Chapter 38
Anesthesia for Ear, Nose, Throat, and Maxillofacial Surgery
The practice of anesthesia for the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) patient is both challenging and rewarding. The anesthesia practitioner is often required to make decisions regarding difficult airway management and must have the knowledge and skills to navigate abnormal and difficult anatomy. As a specialty, ENT presents specific concerns to the anesthetist in regard to the preparation and management of surgical procedures (Box 38-1). There are several essential goals when providing anesthesia for ENT and maxillofacial (i.e., plastics and dental) surgical procedures:
1. Possessing a thorough knowledge of the airway anatomy and function
2. Selecting and preparing for appropriate technique(s) and approach for airway management
3. Preventing and managing potential airway complications
4. Producing profound selective muscle relaxation during periods of extreme stimulation, yet maintaining the potential for rapid recovery (e.g., suspension laryngoscopy)
5. Maintaining cardiovascular stability during periods of intense surgical stimulation
6. Omitting neuromuscular relaxation for surgical procedures that require isolation of nerves
7. Preventing or containing airway fires
8. Minimizing intraoperative and postoperative blood loss
9. Preventing adverse respiratory and cardiac responses resulting from manipulation of the carotid sinus and body
10. Taking the appropriate postoperative measures to prevent and treat postsurgical airway obstruction
11. Avoiding or limiting the use of nitrous oxide during tympanoplasty or other closed-space grafting
Functional Anatomy of the Head and Neck
The anatomic structures of the head and neck and their relationships are complex (Figure 38-1). The sensory and motor supply of the upper airway originates from cranial nerves and includes the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, facial, and vagus nerves. Understanding the sensory supply is required to provide sufficient local and regional anesthesia. Likewise, motor function evaluated during and after surgical procedures may indicate trauma or damage to muscles. A thorough knowledge of which nerves control muscle function is essential to preventing such trauma.
The extensive vascular supply of the turbinates may lead to severe bleeding if the nasal airway or nasoendotracheal tube is not inserted along the superior margin of the hard palate. Congestion of the mucosal veins in the turbinates of the nose causes swelling of these tissues, reducing the size of the nasal cavity (most notably, the paranasal sinuses) and thus creating the feeling of “congestion” during respiration. Inadvertent palatine submucosal insertion of the nasoendotracheal tube can lead to severe bleeding or infection in the perioperative period if entry of the tube is forced or tissues are engorged. These paired sinuses include the sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, and maxillary sinuses. They not only serve as resonators for the voice but also filter, humidify, and warm the air during inspiration. These hollow structures are formed of low-density bone and are lined with a thin layer of mucous membranes, reducing the weight of the skull but making these bones more susceptible to fractures and cerebral spinal fluid leak secondary to facial trauma.1–3
The pharynx is composed of the terminal end of the nasopharynx, the oropharynx, and laryngopharynx or hypopharynx extending to the sixth cervical vertebra. The medulla inhibits respiration with swallowing; the pharynx then serves as a muscular tube that constricts, allowing the passage of food. The pharynx allows the smooth passage of air and functions as a modulator for the voice. The nasopharynx is continuous with the internal nasal cavities and extends to the soft palate. The nasopharynx communicates with the oropharynx and forms the posterior aspect of the throat. Major structures of the oropharynx include the base of the tongue, soft palate, uvula, and lymphatic structures (tonsils). The tonsils are the most sensitive areas of the oropharynx. Beginning with the anterior margin and progressing bilaterally and posteriorly, the oropharynx is defined by the soft palate, base of the tongue, uvula, palatine tonsils, and adenoids, forming Waldeyer’s ring.1–3
The complexity of the neuromuscular system, which controls the epiglottis, allows the isolation of the trachea from the esophagus during swallowing. Any interruption of this coordinated neuromuscular function of the epiglottis or of any other protective reflexes can provide a dangerous opportunity for the entrance of food or liquid into the larynx and lower airway. As food is squeezed posteriorly, an automatic swallowing reflex is initiated. The larynx is pulled superiorly, allowing the epiglottis to cover and protect the opening of the larynx.1 The epiglottis does not operate as a movable lidlike structure that falls to close the larynx during swallowing, as is often claimed. Passage of food into the trachea can occur if the muscles and protective elevation of the larynx become rigid or are changed due to nerve interruption. A series of reflex and involuntary processes mediated by the superior laryngeal, recurrent laryngeal, and glossopharyngeal nerves coordinates and regulates glottic closure during swallowing.1–3
The larynx is a rigid organ composed of three paired and three unpaired cartilages (arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform and thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis, respectively) and is supported by the hyoid bone. This hollow structure forms a reservoir distal to Waldeyer’s ring and provides the connection of the oropharynx to the trachea (Figure 38-2). The primary functions of the larynx are vocalization and articulation; secondarily, it provides protection of the airway and allows respiration.1 In the adult, the area of the vocal cords, or rima glottis, is the narrowest portion of the larynx. In children, the cricoid ring is the narrowest portion of the airway until approximately 10 years of age. Cuffed tubes are then generally recommended for those older than 8 to 10 years of age to allow for a better seal of the airway, prevent subglottic edema, and reduce the incidence of postoperative airway compromise.4
The facial nerve (VII) has six major branches: four anterior (temporal, zygomatic, buccal, and mandibular), one inferior (cervical), and one posterior (posterior auricular) branch. The facial nerve located at the tragus of the ear is the motor and sensory supply to the muscles for facial expressions. The zygomatic branch leaves the skull via the stylomastoid foramen and advances anteriorly over the maxilla. The corda tympani branch of the facial nerve conveys taste from the anterior two thirds of the tongue, and the more superficial tri-branched facial nerve controls facial expression. The trigeminal nerve begins at the gasserian ganglion and divides into three branches; they are the ophthalmic (the first division, V1), maxillary (the second division, V2), and mandibular (the third division, V3). All three divisions provide sensory and motor innervation to the nose, sinuses, palate, and tongue. They aid in the motor control of the face and in mastication.1–3
The superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerves are both branches of the vagus (X). The superior laryngeal nerve descends to the hyoid bone and then branches into the internal laryngeal nerve, which passes through the thyrohyoid membrane, and the exterior laryngeal nerve, which descends over the lateral thyroid cartilage to the distal trachea. The recurrent laryngeal nerve ascends from the vagus up the distal trachea, passing through the cricothyroid ligament into the proximal trachea and vocal cords. The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies between the trachea and esophagus and supplies sensory innervation to the trachea and vocal cords. This branch of the vagus nerve also affects vocal cord closure and sensory function up to the inferior aspect of the epiglottis. Stimulation of the epiglottis with the tip of a straight laryngoscope, blades, suction catheters, and placement of an endotracheal tube in the trachea can produce a vagal response.3 The paired and unpaired cartilages of the larynx are listed in Table 38-1. Nerve supply to the larynx is given in Table 38-2. The intrinsic muscles of the larynx, their nerve supply, and function are listed in Table 38-3. The extrinsic muscles of the larynx, their nerve supply, and function are listed in Table 38-4.1–5
TABLE 38-1
Paired and Unpaired Cartilages of the Larynx
Paired | Unpaired |
Arytenoid | Thyroid |
Corniculate | Cricoid |
Cuneiform | Epiglottis |
TABLE 38-3
Intrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
Muscle | Innervation | Function |
Cricothyroid | Superior laryngeal nerve | Tension and elongates vocal cords |
Thyroarytenoid | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Relaxes vocal cords |
Vocalis | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Relaxes vocal cords |
Posterior cricoarytenoid | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Abducts vocal cords |
Lateral cricoarytenoid | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Adducts vocal cords |
Transverse arytenoid | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Adducts vocal cords |
Aryepiglottic | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Closes glottis |
Oblique arytenoid | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Closes glottis; approximates folds |
TABLE 38-4
Extrinsic Muscles of the Larynx
Muscle | Innervation | Function |
Sternohyoid | Cervical plexus; C1, C2, C3 | Draws hyoid bone inferiorly |
Sternothyroid | Cervical plexus; C1, C2, C3 | Draws thyroid cartilage caudad |
Thyrohyoid | Cervical plexus; hypoglossal nerve; C1 and C2 | Pulls hyoid bone inferiorly |
Thyroepiglottic | Recurrent laryngeal nerve | Inversion of aryepiglottic fold |
Stylopharyngeus | Glossopharyngeal | Folds thyroid cartilage |
Inferior pharyngeal constrictor | Pharyngeal plexus; vagus | Aids swallowing |
Preparation and Considerations for Ear, Nose, and Throat Procedures
The Shared Airway and Considerations for Positioning
Operative procedures involving the airway, mouth, or bony structures of the face involve a true sharing of the airway between the surgeon and the anesthetist. Therefore, proper preparation requires planning and communication between the surgeon, surgical personnel, and the anesthetist prior to the surgical procedure. Sharing the airway with the surgeon also requires preparing and planning the use of the appropriate equipment. For example, during laryngoscopy the endotracheal tube may have to be smaller in diameter and moved to one side of the oropharynx to allow the surgeon to work around the tube and to facilitate the surgery. Many times the head of the table is rotated 90 to 180 degrees away from the anesthetist, resulting in a vulnerable airway to which the anesthetist may have little or no access. Of particular concern are the maintenance of adequate ventilation and patency of the anesthesia circuit and endotracheal tube. Extubation, disconnects, and leaks must be prevented. Adequacy of ventilation is constantly assessed by observing chest movement, auscultation, pulse oximetry, end-tidal CO2, and blood gas analysis. A sudden loss of breath sounds, rising inspiratory pressures, or a reduction in end-tidal CO2, particularly in the presence of a sharp reduction in inspiratory effort, may be due to a deflation of the endotracheal tube cuff, obstruction of the endotracheal tube, dislodgment of the endotracheal tube, a disconnection of the anesthesia circuit, or severing of the endotracheal tube during surgical dissection.5 When coupled with vigilance, the precordial or esophageal stethoscopes are simple devices that should not be overlooked; these devices, in addition to more sophisticated mechanical devices, help the anesthetist maintain assessment of the airway.
Orchestrating how the patient is turned so that the patient’s head is away from the anesthetist demands clear planning. The endotracheal tube should be secured with tape or suture to prevent removal. The invasive line tubing, intravenous access lines, monitoring devices, and breathing circuit require added length to extend to the patient without creating tension at the site before induction. The patient’s entire head is frequently draped and prepped into the surgical field, limiting access to the endotracheal tube and breathing circuit connections (Figure 38-3).
When repositioning of the head is necessary, communication between the surgeon and anesthetist is important to reduce the possibility of extubation, position change, or occlusion of the endotracheal tube. Signs of air leaks around the endotracheal tube (e.g., bubbling, the sound of air escaping, or the smell of anesthetic agent from the patient’s mouth) may well be more sensitive indicators than mechanical airway monitors. Occlusion of the endotracheal tube is best prevented but can be determined by good auscultation, watching chest wall motion, and monitoring inspiratory pressures and morphology of CO2 waveforms. The surgeon must communicate any changes in the surgical field, such as changing the position of a suspended or fixed laryngoscope, dark blood, manipulation of carotid bodies, or the need for a change in the patient’s head position.6 Increased inspiratory pressures or a rapid loss of inspiratory pressure, decreased oxygen saturation, changes in end-tidal CO2 measurements, or diminished breath sounds should, in turn, be communicated to the surgeon so that inspection of the airway and anesthesia circuit may be undertaken. If unable to arrive at a cause, undraping the patient may become necessary for a thorough examination of tube placement and connections or to find a leak in the anesthesia circuit that could compromise patient ventilation.
Procedures of the head and neck typically require access to all planes of the head by several members of the surgical team.7 Because a number of problems can be encountered with the intubated patient during the surgical procedure, the surgeon may elect to perform a tracheostomy, then place and suture a flexible endotracheal tube in a fixed position during the procedure. A heightened state of vigilance must be maintained for occlusions from mucous plugs or blood, disconnects, endotracheal tube fires, and other problems that may arise during the anesthetic. During some ENT procedures, the surgical team also may need access to the chest and abdomen for securing grafts for the esophagus or oral cavity. Often this requires the anesthetist to take residence at either the side of the patient or at the foot of the operating table (Figure 38-4). Providing a smooth transition with protection of the established airway and prevention of hypoxia are the primary concerns during movement of an operating table with an anesthetized patient.
Attention to simple practical points may prevent airway mishaps. At least one large-bore intravenous line, as well as arterial and central venous pressure lines, should be started on the nonoperative side, if possible on the side of the patient that will be nearest to the anesthetist during the procedure. This will prevent obstruction of flow due to the surgical procedure, afford easier access for drug administration and blood sampling, facilitate the manipulation or maintenance of lines during surgery, and allow the surgeon easy access to the operative field. If such lines must be placed on extremities opposite the anesthetist, adequate extensions should be placed before a change in position of the table to reduce the chance of lines being removed, infiltrated, or disconnected during movement. The calf of the leg may be used for noninvasive blood pressure measurements to prevent dampening of intravenous fluid flows in the upper extremities. Care must be taken to ensure that the measurement of the blood pressure takes into account variations in table changes from the horizontal position to prevent hypotension to vital organs. Monitoring of neuromuscular relaxation may be performed at locations other than the adductor pollicis. Stimulation of the tibial nerve produces flexion of the big toe and is similar to that of the adductor pollicis.8 Because ENT procedures may take more than 2 hours and can require significant fluid administration, monitoring urinary output with a Foley catheter may be included in the plan.
Specialized Equipment for Ear, Nose, and Throat Procedures
Endotracheal Tubes Designed for ENT Surgery
A number of endotracheal tubes are available for securing an airway. Standard endotracheal tubes equipped with flexible or straight connectors are acceptable for many ENT procedures. The diameter and length of the endotracheal tube (ETT) will affect ventilation and seal of the airway. Using a small-diameter ETT in a large adult airway will not only lead to less ventilation through increased resistance but also will allow only a small portion of the cuff to contact the trachea. Using specialized tubes with small diameters allows more even distribution of the cuff over the trachea during inflation. Several of these specially designed ETTs have found wide acceptance in ENT anesthesia. A variety of designs are used to limit encroachment of the ETT into the surgical field, prevent kinking of the ETT when severe angles are necessary, prevent fires in the airway during laser therapy, and provide maximal patient ventilation and safety.9
A number of ETTs have been introduced for use in ENT anesthesia. The purpose for the evolution of these various types of ETT cuffs was to reduce cuff pressure on the tracheal wall and allow for improved tracheal perfusion, reduced tracheal injury, and more convenient airway access. Preformed right-angled ETTs, in cuffed and noncuffed types, are available for either oral or nasal intubation of adults or children. Oral Ring, Adair, and RAE tubes (named after inventors Ring, Adair, and Elwyn) are an excellent choice for cleft palate repair, tonsillectomy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, and procedures of the eye or upper face. Nasal RAE tubes are particularly well suited to maxillofacial surgery that does not allow for oral intubation. The nasal RAE can be used for cosmetic procedures of the face, surgical procedures of the oral cavity and mandible, or to correct malocclusion. However, although the preformed bend in the RAE tube prevents the ETT from kinking in many instances, it may be too distal or proximal for an individual patient’s airways. This then allows the tip of the ETT to rest well below or above the carina. A careful check of the breath sounds and inspiratory pressures is imperative after intubation with the RAE to ensure proper positioning. Nasal intubation and placement of a nasogastric tube in the unconscious patient with facial trauma is best avoided to prevent possible penetration of the brain.10,11
Anode, armored, reinforced, and Kant Kink tubes all have an embedded coiled wire or plastic coil strand to produce a tube with greater flexibility and memory. Armored tubes for oral or nasal intubation resist kinking and retain their original integrity. They are useful when acute neck flexion or severe angles of the ETT are required, as in procedures involving the base of the skull or posterior aspect of the neck. However, several reports suggest that even the edentulous patient can on occasion occlude a reinforced ETT.12 Several varieties of metal-impregnated tubes are available for use with laser surgery; these are designed to reduce the occurrence of an airway fire (Figures 38-5 and 38-6). The cuff of the laser tube is usually filled with saline to dampen or prevent the ignition. In addition, it is recommended that the cuff be filled with dyed saline so that a cuff perforation is readily apparent. Wrapping a standard ETT with reflective tape is not an adequate alternative to these commercially prepared tubes because the wrapped standard ETT will dry and lead to greater flammablility.13
Although not classified as an endotracheal tube, the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) and intubating laryngeal mask airway may be used to facilitate intubations as well as control the airway. The LMA does not produce tracheal stimulation, which can be a considerable advantage in ENT procedures. The incidence of coughing on emergence is lower with the LMA than with the endotracheal tube. Another advantage of the LMA is the ability to insert the device without the use of neuromuscular blocking agents or for airway rescue situations. Although LMA is contraindicated in some patients with laryngeal pathology, it is often the airway of choice when dealing with patients with pharyngeal pathology. Indications for LMA use in ENT surgery include a conduit for surgical access to the glottis and trachea, an aid to neurologic monitoring to avoid relaxant use, and as a means to isolate the glottis from bleeding from pharyngeal sources.14
Special Considerations for Ear, Nose, and Throat Procedures
The use of local anesthetics is particularly prevalent during nasal and sinus surgery. The most commonly used local anesthetics for ENT surgery include the amide-based drugs. Many procedures are performed using topical and local anesthesia as the sole agent, in combination or supplemented with monitored anesthesia care, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia. Table 38-5 gives some topical local anesthetics commonly used in ENT surgery. Determination of doses of local anesthetics administered by injection and topically must be carefully calculated because more than one agent in various combinations are commonly used.
Additional information regarding local anesthetics for injection and topical use can be found in Tables 10-7, 10-8, and 10-9.
Vasoactive Drugs
The duration of action of a local anesthetic is proportional to the time the drug is in contact with nerve fibers. For this reason, epinephrine in varying concentrations (1:200,000 or 5 mcg/mL; 1:100,000 or 10 mcg/mL; and 1:50,000 or 20 mcg/mL) may be added to local anesthetic solutions to produce vasoconstriction. Vasoconstriction limits systemic absorption and maintains a higher drug concentration in the vicinity of the nerve fibers to be anesthetized, thus extending the effects of the local anesthetic. Addition of epinephrine to a local anesthetic prolongs the duration of blockade and decreases systemic absorption and plasma concentrations, thus decreasing toxicity.15
It is estimated that in the United States, topical cocaine (4% to 10% solution) anesthesia is used in more than 50% of ENT procedures performed annually—specifically rhinolaryngology procedures.16 Cocaine is a naturally occurring ester of benzoic acid that is hydrolyzed by plasma cholinesterase. Applied topically, it is an excellent local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor. The duration of action is approximately 45 minutes.15 Cocaine produces vasoconstriction by blocking catecholamine reuptake into the adrenergic nerve ending, resulting in vasoconstriction and shrinking of the mucosa. Epinephrine is also injected for ENT procedures and is usually injected shortly after the application of cocaine. This combination of cocaine and epinephrine sets the stage for a significant interaction. Because cocaine that is absorbed into the plasma can block the uptake of epinephrine systemically, a toxic effect of epinephrine can result from the injection. This interaction can result in severe headaches, hypertension, tachycardia, and dysrhythmias.17
Glucocorticoids may be administered preoperatively and intraoperatively to decrease laryngeal edema formation, reduce nausea and vomiting, and prolong the analgesic effects of local anesthetics. They should be administered as early as possible in the perioperative period so as to reach their peak effect prior to initiating surgery. The use of steroids may reduce the nausea and vomiting experienced after surgery. Dexamethasone was also reported to prolong the analgesic effects of local anesthetics.18 It has been postulated that prostaglandins, histamine, and other mediators increase the permeability of local vessels, changing nociception at the site of trauma and leading to the sensation of pain. Steroids inhibit the production of prostaglandins and therefore reduce pain. Although the use of steroids may be beneficial, they can also create sufficient immunosuppression to mask inflammation or infection.
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
All patients are at risk for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). ENT procedures, particularly of the middle ear, are associated with a high incidence of PONV.19 Patients experiencing PONV are uncomfortable after surgery, their discharge may be delayed from the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), or they may have an unscheduled hospital admission. The accumulation of blood in the posterior oropharynx, which may drain into the stomach or be swallowed during the postoperative period, can lead to PONV. This frequently occurs during throat procedures such as tonsillectomy. Packing the back of the throat with surgical packs during the procedure can prevent some drainage into the stomach. Care must be taken that the patient is awake, all surgical packs are removed, and suctioning of the airway precedes the extubation process, producing a clear airway and ensuring the control of protective airway reflexes. A multimodal approach is advocated to attenuate PONV in ENT patients.20,21
Special Anesthetic Techniques Associated with ENT Procedures
Deliberate Controlled Hypotension
Extensive dissection is required for many head and neck tumors, with operative times extending to 12 or more hours. Considerable fluid replacement, blood loss, electrolyte imbalances, and cardiovascular and respiratory changes may occur during surgery. The surgeon may request deliberate controlled hypotension to reduce blood loss. Patients must be individually evaluated prior to controlled hypotension to determine a safe mean pressure. The effects of common intravenous controlled hypotensive techniques are compared in Table 38-6.22,23 The practice of controlled hypotension focuses on reducing the mean arterial pressure to some predetermined level related to the limits of cerebral and systemic autoregulation. The mean pressure is not usually allowed to fall below 60 mmHg, maintaining cerebral and renal autoregulation, as well as adequate coronary artery blood flow. Patients with chronic hypertension may require a higher mean pressure to maintain adequate perfusion.23 Regardless of the technique or medication chosen, it is imperative that urine output, mean arterial blood pressure, cerebral and cardiac perfusion pressure, and arterial blood gases be closely monitored and maintained. When using hypotensive anesthesia, an arterial line is required. Hypotensive techniques are also used with endoscopic sinus surgery. It has been noted that better operating conditions are achieved when moderate hypotension is produced with a vasoconstrictor such as a beta blocker than when vasodilating agents are used.24
TABLE 38-6
Common Intravenous Agents for Hypotensive Techniques
Drug and Dosage | Advantages | Disadvantages |
Sodium nitroprusside Variable age- and anesthetic-dependent effects Young adults: 1-5 mcg/kg/min Children: 6-8 mcg/kg/min | Potent; reliable; rapid onset and recovery; cardiac output well preserved | Reflex tachycardia; rebound hypertension; pulmonary shunting; cyanide toxicity possible |
Esmolol 200 mcg/kg/min to achieve 15% reduction of mean arterial pressure | Particularly useful to control tachycardia | Potential for significant cardiac depression |
Nitroglycerin Adults: 125-500 mcg/kg/min Children: 10 mcg/kg/min | Preserves myocardial blood flow; reduces preload; preserves tissue oxygenation | Increases intracranial pressure; highly variable dosage requirements |
Nicardipine 5 mcg/kg/min | Ca++ channel blocker Preserves cerebral blood flow | |
Remifentanil with propofol Remifentanil: 1 mcg/kg IV then continuous infusion 0.25-0.5 mcg/kg/min Propofol: 2.5 mg/kg IV then infusion of 50-100 mcg/kg/min | Remifentanil reduces middle ear blood flow, creating a dry surgical field for tympanoplasty Propofol may help reduce PONV | No analgesic effect once remifentanil infusion discontinued |
PONV, Postoperative nausea and vomiting.
Modified from DeGoute CS. Controlled hypotension: a guide to drug choice. Drugs. 2007; 67(7):1053-1076.
Select Techniques Commonly Used in Ent Procedures
Anesthesia and laser surgery is also discussed in Chapter 43; however, some specific issues concerning lasers are relevant to ENT surgery. Laser technology has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. The two most common lasers used in ENT surgery are the CO2 and Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet); recently the argon laser has become a popular choice as well.25 Laser light is different from standard light. Whereas standard light has a variety of wavelengths, lasers have only one wavelength (monochromatic). Laser light oscillates in the same phase, or all the photons are moving in the same direction (coherent), and its beam is parallel (collimated). The wavelength of the Nd:YAG laser beam is shorter as it passes through the garnet than that of the CO2 laser. The shorter wavelength allows less absorption by water and therefore less tissue penetration. For example, the shorter wavelength of the Nd:YAG allows the laser light to pass through the cornea, whereas the longer wavelength of the CO2 laser would burn the cornea. Laser light emits a small amount of radiation and can be infrared, visible, and ultraviolet in the spectrum. Lasers enable very precise excision, produce minimal edema and bleeding, and are favored by surgeons for resection of tumors and other obstructions of the airway. For operations in and around the larynx, the CO2 laser is frequently used because of its shallow depth of burn and extreme precision.13 The CO2 laser produces a beam with a relatively long wavelength that is absorbed almost entirely by the surface of these tissues, vaporizing cellular water. Intermittent bursts of the CO2 laser produce intense, precisely directed energy that results in a clean cut through the target tissue with a minimal amount of penetration of surrounding tissue. A low-energy helium-neon laser is commonly used to aim or direct CO2 laser beams.
The majority of surgical fires occur during head and neck surgery. This is due to the presence of oxygen and the extensive use of lasers. The use of laser technology mandates taking measures to ensure the safety of the patient and operating room personnel (Box 38-2). Specific concerns include eye protection with appropriate colored glasses, avoidance of the dispersion of noxious fumes, and fire prevention. Stray or reflected beams of the Nd:YAG laser are capable of traversing the eye to the retina; therefore, green-lensed eye protection for all personnel is mandatory during use of the Nd:YAG laser. All persons in the operating room must wear goggles specifically designed to absorb Nd:YAG laser beams. The required protective eyewear for CO2 lasers can be any clear glass or plastic that surrounds the face. Orange-red eye protection is required for the potassium-titanyl phosphate (KTP) laser, and orange glasses are required for the argon laser.
When tissues are cut by a laser, the smoke and vapors that are formed are called laser “plume.” This plume is an environmental concern and potentially toxic to operating room personnel. When the tissues vaporized by the laser are malignancies or viral papilloma, the concern arises as to whether these vapors are even more dangerous to operating room personnel if not removed from the environment. Because this issue remains under investigation, it is judicious to suction the laser plume and not allow it to circulate into the room.
The prevention of combustion within the airway is of primary concern. Fire in the airway is relatively uncommon (0.4%), and it is usually due to penetration of the laser through the ETT, which exposes the beam to a rich oxygen supply. Nitrous oxide, although not flammable, also supports combustion and can propagate the flame.26

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