Arterial Line Placement and Care
Scott A. Celinski
Michael G. Seneff
Arterial catheterization is the second most frequent invasive procedure performed in the intensive care unit (ICU). In nearly all institutions, the logistics of setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting of pressure monitoring equipment are now largely relegated to personnel other than physicians [1]. Unfortunately, this shift away from physician involvement has left many intensivists without an adequate working knowledge of these important systems. While historically the most common indications to place an arterial catheter have been for beat-to-beat monitoring of blood pressure in unstable patients and frequent blood gas sampling, new technologies have arisen that necessitate arterial access. For example, arterial pulse contour analysis can now be used to determine cardiac output reliably and less invasively in patients compared to the traditional thermodilution method [2, 3]. Additional technological improvements will undoubtedly follow, and the need for arterial line placement may decrease as technologies such as transcutaneous PCO2 monitoring and noninvasive systems for measuring arterial waveforms mature [4, 5]. In this chapter, we review the principles of hemodynamic monitoring and discuss the indications and routes of arterial cannulation.
Indications for Arterial Cannulation
Arterial catheters should be inserted only when they are specifically required and removed immediately when no longer needed. Too often, they are left in place for convenience to allow easy access to blood sampling. Many studies have documented that arterial catheters are associated with an increased number of laboratory blood tests, leading to greater costs and excessive diagnostic blood loss [6,7]. Protocols incorporating guidelines for arterial catheterization and alternative noninvasive monitoring, such as pulse oximetry and end tidal CO2 monitoring, have realized significant improvements in resource utilization and cost savings, without impacting the quality of care [8].
The indications for arterial cannulation can be grouped into four broad categories (Table 3-1): (a) hemodynamic monitoring (including pulse contour cardiac output monitoring); (b) frequent arterial blood gas sampling; (c) arterial administration of drugs, such as thrombolytics; and (d) intraaortic balloon pump use.
Noninvasive, indirect blood pressure measurements determined by auscultation of Korotkoff sounds distal to an occluding cuff (Riva-Rocci method) are generally accurate, although systolic readings are consistently lower compared to a simultaneous direct measurement. In hemodynamically unstable patients, however, indirect techniques may significantly underestimate blood pressure [9]. Automated noninvasive blood pressure measurement devices can also be inaccurate, particularly in rapidly changing situations, at the extremes of blood pressure, and in patients with dysrhythmias [10]. For these reasons, direct blood pressure monitoring is usually required for unstable patients. Rapid beat-to-beat changes can easily be monitored and appropriate therapeutic modalities initiated, and variations in individual pressure waveforms may prove diagnostic. Waveform inspection can rapidly diagnose electrocardiogram (ECG) lead disconnect, indicate the presence of aortic valve disease, help determine the effect of dysrhythmias on perfusion, and reveal the impact of the respiratory cycle on blood pressure (pulsus paradoxus). Additionally, the responsiveness of cardiac output to fluid boluses may be predicted by calculating the systolic pressure variation (SPV) or pulse pressure variation (PPV) through the respiratory cycle. Using PPV has been shown to be superior to SPV, with a PPV greater than 13% predicting an increase in cardiac output (CO) greater than or equal to 15% in response to a fluid challenge [11].
Recent advances allow continuous CO monitoring using arterial pulse contour analysis. This method relies on the assumption that the contour of the arterial pressure waveform is proportional to the stroke volume [12]. This, however, does not take into consideration the differing impedances between the arteries of individuals, and therefore requires calibration with another method of determining cardiac output [13]. Calibration is usually done with lithium or transpulmonary thermal dilution methods. A new pulse contour analysis instrument has been introduced that does not require an additional method of determining CO for calibration, but instead estimates impedance based on the waveform and patient demographic data [3]. This method has significant limitations (i.e., atrial fibrillation), and further data and comparison to other methods in authentic clinical situations are required before recommendations for widespread adoption can be made.
Management of patients in critical care units typically requires multiple laboratory determinations. Unstable patients on mechanical ventilators or in whom intubation is contemplated may need frequent monitoring of arterial blood gases. In these situations, arterial cannulation prevents repeated trauma by frequent arterial punctures and permits routine laboratory tests without multiple needle sticks. In our opinion, an arterial line for blood gas determination should be placed when a patient will require three or more measurements daily.
TABLE 3-1. Indications for Arterial Cannulation | |
Equipment, Monitoring Techniques, and Sources of Error
The equipment necessary to display and measure an arterial waveform includes: (a) an appropriate intravascular catheter; (b) fluid-filled noncompliant tubing with stopcocks; (c) transducer; (d) a constant flush device; and (e) electronic monitoring equipment. Using this equipment, intravascular pressure changes are transmitted through the hydraulic (fluid-filled) elements to the transducer, which converts mechanical displacement into a proportional electrical signal. The signal is amplified, processed, and displayed as a waveform by the monitor. Undistorted presentation of the arterial waveform is dependent on the performance of each component. A detailed discussion of relevant pressure monitoring principles is beyond the scope of this chapter, but consideration of a few basic concepts is useful to understand the genesis of most monitoring inaccuracies.
The major problems inherent to pressure monitoring with a catheter system are inadequate dynamic response, improper zeroing and zero drift, and improper transducer/monitor calibration [14]. Most physicians are aware of zeroing techniques but do not appreciate the importance of dynamic response in ensuring system fidelity. Catheter-tubing-transducer systems used for pressure monitoring can best be characterized as underdamped second-order dynamic systems with mechanical parameters of elasticity, mass, and friction [14]. Overall, the dynamic response of such a system is determined by its resonant frequency and damping coefficient (zeta). The resonant or natural frequency of a system is the frequency at which it oscillates when stimulated. When the frequency content of an input signal (i.e., pressure waveform) approaches the resonant frequency of a system, progressive amplification of the output signal occurs, a phenomenon known as ringing [15]. To ensure a flat frequency response (accurate recording across a spectrum of frequencies), the resonant frequency of a monitoring system should be at least 5 times higher than the highest frequency in the input signal [14]. Physiologic peripheral arterial waveforms have a fundamental frequency of 3 to 5 Hz, and therefore the resonant frequency of a system used to monitor arterial pressure should ideally be greater than 20 Hz to avoid ringing and systolic overshoot.
The system component most likely to cause amplification of a pressure waveform is the hydraulic element. A good hydraulic system will have a resonant frequency between 10 and 20 Hz, which may overlap with arterial pressure frequencies. Thus, amplification can occur, which may require damping to accurately reproduce the waveform [16].
The damping coefficient is a measure of how quickly an oscillating system comes to rest. A system with a high damping coefficient absorbs mechanical energy well (i.e., compliant tubing), causing a diminution in the transmitted waveform. Conversely, a system with a low damping coefficient results in under damping and systolic overshoot. Damping coefficient and resonant frequency together determine the dynamic response of a recording system. If the system’s resonant frequency is less than 7.5 Hz, the pressure waveform will be distorted no matter what the damping coefficient. On the other hand, a resonant frequency of 24 Hz allows a range in the damping coefficient of 0.15 to 1.1 without resultant distortion of the pressure waveform [14,17].
Although there are other techniques [18], the easiest method to test the damping coefficient and resonant frequency of a monitoring system is the fast-flush test (also known as the square wave test). This is performed at the bedside by briefly opening and closing the continuous flush device, which produces a square wave displacement on the monitor followed by a return to baseline, usually after a few smaller oscillations (Fig. 3-1). Values for the damping coefficient and resonant frequency can be computed by printing the wave on graph paper [14], but visual inspection is usually adequate to ensure a proper frequency response. An optimum fast-flush test results in one undershoot followed by small overshoot, then settles to the patient’s waveform (Fig. 3-1).
For peripheral pulse pressure monitoring, an adequate fast-flush test usually corresponds to a resonant frequency of 10 to 20 Hz coupled with a damping coefficient of 0.5 to 0.7 [17]. To ensure the continuing fidelity of a monitoring system, dynamic response validation by fast-flush test should be performed frequently: at least every 8 hours, with every significant change in patient hemodynamic status, after each opening of the system (zeroing, blood sampling, tubing change), and whenever the waveform appears damped.
With consideration of the above concepts, components of the monitoring system are designed to optimize the frequency response of the entire system. The 18- and 20-gauge catheters used to gain vascular access are not a major source of distortion but can become kinked or occluded by thrombus, resulting in overdamping of the system. Standard, noncompliant tubing is provided with most disposable transducer kits and should be as short as possible to minimize signal amplification [15]. Air bubbles in the tubing and connecting stopcocks are a notorious source of overdamping of the tracing and can be cleared by flushing through a stopcock. Currently available disposable transducers incorporate microchip technology, are very reliable, and have relatively high resonant frequencies [19]. The transducer is attached to the electronic monitoring equipment by a cable. Modern monitors have internal calibration, filter artifacts, and print the display on request. The digital readout display is usually an average of values over time and therefore does not accurately represent beat-to-beat variability. Monitors provide the capability to freeze a display with on-screen calibration to measure beat-to-beat differences in amplitude precisely. This allows measurement of the effect of ectopic beats on blood pressure, PPV, SPV, or assessment of the severity of pulsus paradoxus.
When presented with pressure data or readings believed to be inaccurate, or which are significantly different from indirect readings, a few quick checks can ensure system accuracy. Improper zeroing of the system is the single most important source of error. Zeroing can be checked by opening the transducer stopcock to air and aligning with the midaxillary line, confirming that the monitor displays zero. Zeroing should be repeated with patient position changes, when significant changes in blood pressure occur, and routinely every 6 to 8 hours because of zero drift. Disposable pressure transducers incorporate semiconductor technology and are very small, yet rugged and reliable, and due to standardization, calibration of the system is not necessary [19]. Transducers are faulty on occasion, however, and calibration may be checked by attaching a mercury manometer to the stopcock and applying 100, 150, and/or 200 mm Hg pressure. A variation of plus or minus 5 mm Hg is acceptable. If calibration is questioned and the variation is out of range, or a manometer is not available for testing, the transducer should be replaced.
If zero referencing and calibration are correct, a fast-flush test will assess the system’s dynamic response. Overdamped tracings are usually caused by air bubbles, kinks, clot formation, overly compliant tubing, loose connections, a deflated pressure bag, or anatomical factors affecting the catheter. All of these are usually correctable and should be assessed if the system is overdamped. An underdamped tracing results in systolic overshoot and can be secondary to excessive tubing length or patient factors such as increased inotropic or chronotropic state. Many monitors can be adjusted to filter out frequencies above a certain limit, which can eliminate frequencies in the input signal that causes ringing. However, this may also cause inaccurate readings if important frequencies are excluded.
Technique of Arterial Cannulation
Site Selection
Several factors are important in selecting the site for arterial cannulation. The ideal artery has extensive collateral circulation that will maintain the viability of distal tissues if thrombosis occurs. The site should be comfortable for the patient, accessible for nursing care and insertion, and close to the monitoring equipment. Sites involved by infection or disruption in the epidermal barrier should be avoided. Certain procedures, such as coronary artery bypass grafting, may dictate preference for one site over another. Larger arteries and catheters provide more accurate (central aortic) pressure measurements. Physicians should also be cognizant of differences in pulse contour recorded at different sites. As the pressure pulse wave travels outward from the aorta, it encounters arteries that are smaller and less elastic, with multiple branch points, causing reflections of the pressure wave. This results in a peripheral pulse contour with increased slope and amplitude, causing recorded values to be artificially elevated. As a result, distal extremity artery recordings yield higher systolic values than central aortic or femoral artery recordings. Diastolic pressures tend to be less affected, and mean arterial pressures measured at the different sites are similar [20, 21].
The most commonly used sites for arterial cannulation in adults are the radial, femoral, axillary, dorsalis pedis, and brachial arteries. Additional sites include the ulnar, posterior tibial, and superficial temporal arteries. Peripheral sites are can nulated percutaneously with a 2-inch, 20-gauge, nontapered Teflon catheter-over-needle and larger arteries using the Seldinger technique with a prepackaged kit, typically containing a 6-inch, 18- or 20-gauge Teflon catheter and appropriate introducer needles and guidewire.
Critical care physicians should be facile with arterial cannulation at all sites, but the radial and femoral arteries are used successfully for more than 90% of all arterial catheterizations. Although each site has unique complications, available data do not indicate a preference for any one site [22, 23, 24, 25 and 26]. Radial artery cannulation is usually attempted initially unless the patient is in shock and/or pulses are not palpable. If this fails, femoral artery cannulation should be performed.
Radial Artery Cannulation
A thorough understanding of normal arterial anatomy and common anatomical variants greatly facilitates insertion of catheters and management of unexpected findings at all sites. The reader is referred elsewhere for a comprehensive review of arterial anatomy [27]; only relevant anatomical considerations are presented here. The radial artery is one of two final branches of the brachial artery. It courses over the flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor pollicis longus, and pronator quadratus muscles and lies just lateral to the flexor carpi radialis in the forearm (Fig. 3-2). As the artery enters the floor of the palm, it ends in the deep volar arterial arch at the level of the metacarpal bones and communicates with the ulnar artery. A second site of collateral flow for the radial artery occurs via the dorsal arch running in the dorsum of the hand.
The ulnar artery runs between the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum sublimis in the forearm, with a short course over the ulnar nerve. In the hand the artery runs over the transverse carpal ligament and becomes the superficial volar arch, which forms an anastomosis with a small branch of the radial artery. These three anastomoses provide excellent collateral flow to the hand. A competent superficial or deep palmar arch must be present to ensure adequate collateral flow. At least one of these arches may be absent in up to 20% of individuals.
Modified Allen’s Test
Prior to placement of a radial or ulnar arterial line, it must be demonstrated that the blood supply to the hand would not be eliminated by a catheter-induced thrombus. In 1929, Allen [28] described a technique of diagnosing occlusive arterial disease. His technique has been modified and serves as the most common screening test prior to radial artery cannulation. The examiner compresses both radial and ulnar arteries and asks the patient to clinch and unclench the fist repeatedly until pallor of the palm is produced. Hyperextension of the hand is avoided, as it may cause a false-negative result, suggesting inadequate collateral flow [29]. One artery is then released and the time to blushing of the palm noted. The procedure is repeated with the other artery. Normal palmar blushing is complete before 7 seconds (positive test); 8 to 14 seconds is considered equivocal; and 15 or more seconds abnormal (negative test).
The modified Allen’s test is not an ideal screening procedure. In one study comparing the Allen’s test to Doppler examination, Allen’s test had a sensitivity of 87% (i.e., it detected ulnar collateral flow in 87% of cases in which Doppler study confirmed its presence) and a negative predictive value of only 0.18 (i.e., only 18% of patients with no collateral flow by Allen’s test had this confirmed by Doppler study) [30]. Other studies have compared Allen’s test to plethysmography, with similar results [31]. Thus, the modified Allen’s test does not necessarily predict the presence of collateral circulation, and many centers, including ours, have abandoned its use as a routine screening procedure. Each institution should establish its own guidelines regarding routine Allen’s testing and the evaluation and management of negative results. Hand ischemia is a significant complication that frequently results in amputation [32,33], and if the lack of collateral circulation is verified by confirmatory testing, it is advisable to avoid arterial cannulation on that hand.
Percutaneous Insertion
The hand is positioned in 30 to 60 degrees of dorsiflexion with the aid of a roll of gauze and arm band, avoiding hyperabduction of the thumb. The volar aspect of the wrist is prepared and draped using sterile technique, and approximately 0.5 mL of 1% lidocaine is infiltrated on both sides of the artery through a 25-gauge or smaller needle. Lidocaine serves to decrease patient discomfort and may decrease the likelihood of arterial vasospasm [34].
A 20-gauge, nontapered, Teflon 1.5- or 2-inch catheter-over-needle apparatus is used for puncture. Entry is made at a 30- to 60-degree angle to the skin approximately 3 to 5 cm proximal to the distal wrist crease. The needle and cannula are advanced until blood return is noted in the hub, signifying intra-arterial placement of the tip of the needle (Fig. 3-3). A small amount of further advancement is necessary for the cannula to enter the artery as well. With this accomplished, needle and cannula are brought flat to the skin and the cannula advanced to its hub with a firm, steady rotary action. Correct positioning is confirmed by pulsatile blood return on removal of the needle. If the initial attempt is unsuccessful, subsequent attempts should be more proximal, rather than closer to the wrist crease, as the artery is of greater diameter [27]. However, more proximal insertion may increase the incidence of catheters becoming kinked or occluded [35].
If difficulty is encountered when attempting to pass the catheter, carefully replacing the needle and slightly advancing the whole apparatus may remedy the problem. Alternately, a fixation technique can be attempted (Fig. 3-3). Advancing the needle and catheter through the far wall of the vessel purposely transfixes the artery. The needle is then pulled back with the cannula until vigorous arterial blood return is noted. The catheter can then be advanced into the arterial lumen, although occasionally the needle must be carefully partially reinserted (never forced, to avoid shearing the catheter) to serve as a rigid stent.

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