shorter nap periods.
Health care professionals oftentimes have an individual and cultural tendency to ignore or to minimize the effect of fatigue and sleep deprivation and to view work breaks and naps as signs of weakness. The military has addressed similar attitudes with the concept of 10 minute power napping, presenting naps in a positive light as a sign of wisdom and strength rather than one of cowardice and frailty. Again, the predominant organizational safety culture is one of the key elements—how critical safety and quality issues like fatigue are judged and how those obstacles are met (see above and later sections on “Patient Safety at the Organizational Level”).
Smith-Coggins and associates studied the effect of naps during the night shift on health care providers working in a busy suburban university emergency department. The investigators found that a nap improved performance on some (but not all) measures. The most important result of this study may be the fact that the subjects were able to (1) use this strategy successfully in the real workplace and (2) improve alertness and performance. At some sites within the Veterans’ Affairs system a strategic nap program has been successfully developed and implemented in ICU settings. Components included a formal educational program, guidelines for the individual practitioner and the facility, and other guidance for implementation. No additional staff members were required for the implementation, as the program allows individuals to nap during scheduled break periods. Certain issues complicate the appropriate use of naps by medical professionals. Locating space for the nap has proven to be a major (and continuing) hurdle.
Use of Caffeine
Physicians frequently use caffeine to stay awake and to increase alertness temporarily during on-call periods, but often its use could be more strategic. Strategic use of caffeine includes (1) knowledge of its onset (15 to 30 minutes) and duration of action (3 to 4 hours) and (2) use when alertness is required and the opportunity to sleep is minimal. Besides its alerting effects, caffeine produces an increase in awakenings and decreases the total nocturnal sleep time if ingested close to sleep opportunities. Long-term use of caffeine, common in our culture, produces tolerance to the alerting effect of the drug and hence should be avoided when using caffeine strategically. Nicotine is a stimulant that produces effects similar to those of caffeine.
While anesthesia professionals might get away with working when sleepy without affecting aggregate patient outcome that does not mean that issues of sleep deprivation and fatigue should be ignored. Falling asleep (a long microsleep or full sleep) while taking care of a patient is just not acceptable; it’s surely not what any patient or their family has a right to expect. Thus, both the individual anesthesia professional AND the systems and institutions they work within need to address the fatigue issue systematically. It is clear that just placing limits on work hours, either for trainees alone (the current situation in many countries) or for fully certified personnel as well, cannot do so. Only an integrated approach aimed at improving individuals’ sleep hygiene along with reorganizing the structure and processes of clinical work will stand any chance of ensuring that anesthesia professionals who are appropriately alert are always there vigilantly protecting their patient.
Aging Anesthesiologists
Human abilities cannot be maintained indefinitely as humans age. On average, performance on laboratory tests of discrete sensory-motor and cognitive skills can be shown to decrease with increasing age. However, large differences are noted among individuals. Again, except at extreme points of performance failure (e.g., severe impairment of vision, hearing, or cognition), the contribution of isolated changes in physiologic or cognitive performance is difficult to relate to real work situations. The work environment is often rich with redundant cues involving multiple sensory modalities, and technologic compensation for physiologic deficits is common (e.g., hearing aids or glasses). Advancing age is associated with worsening performance when tasks involve single-solution or fluency-based definitions of effectiveness. However, along with possible physiologic changes of age typically comes greater experience with a variety of situations. When efficacy is defined in terms of the diversity of strategies used, as well as by the social and emotional impact of solution choice on the individual, performance is remarkably stable and sometimes even improves in the latter half of life.
For many individuals, the lessons learned from experience more than offset the modest degree of physiologic impairment that they face as they grow older. Issues attributed to “age” might instead be related to a longer period away from initial or recurrent systematic training. The originally well-trained practitioner who keeps abreast of the changing standard of care and who exercises emergency skills frequently is less likely to be affected by advancing age than is a marginal practitioner whose knowledge and skills were frozen immediately after completion of initial training. For anesthesia professionals who are enrolled in mandatory maintenance of certification programs this issue might be less serious.
Patient care is a socially-organizationally constructed activity. Aging anesthesiologists may be able to modify their practice type, reducing complexity of cases or eliminating on-call and post-call patient care. Other perioperative team members may also be available to support those who while still competent may be, on any given day, not at their best.
What do other industries do about this issue? In the United States, from 1959 to 2007 there was a limit at 60 years of age for airline pilots; this has since been changed to age 65. Many countries have a higher limit and some have no limit. Moreover, regulations require airline pilots to pass a class I medical examination every 6 to 12 months, aimed at identifying individuals with chronic medical conditions that place them at risk for sudden incapacitation. Simulations show that sudden pilot incapacitation during a high-workload phase of flight (e.g., approach and landing) leads to a significant rate of crashes, even when a second pilot is at the controls. These physical examinations may also weed out pilots with severe cognitive or sensory-motor deficiencies (vision in particular), but they are not designed to assess subtle aspects of changes in performance resulting from age. Airline pilots’ flying performance is also formally assessed annually throughout their career both during real flights and in simulation.
For anesthesia professionals, by contrast, there are no statutory requirements for medical examination or formal performance checking, although individual institutions or practice groups may choose to impose testing requirements or to implement age-based reductions in daytime or on-call requirements. No doubt, the issue of age-related effects on anesthesia professional performance is likely to continue to be raised periodically for the foreseeable future.
Illness and Drug Use
Every anesthesia professional is vulnerable to transient illnesses, which in some cases probably reduce performance ability. All personnel are vulnerable to chronic medical conditions that could directly or indirectly affect their fitness and performance capability. The culture of the caring professions often leads individuals to continue to work with illnesses that would cause other professionals to stay at home or to seek medical advice. The performance-shaping effects of the illness can be exacerbated by the use of either over-the-counter or prescribed medications. The degree to which illnesses and medications affect professional performance in anesthesia is unknown.
Pilots use a mnemonic checklist to review the effects of potential performance-shaping factors and are instructed not to fly if they are impaired for any reason. One similar safety strategy in health care is the “I’M SAFE” approach, promoted by the patient safety intervention strategy “TeamSTEPPS,” which is explained more in detail later. “I’M SAFE” is a simple personal checklist to determine one’s ability to perform safely concerning the factors: I llness, M edication, S tress, A lcohol/Drugs, F atigue, E ating and Elimination. The difficulty in anesthesiology is that the real-world organization and incentives of many practice settings do not provide mechanisms for personnel to excuse themselves if they are temporarily impaired and that there barely exist organizational structures and departmental understanding to promote such approaches (lack of “safety culture”).
A more serious problem for anesthesia professionals is that of drug and substance abuse. Nearly 15% of all doctors will become substance-dependent over their lifetime, and the incidence in anesthetists is almost 3 times greater than other physician groups. Including alcohol, studies describe up to 3.5% of anesthesiologists being addicted; if alcohol is excluded, drug addiction occurs in about 2.5%. The degree to which small doses of alcohol or hangovers affect performance on complex, anesthesia tasks is uncertain. The natural history of serious abuse of alcohol, cocaine, sedatives, or narcotics by anesthesia professionals is such that cognitive performance will at some point be seriously compromised, although addiction specialists frequently report that job performance is one of the last areas of life to become seriously impaired. The period of time in which an addicted anesthesia professional’s performance in the OR is significantly impaired may be a relatively small fraction of the total time during which drugs are abused. Although this in no way excuses the practice of conducting anesthesia while under the influence of drugs, it may account for the fact that reports of addicted anesthesiologists are, unfortunately, common, whereas reports of overt patient risk or harm resulting from an addicted physician’s errors are unusual. A host of other threats to patient safety, including production pressure, fatigue, illness, burnout, and distraction will affect far more anesthesia professionals, occur more regularly, and pose greater safety risks to patients, but they do not carry the same level of risk to the professional’s own life, nor the same social stigma, as does addiction. On the other hand, diversion of drugs from the patient who needs them to the addicted clinician for use or sale is a growing risk.
Professionals’ Attitudes as a Crucial Part of Human Performance and Patient Safety
Attitudes are important components of one’s abilities. They can affect performance as strongly as physiologic and cognitive performance-shaping factors. Psychologists studying judgment in aviators have identified five types of attitude as being particularly hazardous, and they have developed specific antidote thoughts for each of these, which are supposed to be verbalized by pilots whenever they find themselves thinking in that way. The authors have adapted these to anesthesiology shown in Table 6.3 .
Hazardous Attitude | Antidote Thoughts |
Antiauthority: “Don’t tell me what to do. The policies are for someone else.” | “Follow the rules. They are usually right.” |
Impulsivity: “Do something quickly—anything!” | “Not so fast. Think first.” |
Invulnerability: “It won’t happen to me. It’s just a routine case.” | “It could happen to me. Serious problems can develop even in routine cases.” |
Macho: “I’ll show you I can do it. I can intubate the trachea of anyone.” | “Taking chances is foolish. Plan for failure.” |
Resignation: “What’s the use? It’s out of my hands. It’s up to the surgeon.” | “I’m not helpless. I can make a difference. There is always something else to try that might help.” |
The invulnerable and macho attitudes seem particularly hazardous for anesthesia professionals. They are compounded by production pressures to handle more cases in less time with fewer cancellations and less opportunity for preoperative evaluation. The feeling that a catastrophe “cannot happen to me” and that perfect performance can always be relied on to avert a disaster can lead to cavalier behavior and poor planning. It can alter thresholds for believing that abnormal data represent a problem, thereby leading to the fixation error of “everything’s OK.”
Expert human performance is the anesthesia professional’s most powerful tool to safeguard the patient. However, planning to avoid catastrophe is likely to be more successful than battling to avert it. The economic and social realities of practice can cause these pressures to become internalized by anesthesia professionals, who then develop hazardous attitudes they might otherwise have resisted.
Under these conditions the usual protocols for elective case management must be adapted to seek the best outcome for the patient. In the final analysis, one must ensure that the patient’s benefit is the primary criterion in such decisions, and one should establish a bottom line of safe planning, pre-use equipment checks, and patient preparation beyond which one will not be pushed. Even if surgeons, nurses, colleagues, or administrators pressure one to do things that one does not think are safe, no one will thank you if the patient suffers, nor will they come to your defense should litigation arise.
To simplify these decisions, many institutions have developed multidisciplinary written consensus guidelines on the preoperative preparation of patients that address the appropriate workup for patients with various medical conditions in different surgical urgency categories.
Sometimes it might seem appealing for a medical professional to emerge as a hero after a problem is solved or a complication is managed, but the challenge is to realize first that anesthesia professionals cannot rely primarily on heroism to achieve optimal safety, and second that in all likelihood no hero would have been needed at all if proper safety measures had been taken to begin with.
In their review “Why hospitals don’t learn from failures: organizational and psychological dynamics that inhibit system change,” Tucker and Edmondson describe a further aspect of professionals’ attitudes that can have implications on safety : People are creative and they want to make things work for their patient. So, nearly every day they diligently work around problems and obstacles the best they can. However, the very acts of individual resourcefulness by such workarounds may mask the underlying systems issues that expose many patients to risk and thereby delay addressing successfully those very issues.
Human Factors AT the Team Level
This section focuses on the human factors at the team level, exploring the key elements (a) effective communication including handoffs and the delegation of tasks; (b) the safety enhancing strategy “speaking up”; (c) aspects of status and hierarchy effects in teams; (d) teamwork including (e) leadership aspects.
Effective Communication and Delegation of Tasks
The benefits of effective communication for patient care in anesthesia and the operating room have been repeatedly demonstrated. However, the term effective communication is imprecise leaving much room for interpretation. In fact, communication is never a one-way street and effectiveness includes participation of all team members. Based on research showing that teams unfortunately tend to communicate ineffectively, effective communication refers to both content and form. Teams should routinely use and update information from multiple available resources, share key elements between team members, and strive to always communicate as clearly as possible.
Closed Loop Communication
For example, addressing team members by name and engaging in closed loop communication ( Fig. 6.6 ) can help avoid misunderstandings. Closed loop communication includes (a) when the sender initiates communication, the receiver confirms that the communication has been heard by repeating the content of the communication and (b) when a delegated task is finished, the receiver gets back to the sender and the sender confirms the feedback. For instance, instead of saying “Can someone call for help, please?” closed loop communication presents as follows : “Jeff, can you call for help, please.”—“Yes, Megan, I will call for help immediately.”—“Megan, I have called for help and they are on their way.” —“ Ok Jeff, thank you. ” El-Shafy and colleagues evaluated the effectiveness of closed loop communication in trauma settings of a level I trauma center in the United States, analyzing all verbal orders issued by the trauma team leader for order audibility, directed responsibility, check-back, and time-to-task-completion. In total, 89 trauma videos were reviewed, with 387 verbal orders identified. Of those, 126 (32.6%) were directed, 372 (96.1%) audible, and 101 (26.1%) closed loop. On average each order required 3.85 minutes to be completed. There was a significant reduction in time-to-task-completion when closed loop communication was utilized. Orders with closed loop communication were completed 3.6 times sooner compared to orders with an open loop. The authors highlighted that closed loop communication not only prevents errors, but has the potential to increase the speed and efficiency with which tasks are completed in the setting of trauma.

Another effective communication tool especially useful for sharing information is the ISBAR concept ( Fig. 6.7 ), often abridged to just SBAR. The acronym stands for I ntroduction, S ituation, B ackground, A ssessment, and R ecommendation. It originated in U.S. nuclear submarines and has also been used in the airline industry. ISBAR may be used variably by different members of the OR team. Its use is associated with increased accuracy in communication and safety climate and a decrease in communication errors as well as in unexpected death.

In the medical setting, ISBAR is a universally applicable communication tool that is usable in several settings, including for example face-to-face as well as telephone handovers in the OR or in the anesthesia post-anesthesia care unit. It also can be used for the briefing of new team members during emergencies and for briefing senior staff who has been asked for help. In the literature the slogan “Think—Talk—Write—ISBAR” can be found and characterizes the broad field of application of the idea. Shahid and Thomas give an up-to-date narrative review of the current literature on (I)SBAR, the challenges of communication among health care providers, and the proper use of the tool, and compares it to other communication tools that exist in order to assess their strengths and weaknesses. For -detailed information the reader is referred to this review.
Because it assists the transfer of important information in limited time, ISBAR has been adopted by many health care organizations across the world. Medical associations and leading health care organizations, like the German Association of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine—Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin (DGAI), the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and the WHO have endorsed the (I)SBAR method as a standard communication tool, when appropriate, for health care providers. The experience in the United States is that SBAR has been adopted (in principle if not always in widespread practice) for nurses but is not frequently used by physicians.
Why use ISBAR (or SBAR)? It has the potential to improve patient care by enhancing transfer of information, responsibility, and accountability. It can improve patient safety by encouraging complete communication. ISBAR is an easy-to-remember memory prompt that helps providers (a) to prioritize what needs to be said by preparing consciously for communication, and (b) to set expectations on what will be communicated (shared mental models). ISBAR can reduce barriers to effective communication across different levels of staff, professions, and disciplines. Its application should be expected for routine cases, which will then enable its use even during stressful events.
Handoff Protocols ∗
∗ Acknowledgment: This section on handoffs was contributed by Lisa Sinz, MD (Penn State University School of Medicine).
Another aspect of safe and effective communication concerns post-intervention handoffs and intraoperative transitions of care responsibility, which are known settings of risk for critical information to be lost. Intraoperative anesthesia care transitions are known to be associated with adverse postoperative outcomes, with a similar effect size for attendings, residents, and nurse anesthetists. Sometimes though the new person may be able to take a fresh look at the situation, catch errors, or find opportunities to improve care.
Handoff protocols are intended to minimize patient risk by creating a designated time and framework to ensure that crucial information is not missed during care transitions. There is an increased focus on formal protocols because the number of patient care handoffs has markedly increased in some settings due to work hours limits. Protocols can be divided into conceptual models (e.g., IQ—a reminder that the caregiver should inform the receiving provider about the details of the patient and case and then allow them to ask questions before leaving) or scripted models (e.g., I-PASS which stands for I llness severity, P atient summary, A ction list, S ituation awareness and contingency plans, and S ynthesis by receiver, or I PASS the BATON which stands for Introduction, Patient, Assessment, Situation, Safety Concerns [the] Background, Actions, Timing, Ownership, Next).
Another comparison can be made between verbal and written handoffs and also supplementing a primarily verbal handoff with written information. When a patient’s care is being transferred to a different care team, such as when a patient moves between the intensive care unit and the operating room, a team-to-team handoff is beneficial because the report and questions about the patient are consolidated for both teams (e.g., time out for sign out). A good handoff process should be used for every transition, including intraoperative transfers for breaks, dropping off the patient in the PACU, or changes from one anesthesiologist to another during a case. Using a checklist or structure can help prevent lapses, but regardless of the tool used, the goal is to provide clear and complete communication to protect the patient from medical errors.
Effective Delegation of Tasks
Delegation of tasks is sometimes ineffective leading to frustration on both sides: the person delegating and the person meant to perform the tasks. A common failing is when the delegation is incomplete and subject to assumptions, leaving too much room for interpretations.
The granularity of delegation instructions may depend on the personnel involved. For peer anesthesia professionals it may work to delegate a whole area of responsibility, such as “Sara, can you handle airway management please?,” trusting that person to make the necessary decisions on their own. In other cases, especially with less experienced personnel, simply saying “Michael, take care of the blood pressure” may be insufficient because both the leader and the follower may have different assumptions of what that means in practical terms. With such a mismatch both parties may be unhappy. In such settings a more detailed delegation instruction may be needed, such as
“Michael, because our patient has a known hypertension and a risk for stroke, try to keep the diastolic blood pressure at or above 80 mm Hg. If necessary, give up to 500 ml crystalloid and, if necessary, small doses of ephedrine. If that doesn’t handle it let me know. Any questions?”
Effective delegation of tasks involves sharing mental models of the situation and oftentimes also sharing concrete orders or suggestions about what one expects the other to do in order to fulfill the task to the other person’s satisfaction. One reason why delegators do not use concrete delegation of tasks is because they think that it would take too much time or because they assume that the other person knows or should know what do to. Those few seconds to make it as concrete as the situation requires will probably pay off in the long run.
Asking Open-Ended Questions
A useful and simple means of communication, particularly in interprofessional and interdisciplinary settings, is to ask about other team members’ points of view and plans using open-ended questions.
Status and Hierarchy: Speaking Up
Speaking up refers to “ discretionary communication of ideas, suggestions, concerns, or opinions about work-related issues with the intent to improve organizational or unit functioning ” (p. 375). Often the notion of speaking up implies doing so from below to above in the authority gradient. Without speaking up, problems cannot be identified, ideas will not be shared, and potential harm will not be prevented. This is particularly important in the multidisciplinary, complex, dynamic, and yet confined environment of operating rooms. Here, a team member’s speaking up to raise concerns about potentially risky or inappropriate actions of other team members may often be the final barrier to an emerging adverse event. Unfortunately, speaking up is rare in teams in general and in operating room crews in particular. In a survey of 137 chiefs of medical and surgical departments, 70% said that problems were not addressed and “elephants in the room” were common. Simulation-based studies in anesthesia have demonstrated that in situations that need speaking up, only 40% to 70% of the participants did so. For example, one such study showed that faculty anesthesiologists only spoke up: (a) 73% of the time to a surgeon who demonstrated profound sleepiness; (b) 14% of the time to a nurse who put a pathologist on speakerphone while the patient was awake and could hear; and (c) only 24% of the time to an anesthesiologist colleague who ordered the wrong treatment. Creating conditions that encourage speaking up is particularly useful for crews whose composition is constantly changing, so members do not have time to develop as team. This instability impedes the development of both norms to speak up as well as psychological safety, that is, the perception that there is no jeopardy to one’s position if they do speak up.
Strong hierarchies, which are prevalent in many hospitals, constitute a barrier to speaking up. Even formal systems designed to promote it may actually inhibit staff from speaking up. Leadership is a powerful tool in facilitating it: leaders can support speaking up by providing direction and coaching, by using inclusive language, by implementing debriefings to reflect on speaking up, and by establishing and maintaining a norm that considers such actions as socially desirable. New research shows that people who do speak up are seen as more confident, competent, and of higher social status than those who do not speak up.
Two explicit safety strategies that can be used for speaking up are, for example, the CUS tool ( Box 6.3 ) and the two-challenge rule ( Box 6.4 ). But the basic requirement for both tools, for them to work properly and beneficially, like with any tool, is the organizational integration and acceptance of the tools (see section on organizational aspects of patient safety and safety culture).
Speaking up is never easy. It gets even harder if there is a difference in the hierarchy and experience level or if there is little positive organizational safety culture. Nevertheless, it is important to speak up if patient safety is in danger. The key to speaking up is often how to put things and when to intervene. Speaking up can be misinterpreted as a strategy to always tell colleagues what oneself would do differently. But speaking up should be used only in the case of a patient (or a colleague, or a piece of relevant equipment) at (potential) risk. To initiate speaking up it can help to have (organizationally) standardized phrasing, like for example, “Excuse me, I see a patient safety issue here…. ” Other systematic ways of expressing concern are the use of the CUS tool and the two-challenge rule. It also helps to explain one’s thoughts and state a reason for the concern or the objection. For example instead of saying “Succinylcholine…??? Do you really want to induce with succinylcholine???” it is more helpful to say: “Excuse me, in my eyes there is a patient safety issue using succinylcholine for induction. The patient has a potassium of 5.3 mmol/L so I think rocuronium would be better for induction, since the patient could get serious hyperkalemia and suffer cardiac arrest…”
The CUS tool is used to clearly communicate and escalate a rising level of concern for any issue and to focus a team’s attention on specific key phrases that are linked to raising concerns. When a team member uses the phrase “I am c oncerned…” it is to get the team’s attention and to ensure that team members are listening. In order to escalate the concern, the team member would use the phrase “I am u ncomfortable because…,” finally escalating the concern with the phrase “This is a s afety issue….” Then the current action must be stopped (“Stop the line!”) and evaluated before continuing. Having a common framework, consisting of those three escalating key phrases, provides teams with a standardized, easy-to-use, attention-providing communication tool to raise concerns. At the same time, team members have a clear idea of the level of importance associated with the concern, due to the escalating concept.
The two-challenge rule is another strategy that also empowers all team members to “Stop the line!” if they sense or discover an essential safety breach.
The two-challenge rule emphasizes the following:
- ▪
It is everyone’s responsibility to assertively voice concern at least 2 times to ensure that it has been heard
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The team member being challenged must acknowledge with an active verbal response that concern has been heard
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If the safety issue still hasn’t been addressed: Team members should take a stronger course of action or utilize supervisor or chain of command
Teamwork can be defined as “ skills for working in a group context, in any role, to ensure effective joint task completion and team member satisfaction […. and includes] coordinating activities with team members; exchanging information; using authority and assertiveness; assessing capabilities; supporting others .”
Unlike teams in aviation, the military, and police and fire services, the OR team is unusual in that the command structure is ambiguous. Physicians (surgeon and anesthesiologist) are nominally superior to nursing and technical staff, but the two sets of physicians are coequally responsible for the patient during the immediate perioperative period.
Although surgeons were historically considered the “captain of the ship,” with even a legal doctrine giving them responsibility for the actions of all other OR team members, this has long since formally fallen by the wayside. Nonetheless remnants of this old history remain in aspects of the organizational structure and culture of OR environments. Clearly though when both anesthesiologists and surgeons are jointly caring for a patient, they are both responsible, and this situation can lead to complex issues of command authority, hierarchy, and control. Cooper recently published a paper investigating the critical role of the surgeon-anesthesiologist relationship for patient safety. Even though there is little research about this relationship, Cooper argues that the relationship for each surgeon-anesthesiologist dyad is perhaps the most critical element of overall team performance. His article explores functional and dysfunctional aspects of the relationship, identifies negative stereotypes each profession has of the other, and offers some suggestions on how to improve the working relationship.
Apart from the challenge of the coequal responsibility of the patient, the composition of teams in the OR holds some further challenges. Salas and colleagues defined a team as “a distinguishable set of two or more people who interact, dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively toward a common and valued goal/ objective/ mission, who have each been assigned specific roles or functions to perform, and who have a limited life-span of membership” (p. 4). A team is distinct from a group in that a group is an ad hoc collection of individuals without a specific mission and without specific roles. In the OR, all team members have the common goal of a good outcome for the patient. However, considerable disagreement can exist on how to achieve this goal and which elements of patient care have the highest priority. These differences are probably traceable to the fact that the OR team is itself made up of several crews (e.g., surgery, anesthesiology, nursing, as well as sometimes technical personnel from several domains) each of which has its own command hierarchy, its own global properties (professional standing, culture, traditions, and history), and its own set of local goals and objectives for management of the patient. A critical component of the success of this process comprises the establishment and maintenance of a shared mental model of the situation. The greater the overlap in mental models the more likely that team members will predict, coordinate, and adapt. To the degree that these objectives can be accomplished, the different individuals will be able to tailor their efforts toward a common goal.
The quality of teamwork influences clinical performance in anesthesia. Strictly speaking, teams in the operating room and resuscitation teams are not teams in the traditional sense that exist for an extended period of time with a shared goal and fixed team membership. Instead, they are considered action teams: members may be assigned together ad hoc for a rather short tenure, and team membership may change repeatedly.
This has implications for teamwork and training: such teams have limited time to develop and learn as a team. Instead, they must team off the cuff—an ability that has been described as teaming. Teaming includes four pillars: speaking up (see earlier section), collaboration (i.e., adopting a collaborative mindset and collaborative behaviors), experimentation (i.e., working iteratively and considering uncertainty as inherent in interactions), and regular and continuous reflection about teamwork. Briefings and debriefings have been shown to offer an infrastructure for reflection in anesthesia and the OR. Particularly for action teams such as in the operating room, establishing and updating shared knowledge is challenging. According to Cooke and Salas, team knowledge is more than the sum of individual team members’ knowledge. They distinguished between team mental model and team situation model. To judge team knowledge, information is also needed on the broader aspect of team cognition, which involves team knowledge itself, team decision making, team situation awareness, and team perception. Establishing team cognition and adapting to changing requirements requires targeted communication among team members. This may be done explicitly to avoid misunderstanding and check mutual assumptions, or implicitly, for example by talking to the room.
Whereas in aviation the roles of the captain and the first officer are carefully defined and involve separate but interrelated tasks, in anesthesiology the patient care roles and responsibilities of different members of the crew of anesthesia professionals—whether experienced or in training—are rarely predefined or made explicit. For example, a trainee is often expected to do all tasks with only occasional assistance from the supervisor. Leadership is pivotal in critical, non-routine, and highly complex situations in anesthesiology. It includes a variety of functions such as composing team, defining mission, establishing expectations and goals, structuring and planning, training and developing, sense making, providing feedback, monitoring the team and managing its boundaries, performing team tasks, challenging the team, solving problems, providing resources, encouraging team self-management, and supporting social climate. Some of these leadership functions may be shared among crew members. A senior leader of a trauma team may dynamically delegate or withdraw certain active leadership roles to junior leaders. While sharing leadership can be effective, it may require the team to know and discuss how to work well in this fashion (see also later section on CRM, section “CRM Key Point 4”). This is important especially in highly dynamic, time-critical situations such as resuscitations in which leadership is critical for performance and has to be adapted to changing task and coordination requirements. Behavior observation studies on leadership in acute care have shown that leadership behavior is positively associated with performance during critical and barely standardized situations, but negatively associated with performance during routine and highly standardized situations. In addition, leaders should be role models of civil and respectful interaction as this is important for high and safe performance.
There are many kinds of situations where it is not clear who is the team leader in a medical setting. For example, to nurses or even to the physicians involved, it might be unclear who is the team leader when two doctors of the same profession present during an emergency. Leadership may change as personnel of different seniority or expertise enter or exit the scene. It is helpful to clarify roles as necessary. For example: “Thank you for the handover. Now I will take over” or “Thank you. You stay in charge and I will assist you,” or if in doubt ask “Just to double check: Am I still in charge or do you want me to assist you?” or from the perception of a nurse “I am sorry, but to better coordinate my work: who is in charge now?”
A particular issue of hierarchy is known as cue giving and cue taking, in which people give off cues (often without even knowing it) that are taken up by others. People lower in a hierarchy are very sensitive to cues emitted by their superiors, which can inhibit action or even questions from subordinates. Such cues may be read as “don’t bother me,” “don’t question me,” “I know what I’m doing; you don’t, ” or “I just checked on that and it’s fine,” thus inhibiting speaking up. A qualitative, descriptive study on nontechnical skills in Sweden revealed that anesthesia nurses view anesthetists as excellent if they are calm and clear in critical situations, and able to change to a strong leading style. More on leadership in anesthesia can be found later in the associated section of “CRM principle 4.”
Patient Safety Strategies AT the Individual and Team Level: Crisis Resource Management and Other Training Curricula
This next section is about how to minimize the negative human factors aspects of the anesthesia professional’s physical, psychological, and organizational work environments and how to strengthen the positive aspects of individual and team performance. The CRM approach mentioned earlier is a useful organizing principle for tackling these issues. Below the authors (1) give a general explanation of the strategy and its history, (2) introduce the 15 key principles of CRM, (3) discuss the application of CRM in crisis as well as in routine medical situations, (4) cite evidence that CRM is beneficial in health care, and (5) briefly touch on other well-known team training curricula such as TeamSTEPPS and Medical Team Training (MTT).
Crisis/Crew Resource Management
Crisis resource management (CRM) in medicine, sometimes also referred to as crew resource management, is an effective safety strategy concept and tool adapted from the domain of aviation and modified to the needs of health care. Gaba traditionally defines CRM: “CRM is the ability to translate the knowledge of what needs to be done into effective team activity in the complex and ill-structured real world of medical treatment.”
In overview, CRM means to coordinate, use, and apply all available resources to optimally protect the patient—at an individual as well as at a team level. Resources include all the personnel involved, along with all their skills, abilities, and attitudes—albeit also with their human limitations. Machines, devices, and information sources, including cognitive aids, are also critical resources. In addition, CRM provides effective strategies that cover typical safety pitfalls attributed to the five main elements of human-factor-related behavior as introduced earlier. The underlying scientific basis of CRM is formatted into 15 practical CRM key principles health care professionals can apply during work ( Box 6.5 ).
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Know the environment.
- ▪
Anticipate and plan.
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Call for help early.
- ▪
Establish leadership and followership with appropriate assertiveness.
- ▪
Distribute the workload. Use 10 s for 10 min concept.
- ▪
Mobilize all available resources.
- ▪
Communicate effectively—speak up.
- ▪
Use all available information.
- ▪
Prevent and manage fixation errors.
- ▪
Cross and double check. Never assume anything.
- ▪
Use cognitive aids.
- ▪
Reevaluate repeatedly. Apply 10 s for 10 min concept.
- ▪
Use good teamwork. Coordinate with and support others.
- ▪
Allocate attention wisely.
- ▪
Set priorities dynamically.
CRM was introduced in aviation by airlines working with NASA originally as cockpit resource management in the mid-1980s after some sentinel airplane crashes. It later was renamed crew resource management to acknowledge the importance of the crew, not only those in the cockpit. CRM from that time on was and still is considered to be a successful safety strategy in aviation and is also part of safety strategies in other industrial and military settings. Interestingly, even though these industries maintain CRM principles and CRM training as crucial parts of their safety processes, they do so without what evidence-based medicine would call “level 1 evidence”—sound randomized trials—to justify this. In fact, such evidence would be impossible to collect.
A similar program for anesthesiology was first developed by Gaba, Howard, and associates at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Palo Alto Health Care System and Stanford School of Medicine originally as anesthesia crisis resource management (ACRM). It was modified from the aviation-based CRM principles to better suit the medical needs. The ACRM-like curricula have since been adopted by training centers worldwide for a variety of health care domains. A detailed description of the ACRM course is provided. More in-depth information on CRM in anesthesiology is provided in related safety literature and in both the first (1994) and second edition of the pioneering Crisis Management in Anesthesiology textbook by Gaba, Fish, Howard, and now Burden. Note that the term crisis does not mean that these principles only apply in such dire settings; instead, they apply to everything in patient care but are most pronounced in challenging situations. In addition, the pioneers of ACRM wished to retain the CRM acronym without using terms like cockpit or crew that were not familiar in health care.
The 15 Key Principles of Crisis Resource Management
The key points of CRM as they apply to anesthesia care have been steadily updated and expanded over time and are based on the research presented in the earlier sections. The 15 CRM key principles by Rall and Gaba (see Box 6.5 ) cover the content of the five main elements of human-factor-related behavior as introduced earlier: communication, teamwork, task management, decision making, and situation awareness (see Fig. 6.5 ). The CRM principles translate the theoretical content of those areas that are known to be important into handy and very applicable action strategies for health care professionals.
Looking closely, one can recognize that the different principles overlap in their content and aim in many cases. This way, different members and professions of a team can apply different CRM principles at different points of time during patient care, minimizing the risk of an error or harm to occur. Clinicians are not expected to memorize these principles; rather, the authors expect that they will be embedded into regular training and practice (see later section “How Can Crisis Resource Management Related Skills be Learned, Trained and Maintained”).
Some of the principles may seem obvious or self-evident. However, from our experience in clinical work and simulation team training it is in fact not trivial to apply these principles in the real world. In the following sections the 15 CRM key points are introduced in detail.
Know the Environment (CRM Key Point 1)
Knowing fully the environment of work is critical. Environment refers to equipment, supplies, processes, and people, as well as how they vary from case to case, or from location to location, time of day or day of the week. This knowledge reduces stress in the case of an emergency and provides more available mental capacity and prudence to deal with the case. It is important to know who can be asked for help, how to mobilize help quickly, and how long it will take help to arrive. Like pilots, anesthesia personnel can be expected to know in detail how to use all equipment and supplies, which in anesthesiology includes anesthesia machine, defibrillator, infusion and blood administration system as well as how to troubleshoot them or switch to backup devices. The experience of the authors as clinicians and teachers in real and simulated anesthetic cases suggests that many anesthesia professionals lack sufficient depth of knowledge or skill in the operation of their equipment. That these systems are not always designed optimally from a human factors standpoint only increases the need for the individual clinician to thoroughly learn about and practice with all their features and pitfalls.
Know Your Environment
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Know how to call for help and how to call a code in the event of a cardiac arrest or other major emergency.
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Know who to call for different kinds of problems or emergencies; learn the emergency numbers (or they may be present on available cognitive aids)—always ask for it if uncertain.
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Use any spare time at work to delve into the details and practice with devices or features that are rarely used. Some equipment (e.g., fiberoptic scopes) can be appropriately used during routine cases to stay in practice with its use.
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Be involved with organizational processes of identifying and implementing needed changes in different aspects of the environment to improve quality and safety.
Anticipate and Plan (CRM Key Point 2)
Anticipation is key for goal-oriented behavior and it also helps avoid unpleasant surprises. Anesthesia professionals routinely consider in advance the requirements of a case and plan for its key milestones. In addition, they must imagine what could go wrong and plan ahead for possible difficulties. Savvy anesthesia professionals expect and are prepared for the unexpected. And when it does strike, they then anticipate what could happen next and prepare for the worst. In this context people often talk about “staying ahead of the game” or “not falling behind.” Resources can be mobilized and used on the fly, but it is better if their possible need is anticipated and planned for.
For any case, a sound plan matches the anesthetic technique to the patient’s disease state, the technical requirements of surgery (e.g., position of the patient), the anesthesia equipment available, and the skills of the anesthesia professional. It also includes specific backup procedures and contingency plans to be used if the original plan fails or needs to be changed. Often, faulty plans can result when underlying disease states are missed or ignored because of inadequate data gathering during preoperative evaluation. Poor planning may also result from the hazardous attitude of invulnerability. Note that a faulty anesthetic plan will expose the patient to risk even if it is carried out perfectly.
For anticipating and planning to be most effective, it should ensure the coordination of all members of the patient care team. One way to do so during routine cases is the use of briefings. Over the last 10 years there has been a major movement to formalize such briefings (e.g., mandatory preoperative briefing of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, Patient Safety Huddles).
Anticipate and Plan Ahead
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In order to be prepared it is important to know what to potentially expect.
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For proper preparation it helps to imagine possible difficulties or complications before each case and mentally prepare for alternatives or actions. If in doubt it is better to err on the side of extra preparation.
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Perform anticipation and planning with your team: encourage colleagues to speak up; for challenging cases review in depth the primary plan (plan A) as well as the alternate plans B, C, D, etc.
Call for Help Early Early Enough to Make a Difference (CRM Key Point 3)
Calling for help is associated with better individual and team performance. Knowing one’s own limitations and calling for help early are signs of rationality, strength, and patient-centeredness. Trying to handle everything alone or toughing out a critical situation is dangerous and unfair for everyone. The decision of when to call for help is complicated, but the key point is to do so early enough that the assistance can make a difference. A call so late that the patient is beyond rescue is futile. Knowing in advance who might be available and planning how you would use them will facilitate their utility.
Some typical triggers for calling for help that apply to any anesthesia professional at any level are (1) when there are too many tasks to do, (2) when the situation is already catastrophic (e.g., cardiac arrest, difficulty securing the airway), (3) when serious problems are becoming worse or are not responding to the usual maneuvers (or both), and (4) when you do not know what is going on.
For novice anesthesia professionals, calling for help very early is frequent as they are not expected to handle any critical aspect of a case (e.g., induction of anesthesia) without supervision or assistance. For experienced personnel it will be less frequent, as they are fully able to handle more things alone, but mobilizing help is still critically important. Many situations that would spin out of control can be readily resolved with appropriate and timely assistance.
Whereas prior research on these kinds of backing-up behavior has indicated that it is beneficial to teams, nothing is perfect. Barnes and colleagues published a critique of aspects of backing-up behavior in their article “Harmful help,” citing for example decreased work on subsequent tasks after receiving high amounts of backup. A related concept is that of social shirking in which a task that is typically done separately by two people, to gain redundancy, instead is shirked (dropped) by one or both of them assuming that the other is taking care of it.
Call for Help Early Enough to Make a Difference There are different conceptual categories of help. One can refer to them as hands help (to do things) versus head help (to assist in thinking). Providing bits of key information even during the call for help may assist incoming personnel to be thinking or planning for the possible needs. Calling for help will only succeed in sites with an organizational culture that approves and supports it (see later section on “safety culture”). If someone who calls for help appropriately but early gets criticized or even bullied by colleagues or senior leaders such pro-safety behaviors will likely be extinguished.
Establish Leadership and Followership With Appropriate Assertiveness (CRM Key Point 4)
Leadership involves structuring the team, planning, deciding, and distributing tasks. Leadership does not imply knowing more than everyone else, doing everything alone, or putting other people down. Followership is as important as leadership. Team leaders and team followers are jointly responsible for the well-being of the patient (see earlier section on “speaking up”). Since speaking up requires the crossing of many personal and interpersonal hurdles (e.g., fear of repercussions or arising disadvantages), team members may need explicit invitations to contribute and shows of appreciation by the team leader, sometimes referred to as leader inclusiveness.
Wacker and Kolbe wrote about leadership, followership, and teamwork in anesthesia:
“Intuitively and empirically, leadership and teamwork are essential for team performance, patient safety, and patient outcomes in anesthesia and perioperative care. […] Current research supports the concept that little explicit leadership is usually required during standardized routine work, but active and even directive leadership is important in unexpected, novel, or stressful situations.” (p. 200)
In their work they give an overview of how leadership practices in anesthesiology optimally change (implicit vs. explicit team coordination) according to clinical work phases and special situations (routine situations with low or high task load; unexpected minor or major events; initiation and maintenance phase). Rosenman and colleagues give a systematic review of leadership and leadership training for health care action teams.
Establish Leadership and Followership With Appropriate Assertiveness Whenever people work together, conflict can ensue. Anyone on the team may need to diffuse conflicts to focus the team on care of the patient. One approach is to explicitly ask the team to concentrate on what is right (for the patient), not on who is right. Conflicts should be settled after the clinical event is resolved. As the leader, strive to have an open ear for the concerns of team members and actively invite them to express their opinion (for example, “Do you have any other suggestions…?” or “The patient is deteriorating—I think we need to intubate him; what do you all think?” ). Team members need the confirmation that concerns and encouragement are appreciated. Alternate views may or may not change the leader’s approach, but if they are not voiced there is little chance for a modification.
Distribute the Workload. Use the 10-Seconds-for-10-Minutes Principle (CRM Key Point 5)
One major aspect of strategic control of attention is the active management of workload. Rather than passively dealing with rising or falling workload, the anesthesia professional actively manages it. Among others, Schneider and Detweiler and Stone et al. described the theoretical basis for a variety of strategies of workload management. These strategies were addressed specifically for anesthesiology by several investigators. The anesthesia professional actively manages workload by the following five techniques:
- 1.
Avoiding excessive workload situations (i.e., by anticipating and planning, CRM key point 2; calling for help early, CRM key point 3). Experts may choose techniques and plans that reduce the workload (especially when their individual and team resources are limited), even when those plans are otherwise slightly less desirable from a technical standpoint. For example, a single anesthesia professional working alone may opt not to use a high-tech, high-workload monitor (e.g., TEE) for a given case because the effort to use it might outweigh the likely information gained.
- 2.
Distributing workload over time (i.e., by setting priorities dynamically, CRM key point 15). The anesthesia professional can prepare for future tasks when the current load is low (preloading) and can delay or shed low-priority tasks when the workload is high (offloading). Resources that require a significant amount of workload to prepare, such as vasopressor infusions, are often made ready before the case starts. Many tasks are made up of several subtasks, each of which has a finite duration. Because close attention may not be required during each of these subtasks, they can sometimes be interleaved with a fixed amount of attention (multitasking/multiplexing, see earlier section).
- 3.
Distributing workload over personnel (i.e., by applying the actual CRM key point 5; by coordinating the team, CRM key point 13). When workload cannot be distributed over time and when additional people are available, tasks can be distributed to them with certain considerations: (a) Some resources can be handled by the individual anesthesia professional, whereas others require additional personnel; (b) Some tasks are completely incompatible, for example any activity that requires being gowned and gloved will preclude that individual from performing nearly all other tasks; (c) In very time-sensitive situations distribution over personnel may be needed whereas for more routine situations a single individual may be sufficient for the same set of tasks.
- 4.
Changing the nature of the task. The nature of a task is often not fixed. They can be executed to different standards of performance; as standards are loosened, the workload required to perform them is reduced. For example, during periods of massive blood loss, the anesthesia professional focuses primarily on administering blood and fluids and on monitoring blood pressure. The acceptable limits of blood pressure may be widened to reduce the need for more frequent interventions.
- 5.
Modifying distractions and offloading routine activities. In addition to the attentional demands of the anesthesia professional’s core tasks, any clinical environment may be full of distractions. Expert anesthesia professionals modulate the distractions by eliminating them when the workload is high and allowing them to occur when the workload is low (to improve morale and team building). Similarly certain routine tasks (e.g., entering non-critical information into the anesthesia record) or courtesy activities (e.g., tying the gown of a surgeon or nurse) may be performed by the anesthesia professional only when workload is low, but not when it rises.
Distribute the Workload A team leader should try to stay free of tasks in order to observe, gather information, coordinate, distribute, and delegate tasks. This is because mental capacity of human beings is limited—multitasking leads to often unrecognized errors. Within the operating room this may not be possible until several skilled personnel arrive to help. Even then, there can be some tasks which the leader decides to perform while still being at the center of the team; for example they might choose to be the person administering IV drugs linking decision to action without a communication step. There is no single arrangement of personnel or tasks that is perfect for every situation.
Appropriate assertiveness is important. A frequent observation in simulations and real cases is that anesthesia professionals may be too quiet or too casual, even for situations that demand urgency and assertiveness. But choosing the appropriate level and style of assertiveness is also important because being excessively assertive, especially for non-critical situations, will anger or annoy co-workers and lead to suboptimal results.
Exercising effective followership (see CRM key point 4, exercise leadership and followership with appropriate assertiveness), team members should also look actively for work that needs to be done. The team leader should not have to think of and order every single task or activity. Proper communication will be needed to coordinate the work (see CRM key principle 7, Communicate effectively).
Leaders should try to sensibly prioritize tasks to single individuals or to delegate one task at a time to each person, for example, “Mary, go and call for help. Peter, go and get the emergency cart. Michael, draw up epinephrine 100 μg per mL.” Team members should speak up if they get too much work allocated at once or when the priorities aren’t clear (e.g., “I can only do one of those things at a time, which should I do first?”) .
We always have 10 seconds! Patient care is very rarely a high-speed discipline where seconds matter—initiating CPR is one example. Usually patients deteriorate in minutes to hours. Despite the stress and intrinsic pressure to perform immediate actions (“do something, do something now!”) there is often some time to think of a plan. Trying to be too fast may lead to avoidable errors.
To address this Rall and colleagues developed the 10-seconds-for-10-minutes principle, meaning, metaphorically, spending 10 seconds in order to achieve a better coordinated team for the next 10 minutes. Stopping for symbolically 10 seconds in an emergency feels counterintuitive, but once used to it, it is a very effective way to improve performance and patient safety. The 10-for-10 principle has spread to many health care settings (anesthesia, ICU, prehospital, etc.).
The concept can be extended to mean that sometimes an investment of time in an activity—even many minutes—can yield big dividends in various ways (including time saved) in the future. The benefit of strategic investment of time appears to be greatest in key situations, such as (a) the making of a provisional diagnosis and the beginning of treatment, (b) planning for complex interventions, or (c) when the team feels stuck because the initial diagnosis seems incorrect, or when the usual treatment of a known problem is not working ( Fig. 6.8 ).

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