Acute bronchiolitis (AB) is the most common lower respiratory tract infection in infants. Objective scoring tools and plain film radiography have limited application, thus diagnosis is clinical. The role of point-of-care lung ultrasound (LUS) is not well established.
We sought to characterize LUS findings in infants presenting to the pediatric ED diagnosed with AB, and to identify associations between LUS and respiratory support (RS) at 12 and 24 h, maximum RS during hospitalization, disposition, and hospital length of stay (LOS).
Infants ≤12 months presenting to the ED and diagnosed with AB were enrolled. LUS was performed at the bedside by a physician. Lungs were divided into 12 segments and scanned, then scored and summated (min. 0, max. 36) in real time accordingly:
0 – A lines with <3 B lines per lung segment.
1 – ≥3 B lines per lung segment, but not consolidated.
2 – consolidated B lines, but no subpleural consolidation.
3 – subpleural consolidation with any findings scoring 1 or 2.
Chart review was performed for all patients after discharge. RS was categorized accordingly: RS (room air), low RS (wall O2 or heated high flow nasal cannula <1 L/kg), and high RS (heated high flow nasal cannula ≥1 L/kg or positive pressure).
82 subjects were enrolled. Regarding disposition, the mean (SD) LUS scores were: discharged 1.18 (1.33); admitted to the floor 4.34 (3.62); and admitted to the ICU was 10.84 (6.54). For RS, the mean (SD) LUS scores at 12 h were: no RS 1.56 (1.93), low RS 4.34 (3.51), and high RS 11.94 (6.17). At 24 h: no RS 2.11 (2.35), low RS 4.91 (3.86), and high RS 12.64 (6.48). Maximum RS: no RS 1.22 (1.31), low RS 4.11 (3.61), and high RS 10.45 (6.16). Mean differences for all dispositions and RS time points were statistically significant ( p < 0.05, CI >95%). The mean (SD) hospital LOS was 84.5 h (SD 62.9). The Pearson correlation coefficient ( r ) comparing LOS and LUS was 0.489 ( p < 0.0001).
Higher LUS scores for AB were associated with increased respiratory support, longer LOS, and more acute disposition. The use of bedside LUS in the ED may assist the clinician in the management and disposition of patient’s diagnosed with AB.
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Bronchiolitis is a clinical diagnosis; labs and imaging currently play a limited role.
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Assessment of disposition and prediction of outcomes are often challenging.
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Bronchiolitis is typically diagnosed and managed in the emergency department.
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Point-of-care lung ultrasound in the emergency department may help assess and predict severity.
Acute bronchiolitis (AB) is characterized by a viral infection of the lower respiratory tract affecting children under two years of age. It causes a cascade of inflammatory responses leading to edema and bronchial congestion [ , ]. Patients with severe AB may require advanced airway support due to hypoxemia or respiratory failure [ , ]. It is the most common lower respiratory tract infection in infants, and as such carries significant clinical and financial implications [ , ].
The diagnosis of AB is mainly clinical [ ], and management can vary considerably [ ]. Several scoring tools have been developed to objectively assess the clinical severity of AB and provide guidance to clinicians for disease severity classification. However, their practical application remains limited by the poor sensitivity to predict the need for escalating respiratory support, lack of adequate validation, varying degrees of complexity, and inability to encompass all determinants of disease severity [ , , ].
Imaging does not currently play a major role in the diagnosis of mild to moderate AB [ ]. Specifically, plain chest radiography (CXR) carries the burden of radiation exposure and is typically reserved only for severe cases warranting intensive care admission (ICU) [ , ]. In recent years, point-of-care lung ultrasound (LUS) has gained popularity, and multiple studies have attempted to use LUS to assess disease severity in patients diagnosed with AB [ , ]. However, these studies have various limitations including small sample sizes, limited data in the emergency department (ED) setting, and LUS performed after admission. Additionally, all studies examined respiratory support (RS) in a binary fashion (yes/no RS), and none were completed in North America [ , ].
In addition to characterizing LUS findings in infants presenting to the pediatric ED who are diagnosed with AB, our primary outcome was to identify associations between LUS scores and level of RS at 12 and 24 h after disposition decision, and the maximum RS during hospitalization. Our secondary outcomes were to identify associations between LUS scores and patient disposition as well as hospital length of stay (LOS).
Study design and setting
This investigation was a prospective, observational convenience sample and feasibility study of patients presenting to the pediatric ED and diagnosed with AB between June 13, 2022, to October 11, 2022, when AB was locally prevalent. The study was conducted at a standalone urban children’s hospital, a quaternary care, Level 1 trauma center with a large catchment area and over 100,000 annual ED visits [ ]. The study was approved by the affiliated university’s Institutional Review Board. All data was stored in secure Excel spreadsheets with access given only to research personnel.
Study protocol
Selection of participants
The ED tracking board was screened on a non-linear basis by a physician trained in bedside LUS. Potential subjects were identified by age (12 months and younger) and respiratory complaint. The treating physician was then approached to clarify the patient’s diagnosis. The diagnosis of AB was entirely clinical and based on the treating physician’s judgment. Exclusion criteria were subjects with any of the following: immunodeficiency or other immunosuppression; moderate to severe prematurity (<34 weeks); chronic pulmonary disease; chronic moderately to severely depressed heart function based on most recent echocardiogram; sickle cell disease; chronic neuromuscular disease; or, diagnosis of pneumonia within previous 14 days prior to ED presentation. Written informed consent was obtained from subjects’ caregivers, and video interpreters and translated informed consent documents were used for non-English speaking caregivers.
LUS acquisition
All LUS images were obtained during the subject’s ED visit, and were acquired and interpreted by one of three physician sonographers: two were point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) fellowship-trained physicians, and the third was a pediatric emergency medicine fellow who demonstrated LUS competency prior to the start of the study [ ]. LUS images were securely stored on an external hard drive and interpretations were recorded in real time (Supplement 1).
The ultrasound machine used was a Sonosite X-porte. The L25x 13-6 Hz linear transducer was used for all scans set to the lung preset [ , ]. To perform the LUS, the subject was placed in positions that allowed access to all lung fields, while also ensuring the subject remained calm. Scans were divided into 12 lung fields as described by Supino, et al., namely, examination of the posterior, lateral, and anterior lung fields, divided in half into superior and inferior segments at the nipple line [ ]. In each segment, the sonographer held the probe in longitudinal position to the patient and started at the superolateral portion of the segment. Then, the sonographer scanned lateral to medial, then moved the probe inferiorly to scan the remaining intercostal spaces of that segment, moving medial to lateral, in a “lawnmower” approach [ ] ( Fig. 2 , Supplement 2).
LUS scoring and documentation
Previous publications report several LUS scoring criteria [ , , ]. After review of the literature, we used the scoring system by Brat, et al. [ ], which is described and scored as follows and seen in Fig. 1 :
- a)
normal lung sliding, mostly A lines, and/or <3 B lines per lung segment; score of 0.
- b)
≥3 B lines per lung segment, but not consolidated/“white out”; score of 1.
- c)
consolidated B lines/“white out,” but no subpleural consolidation or pleural effusion; score of 2.
- d)
subpleural consolidation with any of the findings of b or c; score of 3.

The physician sonographer scored each lung field and summated for a total possible score of 0–36 and recorded the scores on a pre-printed paper form. Additionally, start and end times were also documented (Supplement 1). To avoid introducing bias, the LUS findings were not shared with the treating physician including incidental findings unless, in the judgment of the physician sonographer, the results would place the patient at risk for rapid decompensation such as a subjectively large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. However, no significant incidental findings were identified.
Inter-rater reliability and quality control
All scans, except for one that could not be retrieved, were reviewed for quality assurance and scored by a separate pediatric emergency medicine physician with POCUS fellowship training, blinded to the original bedside sonographer’s scores. Additionally, a random sampling of subjects was scanned and scored by a second bedside sonographer within 30 min after the first bedside sonographer scanned the subject, but blinded to the first’s images and scores. Inter-rater reliability (IRR) was calculated with a linearly weighted Cohen’s kappa and defined as ±0.81 to ±1.00 excellent, ±0.61 to ±0.80 good, and ±0.41 to ±0.60 moderate.
Chart review
The primary author collected clinical data from the subjects’ electronic health record at least 7 days after discharge from the ED or the hospital if admitted. Data were manually harvested, then recorded in a secure spreadsheet. Data included demographics, vitals at triage and disposition, emergency severity index (ESI) at triage, ED findings including respiratory virus testing and CXR findings, admission and discharge diagnoses, and disposition from the ED. For admitted subjects, collected data included RS at 12 h and 24 h, as well as maximum RS during admission, hospital LOS as determined by time from admission order placed in the ED until discharge, and, if admitted to the floor, whether or not the patient was escalated to the intensive care unit (ICU) during their hospitalization. Also noted were the subjects initially discharged from the ED who returned to the ED within 7 days and were admitted for AB on this subsequent visit.
Outcome measures
In addition to characterizing LUS findings in infants diagnosed with AB on initial presentation to the ED, our primary outcome measure was the association between LUS scores and RS at 12 and 24 h, and the maximum RS during hospitalization. Our secondary outcomes were association of LUS score and patient disposition as well as hospital LOS.
Data analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using SAS software version 9.4 (Statistical Analysis System, Cary, NC) and SPSS statistics for Windows, version 28.0.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY). The normality of data distribution was assessed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Values were expressed as means ± standard deviation (SD) for continuous variables, median and interquartile range (IQR) for nonparametric data, or number and percentage (%) for categorical variables. Means were compared using Student’s t- test or Mann Whitney U test for two group comparisons and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for more than two groups. Chi square contingency table analysis was used to compare categorical variables. Statistical significance was chosen to be 0.05 for Pearson (normal data) or Spearman (nonparametric data). Correlations were used to assess relations between variables; strength of correlation was described as high (±0.50 to <±1), moderate (±0.30 to ±0.49), and low (0 to <±0.29). Given the feasibility nature of the study, we estimated our sample size based on previously published and comparable LUS studies of AB, therefore, a power analysis was not performed [ ].
The RS initially included eight possible divisions as follows in increasing order of support: room air (RA); wall oxygen (oxygen directly from a wall or tank source, without a titratable FiO2 component to the delivery device); heated high flow nasal cannula (HHFNC) <1 L/kg; HHFNC 1-2 L/kg; HHFNC and >2 L/kg; non-invasive positive pressure (continuous positive airway pressure or bilevel positive airway pressure); invasive positive pressure (intubation with any form of mechanical ventilation); extracorporeal membrane oxygen; and death. We calculated the mean LUS scores for each of these levels of RS at 12 h and 24 h from time of ED disposition, and maximum RS during hospital admission. RA was assigned to those who were discharged before 12 or 24 h. The difference between the means with SD was also calculated (Supplement 3). The RS was then intentionally combined into three categories for a more robust comparison and analysis, which is in contrast to previous studies in which only binary comparisons were made. The three categories were as follows: “No RS” (no support or RA), “low RS” (wall oxygen or HHFNC <1 L/kg), and “high RS” (HHFNC≥1 L/kg or any form of non-invasive or invasive positive pressure). These three categories were used for all reported analyses.
A total of 82 patients were enrolled during the study period. Demographic information and clinical characteristics are reported in Table 1 . 52 (63.4%) male subjects were enrolled. The mean age was 157 days (SD 104) and weight was 7.19 kg (SD 2.34), and most were born full-term. The majority of subjects were white/Caucasian or black/African American. Half of participants were Hispanic. All but two caregivers spoke English or Spanish. The mean day of illness at presentation was 4.13 (SD 1.71), and the ESI was 2.22 (SD 0.57).
Demographics or Clinical Characteristic | n (%) |
Sex | |
Male | 52 (63.4) |
Female | 30 (36.6) |
Race | |
White or Caucasian | 46 (56.1) |
Black or African American | 25 (30.5) |
Asian | 1 (1.20) |
Other | 10 (12.2) |
Ethnicity | |
Hispanic | 41 (50.0) |
Non-Hispanic | 41 (50.0) |
Primary language | |
English | 68 (84.0) |
Spanish | 11 (13.6) |
Other | 2 (2.40) |
Respiratory virus isolated | |
Adenovirus | 2 (2.90) |
COVID-19 | 5 (7.25) |
Human metapneumovirus | 3 (4.35) |
Parainfluenza Virus 3 | 6 (8.70) |
Parainfluenza Virus 4 | 1 (1.43) |
Rhinovirus/enterovirus | 27 (39.1) |
RSV | 52 (75.4) |
Disposition | |
Discharge | 22 (27.2) |
Floor | 40 (49.3) |
ICU | 19 (23.5) |
Discharged and returned to the ED within 7 days and admitted? | |
Yes | 2 (9.10) |
No | 20 (90.9) |
Escalated to the ICU if admitted to the floor? | |
Yes | 3 (7.50) |
No | 37 (92.5) |
Admission diagnosis | |
Bronchiolitis only | 77 (93.9) |
Bronchiolitis + pneumonia | 5 (6.10) |
Discharge diagnosis | |
Bronchiolitis only | 72 (87.8) |
Bronchiolitis + pneumonia | 10 (12.2) |
ESI | |
1 | 4 (4.88) |
2 | 58 (70.7) |
3 | 18 (21.9) |
4 | 2 (2.44) |
5 | 0 (0.00) |

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