Chapter 25
Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of occlusive disease. This degenerative process involves the formation of atheromatous plaques that may obstruct the vessel lumen and thereby cause a reduction in distal blood flow. The pathophysiologic processes that affect the arteries include plaque formation, which obstructs the lumen (stenosis); thrombosis, which can result in acute ischemia; embolism from microthrombi or atheromatous debris, which decreases distal blood flow; and weakening of the arterial wall with aneurysm formation. The most common risk factors associated with atherosclerosis are shown in Box 25-1. Cigarette smoking and diabetes mellitus are major risk factors in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in the peripheral vascular system. Typical symptoms of peripheral occlusive disease include claudication, skin ulcerations, gangrene, and impotence.1 The extent of disability is primarily influenced by the development of collateral blood flow. Initially, collateral blood flow sufficiently meets tissue oxygen demands. As the disease process progresses, supply is unable to meet demand, and limb ischemia becomes symptomatic, requiring therapeutic intervention. The mortality rate associated with patients with vascular disease is two- to sixfold higher than within the general population.2 There is a relationship between inflammation and the development of atherosclerosis. Platelet interaction with leukocytes and other cells that modulate the immune response play a major role in the development of atherosclerosis.3,4 Researchers have discovered heritable genetic factors that predispose patients to developing vascular disease.5
Treatment for peripheral occlusive disease may range from pharmacologic therapy to surgery. Surgical therapy includes transluminal angioplasty, endarterectomy, thrombectomies, endovascular stenting, and arterial bypass procedures. Some common surgical maneuvers used for bypassing occlusive lesions are aortofemoral, axillofemoral, femorofemoral, and femoropopliteal bypass techniques. Bypass techniques may be classified as inflow or outflow procedures, depending on the level of the obstruction, with the dividing axis being at the level of the groin. Temporary occlusion of the operative artery is mandatory when bypass procedures are used. The response to aortic cross-clamping in patients with aortoiliac occlusive disease produces less hemodynamic variability as compared to patients with aneurysmal disease. The development of collateral circulation provides alternative vascular blood flow in patients with occlusive disease.6,7
Preoperative Evaluation
The atherosclerotic process in occlusive disease is not limited to the peripheral arterial beds and should be expected to be present in the coronary, cerebral, and renal arteries. More than half the mortality associated with peripheral vascular disease results from adverse cardiac events.8 It has been estimated that 42% of patients presenting for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repair have significant coronary artery disease (CAD).9 The identification and management of cardiac pathology, which often occurs in this patient population, must be managed aggressively to optimize cardiac functioning and decrease morbidity and mortality from cardiac causes. For a complete discussion of a preoperative cardiac evaluation, refer to Chapter 19.
The advantages of β-blockade as relates to factors that affect myocardial oxygen supply and demand have been extensively studied in this patient population, and the judicious use of β-blockers is recommended in patients at high risk for myocardial ischemia and infarction.10 For patients having AAA repairs, there is a 10-fold decrease in cardiac morbidity.11 β-blockade therapy should be instituted days to weeks before surgery and titrated to a target heart rate between 50 and 60 beats per minute (bpm).12 Vascular surgery patients with limited heart rate variability after receiving β-blocking medication exhibit less cardiac ischemia and troponin values postoperatively and have a decreased mortality from all causes 2 years postoperatively.13 It has been suggested that because of their antiinflammatory effects, a statin drug should be instituted 30 days prior to the surgical procedure.14
The extent of perioperative monitoring should be based on the presence of coexisting disease and the type of surgery. Clearly the detection of myocardial ischemia should be a primary objective in patients with vascular disease. Methods for assessing cardiac function include electrocardiographic, pulmonary artery pressure, and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) monitoring. The effectiveness of pulmonary artery catheters (PACs) in improving patient outcomes has been controversial for years. Many randomized controlled trials have been performed to assess whether they offer any benefit. It was determined that PAC monitoring had no effect on mortality or length of hospital stay. Additionally, there were higher rates of pulmonary embolism, pulmonary infarction, and hemorrhage in the PAC group.15–17 Practice guidelines provided by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Pulmonary Artery Catheterization states that the routine use of PACs is not warranted.18
Because of the global nature of atherosclerotic disease, some degree of systemic cardiovascular disease in patients with peripheral vascular disease should be assumed.9 Patients with hypertension and/or angiopathology rely on increased mean arterial pressures to perfuse their vital organs. Thus cerebral and coronary autoregulation occurs at higher than normal pressures. Direct intraarterial blood pressure monitoring allows for near–real-time determination of blood pressure values and is warranted because of dramatic fluctuations that can occur during anesthesia.
Anesthetic Selection
The anesthetic technique chosen for patients having vascular surgery depends on the type of surgical procedure to be performed and the presence of coexisting disease. In certain instances, infiltration of local anesthetic and intravenous sedation may be sufficient, whereas other situations may require the use of general anesthesia. Regional anesthesia for surgery on the lower extremities may decrease the overall morbidity and mortality associated with this patient population. Numerous studies have failed to yield demonstrative advantages for any single anesthetic technique. A comprehensive meta-analysis combining data from 141 studies involving 9559 patients suggested a 30% reduction in mortality for those patients who received a combined general anesthetic and epidural combination. A reduction in the rate of myocardial infarction stroke and respiratory failure was found when epidural anesthesia was used in patients undergoing aortic surgery.19 Several major studies have been conducted evaluating various end points associated with major vascular surgery.20 None of the studies have definitively concluded that superior outcomes depend on the anesthetic technique used.21 The major advantages to using a epidural technique are most noted during the postoperative period. Specific physiologic benefits of an epidural used for major abdominal vascular surgery are summarized in Box 25-2. Some considerations include the findings that inhalation anesthetic agents induce cardioprotection in patients having noncardiac surgery.22 In addition, many vascular patients are receiving anticoagulant therapy; therefore, neuraxial anesthetic techniques must be used with caution to avoid epidural hematoma formation.23
Postoperative Considerations
Postoperative pain management is an important issue related to peripheral vascular surgery. Most clinicians agree that postoperative administration of narcotics not only provides patient comfort but also contributes to cardiac stability. The use of epidural opioid and local anesthetics in patients recovering from vascular surgery is an important component of postoperative care because pain can greatly enhance sympathetic nervous system stimulation. Despite a decrease in discomfort during the postoperative course, these patients must be monitored in an appropriate surgical unit that is capable of detecting possible adverse events, such as myocardial infarction or respiratory depression, which could be attributed to the administration of epidural opioids and local anesthetics. Presently data are insufficient to confirm that adequate analgesic techniques decrease morbidity and mortality from postoperative complications.24
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
The incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is estimated to range between 3% and 10% for patients older than 50 years of age who reside in the western world.25 Improved detection of AAAs is the result of increased screening of asymptomatic aneurysms by noninvasive diagnostic modalities, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and ultrasonography. The occurrence of AAAs has increased because of the increased age of the general population and the vascular changes that occur as a result of aging.26
Risk Factors
The incidence of AAAs in a given population depends on the presence of risk factors (Box 25-3). Independent risk factors thought to be causes rather than markers for the development of a AAA include age, gender, and smoking. Smoking is the risk factor that is most highly correlated with AAA. In cigarette smokers, the incidence of AAAs increases fivefold.25
Elective AAA repair is one of the most frequent vascular surgical procedures, with approximately 40,000 operations performed in the United States annually.27,28 Mortality rates for elective abdominal aortic aneurysmectomies have decreased since the 1970s. The present mortality rate ranges from 1% to 11%, although it is most commonly estimated at 5%. This is compared with mortality rates of 18% to 30% in the 1950s.25,29–35 Advanced detection capabilities, earlier surgical intervention, extensive preoperative preparation, refined surgical techniques, better hemodynamic monitoring, improved anesthetic techniques, and aggressive postoperative management have all contributed to this improvement in surgical outcomes. Data suggest that risk of rupture is very low for AAAs less than 4 cm in diameter, but the risk dramatically increases for AAAs with a 5-cm or greater diameter. Surgical intervention is recommended for AAAs 5.5 cm or greater in diameter.36 Unfortunately, mortality rates for those with undetected or untreated ruptured aortic aneurysms have not followed the trend of those who have surgical intervention. Estimates of mortality resulting from ruptured AAAs vary from 35% to 94%.28,37–40 Combining prehospital with operative mortality, the overall mortality for AAA rupture is 80% to 90%. The 5-year mortality rate for individuals with untreated AAAs is 81%, and the 10-year mortality rate is 100%.33 Other criteria for surgical intervention for AAA include ruptured AAA, 4- to 5-cm AAA with greater than 0.5 cm enlargement in less than 6 months, patients who are symptomatic for AAA, and 5.0-cm AAA or greater for elective repair for patients with a reasonable life expectancy. Early detection and elective surgical intervention can be lifesaving because elective surgical mortality is less than 5% in most series.41
Frequently, asymptomatic aneurysms are detected incidentally during routine examination or abdominal radiography. Smaller aneurysms are often undetected on routine physical examination. Diagnostic techniques, such as ultrasonography, CT scan, and MRI, may identify vascular abnormalities in these patients. Such noninvasive techniques not only reveal the presence of aneurysms but also provide information about aneurysm size, vessel wall integrity, and adjacent anatomic definition.42 Invasive techniques, including contrast-enhanced CT scan, contrast angiography, and digital subtraction angiography, can provide additional information and more detailed representations of arterial anatomy.
Abdominal Aortic Reconstruction
As a result of recent advances in surgical and anesthetic techniques, the mortality associated with elective repair of AAAs is fairly low compared with nonsurgical management. Most patients with abdominal aneurysms, including the elderly, are considered surgical candidates. Although advancing age contributes to an increased incidence of morbidity and mortality, age alone is not a contraindication to elective aneurysmectomy.43 However, physiologic age is more indicative of increased surgical risk than chronologic age. Contraindications to elective repair include intractable angina pectoris, recent myocardial infarction, severe pulmonary dysfunction, and chronic renal insufficiency.6 Patients with stable CAD and coronary artery stenosis of greater than 70% who require nonemergent AAA repair do not benefit from revascularization if β-blockade has been established.44 Table 25-1 lists characteristics that define high-risk patients; however, in most cases the presence of an AAA warrants surgical intervention.33
TABLE 25-1
Criteria for High Risk in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair
Parameter | Criterion |
Age | Older than 70 years |
Gender | Female |
Cardiac | History of myocardial infarction Angina pectoris Myocardial disease Q waves on electrocardiogram (ECG) ST/T wave changes on ECG Ventricular ectopy Hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy Congestive heart failure |
Endocrine | Diabetes |
Neurologic | Stroke |
Renal | Chronic or acute renal failure |
Pulmonary | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Emphysema Dyspnea Previous pulmonary surgery |
Modified from Pairolero PC. Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms in high-risk patients. Surg Clin North Am. 1989;69:765-774; Fillinger MF. Abdominal aortic aneurysms: evaluation and decision making. In: Cronenwett JL, Johnston W, eds. Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2010; Rubin BG, Sicard GA. Abdominal aortic aneurysms: open surgical treatment. In: Cronenwett JL, Johnston W, eds. Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2010.
The dimensions of an aneurysm can change over time. Abdominal aortic aneurysms grow approximately 4 mm/yr.45 Aneurysmal vessel dimensions correspond to the law of Laplace:
where T = wall tension, P = transmural pressure, and r = vessel radius.
As the radius of a vessel increases, the wall tension increases. Therefore the larger the aneurysm, the more likely the risk of spontaneous rupture. As stated, aneurysms measuring more than 4 to 5 cm in diameter generally require surgical intervention,29 but aneurysms measuring less than 4 to 5 cm should not be considered benign. An aneurysm has the potential to rupture regardless of its size. As the diameter of the aneurysm increases in size, the risk of rupture increases, as shown in Table 25-2.
TABLE 25-2
Range of Potential Rupture Rates for a Given Size of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
AAA, Abdominal aortic aneurysm.
From Brewster DC, Cronenwett JL, Hallett JW Jr, et al. Guidelines for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms: report of a subcommittee of the Joint Council of the American Association for Vascular Surgery and Society for Vascular Surgery. J Vasc Surg. 2003;37:1106-1117.
Patient Preparation
Perioperative myocardial infarction is the most common reason for poor outcomes in noncardiac surgery. Optimization of myocardial oxygen supply and demand and modification of cardiac risk factors is the major goal of preoperative risk reduction. β-blockers, statins, and aspirin are the hallmark pharmacologic treatments for medical management. Prophylactic coronary revascularization is recommended only as per the same indications as the nonoperative setting. Preoperative cardiac testing is recommended only if interpretation of the results will change anesthetic management.46–48
Invasive Monitoring
Maintaining cardiac function is crucial for a successful surgical outcome; cardiac function should be closely monitored during abdominal aortic reconstruction. Invasive blood pressure monitoring permits beat-to-beat analysis of the blood pressure, immediate identification of hemodynamic alterations related to aortic clamping, and access for blood sampling. However, information obtained from pulmonary artery catheters has been shown to have low sensitivity and low specificity in detecting myocardial ischemia when compared with electrocardiographic and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). As previously discussed, pulmonary artery catheters are not routinely used unless a specific indication is warranted in these procedures.18,49
By detecting changes in ventricular wall motion, two-dimensional TEE provides a sensitive method for assessing regional myocardial perfusion. TEE is a primary method of intraoperative cardiac assessment in patients undergoing surgery on the heart and the aorta.46,50,51 Wall motion abnormalities also occur much sooner than electrocardiographic changes during periods of reduced coronary blood flow.52 Myocardial ischemia poses the greatest risk of mortality after abdominal aortic reconstruction. Intraoperative monitoring may enable earlier detection and intervention during ischemic cardiac events.
Aortic Cross-Clamping
Hemodynamic Alterations
During aortic cross-clamping, hypertension occurs above the cross-clamp and hypotension occurs below the cross-clamp. Aortic cross-clamping results in a series of complex metabolic and humoral responses involving the sympathetic and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone systems. There is an absence of blood flow distal to the clamp in the pelvis and lower extremities.6 Increases in afterload cause myocardial wall tension to increase. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and systemic vascular resistance (SVR) also increase. Cardiac output may decrease or remain unchanged. Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) may increase or display no change. Table 25-3 summarizes the physiologic changes associated with aortic cross-clamping.
TABLE 25-3
The Physiologic Changes Associated with Aortic Cross-Clamping
Hemodynamic Changes | Metabolic Changes | Intraoperative Interventions |
Increased arterial blood pressure above the clamp | Decreased total body oxygen consumption | Reduce AfterloadSodium nitroprusside Inhalation anesthetics Milrinone Shunts and aorta to femoral bypass |
Decreased arterial blood pressure below the clamp | Decreased total body carbon dioxide production | Reduce PreloadNitroglycerin Atrial to femoral bypass |
Increased wall motion abnormalities and left ventricular wall tension | Increased mixed venous oxygen saturation | Renal ProtectionFluid administration Mannitol Furosemide Dopamine N-acetylcysteine Renal cold perfusion |
Decreased ejection fraction and cardiac output | Decreased total body oxygen extraction | MiscellaneousHypothermia Decrease minute ventilation Sodium bicarbonate |
Decreased renal blood flow | Increased catecholamine release | |
Increased pulmonary occlusion pressure | Respiratory alkalosis | |
Increased central venous pressure | Metabolic acidosis | |
Increased coronary blood flow |
Adapted from Norris EJ. Anesthesia for vascular surgery. In: Miller RD, et al, eds. Miller’s Anesthesia. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2010; Fillinger MF. Abdominal aortic aneurysms: evaluation and decision making. In: Cronenwett JL, Johnston W, eds. Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2010.
Patients with adequate cardiac reserve commonly adjust to sudden increases in afterload without the occurrence of adverse cardiac events. However, patients with ischemic heart disease or ventricular dysfunction are unable to fully compensate, as a result of the hemodynamic alterations. The increased wall stress attributed to aortic cross-clamp application may contribute to decreased global ventricular function and myocardial ischemia. Clinically, these patients experience increases in PAOP in response to aortic cross-clamping. Aggressive pharmacologic intervention is required for restoration of cardiac function during this time. An algorithm that depicts the systemic hemodynamic responses to aortic cross-clamping is shown in Figure 25-1.
Metabolic Alterations
Traction on the mesentery is a surgical maneuver used for exposing the aorta. Mesenteric traction syndrome is associated with this procedure. Decreases in blood pressure and SVR, tachycardia, increased cardiac output, and facial flushing are common responses to mesenteric traction. Although the cause of this syndrome is unknown, it has been associated with high concentrations of 6-ketoprostaglandin F1, the stable metabolite of prostacyclin at the time of mesenteric traction.53 The 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 levels and hemodynamic stability return to preclamp values as reperfusion occurs.
The neuroendocrine response to major surgical stress is believed to be mediated by cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1B, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor, as well as plasma catecholamines and cortisol.54 These mediators are thought to be responsible for triggering the inflammatory response that results in increased body temperature, leukocytosis, tachycardia, tachypnea, and fluid sequestration. Patients who have an exaggerated plasma stress mediator release had longer operative and cross-clamp times and required a greater number of blood transfusions.
Effects on Regional Circulation
Structures distal to the aortic clamp are underperfused during aortic cross-clamping. Renal insufficiency and renal failure have been reported to occur after abdominal aortic reconstruction. Suprarenal and juxtarenal cross-clamping may be associated with a higher incidence of altered renal dynamics; however, reductions in renal blood flow occur even when aortic cross-clamping occurs below the renal arteries. Infrarenal aortic cross-clamping is associated with a 40% decrease in renal blood flow.55 Renal insufficiency more commonly occurs with suprarenal than infrarenal cross-clamping. Suprarenal clamp time longer than 30 minutes increases the risk of postoperative renal failure. These effects may lead to acute renal failure, which is fatal in 50% to 90% of patients who have undergone aneurysmectomies.56 Neither renal dose dopamine nor mannitol has been definitively proven to preserve or improve renal function postoperatively. Preoperative evaluation of renal function is the best method to assess and anticipate which patients may develop postoperative renal dysfunction. A complete evaluation of renal function is required during the preoperative period.
Spinal cord damage is associated with aortic occlusion. Interruption of blood flow to the greater radicular artery (artery of Adamkiewicz) in the absence of collateral blood flow has been identified as a factor that causes paraplegia in patients having AAA repair. The incidence of neurologic complications increases as the aortic cross-clamp is positioned in a higher or more proximal area. Somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) monitoring has been advocated as a method of identifying spinal cord ischemia. However, SSEP monitoring reflects dorsal (sensory) spinal cord function and does not provide information regarding the integrity of the anterior (motor) spinal cord.6 Motor evoked potential (MEP) monitoring is capable of determining anterior cord function. This monitoring modality relies on intact neuromuscular functioning for analysis, which limits its use in abdominal aortic aneurysmectomies because neuromuscular blocking drugs are routinely used. Alternative methods for reliable evaluation of spinal cord ischemia are still under investigation.57
Ischemic colon injury is a well-documented complication associated with abdominal aortic resections. Ischemia of the colon is most often attributed to manipulation of the inferior mesenteric artery, which supplies the primary blood supply to the left colon. This vessel is often sacrificed during surgery, and blood flow to the descending and sigmoid colon depends on the presence and adequacy of the collateral vessels. Mucosal ischemia occurs in 10% of patients who undergo AAA repair. In less than 1% of these patients, infarction of the left colon necessitates surgical intervention.56
Aortic Cross-Clamp Release
While the aorta is occluded, metabolites that are liberated as a result of anaerobic metabolism, such as serum lactate, accumulate below the aortic cross-clamp and induce vasodilation and vasomotor paralysis. As the cross-clamp is released, SVR decreases, and blood is sequestered into previously dilated veins, which decreases venous return. Reactive hyperemia causes transient vasodilation secondary to the presence of tissue hypoxia, release of adenine nucleotides,56 and liberation of an unnamed vasodepressor substance, which may act as a myocardial depressant and peripheral vasodilator. This combination of events results in decreased preload and afterload. The hemodynamic instability that may ensue after the release of an aortic cross-clamp is called declamping shock syndrome.58 Evidence demonstrates that venous endothelin (ET)-1 may be partially responsible for the hemodynamic alterations that accompany declamping shock syndrome. Venous ET-1 has a positive inotropic effect on the heart and a vasoconstricting and vasodilating action on blood vessels. Table 25-4 summarizes the most commonly observed hemodynamic responses to aortic declamping and therapeutic interventions.
TABLE 25-4
Hemodynamic Responses to Aortic Declamping and Therapeutic Interventions
Hemodynamic Changes | Metabolic Changes | Intraoperative Interventions |
Decreased arterial blood pressure | Increased lactate | Decrease anesthetic depth |
Decreased myocardial contractility | Increased total body oxygen consumption | Decrease vasodilators |
Decreased systemic vascular resistance | Decreased mixed venous oxygen saturation | Increase fluids |
Decreased central venous pressure | Increased prostaglandins | Increase vasoconstrictor drugs |
Decreased preload | Increased activated complement | Reapply cross-clamp for severe hypotension |
Decreased cardiac output | Increased myocardial depressant factors | Consider administration of mannitol and sodium bicarbonate |
Increased pulmonary artery pressure | Decreased temperature | |
Metabolic acidosis |
Adapted from Norris EJ. Anesthesia for vascular surgery. In: Miller RD, et al, eds. Miller’s Anesthesia. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2010; Fillinger MF. Abdominal aortic aneurysms: evaluation and decision making. In: Cronenwett JL, Johnston W, eds. Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2010.
The magnitude of the response to unclamping the aorta may be manipulated. Although SVR and MAP decrease, intravascular volume may influence the direction and magnitude of change in cardiac output. Restoration of circulating blood volume is paramount in providing circulatory stability before release of the aortic clamp.7,56,58–60 The site and duration of cross-clamp application, as well as the gradual release of the clamp, influence the magnitude of circulatory instability. For this reason, it is vital that communication between the anesthetist and the surgical team occurs. Partial release of the aortic cross-clamp over time often results in less severe hypotension. An algorithm depicting the systemic hemodynamic response to aortic unclamping is shown in Figure 25-2.
Surgical Approach
The standard approach for elective abdominal aortic reconstruction is the transperitoneal incision. The advantages of this route include exposure of infrarenal and iliac vessels, ability to inspect intraabdominal organs, and rapid closure.61 Unfavorable consequences associated with this approach include increased fluid losses, prolonged ileus, postoperative incisional pain, and pulmonary complications.
The retroperitoneal approach is an alternative to the standard route. Its advantages include excellent exposure (especially for juxtarenal and suprarenal aneurysms and in obese patients), decreased fluid losses, less incisional pain, and fewer postoperative pulmonary and intestinal complications. After implantation with a synthetic graft, the aortic adventitia is closed (Figure 25-3). In addition, the retroperitoneal approach does not elicit mesenteric traction syndrome.61 The reported limitations of this approach are unfamiliarity of surgeons with this technique, poor right distal renal artery exposure, and inability to inspect the integrity of the abdominal contents. Table 25-5 compares the standard and retroperitoneal surgical approaches.
TABLE 25-5
Comparison of Transperitoneal and Retroperitoneal Approaches
Modified from Sicard GA, et al. Retroperitoneal versus transperitoneal approach of repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms. Surg Clin North Am. 1989;69:795-806; Rubin BG, Sicard GA. Abdominal aortic aneurysms: open surgical treatment. In: Cronenwett JL, Johnston W, eds. Rutherford’s Vascular Surgery. 7th ed. Vol. 2. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2010.
Management of Fluid and Blood Loss
Extreme loss of extracellular fluid and blood should be expected with abdominal aortic aneurysmectomies. The degree of surgical and evaporative losses and third spacing will determine the magnitude of the patient’s fluid volume deficit. Furthermore, the surgical approach, duration of the surgery, and the experience of the surgeon affects the total blood loss. Most blood loss occurs because of back bleeding from the lumbar and inferior mesenteric arteries after the vessels have been clamped and the aneurysm is opened.56,62 The use of heparin also contributes to blood loss. Excessive bleeding, however, can occur at any point during surgery, and blood replacement is commonly administered during abdominal aortic resections.
Owing to the heightened awareness of transfusion-related morbidity, the use of autologous blood via a cell saver system is a standard procedure. Presently, three options are available for administering autologous transfusions: preoperative deposit, intraoperative phlebotomy and hemodilution, and intraoperative blood salvage. Preoperative deposit is becoming more feasible because asymptomatic aneurysms are being detected with greater frequency. Ideally, patients donate their own blood to minimize the intraoperative use of homologous blood products and the subsequent risk of transfusion-related viruses. With anemia and decreased hemoglobin, oxygen transport is decreased, thus making the patient with systemic vascular disease at increased risk for myocardial infarction and stroke. Autotransfusion systems may be used for replacing intraoperative blood loss. In a study at the Mayo Clinic in which intraoperative autologous red-cell salvage was used, 75% less banked blood was transfused. In a prospective study of 100 patients who underwent elective abdominal aortic resections, 80% of the patients received only their own blood.62
Presence of Concurrent Disease
The presence of underlying CAD in patients with vascular disease has been well documented. Reports suggest that CAD exists in more than 50% of patients who require abdominal aortic reconstruction and is the single most significant risk factor influencing long-term survivability.7,8,63–65 Myocardial infarctions are responsible for 40% to 70% of all fatalities that occur after aneurysm reconstruction.6,7,32,65 Preoperative cardiac evaluation begins with the identification of risk factors that may contribute to adverse cardiac events and subsequent death. When preoperative CAD exists, an increased incidence of postoperative adverse cardiac complications has been demonstrated.66
The end-point of any method of preoperative cardiac evaluation for aneurysmectomy is identification of functional cardiac limitations. Depending on the degree of cardiac dysfunction, preoperative optimization of cardiac function may range from simple pharmacologic manipulation to surgical intervention. The American College of Cardiology and the American Hospital Association guidelines on perioperative cardiovascular evaluation and care for noncardiac surgery are generally followed when preparing patients for these procedures. Optimizing patient preoperative pathophysiologic states as described in Box 25-4 minimizes the overall rate of morbidity and mortality.
Intraoperative Management
General Anesthesia
Circulatory stability is desirable for patients undergoing AAA reconstruction, especially for those with CAD. All inhalation anesthetics may depress the myocardium and cause hemodynamic instability. Therefore, high concentrations of inhalation agents in patients with moderate to severe decreased ejection fraction should not be used. Because the degree of myocardial depression is dose dependent, it is acceptable to administer inhalation agents at lower inhaled concentrations. Beneficial effects attributed to inhalation agents include the ability to alter autonomic responses, reversibility, rapid emergence, potentially earlier extubation, and neurologic- and cardioprotection.22 Cardiovascular stability provided by opioids has been well documented, and this feature is especially attractive for patients with ischemic heart disease and ventricular dysfunction. Provision of intense analgesia for the initial postoperative period after major abdominal vascular surgery (via the administration of neuraxial opioid) does not alter the combined incidence of major cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal complications.67 Despite the absence of direct myocardial depression, the sympathetic nervous system inhibition that ensues may decrease systemic vascular resistance and heart rate. Therefore, especially in an individual with a moderate to severely decreased ejection fraction, narcotics should be carefully titrated to the patient’s hemodynamic response.
Regional Anesthesia
The use of epidural anesthesia for abdominal aneurysmectomies is commonly considered. The benefits of epidural use include decreased preload and afterload, preserved myocardial oxygenation, reduced stress response, excellent muscle relaxation, decreased incidence of postoperative thromboembolism, increased graft flow to the lower extremities, decreased pulmonary complications, and improved postoperative analgesia. Potential disadvantages include anticoagulation and the possibility of epidural hematoma, and if local anesthesia is employed intraoperatively, severe hypotension during blood loss or declamping.23,68
Fluid Management
Maintaining intravascular volume may be an extreme challenge during abdominal aortic resections. Controversy exists regarding whether the administration of crystalloids or colloids affects the overall incidence of morbidity and mortality. Crystalloids may be used for replacing basal and third-space losses at an approximate rate of 10 mL/kg/hr.60 Blood losses initially can be replaced with crystalloids at a ratio of 3:1. The combination of crystalloid and colloid administration is also acceptable. Regardless of the choice of fluid, volume replacement must be dictated by physiologic parameters. Fluid replacement should be sufficient to maintain normal cardiac filling pressures, cardiac output, and urine output of at least 1 mL/kg/hr.7 Patients with limited cardiac reserve can develop congestive heart failure if hypervolemia occurs. As mentioned previously, cell saver blood retrieval is commonly used, and two large-bore intravenous lines in addition to a central venous catheter is warranted.
Renal Preservation
Mortality is four to five times greater in patients who develop acute kidney injury postoperatively. Mechanisms for preserving renal function during aortic cross-clamping include maintaining adequate hydration, avoiding severe and prolonged hypotension, and using renal protection agents such as mannitol, dopamine, furosemide, and N-acetylcysteine. With suprarenal clamp placement, the use of renal cold perfusion at 5° C of hypoosmolar crystalloid solution instilled into the kidney may be an effective renal protection strategy. The theorized mechanism is a decrease in renal metabolic rate resulting in a 7% reduction in oxygen consumption for each degree Celsius drop in temperature.55 However, the best predictor of postoperative renal dysfunction is based on the patient’s preoperative renal function.
Postoperative Considerations
Most patients require ventilatory assistance during the postoperative period. Vigilant monitoring of respiratory function is mandatory, especially when epidural catheters are used for postoperative analgesia. To address the significant number of serious postoperative complications, which are noted in Box 25-5, intensive and continuous assessment of the patient condition is vital. Patients are admitted to the ICU for high-acuity care.
Juxtarenal and Suprarenal Aortic Aneurysms
Although most AAAs occur below the level of the renal arteries, 2% extend proximally and involve the renal or visceral arteries.60,70 Juxtarenal aneurysms are located at the level of the renal arteries, but they spare the renal artery orifice. More proximal suprarenal aneurysms include at least one of the renal arteries and may involve visceral vessels. The effects of aortic cross-clamping for juxtarenal or suprarenal aneurysms are similar to those for infrarenal aortic occlusions; however, the magnitude of hemodynamic alterations increases as the aorta is clamped more proximally.
Paraplegia is possible when the blood supply to the spinal cord is interrupted by aortic cross-clamping at or above the level of the diaphragm. Increasing the MAP or decreasing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure by placing a catheter in the subarachnoid space to drain CSF may be used as a means to increase spinal cord perfusion pressure.7,69,70 Total body hypothermia and multimodal neurological monitoring including somatosensory and motor evoked potentials can be used to decrease the incidence of paraplegia. Neurologic deficits can become evident weeks after surgery. Box 25-6 summarizes the complications that may result from juxtarenal or suprarenal aortic occlusion.
Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
A high mortality rate of 80% to 90% is associated with a ruptured AAA, whereas postoperative mortality is estimated to range from 40% to 50%.71 Endovascular aortic repair is being used to treat ruptured AAAs and may decrease the overall mortality. The most common symptoms of ruptured AAAs include a triad of severe abdominal discomfort or back pain, hypotension, and a pulsatile mass.72 Other common symptoms include syncope, groin or flank pain, hematuria, and groin hernia. Risk factors associated with an increase in mortality in patients with a ruptured AAA are noted in Box 25-7.
Hypotension and a history of cardiac disease are two factors associated with the poorest prognosis.37,39 Patients with these symptoms should be immediately transferred to the operating room for surgical exploration. When hypotension is absent, more time is available for a comprehensive preoperative assessment and testing.

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