• Ionization best correlates with onset of action. LAs exist in free equilibrium in both charged (ionized) and neutral (non-ionized) forms:
• The ionized form binds to the receptor and exerts the drug’s action, but it is very hydrophilic and cannot penetrate the nerve membrane to exert its effect
• The non-ionized, lipid-soluble form allows the drug to penetrate nerve membrane
• Lipid solubility correlates with potency: Higher solubility = greater potency
• Protein binding best correlates with duration of action
• The relative proportion of ionized and non-ionized LA molecules is a function of the drug’s pKa and the tissue pH
• pKa = pH at which the concentrations of ionized and non-ionized forms are equal
• Clinical implications include slower onset in acidic (infected) tissue
Speed of LA onset affected by:
• pKa: Lower pKa of the anesthetic = greater the fraction of non-ionized molecules at a given pH → easier membrane penetration → faster onset
• Bicarbonate (HCO3) addition: Higher pH → more non-ionized → quicker onset time
• Lipid solubility: Higher solubility generally = slower onset, may be due to sequestration in lipid membranes
• Higher concentration and total dose of local = faster onset due to diffusion gradient (↑ solution concentration explains ↑ onset of procaine and 2-chloroprocaine despite ↑ pKa)
• Site of injection and distance of diffusion to target nerve (presence of neural sheath delays onset)
Duration of LA action affected by:
• Protein binding: ↑ protein binding → longer duration
• Site of local injection: More vascular sites have shorter duration (more systemic uptake)
• Degree of vasodilation (all locals except cocaine are vasodilators)
• Lipid solubility: ↑ lipid solubility = ↑ duration
• Pseudocholinesterase deficiency : ↑ duration of ester anesthetics
• Liver disease: ↑ duration of amide anesthetics
• Most rapid hydrolysis among ester class
• Increasing popularity for short-acting spinal; historical concern about neurotoxicity possibly related to bisulfite preservative
• Useful in obstetrics due to rapid onset, ↓ risk of systemic toxicity/fetal exposure (rapid hydrolysis in bloodstream)
• Useful in pts with significant liver disease, seizure hx
• Versatile—used for topical, regional, intravenous, peripheral nerve block, and spinal/epidural anesthesia.
• Transient neurologic symptoms (TNS) after spinal anesthesia (also reported with other LAs)
• Pain/sensory ∆ in lower back, buttocks, thighs—no motor or bowel/bladder dysfunction
• Increased risk with lidocaine, lithotomy, ambulatory anesthetic; pregnancy may be protective
• Symptoms occur within 2–24 hrs → complete resolution within 10 d (most in 2 d)
• Tx with NSAIDs and opioids as needed
• Useful due to long duration in peripheral and epidural blocks, common in spinals
• High-quality sensory anesthesia relative to motor blockade
• Severe, refractory cardiovascular collapse with toxic intravascular doses
• Greatest margin of safety among long-acting locals
• More vasoconstriction, less lipid solubility than bupivacaine → reduced systemic toxicity
• Useful in spinals due to rapid onset, long duration (4–6 hrs with epi)
• Longer duration but possibly less adequate sensory blockade versus bupivacaine
• Vasoconstrictor property unique among LAs
• CNS stimulant through ↓ reuptake of norepi, dopamine, serotonin
• Used in 4% solution as topical anesthetic (sinus surgery, awake nasal fiberoptic) or 11.8% with tetracaine, epi (TAC) for ED wound repair
• Side effects: HTN, tachycardia, arrhythmias, coronary ischemia, stroke, cerebral & pulmonary edema, seizures
Emla cream—Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics (Lidocaine 2.5%, Prilocaine 2.5%)
• Topical anesthesia for minor procedures (pediatric IV placement)
• Apply to intact skin using smallest amount necessary, cover with occlusive dressing
• Onset ∼45–60 min, duration ∼2 hrs
• Adult dose: 2.5–10 g
• Avoid in G6PD deficiency and amide allergy
• Toxicity including methemoglobinemia possible
• Vasoconstrictors (epinephrine, occasionally phenylephrine) → ↓vascular uptake of drug, ↓ systemic absorption/toxicity, ↑ duration and ↑ intensity of the block; little effect on onset time
• Add to LA at time of use due to epi instability at higher pH
• Variable response between LA and the location of injection as to whether vasoconstrictors ↑ duration of action:
• Infiltration, peripheral blockade: ↑ duration of shorter (lidocaine) > longer-acting (bupivacaine) LA
• Epidural blockade: Addition of epi to procaine, lidocaine, and bupivacaine →↑ duration of block
• Spinal blockade: Addition of epi (0.2–0.3 mg) to lidocaine, bupivacaine, tetracaine → sig. ↑ duration of block
• Epi may also ↑ quality of epidural/spinal due to α2 adrenergic activation
• Bicarbonate–alkalinization of LA solution →↑ percentage of non-ionized form of the drug → ↑ membrane penetration, ↓ onset time; reduces pain during subcutaneous infiltration
• Opiates: ↑ duration of neuraxial block, ↑ quality of surgical anesthesia and postoperative analgesia
• Clonidine, dexmedetomidine: Useful in peripheral and neuraxial blocks, multiple sites of action; ↑ anesthesia and ↑ duration of block
Systemic toxicity results from excessive plasma concentrations (due to absorption of LAs from tissue or inadvertent intravascular injection). Factors relating to rate of absorption:
• Dose of LA: A 1% solution of any drug contains 1,000 mg of drug per 100 mL of solution, or 10 mg/mL (note multiple doses of different LAs are additive)
• Rate of injection/infusion: Use incremental injection technique with intermittent aspiration
• Local vasodilation (epi vasoconstricts and reduces systemic absorption, some LAs are stronger vasodilators)
• Lipid solubility (potency) of LA, metabolism (plasma vs. liver), renal/hepatic disease, CHF
• Site of injection (based on vascularity of the tissue), with the greatest degree of absorption as follows:
Intravascular > tracheal > intercostal > caudal > epidural > brachial plexus > subcutaneous
Toxicity mainly affects CV system and CNS. CNS is usually affected first. Progressive signs of local anesthetic toxicity:
Light-headedness → circumoral numbness → facial tingling → tinnitus → slurred speech → seizures → unconsciousness → respiratory arrest → cardiovascular depression → circulatory arrest
• “Test dose” of local with epi can indicate likely intravascular injection if associated with a significant and rapid ↑ HR, ↑ BP, or T-wave ∆; use caution as general anesthesia, active labor, β-blocker use can confound results
• CNS toxicity: ↑ with hypercarbia & acidosis (↓ seizure threshold, ↓ bound fraction of drug)
• CV toxicity:
• May have transient ↑ in HR, BP due to CNS stimulation
• Dose-dependent myocardial depression, hypotension, dysrhythmias (especially with bupivacaine)
• ECG ∆s: ↑ PR, ↑ QRS, ↑ QT intervals
LA Toxicity Treatment
• Stop injecting LA; get help; maintain airway (intubate if necessary); give 100% oxygen and consider hyperventilation in the presence of metabolic acidosis; treat seizures (benzodiazepines, propofol in small doses)
• If cardiac arrest with LA toxicity: CPR and treatment of arrhythmias with standard protocols. Consider cardiopulmonary bypass or treatment with 20% lipid emulsion (no role for propofol)
• Lipid emulsion protocol: 20% intralipid 1.5 mL/kg bolus over 1 min (∼100 mL in 70 kg pt); start infusion at 0.25 mL/kg/min (17.5 mL/min for 70 kg pt); if circulation not restored can repeat initial bolus × 1–2 and increase infusion to 0.5 mL/kg/min (
• Continue CPR throughout lipid infusion. Recovery may be delayed (>1 hr)
Methemoglobinemia (Normal Hemoglobin Oxidized to Methemoglobin)
• Causes: LAs (benzocaine, prilocaine), antibiotics (dapsone, trimethoprim), nitrates
• Symptoms and signs: SOB, cyanosis (traditional pulse ox unreliable), MS ∆s, loss of consciousness; if >50% met-Hb → dysrhythmias, seizures, coma, and death
• Diagnosis: Blood is “chocolate-brown” color, ABG analysis will typically reveal normal pO2 +/- metabolic acidosis, measure met-Hb level with co-oximetry
• Treatment: Supplemental O2, 1% methylene blue 1–2 mg/kg IV (restores iron in Hb to its normal reduced O2-carrying state), hyperbaric O2

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