Key Points
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The use of ambulatory surgery continues to increase, mostly as a result of less invasive surgical techniques, improved patient selection and preparation, and an expansion of office-based practice.
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Few absolute contraindications exist to ambulatory surgery. Patients should not be excluded on the basis of arbitrary limits, such as age, body mass index, or American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classification system.
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Effective preoperative assessment is required to evaluate and prepare patients and is essential for the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient ambulatory surgical care.
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Many anesthetics and techniques can be used for ambulatory surgery. Of prime importance, provider experience and careful attention to detail are required to deliver high-quality rapid recovery with minimal side effects.
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Spinal anesthesia may extend the range of patients and procedures suitable for ambulatory surgery, but it requires the use of small doses of bupivacaine combined with opioids or short-acting local anesthetics to avoid prolonged recovery.
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Sedative techniques can facilitate a wide variety of procedures performed in the hospital, office, or remote settings. However, sedation is no safer than general anesthesia and requires the same standards of personnel, monitoring, and perioperative care as for patients undergoing general or regional anesthesia.
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Multimodal analgesia, using combinations of local or regional anesthesia, acetaminophen, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, provides effective relief of pain. The reduced need for opioids decreases the incidence and intensity of adverse effects.
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Antiemetic prophylaxis should be based on individual patient risk. Multimodal regimens are required for patients and procedures known to be associated with increased risk for perioperative nausea and vomiting.
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Patients should be discharged with written instructions concerning aftercare, return to normal activities, follow-up evaluation, and a contact telephone number. This advice must include early warning signs and the appropriate action to take.
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Ambulatory surgery remains very popular with patients with infrequent rates of adverse events and complications.
Ambulatory surgery has its origins in Glasgow, Scotland, where, between 1898 and 1908, James Henderson Nicoll performed almost 9000 ambulatory surgical procedures on children, nearly half of whom were younger than 3 years of age. Contrary to the prevailing philosophy, which advocated prolonged bed rest after surgery, Nicoll encouraged early mobilization and home follow-up by a visiting nurse to reduce high cross-infection rates and overcome bed shortages and financial constraints. A few years later, Ralph Milton Waters opened his Downtown Anesthesia Clinic in Sioux City, Iowa, allowing adult patients to return home within a few hours of difficult dental extractions, abscess drainage, or reduction of minor fractures. Further progress was slow until the dangers of prolonged bed rest and the economic advantages of shorter stays began to be recognized toward the middle of the twentieth century. The first hospital-based ambulatory surgical units were opened in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1951, and in Los Angeles, California, in 1952, and somewhat later at London’s Hammersmith Hospital in the United Kingdom in 1969. At the same time, the first freestanding ambulatory surgery center opened in Phoenix, Arizona, rapidly followed by many others across North America in the 1970s and 1980s.
The development of ambulatory anesthesia as a recognized subspecialty was enhanced by the formation of the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA) in 1984 and the British Association of Day Surgery in 1989. These and nine other national societies came together in 1995 to form the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS), an umbrella organization dedicated to the worldwide promotion of ambulatory surgery.
Ambulatory surgery has expanded far beyond the performance of simple procedures on healthy patients. Currently, a broad range of major procedures are performed on patients who frequently have complex preexisting medical conditions. The availability of improved anesthetic and analgesic drugs minimizes the anesthetic side effects and facilitates the recovery process, as do the increasing availability of minimally invasive surgical techniques. Equally important has been a philosophical change that challenged outdated and conservative practices, demanding unnecessary postoperative inpatient admission. Ambulatory surgery now accounts for approximately 80% of the elective surgeries in the United States. Ambulatory surgery also constitutes a large proportion of elective surgical activity in the United Kingdom and increasingly in many other countries worldwide, although rates for individual procedures still vary.
Although ambulatory surgery is widely practiced, the precise definition can vary across countries and healthcare systems. For consistency, we have used the definition proposed by the cofounder of the IAAS: “A surgical day case is a patient who is admitted for investigation or operation on a planned non-resident basis and who none the less requires facilities for recovery. The procedure should not require an overnight stay in a hospital bed.” This definition requires the patient to be managed with the intention of same-day discharge from the outset, in addition to admission, operation, and discharge all occurring on the same calendar day. Including management intention in the definition ensures no incentive is provided to discharge a planned inpatient at short notice, who would be without all of the preparation and support required for optimal postoperative care.
Short-stay surgery embraces all of the principles of ambulatory surgery and includes a postoperative overnight hospital stay. Extended observation may be prudent for certain patients with significant comorbidities, lack of social support, or for those who have undergone a procedure that is either too extensive or performed too late in the day to be compatible with same-day discharge. We have included short-stay surgery in this chapter because the objectives of minimizing physiologic disturbance to improve the quality of recovery and reduce the length of stay are the same as those of ambulatory surgery and much of the perioperative management is similar.
Benefits of Ambulatory Surgery
In order for surgery to be performed on an ambulatory basis there must be reduced tissue trauma, enhanced recovery with minimal adverse events, and the provision of effective postoperative analgesia, appropriate information, and postoperative support. Patients appreciate the more efficient scheduling of surgery, and the comfort and convenience of recovering in the familiar home environment. There are also financial advantages associated with ambulatory surgery due to the elimination of costs associated with overnight admission. In both the United States and the United Kingdom, procedures that are compatible with ambulatory surgery receive the same payment (from insurance companies and regional budget holders, respectively), irrespective of the length of stay. Therefore, if a patient does stay overnight, the extra costs are borne by the facility. Since 2010 in the United Kingdom, a higher level of funding has been available for an increasing number of procedures when performed on an ambulatory basis, in order to incentivize best practice and finance any necessary pathway redesign.
Facilities for Ambulatory Surgery
In the United States, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) provides guidelines for ambulatory surgical facilities, including statements pertaining to adherence to local regulations, staffing requirements, and minimum equipment standards. Quality standards are set and enforced by government regulation, licensing, or accreditation. In the United States and Canada, hospital-based ambulatory surgical facilities receive accreditation through The Joint Commission (TJC), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program. Ambulatory surgery centers and office-based surgery locations can receive accreditation through the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, or TJC. In the United States, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has its own inspection program in addition to accepting accreditation decisions from the listed organizations.
A multitude of designs exist for ambulatory surgical facilities. Some have been purpose designed, and others have evolved by adapting existing facilities. The facilities delivering ambulatory care services also vary by country, but they can be broadly categorized into four models of care, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Hospital Integrated
The simplest model of ambulatory surgery is one with shared inpatient surgical facilities, but with separate areas for preoperative preparation and recovery of ambulatory patients. This model of care is most often inefficient and brings the risk for ambulatory procedures being delayed or even canceled in favor of urgent or emergent inpatient procedures. However, by dedicating certain operating sessions to ambulatory surgery and using strict protocols, efficiency in one such unit has been described as almost equal to that of a self-contained unit. The design is flexible, allowing the proportions of ambulatory and inpatient surgery to vary from day to day, and, as new procedures are transferred to ambulatory surgery, it does not require duplication of equipment and skills in a separate facility.
Hospital Self-Contained
These self-contained units are functionally and structurally separate from inpatient facilities with their own reception, admission areas, operating rooms, recovery areas, and administrative facilities. This design promotes a patient-focused flow of care. It ensures functional separation from urgent and emergency work while maintaining the accessibility of resources available in the main hospital. In many ways it is an ideal model of care. However, the local capacity for ambulatory surgery may be reached, and duplication of operating room equipment and skills may then occur for those procedures still commonly performed on both an ambulatory and inpatient basis.
Freestanding ambulatory surgery centers ensure complete separation of perioperative care from inpatient and emergency work. This improves efficiency and allows complete focus on a workflow designed for ambulatory care. While rare perioperative complications may occur that require elevation of care or additional resources, appropriate patient selection and preparation minimize this risk. Some freestanding units have the capacity for overnight stays to provide additional nurse-monitored recovery. However, all freestanding units must have a detailed plan for the care of patients who need urgent or emergent transfer to a nearby hospital. Ambulatory surgery centers vary from highly specialized, single-surgery facilities performing ambulatory total joint replacements or bariatric procedures to those that can accommodate multiple specialties and support a variety of service lines.
Performing ambulatory surgery, diagnostic procedures, or both in a facility associated with a physician’s office is a rapidly expanding model of care within the United States. The main advantages are increased convenience for the patient and surgeon, and lower total procedure costs. Office-based services and facilities have historically been subject to less regulatory requirements when compared to those imposed on ambulatory surgery centers. Furthermore, they may have more significant limitations with respect to equipment, personnel, and environment along with reduced capability when managing perioperative complications. These limitations, however, are rapidly changing. In the United States, physician offices that provide services that include procedures involving moderate to deep sedation or general anesthesia may be subject to state regulatory requirements for accreditation and adherence to standards with respect to governance, facility environment of care, availability of equipment, credentialing of staff, and continued medical education for personnel. A more detailed discussion of office-based anesthesia can be found later in the chapter.
Patient Selection Criteria
Surgical Factors
The development of minimally invasive surgery, improvements in surgical technique and pain control, and the availability of shorter-acting anesthetics have dramatically increased the range of surgical procedures compatible with same-day discharge. While the duration of surgery has traditionally been a determinant of outcome, the extent of surgical trauma now appears to be the more significant determinant. There should be no expectation of significant blood loss, large perioperative fluid shifts, or the need for complex or specialized postoperative care. Surgical complications remain the single greatest cause of unanticipated hospital admission. In the United States and the United Kingdom, an overnight stay for patients who have undergone an ambulatory surgery procedure in any venue receives no additional payment, so the extra costs are borne by the facility. The British Association of Day Surgery publishes a directory of over 200 different surgical procedures and suggests aspirational targets for the proportions of each that are suitable for either ambulatory or short-stay surgery. A selection of these are shown in Table 72.1 .
Specialty | Examples of Surgical Procedures |
Breast surgery | Excision/biopsy including wide local excision, sentinel node biopsy, simple mastectomy, microdochectomy, and other operations on nipple |
General surgery | Perianal fistulae, pilonidal sinus, hemorrhoidectomy, open or laparoscopic hernia repair, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, adrenalectomy, splenectomy, fundoplication, gastric banding |
Gynecology | Cervical surgery, laparoscopic tubal ligation, oophorectomy, hysterectomy, anterior and posterior repair |
Head and neck | Dental procedures, excision of salivary glands, thyroidectomy, and parathyroidectomy |
Ophthalmology | Cataract surgery, strabismus surgery, vitrectomy, nasolacrimal and all eyelid surgery |
Orthopedics | Diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopic surgery, anterior cruciate ligament repair, carpal tunnel release, bunion surgery, fracture reductions and removal of metalwork, lumbar microdiscectomy, minimally invasive hip surgery, unicompartmental knee surgery |
Otolaryngology | Myringotomy and tympanoplasty, rhinoplasty, procedures on nasal septum and turbinates, polypectomy, adenotonsillectomy, laryngoscopy, and endoscopic sinus surgery |
Urology | Endoscopic bladder and ureteric surgery, transurethral laser prostatectomy, circumcision, orchidectomy, laparoscopic nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, and prostatectomy |
Vascular surgery | Varicose vein surgery, dialysis fistula creation, transluminal arterial surgery |
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is now a routine ambulatory surgical procedure in many countries, and increasingly same-day discharge is seen as safe and beneficial after a variety of advanced laparoscopic procedures, including fundoplication, hysterectomy, nephrectomy, pyeloplasty, radical prostatectomy, and gastric banding. Minimally invasive approaches have also facilitated same-day discharge following unicompartmental knee and hip arthroplasty. One series of 2000 patients undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for morbid obesity reported 84% being discharged within 23 hours with a readmission rate of less than 2%.
Even specialties like neurosurgery, traditionally associated with complex inpatient care, have begun to embrace day surgery. Same-day discharge of selected patients undergoing awake craniotomy for supratentorial tumors was first described in 2001. More recently, some patients requiring general anesthesia for tumor resection and even aneurysm clipping have been discharged on the day of surgery. Increasingly, a number of non-elective procedures, such as abscesses, incarcerated hernia repairs, and appendectomies, are being managed through day surgery pathways. In parallel, several less invasive procedures, such as diagnostic or therapeutic hysteroscopy, are moving from ambulatory surgery into the procedure room, outpatient clinic, or office.
While postoperative pain control in the home environment may present substantial challenges, perhaps the greatest barrier to the development of ambulatory surgery is conservatism, based on incorrect perceptions and concern about serious complications that might occur following discharge. For example, despite convincing data that most primary hemorrhages are evident within 6 to 8 hours of tonsillectomy, an overnight stay is still routine in some countries while others discharge 80% of patients or more on the day of surgery. Similarly, ambulatory thyroid surgery was first shown to be safe and effective in 1986, yet its widespread adoption has been slow, predominantly because of concerns about bleeding and airway compromise. Such complications are rare, especially when surgery is undertaken by specialists who perform a high volume of cases with assiduous hemostasis, allowing short times to discharge to be achieved. Performing thyroidectomy under local anesthesia also appears to increase ambulatory surgery rates, perhaps because of the careful surgical technique required. In the case of breast surgery, concerns about postoperative psychological support has delayed transfer of mastectomy and other cancer operations into ambulatory care in the United Kingdom, although it is now recognized that early discharge improves the psychological well-being of these patients by minimizing the time away from home. Challenging conventional wisdom also may be beneficial; for example, discontinuing the routine use of drains after mastectomy or axillary node clearance does not increase morbidity, including from wound seroma, while facilitating same-day discharge. Day surgery management of breast cancer is associated with fewer complications than inpatient care.
Medical Factors
In the past, ambulatory surgery has relied on relatively rigid patient selection criteria in the attempt to limit the occurrence of postoperative complications. In practice, however, most of these criteria predict the occurrence of treatable perioperative adverse events, but not the need for unanticipated admission or readmission. Although an index combining age, length of surgery, and preexisting conditions, such as peripheral or cerebrovascular disease, can identify a group at higher risk for hospital admission, the specificity is poor and same-day discharge is still the most likely outcome. Ambulatory surgery is very safe, with a perioperative mortality less than 1 in 11,000, better than that in the general population. More recent studies have confirmed the continuing safety of ambulatory surgery, despite increasing surgical and patient complexity.
Relatively few absolute contraindications now exist to ambulatory surgery. Patient suitability should be assessed on the basis of overall health, taking into account both the risks and benefits of early discharge, and certainly not determined by arbitrary limits, such as age, body mass index (BMI), or ASA physical status. Chronic conditions should be relatively stable and must be optimally treated before any elective procedure, irrespective of the planned postoperative management. Many stable chronic diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, or epilepsy, are often better managed by the patients than by the perioperative team, and ambulatory surgery facilitates this by easing the disruption to their daily routine. A distinction should be made between preexisting conditions that make a patient more difficult to manage on the day of surgery and those that increase the occurrence of late postoperative problems, which are a relative contraindication to ambulatory surgery.
A good example is obesity, which is associated with numerous perioperative problems for the surgeon, anesthesiologist, and operating room personnel (see also Chapter 58 ). Safe care of the obese patient may require the availability of experienced staff and specialized equipment, such as longer instruments and wider operating trolleys but any risks are resolved soon after immediate recovery and are not prevented by postoperative overnight hospitalization. Obese patients benefit from ambulatory management with early mobilization, the use of short-acting drugs, and avoidance of opioid analgesia. Obesity does not increase the rate of unanticipated admission, postoperative complications, readmission, or other unplanned contact with health professionals following discharge. Even morbid obesity (BMI > 40 kg/m 2 ) and super obesity (BMI > 50 kg/m 2 ) are no longer considered absolute contraindications to same-day discharge. Obesity increases the likelihood of further comorbidities, but these should be evaluated individually.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs in the general population but is much more common in obesity. Nonetheless, most cases can be managed safely and effectively on an ambulatory basis. Perioperative problems such as difficult tracheal intubation and airway obstruction should be anticipated. However, patients undergoing more invasive surgery, especially involving the chest or airway, or those requiring large doses of perioperative opioids, may be less suitable. Frequently, OSA is suspected but has not yet been definitively diagnosed and treated. A simple questionnaire, supplemented with some basic measurements (e.g., STOP-Bang), can identify most patients at high risk for OSA, but there is insufficient evidence to recommend delaying surgery until the diagnosis is confirmed. In children, OSA is now one of the main indications for tonsillectomy and this has been seen as a relative contraindication to ambulatory surgery. However, one recent study has shown that same-day discharge is still safe in the absence of other comorbidities.
Medical and social problems increase with age and should be evaluated and managed individually rather than applying an arbitrary upper age limit for ambulatory surgery. The risk for death or readmission within 7 days of surgery in patients over 65 years of age are 41/100,000 and 2.53%, respectively. Although somewhat more frequent than values from younger patients, the major risk factors appear to be very advanced age (older than 85 years of age), more invasive surgery, and recent inpatient hospital care. The frequency of perioperative adverse cardiovascular events also increases with age. Overall, older patients had a twofold increase in the risk for intraoperative adverse cardiovascular events; however, this was seen not as a contraindication to ambulatory surgery but rather as indicating the need for more careful intraoperative management. In contrast, the incidence of postoperative complications seems to be reduced in older patients. In particular, older patients appear to experience far less postoperative pain, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting than younger patients, and do not require a higher rate of unplanned admission or readmission. One study suggests a reduced incidence of postoperative cognitive dysfunction in older patients after ambulatory surgery compared to similar procedures performed on an inpatient basis, presumably because of the use of short-acting anesthetic techniques and reduced separation from their familiar home environment. Reducing length of hospital stay after hip and knee surgery appears to confer similar benefits.
At the other age extreme, the lower limit for ambulatory surgery may vary depending on the expertise and specialization of the individual facility. Premature babies have a higher risk for postoperative apnea, and hence ambulatory surgery may be inadvisable until they have reached an appropriate postconceptual age (PCA). Evaluation of several historic and retrospective studies suggests the risk for postoperative apnea is less than 5% once PCA exceeds 48 weeks, provided gestational age was at least 35 weeks, the infant was not anemic, and no apnea occurred in the recovery room. However, because considerable variability exists in the incidence of apnea and the relatively small sample size of these studies, the PCA at which risk becomes acceptably low is controversial, with a value of 60 weeks most commonly taken as the cutoff for ambulatory management. Caffeine administration appears to markedly reduce the incidence of postoperative apnea in babies who were premature, but this is not seen as a substitute for careful patient selection. Spinal anesthesia may offer advantages to infants who were premature undergoing abdominal surgery in the first week of life, but it is distressing to the infant and has a high (28%) failure rate. Compared with older studies involving more soluble anesthetics, sevoflurane and desflurane were associated with lower rates of postoperative apnea after hernia surgery in infants born at less than 37 weeks gestation and under 47 weeks PCA. Although no airway interventions were required to manage apnea, episodes still occurred throughout the 12-hour postoperative observation period and were equally common with either anesthetic.
Cardiovascular Disease
Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease and has been a frequent cause for delay and cancellation of ambulatory surgery. Although hypertension is an important risk factor for long-term health, a meta-analysis of nearly 13,000 patients showed that it increased the risk for perioperative complications by only 1.35 times, an amount that may be clinically insignificant. In ambulatory surgery patients, hypertension resulted in an approximate 2.5-fold increase in the risk for perioperative cardiovascular events, but these were relatively minor. Hypertension is not an independent risk factor for perioperative cardiovascular complications if the diastolic pressure is less than 110 mm Hg. Higher arterial blood pressures may predispose to perioperative ischemia, arrhythmias, and cardiovascular lability, but no clear evidence indicates that deferring surgery reduces perioperative risk. In the United Kingdom, patients with documented blood pressures below 160 mm Hg systolic and 100 mm Hg diastolic in the community can be accepted for elective surgery without further measurement. In practice, poorly controlled hypertension is usually identified at the preoperative evaluation and can be treated before surgery is scheduled. Delaying surgery until hypertension is controlled is unlikely to be beneficial.
Patients with known hypertension should continue to take their chronic medication, especially β-adrenergic blockers. β-Adrenergic blockers should not be abruptly stopped, and it may be more likely that they will be unintentionally omitted if patients are advised to take all of their cardiac medications up to and including the day of surgery. Controversy surrounds angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It has been considered “reasonable” to continue these, as any hypotension after induction of anesthesia is usually transient and responds to intravenously administered fluids and repeated vasopressor administration. However, evidence is accumulating of an increase in mortality, stroke, and myocardial injury if ACEIs and ARBs are continued, and current practice is to hold these on the day of surgery.
Patients are generally unsuitable for ambulatory surgery if they have severe unstable angina that causes marked limitation of activity or pain at rest. In the absence of complications, such as arrhythmias or ventricular dysfunction, cardiac risk after myocardial infarction or revascularization procedures returns to baseline after 3 months. Exercise tolerance is a major determinant of perioperative risk and the inability to climb a flight of stairs (∼4 metabolic equivalent tasks of activity) is highly predictive (89%) of a postoperative cardiopulmonary complication.
Patients taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs require careful evaluation to balance the risk for perioperative bleeding against the risk in withholding therapy. For minimally invasive procedures, the international normalized ratio can be briefly decreased to the low or subtherapeutic range, with the usual dose of oral anticoagulation resumed immediately after the procedure. , If the risk for bleeding or thromboembolism is high, low-molecular-weight heparin can be used as bridging therapy. Patients are increasingly being managed with oral direct thrombin or factor Xa inhibitors (e.g., dabigatran, apixaban, rivaroxaban, and edoxaban). The effects of these agents are not reliably measured by commonly used coagulation tests, such as prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time, but their shortened half-lives may make bridging therapy unnecessary. Antiplatelet therapy should be continued for the recommended intervals in patients with bare metal and drug-eluting coronary artery stents, because premature discontinuation is associated with a 25% to 30% risk for stent occlusion, which in turn has a more than 60% risk for myocardial infarction and 20% to 45% risk for death.
Social Factors
In general, if a patient’s living arrangements were adequate before surgery, they should also be suitable after surgery. Some adaptations may be necessary if the patient’s mobility is severely compromised by their procedure—for example, by the use of casts. Access to a telephone to summon assistance is a minimum requirement, but is rarely problematic with the ubiquitous availability of mobile telephones. Patients usually live within a reasonable traveling distance of the surgical unit, but this may be impractical in rural or sparsely populated areas. Journeys of hundreds or thousands of miles are not unheard of in parts of Scandinavia after ambulatory surgery. For patients who live far away, consideration should be given to the provision of emergency care close to home and for the comfort of the patient during the journey. Patients who choose to travel long distances after ambulatory surgery usually are very satisfied with their care. Hospital hotels, which provide nearby accommodation but little or no nursing care, are a higher-cost alternative for the patient and have largely been abandoned as an impractical option.
A universal safety feature is to require all patients having surgery under general anesthesia or sedation to be discharged with a responsible adult escort and the recommendation to have someone stay with them for the next 24 hours. If the 24-hour companion is mandated, patients often disregard postoperative instructions and send their escorts away if they feel well at home. In the United States, it is standard practice to require that patients who have received other than unsupplemented local anesthesia be discharged with a responsible adult ; if not, surgery is postponed. A Canadian single-institution study reported discharging patients alone when their escort fails to arrive, yet this practice did not appear to increase emergency room visits or readmission rates within 30 days. The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland has suggested that an escort may be required in most (but not all) cases, with exceptions when the surgery is relatively minor and anesthesia brief so the patient is not compromised by the sedative effects of anesthesia or analgesia by the time of discharge. If patients are discharged alone, they should not drive themselves home ; several serious accidents have occurred, especially after the use of sedative doses of benzodiazepines.
Preoperative Assessment
The Role of Preoperative Assessment
An effective preoperative assessment process is essential for the delivery of safe, high-quality, and efficient ambulatory surgery. Rather than trying to select specific, low-risk groups of patients, ambulatory surgery is increasingly seen as the default option for a wide range of surgical procedures, with inpatient care chosen only for those with insurmountable barriers to early discharge. Other than identifying this small group of patients, preoperative assessment is primarily required to evaluate and optimize patients and to provide appropriate information ( Table 72.2 ). These assessment and optimization functions can be further distilled into two key questions: “Is there any benefit to this patient of being in hospital overnight after surgery?” and “Is there anything that needs to be done to enable this patient to be a day case?”
Function | Examples |
| Inability to identify a responsible carer other than for minor surgery with full and rapid recovery anticipated; severe uncorrectable cardiovascular disease |
| Patient requires further investigation, therapeutic modification, or intervention to improve functional status; identify a friend, relative, or neighbor to act as carer |
| Potentially difficult intubation necessitating advanced airway management skills; malignant hyperpyrexia susceptible patient requiring trigger-free anesthetic; latex allergy; obese patient requiring operating table/trolley with high weight limit and extra width |
| Written information on preoperative preparation, medication management, preoperative fasting, etc. |
Mechanisms and Timing of Preoperative Assessment
The timing of preoperative assessment is crucial, because it must be done early enough in the pathway to allow for any necessary investigations and optimization without delaying the planned procedure. This becomes increasingly difficult as the interval between the decision to operate and the date of surgery becomes shorter. Ideally, preoperative assessment should immediately follow the decision to operate, by providing a “one-stop shop.” This type of service, in which preoperative assessment immediately follows the surgical consultation, is highly valued by patients, although it can be difficult to manage because of variations in the demand for the service. An alternative is to use a basic screening tool to identify those patients who can proceed directly to surgery and those who require further investigation or management ( Fig. 72.1 ).

A case can be made for all patients to be seen in a preoperative assessment clinic; however, in practice this places a major demand on resources and is also inconvenient for patients who may need to take additional time off work. Screening allows many patients to undergo assessment by telephone or questionnaire, with clinic attendance required only if unexpected problems are uncovered or if requested by the patient. When telephone assessment was chosen for all young healthy patients scheduled for minor breast surgery, only 2% of patients had problems identified that required further assessment in the ambulatory surgery center. By using a computerized information-gathering and triage tool, combined with some basic information about the planned procedure, approximately onethird of ambulatory patients did not need to see an anesthesiologist before the day of surgery. This approach eliminates the need for a face-to-face assessment before the day of surgery but does not eliminate an evaluation of the patient’s medical information in advance of surgery. In contrast, advance face-to-face preoperative assessment is more advisable for older patients, in whom multiple comorbidities, polypharmacy, and social problems are all more likely. Early discharge planning is also important for older patients, to address environmental issues that can be improved to support recovery.
In the United Kingdom, preoperative assessment is usually performed by nurses working closely to protocols and supported by anesthesiologists who provide advice and personally assess the more complex patients. In the United States, anesthesiologist-led, protocol-driven preoperative assessment is often used for healthy patients having minor procedures. However, these preoperative evaluation clinics are frequently used in US hospitals, not just for ambulatory patients with more complex medical or surgical issues but also for the majority of inpatient surgery cases that are admitted on the morning of surgery. More complex patients have their anesthesia preassessment performed by an anesthesiologist. A comprehensive preoperative history and physical evaluation by a physician extender is often also provided in the preoperative assessment clinic for the surgeon. Using a physician extender to assist in preoperative evaluation maintains patient safety and satisfaction, promotes flexibility with scheduling of providers, and increases staff satisfaction. Appropriately trained nurses were just as effective as trainee medical staff in detecting information likely to influence subsequent patient management, but they ordered significantly fewer unnecessary tests.
Patients generally rate their preoperative assessment clinic experience very favorably, with their greatest concerns relating to waiting times. Scheduling appointments of approximately twice as long for patients of ASA physical status grades III and IV than for those of grades I and II has been shown to reduce backlogs and maximum waiting times for preoperative evaluation to an acceptable level of about 10 minutes.
Preoperative Investigation
The history and physical examination remain key elements of preoperative risk assessment, despite the availability of more sophisticated technologies. In fact, most useful information can be obtained from the history, supplemented by simple observation of the patient. Basic physical examination, such as routine chest auscultation, is often considered unhelpful in adult ambulatory surgery patients, because findings that are unaccompanied by symptoms or functional limitation do not alter management. Although aortic stenosis may remain asymptomatic until it is quite severe, chest auscultation may be unreliable in its detection. In one high-risk population, 31% of patients without a detectable murmur nevertheless had some degree of aortic stenosis that was moderate or severe in 10% of cases, whereas 31% of patients with a suggestive murmur did not have aortic stenosis on echocardiography. Ten patients with severe aortic stenosis (valve area 1 cm 2 or less, gradient 35-58 mm Hg) tolerated an unmodified anesthesia regimen for electroconvulsive therapy on 144 occasions without problems, suggesting that ambulatory surgical patients with undiagnosed aortic stenosis may not inevitably be at excessive risk, when combined with appropriate procedure selection.
It is recognized that routine laboratory investigations are unhelpful because they may generate false-positive results or do not alter subsequent management. In addition, such tests increase costs, are unpleasant and time-consuming for patients, and may lead to repeat testing with even further expense and delays. Consequently, many authorities recommend selective testing, based on indications from the patient’s clinical evaluation and demographics.
Although comorbidities become more prevalent with age, additional preoperative testing for older patients may still be unnecessary. In patients 70 years of age or older, routine preoperative blood test results were not predictive of postoperative complications. While preoperative electrocardiograms of patients over 50 years of age detected abnormalities, such as bundle branch blocks, predictive of postoperative myocardial infarction, the recordings did not provide additional predictive value to that obtained from the patient history. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence no longer advocates patient age be used as a criteria for routine preoperative testing and also recommends few, if any, tests for healthy patients undergoing minor or intermediate surgery. One large pilot study demonstrated that the elimination of all preoperative testing resulted in no increase in adverse events in the perioperative period and did not alter the rate of unanticipated admission or readmission within 30 days compared to indicated testing.
Patient Preparation
Preoperative assessment plays a fundamental role in preparing patients for their ambulatory surgery experience. This may include ensuring appropriate social support is in place, checking that preexisting conditions are optimally treated, and providing information.
Provision of Information
Patients need to be informed about what will happen on the day of surgery, because a well-prepared patient is likely to be more relaxed and more satisfied with the service provided. A well-informed patient is also more likely to comply with important instructions and protocols, such as fasting intervals and management of regular medications. Many patients are disproportionately worried about highly unlikely outcomes, such as death and awareness, yet somewhat less concerned about more common consequences such as nausea, vomiting, and postoperative discomfort. The preoperative discussion should help to allay the anxiety associated with unlikely risks. It was found that a specially designed website with text, animation, and video significantly increased patients’ knowledge about anesthesia when compared with a combination of verbal and written information.
Patients should be given specific information, preferably supplemented in writing, about how to manage their usual medications in the preoperative period. Some drugs (e.g., warfarin) should be stopped several days before surgery and some hypoglycemic agents omitted before surgery. However, other important medications should not be omitted. , ,
Information about medications should include over-the-counter and herbal products, which are commonly used but often regarded by patients as harmless and safe. Despite some serious consequences and interactions associated with herbal medications, not all practices specifically ask and advise patients about these products on a routine basis. (see also Chapter 33 ).
Preoperative Fasting
Almost universal agreement now exists that the safe fasting interval for clear liquids is no more than 2 hours, in contrast to 6 hours for light meals. These fasting intervals result in safe gastric volumes even in obese adults, children, and patients with diabetes and gastrointestinal (GI) reflux. Indeed, a 2-hour interval is probably conservative, given that the stomach empties clear fluids exponentially, with a half-time of approximately 10 minutes.
Despite guidelines based on decades of research, implementation remains poor, with many patients fasting for excessive periods and experiencing significant discomfort. Rather than focusing on a minimum fasting time, patients should be encouraged to keep drinking until the latest time necessary for safety to reduce preoperative dehydration and its associated consequences. In practice, this may mean asking patients to have a drink just before they leave home or even providing a drink on arrival if surgery is still more than 2 hours away. Advising patients to drink on the morning of surgery also makes it easier for them to take their medications. Milk added to tea or coffee does not appear to delay gastric emptying and, in the United Kingdom, may provide more palatable choices of preoperative beverage. The US practice is for clear fluids only. Recently, it has been shown that allowing patients unrestricted access to water right up until they were called to the operating room significantly reduced the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) without increasing the occurrence of clinically-significant pulmonary aspiration. Practices such as chewing gum before surgery also may not be harmful. No consistent evidence exists of a clinically important increase in gastric volume associated with gum chewing in adults, while in children it may promote gastric emptying and could also serve as a useful route for premedication.
Besides feelings of thirst and hunger, excessive fasting also results in hypoglycemia in significant numbers of patients, with 14% of fasted healthy female ambulatory surgical patients having an admission blood glucose value of 45 mg/dL (2.5 mmol/L) or less. Preoperative oral carbohydrates have been shown to improve subjective well-being, reduce thirst and hunger, and reduce postoperative insulin resistance, although convincing evidence of reduced length of stay is lacking, at least for shorter procedures.
Premedication traditionally refers to the administration of medications to relieve anxiety before surgery. However, the term encompasses any medication given in the preoperative period and therefore includes prophylactic analgesia and antiemesis agents, as well as drugs used to promote gastric emptying or counteract acid secretions.
Management of Anxiety
The use of anxiolytic premedication is now uncommon in ambulatory anesthesia, probably because of concerns that these medications will delay recovery. In fact, one meta-analysis found no evidence that anxiolytic premedication delayed the discharge of ambulatory patients, although impaired performance in some tests of psychomotor function was found and the authors questioned the relevance of some of the older studies to modern ambulatory practice now that short-acting anesthetics are the norm.
Anxiety is nevertheless common in ambulatory surgery patients, with up to twothirds showing symptoms. A preoperative consultation more than 2 weeks before surgery can reduce patient anxiety and improve satisfaction, especially if the anesthesiologist was perceived as empathic. Patient satisfaction was further improved when their intraoperative care was provided by the same anesthesiologist who performed the preoperative consultation.
Anxiolytic Premedication
Given that anxiety was commonly reported, doubtless some patients will benefit from anxiolytic premedication, but what is the optimal regimen? Oral midazolam provided more anxiolysis than temazepam but also produced more sedation and amnesia, resulted in more oversedated patients, and delayed recovery. Oral alprazolam produced comparable anxiety reduction to midazolam without causing amnesia, but it also caused greater impairment of psychomotor function in the early postoperative period. Neither anxiolytic premedication delayed clinical recovery, but this may be a relatively crude assessment tool, because recovery primarily depends on other factors. Intravenous midazolam given shortly before induction of anesthesia reduced both anxiety and postoperative nausea. Such relatively late administration will not reduce anxiety while the patient waits preoperatively, but may be useful in a patient who needs to have an uncomfortable procedure before surgery, such as mammographic needle localization, in which satisfaction with both the procedure and subsequent breast biopsy was improved.
Premedication is more commonly used in children. In one investigation, premedication with oral midazolam 0.2 mg/kg reduced emergence agitation associated with sevoflurane anesthesia without significant delay in recovery, and doses up to 0.5 mg/kg did not delay recovery. However, other patients have experienced delayed recovery at this dose while not always having a reduction in anxiety. The less stringent recovery endpoints needed for children compared with the independent functioning needed for adults should be kept in mind. Premedication with oral midazolam may itself provoke anxiety in children, but giving the child a small toy to play with first has been shown to be effective in reducing this anxiety. Unfortunately, the effect of the toy as an alternative to midazolam was not evaluated. Play therapy and distraction can be more effective than midazolam in reducing anxiety in children, although this may require an elaborate approach. A preoperative educational program portrayed as a “Saturday morning club” also reduced anxiety, although the authors questioned whether the benefits achieved were worth the time and resources required. A simpler and highly effective approach is to allow children to watch age-appropriate video clips or movies during anesthetic induction with intravenous (South Korea) or inhaled (Canada) techniques. A preoperative educational DVD also encouraged more positive parental involvement during the recovery period and reduced children’s postoperative pain.
Because of variable efficacy and the potential for delayed recovery, alternatives to benzodiazepine premedication have been sought. In children, oral transmucosal fentanyl reduced preoperative anxiety and postoperative agitation, but a high incidence of predictable side effects, such as PONV and delayed discharge, limited its usefulness. Selective α 2 -adrenergic agonists have potentially useful sedative and analgesic effects, yet despite years of study they still have no clearly defined role in ambulatory surgery in which their advantages outweigh the risks for adverse events. Clonidine is commonly used in pediatric practice, particularly to reduce agitation during emergence, but the promising results of clinical trials do not always translate well into routine clinical practice and its effects on induction anxiety are less persuasive.
Analgesic Premedication
Ambulatory patients are commonly premedicated with prophylactic oral analgesia in the expectation of achieving analgesic levels in the early postoperative period. Because the duration of action of acetaminophen (paracetamol) is relatively short (4-6 hours), it is unlikely to provide worthwhile postoperative analgesia, other than for an extremely short procedure. When patients received oral acetaminophen 1 g an hour before arthroscopic knee surgery, barely a third had plasma levels in the therapeutic analgesic range 30 minutes after arriving in recovery, whereas therapeutic levels were consistently achieved with intraoperative intravenous administration.
The nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are consistently more effective as analgesic premedicants. Some evidence indicates that NSAIDs have a small preemptive analgesic effect (i.e., they achieve a superior effect if given before rather than after surgery), although one of the studies most strongly supporting this conclusion has been called into question. Preoperative parecoxib followed by postoperative valdecoxib significantly reduced the opioid analgesic requirements and the incidence of opioid-related adverse effects after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. As well as providing effective postoperative analgesia, etoricoxib premedication had an anesthetic-sparing effect during ambulatory ankle surgery. Using a common dental model of postoperative pain, preoperative ibuprofen, diclofenac, and acetaminophen with codeine effectively controlled early postoperative pain. Similarly, rofecoxib and ketorolac were equally effective in controlling postoperative pain after ambulatory surgery, as were ibuprofen and ketorolac. Sustained-release preparations of NSAIDs improve convenience by allowing earlier preoperative administration and a prolonged postoperative effect. Modified-release ibuprofen 1.6 g delayed the time until rescue analgesia was required after ambulatory third molar surgery in contrast to standard ibuprofen. Several of these NSAIDs (and most cyclooxygenase-2 [COX-2] inhibitors are unavailable in the United States.
Selective COX-2 inhibitors are no more effective and offer few advantages over traditional NSAIDs in ambulatory surgery. Despite any inhibition of platelet function, the amount of blood loss seen during high-risk surgery, such as tonsillectomy, was not reduced in comparison with nonselective NSAIDs. Nonetheless, COX-2 inhibitors are preferred by surgeons, so age-appropriate doses of oral celecoxib are used as premedication in the United States. Attempts to limit GI adverse effects, which are rare in acute use, has introduced other side effects and led to some drugs being withdrawn. Selective COX-2 inhibitors may be better tolerated in patients with aspirin-sensitive asthma.
Several other drugs have been evaluated for premedication. Controlled-release oxycodone did not improve pain scores or reduce opioid requirements within 24 hours of ambulatory gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. In combination with ibuprofen, pregabalin 150 mg reduced median pain scores at rest and in motion after gynecologic laparoscopic surgery, but did not reduce postoperative analgesic requirements. Perioperative administration of pregabalin 75 mg provided short-lived pain reduction after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and a meta-analysis confirmed limited analgesic benefit, no reduction in opioid side effects, and increased sedation from its use. Even less effective was pretreatment with magnesium sulfate 4 g, which had no impact on postoperative pain or analgesic consumption in patients undergoing ambulatory ilioinguinal hernia repair or varicose vein surgery.
Prophylactic Antiemetics
Patients at moderate-to-frequent risk for PONV should receive prophylactic antiemetics. Preoperative steroids can provide both analgesic and antiemetic prophylaxis. Some investigators have given dexamethasone as premedication, but it is more usually given after induction of anesthesia to reduce administration side effects.
Antacid and Gastrokinetic Premedication
The incidence of aspiration of gastric contents is infrequent in fasted elective surgical patients. Despite improvements in several surrogate measures, insufficient evidence exists of clinical benefit (i.e., a reduction in morbidity or mortality from aspiration) to recommend the routine use of antacids, metoclopramide, H 2 -receptor antagonists, or proton pump inhibitors before elective ambulatory surgery. Patients who are receiving these medications chronically should take them before surgery. Patients who regularly suffer from significant acid reflux in the fasted state will also benefit from the head-up tilt position during induction of anesthesia. This approach also may be useful in the super-morbidly obese patient undergoing bariatric surgery, in whom the use of prophylactic proton pump inhibitors and sodium citrate may be considered.
Anesthetic Techniques
Choice of Technique
Ambulatory surgery requires the same basic standards as inpatient surgery in terms of facilities, staffing, and provision of equipment for delivery of anesthetic drugs, monitoring, and resuscitation. Quality, safety, efficiency, and the cost of drugs and equipment are all important considerations in choosing an anesthetic technique for ambulatory surgery. The choice of specific anesthetic drugs or techniques should enable appropriate and controllable intraoperative conditions followed by rapid recovery with minimal side effects and a prompt return to normal psychomotor activity. Achieving these aims also requires careful attention to the details of analgesia, antiemesis, and fluid management, and requires experienced staff to deliver a high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective service.
No single ideal anesthetic drug or technique for ambulatory surgery exists, and the choice depends on both surgical and patient factors. General anesthesia commonly remains the most popular technique with both patients and surgeons, in some cases despite clear benefits of local or regional anesthetic techniques. Spinal anesthesia can be useful for lower extremity and perineal procedures, but must be modified for use in the ambulatory setting by the use of low-dose techniques or short-acting drugs to prevent delays in discharge because of residual motor or sympathetic block. Infiltration of local anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, or both facilitate the recovery process by reducing postoperative pain and minimizing the need for opioid analgesics after general anesthesia and should be used whenever possible. Many ambulatory procedures also can be performed using local anesthetic techniques, supplemented, if necessary, with sedatives or analgesic drugs, or both.
General Anesthesia
General anesthesia remains a popular choice with patients, surgeons, and anesthesia providers. Induction of general anesthesia is typically achieved with a rapid and short-acting intravenous anesthetic, although inhaled induction is often used in children and needle-phobic adults. Intravenous drugs are also popular for maintenance of anesthesia, especially where the availability of target-controlled infusion (TCI) systems simplifies delivery, but the use of short-acting inhaled anesthetics, usually without nitrous oxide (N 2 O), is more common due to greater ease of administration and lower risk of intraoperative awareness. No single anesthetic technique is clearly superior for ambulatory surgery. Other factors, such as the experience of the anesthesiologist, the use of adjuvant drugs, and the art of anesthesia, are still important to deliver the best quality care.
Intravenous Anesthesia
Methohexital is of little more than historical interest while the long duration of thiopental means it has little or no role in ambulatory anesthesia. The same applies to benzodiazepines and ketamine when used at the doses needed to induce general anesthesia. Etomidate is associated with myoclonus, pain on injection, and a high incidence of PONV. Although reformulation of etomidate in a lipid solvent can reduce some of these disadvantages, persisting concerns about suppression of adrenal steroidogenesis have curtailed its use. The search for new and improved intravenous anesthetic drugs has seen several promising compounds evaluated, but no really novel anesthetics have yet become available and propofol remains the most practical intravenous anesthetic for ambulatory anesthesia.
Propofol has many of the properties of an ideal anesthetic induction drug and is popular because it rapidly and smoothly induces anesthesia without airway irritation and results in a rapid recovery with an infrequent incidence of early PONV and a clear head. Propofol has some disadvantages, however, including pain on injection, involuntary movements, transient apnea, and hypotension after induction of anesthesia. Numerous strategies have been proposed to reduce pain on injection, of which the use of a large antecubital vein or pretreatment with lidocaine in conjunction with venous occlusion are the most effective, and superior to altering the formulation of propofol.
Some of the adverse effects of propofol can be minimized by reducing the propofol dose by coinduction with adjuvant drugs, the most common being midazolam. Pretreatment with midazolam 0.1 mg/kg allowed anesthesia to be induced with a decreased propofol dose and also attenuated the resultant hemodynamic changes. A substantial decrease in the propofol dose can be achieved even when midazolam is administered up to 10 minutes before induction of anesthesia, a technique that also can make the induction experience for the patient more pleasant. However, this approach may delay recovery. Midazolam 0.03 mg/kg halved the required propofol dose but significantly impaired psychomotor recovery, even though awakening times were not delayed. Coinduction with short-acting opioids, such as alfentanil, can improve the quality of induction and ease of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) insertion, but at the expense of an increased incidence of hypotension and prolonged apnea. Similarly, fentanyl reduced propofol dose and improved conditions for LMA insertion, but also prolonged respiratory depression. Furthermore, the use of 1 μg/kg or fixed doses of 75 μg to 100 μg of perioperative fentanyl increase the incidence of PONV. Giving an initial bolus of 30 mg of propofol reduced the total propofol induction dose to a degree similar to that achieved by 2 mg of midazolam. This technique, which has been termed propofol autocoinduction, can reduce propofol dose and hypotension to a degree comparable to that with midazolam pretreatment but without delaying recovery. Following the concepts of opioid minimization and enhanced recovery after surgery, propofol coinduction can also be performed with intravenous lidocaine.
The pharmacokinetics of propofol allow it to be used as a variable rate infusion to maintain anesthesia, either in association with N 2 O or combined with alfentanil or remifentanil as total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). Recovery after anesthesia maintained with propofol is typically no faster compared to volatile anesthetics after an induction dose of propofol, and initial awakening may be delayed compared to that with the shorter-acting inhaled anethetics. These differences in emergence times are no more than 2 to 3 minutes and so not of clinical significance. Recovery to home readiness may occur up to 15 minutes sooner after propofol than isoflurane but is no faster than sevoflurane or desflurane. There are conflicting reports on whether propofol may be more or less likely than inhaled anesthetics to impair cognitive dysfunction after ambulatory anesthesia in older patients. One consistent feature of propofol anesthesia is a less frequent incidence of early PONV in contrast to the use of inhaled anesthetics. However, even this benefit has been described as of doubtful clinical relevance, except when the baseline incidence of PONV is very high. The reduction in PONV achieved by TIVA, specifically the use of propofol and the omission of N 2 O, was similar to that produced by the use of single-drug antiemetic prophylaxis. Furthermore, any reduction in PONV appears to be confined to the early recovery phase as propofol use for ambulatory surgery does not alter the rate of unanticipated hospital admission and increases the incidence of nausea following discharge, probably because long-acting antiemetics (e.g., dexamethasone) had not been given.
Outside of the United States, delivery of propofol is increasingly performed by TCI, which makes the delivery of propofol easier, with fewer interventions required by the anesthesiologist, in contrast to manual infusions. However, it does not improve the quality of anesthesia, shorten recovery time, or reduce adverse events, although the quality of trials performed to date is poor. A further issue is that TCI systems calculate the predicted plasma propofol concentration and considerable variation exists between this and the actual measured value. Further sources of error are introduced when the effect site, rather than the plasma concentration, is targeted. Currently two different pharmacokinetic models are in common use, both derived from healthy subjects. The choice of model may make relatively little difference in the young, fit patient, but performance differs considerably in older patients and neither model is reliable in the morbidly obese. Even newer pharmacokinetic models developed specifically with data from obese patients have a tendency to underestimate plasma propofol concentrations.
Inhaled Anesthetics
Volatile anesthetics remain the most popular choice for the maintenance of ambulatory anesthesia because of their ease of administration, controllability, and rapid emergence. Halothane and enflurane are now of historical interest only, and use of isoflurane has declined considerably as less-soluble, shorter-acting drugs have become available.
The low solubility and minimal airway irritation of sevoflurane make it a readily controllable, short-acting anesthetic for ambulatory surgery. In contrast to isoflurane, sevoflurane resulted in significantly earlier awakening and orientation, caused less postoperative drowsiness, and facilitated earlier discharge by an average of 25 minutes. Compared to propofol, orientation occurred earlier but the time to home readiness was similar. The lack of airway irritation with sevoflurane means that rapid increases in inspired concentration are well tolerated, facilitating control of anesthetic depth. This is in contrast to the cough reflex and transient increases in heart rate and blood pressure, which sudden changes in isoflurane or desflurane concentration may provoke.
Lack of airway irritation makes sevoflurane almost ideal for inhaled induction, which may be especially desirable in children and needle-phobic adults. An 8% bolus induction of sevoflurane in adult patients can be faster than with propofol, with a similar rate of different side effects. Sevoflurane induction also caused significantly less depression of mean arterial pressure than propofol in older patients and was equally as well accepted as an induction choice. Using sevoflurane for volatile induction and maintenance of anesthesia (VIMA) has several benefits for ambulatory patients, but is associated with a greater incidence of PONV than when propofol is used for induction, maintenance, or both, of anesthesia. This appears to be in part due to coadministered opioids, which are rarely needed with VIMA, because omitting the opioids minimizes the problem. In children, the rapid emergence from sevoflurane (and desflurane) anesthesia is associated with a high incidence of emergence delirium, especially if inadequate measures are in place to control postoperative pain. Numerous strategies have been evaluated to reduce emergence delirium. Midazolam premedication is ineffective, but supplemental use of fentanyl 1 μg/kg, propofol, ketamine, and α 2 -adrenergic agonists all reduce agitation to some degree. Although emergence delirium is undesirable, it is not associated with any long-term consequences and does not delay recovery room discharge. There is insufficient evidence of adequate quality to show whether propofol TIVA reduces the risk of behavioral disturbances (or PONV) compared with inhaled anesthesia.
With its low blood solubility, desflurane should be an ideal anesthetic for ambulatory anesthesia. However, metaanalysis of 25 randomized studies showed that patients receiving desflurane followed commands, had their trachea extubated, and were oriented only 1.0 to 1.2 minutes earlier than those receiving sevoflurane for up to 3.1 hours. No differences were found in recovery room stay or incidence of PONV. Concerns about the more frequent incidence of airway irritation with desflurane may limit the rapidity with which anesthetic depth can be altered, although relatively few problems were encountered in patients spontaneously breathing desflurane through an LMA when coadministered with fentanyl. Although desflurane has lower fat solubility than sevoflurane, the rate of diffusion into the fat compartment is extremely slow with either inhaled anesthetic; therefore, lower fat solubility does not make the case for use of desflurane as the ideal agent for morbidly obese patients unless procedure length is very long. In practice, some studies of ambulatory surgery in the morbidly obese have found more rapid recovery after desflurane than sevoflurane, whereas others found emergence and recovery to be similar with either drug.
Anesthetic Adjuvants
Some adjuvant drugs are frequently administered to supplement the effects of general anesthesia and in an effort to reduce adverse effects.
Nitrous Oxide
Although N 2 O is by far the oldest anesthetic drug still in use, its role is regularly questioned. N 2 O is weakly emetogenic, yet its omission only significantly decreases vomiting when the baseline incidence is high and has no effect on nausea or the complete control of PONV. Others have found the effects of omitting N 2 O to be “modest.” This may be because the alternatives, specifically a higher inhaled anesthetic concentration or the use of supplemental opioids, also induce PONV. The effect of N 2 O on PONV appears to be time-dependent. There was no clinically significant effect from at least an hour’s exposure, allowing N 2 O to retain a place in modern ambulatory anesthesia where its use also improves the quality, speed, and safety of induction of anesthesia, facilitates faster recovery, and reduces overall costs.
Opioid Analgesics
The indiscriminate use of opioid analgesics should be discouraged in ambulatory surgery to avoid PONV and unplanned admission. Although long-lasting drugs such as morphine are especially detrimental, even the ultra–short-acting opioid remifentanil resulted in a 35% incidence of PONV when used with desflurane and multimodal prophylaxis, compared with only 4% when all opioids were avoided. For minor to intermediate ambulatory surgery procedures, the routine administration of as little as 1 μg/kg of fentanyl serves only to increase the incidence of PONV, and its omission does not worsen postoperative pain, provided prophylactic analgesia is ensured with local anesthetic infiltration and preoperative NSAIDs. However, small doses of fentanyl may be useful to provide additional analgesia toward the end of more painful procedures.
Opioids are an essential component of TIVA, but the antiemetic effect of propofol minimizes the incidence of PONV in contrast to the use of the same opioid with inhaled anesthetics. Compared to alfentanil, remifentanil provides more effective suppression of intraoperative responses without prolonging awakening. However, there is increasing evidence emerging that remifentanil is associated with both acute opioid tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia, which can increase postoperative analgesic requirements. This hyperalgesia is partially reduced by NSAIDs and by concurrent N 2 O administration, although remifentanil is usually used as an N 2 O replacement.
Nonopioid Analgesia
For longer or more invasive procedures, intravenous acetaminophen given toward the end of surgery also can have a beneficial effect, comparable to that of the opioid tramadol. For shorter procedures, acetaminophen can be given orally before the anesthetic, at much lower cost.
Cardiovascular Drugs
Although intraoperative hemodynamic disturbances are usually managed by increasing the primary anesthetic concentration, administering an opioid analgesic, or both, it may be more appropriate to treat these responses with cardiovascular drugs. Using an infusion of esmolol as an alternative to alfentanil to control heart rate reduced emergence times after arthroscopy, and substituting esmolol for remifentanil reduced nausea after gynecologic laparoscopy. Using a combination of esmolol and nicardipine to blunt increases in heart rate and arterial blood pressure, respectively, prevented the need for increases in inspired anesthetic concentration and consequently shortened emergence and recovery times. Ambulatory patients who received esmolol intraoperatively for hemodynamic control also had significantly smaller requirements for postoperative opioid analgesia. Administration of a continuous infusion of esmolol during laparoscopic gynecologic surgery reduced sevoflurane consumption by 18%, shortened recovery room stay, reduced postoperative pain scores, and reduced fentanyl requirements. In a similar study, an esmolol infusion decreased intraoperative remifentanil requirements and again resulted in lower postoperative pain scores and halved the dose of rescue fentanyl. Labetalol may be a cost-effective alternative to esmolol for longer cases, especially in older patients in whom it is less likely to cause inadvertent hypotension.
Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs
Neuromuscular blocking drugs (NMBDs) may be used in ambulatory anesthesia to facilitate endotracheal intubation or to provide profound surgical relaxation. Although several of the available compounds are suitable, muscle pain after administration of succinylcholine and concerns about residual neuromuscular block from intermediate-duration NMBDs after brief procedures have fueled the search for alternatives. The search for a nondepolarizing equivalent to succinylcholine has been unsuccessful to date. The most promising candidate, rapacuronium, was withdrawn from clinical use because of a frequent incidence of severe bronchospasm, although other factors such as inconvenient administration, declining use of endotracheal intubation, and high costs also contributed to its lack of commercial success. The search for a rapid-onset, short-acting nondepolarizing NMBD continues with investigation of several fumarate compounds, of which gantacurium was found to have rapid onset and brief duration, but was also associated with histamine release. Subsequent attention has moved toward designing a molecule of intermediate duration, but which can be rapidly reversed at any time by administering L-cysteine.
An alternative to short-acting NMBDs is terminating the neuromuscular blockade with sugammadex, which can rapidly and completely reverse rocuronium (or vecuronium) independent of the degree of residual neuromuscular block. Sugammadex is very expensive compared to neostigmine, although in the United States the cost of neostigmine has risen dramatically. Currently no reliable evaluations have been done on the cost-effectiveness of sugammadex in routine clinical practice. Although improved recovery times resulting from the elimination of residual neuromuscular block by sugammadex may potentially be cost-effective, this depends on the productivity of staff during the time saved and would probably require major changes to the workflow for actual benefits to be realized.
Endotracheal intubation also can be achieved without the use of NMBDs, thereby avoiding all of their adverse effects. This practice is most common in children, for procedures in which airway protection, but not prolonged muscle relaxation, is required. The optimum technique depends on personal experience and preference, but most commonly involves deep sevoflurane anesthesia or propofol supplemented by remifentanil or alfentanil. For adults, a dose of remifentanil 3 μg/kg with propofol 2 mg/kg is recommended, but satisfactory conditions can be obtained with remifentanil 2 μg/kg, thereby reducing the side effects of bradycardia and hypotension.
Airway Management
Many ambulatory surgical patients can be managed with an LMA, which results in a significantly less frequent incidence of sore throat, hoarseness, coughing, and laryngospasm compared to inserting a tracheal tube. The LMA can occasionally cause pressure trauma to a variety of cranial nerves, in particular the recurrent laryngeal nerve, whereas hoarseness and vocal cord injuries are common after the use of endotracheal intubation during short-term anesthesia. The LMA is relatively easy to insert with patients in the prone position, making it a simple way of managing procedures such as pilonidal sinus repair or surgery to the short saphenous vein.
Traditionally, endotracheal intubation has been advocated for laparoscopic procedures and surgery in obese patients, but further development of the LMA and more confidence in its use may be changing this. The ProSeal LMA (Teleflex, Morrisville, NC) has been modified to provide increased seal pressure, reduce gastric inflation, provide for gastric drainage, and, therefore, allow potentially better protection against aspiration of gastric contents while maintaining similar insertion characteristics. At least one large consecutive series by an experienced user appears to support these benefits in routine clinical practice, without the constraints of a clinical trial. During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the ProSeal LMA provided adequate pulmonary ventilation without gastric distention in nonobese patients, although it was somewhat less effective than endotracheal intubation in the obese. A recent review found that second-generation LMAs (with higher seal pressures and a drain channel) achieve adequate ventilation during laparoscopic cholecystectomy with a very low incidence of regurgitation and aspiration, but still cannot yet be regarded as completely safe.
Provided safety can be ensured, avoiding endotracheal intubation by using the ProSeal LMA for laparoscopic surgery appears to offer considerable advantages, including considerably smoother emergence with significantly less coughing. In laparoscopic gynecologic procedures, the ProSeal LMA was associated with lower pain scores at 2 and 6 hours, with reduced analgesic requirements and less nausea at the same times. Similarly, in females undergoing gynecologic laparoscopic or breast surgery, it reduced the absolute risk for PONV by 40% and also reduced sore throats, analgesic requirements, and recovery room stay. During laparoscopic gastric banding, the ProSeal LMA reduced the intraoperative stress response and also shortened recovery room stay and hospital discharge.
Since the expiration of LMA patents, many manufacturers have introduced similar designs, often using different materials to produce a low-cost disposable product. Often little or no data are available on the effectiveness or safety of these generic products. Furthermore, the success of the LMA led to the development of many new supraglottic airways of myriad designs. Some of these may offer advantages in ambulatory surgery, although there is often little or no comparative data with the LMA. Anesthesiologists should therefore be wary of the claims made for new airway devices until they have been adequately evaluated.
One supraglottic airway that has been extensively evaluated is the i-gel (Intersurgical, East Syracuse, New York), which has a contoured noninflating cuff and gastric drainage channel. The i-gel is faster to insert and results in less sore throat than the LMA with a seal pressure intermediate between first- and second-generation LMAs.
Regional Anesthesia
Spinal Anesthesia
The use of spinal anesthesia makes ambulatory surgery accessible to some patients for whom the risks of general anesthesia are excessive. It also increases patient choice, allows participation in intraoperative decision making (e.g., in sports injuries), and provides beneficial postoperative analgesia. Various ambulatory surgical procedures, such as transurethral prostatectomy, female incontinence surgery, and ankle and foot surgery, are well suited to spinal anesthesia.
The ready availability of fine-gauge, pencil-point spinal needles has reduced the incidence of significant postdural puncture headache to 0.5% to 1%. The main challenge now is to prevent prolonged motor block or impairment of joint position sense from delaying discharge. Although lidocaine has an appropriate duration for ambulatory surgery, its use in spinal anesthesia has virtually ceased as a result of a high incidence of transient neurologic syndrome (TNS). Until fairly recently, bupivacaine was the most obvious alternative, being devoid of TNS, but causing unacceptable delays in home discharge if used in standard doses.
For its acceptance in ambulatory surgery, bupivacaine spinal anesthesia needs to be “modified.” Reducing the dose of bupivacaine shortens recovery, whereas the use of patient positioning or the addition of adjuvants, such as fentanyl, ensures adequate analgesia for surgery. These techniques can be summarized as selective spinal anesthesia (SSA), defined as “the practice of employing minimal doses of intrathecal agents so that only the nerve roots supplying a specific area and only the modalities that require to be anaesthetized are affected.” SSA provides analgesia suitable for surgery, and light touch, temperature, proprioception, motor, and sympathetic function are all preserved. This results in remarkable cardiovascular stability but can make the block difficult to test, and patient cooperation is important to the success of this technique.
A variety of SSA regimens have been described, which typically permit discharge within a little over 3 hours after surgery. The addition of fentanyl marginally delays recovery and is associated with pruritus (although most cases do not require treatment), but also reduces postoperative pain and analgesic requirements. For unilateral knee arthroscopy, 4 to 5 mg of hyperbaric bupivacaine appears to be sufficient without adjuvants, provided the patient is kept in the lateral position. Clonidine has also been used to supplement low-dose spinal anesthesia, but it may prolong motor block, exacerbate hypotension, and delay voiding.
Spinal anesthesia may contribute to postoperative urinary retention. This is uncommon in low-risk patients, but may be more likely in older patients, with certain procedures and when more than 7 mg of bupivacaine is used. The risk for urinary retention is particularly high after inguinal hernia surgery, but simple infiltration anesthesia is often sufficient for this procedure and may be a more appropriate choice.
New Drugs for Ambulatory Spinal Anesthesia
With the increasing popularity of ambulatory spinal anesthesia, some older local anesthetics have been reevaluated and, in some countries, marketed for spinal use. Of these, prilocaine and 2-chloroprocaine have been evaluated the most. Hyperbaric prilocaine has a faster onset and shorter duration than the plain preparation, with patients receiving 40 mg of 2% hyperbaric prilocaine being home ready in 208 ± 68 minutes. This is comparable to discharge times reported with low-dose bupivacaine plus fentanyl, although 13% of the patients receiving hyperbaric prilocaine required supplementation for inadequate analgesia toward the end of surgery, which was scheduled to last for less than an hour. Doses of 40 to 60 mg achieve analgesia of about 90 minutes duration for lower abdominal or limb procedures, while 10 to 30 mg is adequate for perineal surgery of up to 40 minutes, with home discharge usually achievable within 4 hours. The duration of 2-chloroprocaine is even shorter, with recovery being significantly faster than that of low-dose bupivacaine or articaine and comparable to that of lidocaine. The addition of fentanyl appears to extend the block duration of both 2-chloroprocaine and prilocaine with little delay in recovery in either case. TNS is much less common than with lidocaine, but still occasionally reported after both prilocaine and 2-chloroprocaine.
Ambulatory spinal anesthesia that relies on short-acting local anesthetics should be compared with the cardiovascular stability of SSA. Prilocaine 20 mg combined with 20 μg fentanyl was associated with a lower incidence of clinically significant hypotension compared with bupivacaine 7.5 mg with fentanyl 20 μg. However, the doses of bupivacaine and fentanyl used in both groups were somewhat higher than usual.
Epidural Anesthesia
Epidural analgesia is seldom used in adult ambulatory anesthesia. Although it allows the block duration to be extended by using a catheter technique, this is offset by the time required in establishing the block and less certainty of success, as well as the risk for inadvertent intravascular injection or dural puncture. In knee arthroscopy, recovery after 15 to 20 mL of epidural 3% 2-chloroprocaine was more rapid than spinal procaine with 20 μg fentanyl and also had a decreased incidence of pruritus. Recovery after epidural 3% 2-chloroprocaine required fewer top-up injections and permitted discharge an hour sooner after ambulatory knee arthroscopy than with 1.5% epidural lidocaine. However, the use of epidural 2-chloroprocaine has a more frequent incidence of back pain.
In children, caudal epidural analgesia—for example, using levobupivacaine 0.5 to 1 mL/kg of 0.25%—is popular for postoperative pain relief. The technique is most useful for bilateral surgery or other situations in which the maximum safe dose would not permit an adequate volume for wound infiltration. After circumcision, caudal analgesia was no better than parenteral or systemic analgesia or dorsal nerve block in reducing analgesic requirements, nausea, or vomiting. However, motor block and leg weakness were significantly more common in boys receiving a caudal block. The addition of clonidine or dexmedetomidine augments caudal analgesia, but concerns remain about the frequency of sedative and hemodynamic side effects and the risk for neurotoxicity.
Intravenous Regional Anesthesia
Intravenous regional anesthesia (IVRA) (Bier block) is a simple, reliable method of analgesia most commonly used in the upper limb, but sometimes also used effectively in the lower extremity. In the United Kingdom and Europe, prilocaine is the preferred local anesthetic because of its high therapeutic index. Lidocaine has also been used for many years, and appears to be a safe alternative. Ropivacaine has also been extensively evaluated for IVRA. Compared to lidocaine, 0.2% to 0.375% ropivacaine resulted in prolonged and improved postoperative analgesia. However, compared to prilocaine, ropivacaine’s onset was slower, no useful prolongation of postoperative analgesia occurred, and ropivacaine plasma concentrations were more than double those of prilocaine, despite a 60% lower dose.
IVRA was a cost-effective alternative to general anesthesia for outpatient hand surgery, being equally rapid to administer and with faster recovery and fewer postoperative complications. However, analgesia was inadequate in approximately 11% of cases, which required supplemental local anesthesia, repeat of the block, and even conversion to general anesthesia. IVRA was also cost effective, and quicker to perform, compared to brachial plexus block, but with a 4.4% failure rate due to tourniquet pain.
A variety of adjuvants have been used in IVRA to decrease tourniquet pain, improve block quality, and prolong analgesia after cuff deflation. Opioids are relatively ineffective and cause nausea, vomiting, and dizziness after tourniquet deflation, but several NSAIDs have been shown to be beneficial. Lornoxicam decreased tourniquet pain and improved postoperative analgesia and tenoxicam improved postoperative pain, but the effects of ketorolac are unclear after most of the evidence showing its efficacy in IVRA was withdrawn. Dexamethasone improved both block quality and postoperative analgesia. Similar results have been observed with the α 2 -adrenoceptor agonist dexmedetomidine, whereas clonidine delayed tourniquet pain without improving postoperative analgesia.
Other Local and Regional Anesthetic Techniques
A wide range of other regional anesthetic techniques can be used to facilitate ambulatory surgery or provide postoperative analgesia ( Table 72.3 ). The applicability of these techniques depends on the nature of the planned procedure, the patient, the preferences of the surgeon and anesthesiologist, as well as the skill and experience of the anesthesiologist performing the block. Benefits include excellent postoperative analgesia and reduced PONV, but this must be offset against pain and discomfort while performing the block, the difficulty of transitioning to satisfactory analgesia when the block wears off, and the risk for perioperative nerve injuries. Regional anesthesia may be contraindicated in patients with bleeding problems or those taking anticoagulants, as well as in patients with local infections. Regional anesthesia has a high failure rate in inexperienced hands, especially in the morbidly obese patient, although ultrasound guidance appears to improve the success rate of many blocks and can reduce pain during block placement. While there is no conclusive evidence that ultrasound guidance reduces the incidence of peripheral nerve injury, it does appear to reduce local anesthetic systemic toxicity and lowers the incidence of hemidiaphragmatic paresis and pneumothorax associated with certain blocks.
Type of Block | Type of Surgery | Bolus Dose (Perioperative) | Continuous Infusion | Patient-controlled regional analgesia (PCRA) |
Interscalene block | Surgery around the shoulder | Bupivacaine/ levo -bupivacaine 0.25-0.5%, 20-40 mL or Ropivacaine 0.5%, 20-40 mL | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h |
Supra- or infra-clavicular block | Surgery around elbow, wrist, and hand | Bupivacaine/ levo -bupivacaine 0.25-0.5%, 20-40 mL or Ropivacaine 0.5%, 20-40 mL | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h |
Sciatic nerve block | Posterior cruciate ligament repair, foot and ankle surgery | Bupivacaine/ levo -bupivacaine 0.25-0.5%, 20-40 mL or Ropivacaine 0.5%, 20-40 mL | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h |
Femoral nerve block | Knee arthroplasty, anterior cruciate ligament repair | Bupivacaine/ levo -bupivacaine 0.25-0.5%, 20-40 mL or Ropivacaine 0.5%, 20-40 mL | Ropivacaine 0.1% 5 mL/h | Ropivacaine 0.1%, 10 mL with 60 min lock-out time |
Paravertebral block (thoracic) | Breast surgery | Bupivacaine/ levo -bupivacaine 0.25-0.5%, 20-40 mL or Ropivacaine 0.5%, 20-40 mL | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h | Ropivacaine 0.2% 5 mL/h |
Simpler locoregional techniques may be more appropriate for some procedures. Intraarticular local anesthesia produces a moderate and relatively brief reduction in postoperative pain after arthroscopic knee surgery, but this is still considered to be of clinical significance in ambulatory surgery. In many cases, simple wound infiltration may be as effective as central and proximal peripheral blocks and allows patients to mobilize more quickly. Concerns about the possible risk for infection, or systemic toxicity resulting from large volumes of local anesthetic, appear unfounded in clinical practice.
Infiltration anesthesia offers advantages for many ambulatory procedures and is the method of choice for inguinal hernia repair. Several large series have confirmed excellent results with this highly cost-effective technique, with 79% of patients requiring oral analgesia for 7 days or less after surgery and 91% of patients returning to normal activities within 5 days. Repair under local anesthesia is not an independent factor for hernia recurrence, although this is influenced by the type of hernia and the level of surgical experience. Infiltration anesthesia resulted in fewer medical and urological complications after groin hernia repair than either general or regional anesthesia. If spinal anesthesia is chosen for groin hernia repair, the anesthesiologist should be aware of the increased risk for urinary retention and other medical complications, especially in older patients.
The concept of simple wound infiltration has been further developed into local infiltration analgesia (LIA), used for major orthopedic ambulatory surgery. This multimodal technique was developed for the control of pain after inpatient knee and hip surgery in Australia by Kerr and Kohan. Their technique used a mixture of 300 mg ropivacaine with 30 mg ketorolac and 1.5 mg epinephrine diluted to 150 to 200 mL with saline, infiltrated into all the tissue planes of the surgical field over approximately an hour as the operation progressed. A catheter was placed into the wound to permit later repeat dosing. In the original series of 325 patients, mainly undergoing elective hip resurfacing but including some primary hip and knee replacements, pain was well controlled (numerical pain score 0-3) without morphine in twothirds of patients, most of whom could walk with assistance 5 to 6 hours after surgery; 71% were discharged, walking independently after a single night stay ( Fig. 72.2 ). These promising results have been confirmed in a blinded, randomized trial in patients undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty, where a similar LIA regimen significantly reduced pain and opioid consumption and decreased the median length of stay by 2 days, with 68% of patients discharged after a 1-night stay. A recent review suggests that LIA is beneficial after knee surgery, even when combined with multimodal systemic analgesia, but adds little additional analgesia after hip surgery when a multimodal regimen is also used.

A limitation of infiltration anesthesia in general is the relatively short duration of pain relief it provides, even with long-acting drugs such as bupivacaine. The encapsulation of bupivacaine into a biodegradable carrier offers the prospect of extended-duration local anesthesia, which has demonstrated significant analgesic effects for at least 96 hours in pilot studies. Several potential problems need to be solved before widespread application, however, including ensuring that the large doses of local anesthetic contained within the carrier are not rapidly released, leading to toxicity, or that the encapsulating materials do not break down into harmful products. One extended-duration preparation of bupivacaine, Exparel, which uses an established liposomal-based drug delivery system (Lipo Foam, Contour MD ), is currently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Early trial results report improved pain scores and reduced opioid analgesic consumption compared to plain bupivacaine during the first 24 to 48 hours or more after bunion surgery, knee replacement, and breast augmentation. Myalgia was observed after administration of liposomal bupivacaine in six patients in one study, but a 2-year follow up from the same group reported no long-term complications. Several studies appear to support the efficacy and patient acceptability of liposomal bupivacaine after abdominal wall reconstruction, mastectomy, and mammoplasty, although the quality of comparative studies to date is poor. However, systematic reviews suggest no improvement over conventional analgesia for shoulder arthroplasty or bilateral knee surgery and only marginal benefits of questionable clinical significance after unilateral knee surgery. Catheter techniques also can extend the duration of effective local or regional analgesia, reducing pain scores, opioid-related side effects, and length of hospital stay, as well as improving patient satisfaction.
Several naturally occurring alkaloid toxins, which may have the potential to provide longer lasting and safer local anesthesia, have been considered. A preliminary study with neosaxitoxin, an extracellular sodium channel blocker, described superior analgesia compared to that with bupivacaine at 12 hours after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Subcutaneous injection of neosaxitoxin in combination with bupivacaine and epinephrine produced a five-fold increase in analgesic duration compared with bupivacaine alone, without an apparent increase in toxicity.
Although some procedures may be performed with local or regional anesthesia alone, additional drugs are often required for anxiolysis, to provide additional analgesia and to attain suitable operating conditions by helping the patient lie still in an appropriate position. The level of sedation required varies with each therapeutic, diagnostic, or surgical procedure and must be individually adjusted to achieve a balance of patient comfort and safety.
The ASA defines three levels of sedation according to the responsiveness of the patient. With minimal sedation a degree of anxiolysis is reached, but the patient is normally responsive and has a clear airway. During moderate (conscious) sedation the patient is sleepier but responds purposefully to verbal or tactile stimuli. Spontaneous ventilation is usually adequate and interventions are not required to maintain a patent airway. With deep sedation, the patient can respond purposefully only to repeated or painful stimuli and may require a degree of airway or ventilatory support. Far from being discrete, these sedative levels lie on a continuum ( Fig. 72.3 ), which becomes general anesthesia when the patient loses consciousness and is unarousable even with painful stimuli. Careful monitoring is essential, and the standard of care for patients receiving sedation should be the same as for patients undergoing general or regional anesthesia and includes all of the usual aspects of anesthesia care. Unfortunately, a widely held belief among physicians and patients is that sedation is a safer form of care, but an ASA closed claims database analysis revealed that the risks for death or permanent brain damage are similar to those of general anesthesia. Predictably, the greatest risk for harm comes from respiratory depression by opioids and sedative-hypnotic drugs, and many cases could have been prevented by better monitoring and improved vigilance.

The US term monitored anesthesia care (MAC) is sometimes erroneously used to describe sedation administered by an anesthesiologist. However, the ASA has a specific definition of MAC, which is a billing term used to describe an anesthesia service that includes all perianesthesia aspects of care. MAC may include varying levels of sedation, including conversion to general anesthesia, when necessary. However, “if the patient loses consciousness and the ability to respond purposefully, the anesthesia care is a general anesthetic, irrespective of whether airway instrumentation is required.”
Choice of Sedatives
The specific requirements for supplemental sedative and analgesic drugs depend on the procedure undertaken, the skill of the operator in using local anesthesia, and the experiences and expectations of the individual patient. The use of pharmacologic agents can be reduced by compassionate patient management at every stage, preoperative explanation, and the use of distractions, such as deep breathing, conversation, and listening to music. Adjuvant drugs should be chosen to deliver those specific aspects that are required, such as reduction of anxiety, sedation to relieve boredom or aid immobility, and analgesia for pain that is not amenable to further infiltration of local anesthetic.
Midazolam produces anxiolysis and dose-related hypnosis and is a popular component of sedation. It also produces marked antegrade amnesia. At times this may be beneficial, but it is not always welcomed by patients. Midazolam is preferred to other benzodiazepines because it is water-soluble, does not cause venoirritation or pain on injection, is rapid-acting, and has a relatively short-elimination half-life of about 2 to 4 hours. As sole anesthetic, a single dose of 0.05 to 0.1 mg/kg allows reasonably predictable recovery after brief procedures, but individual responses are highly variable. Recovery is also considerably slower if repeat or prolonged administration is required.
Propofol is an excellent sedative-hypnotic because its pharmacokinetic properties result in a rapid recovery from the effects of a single bolus dose and a continuous infusion. Propofol is a relatively pure hypnotic, providing no analgesia and only moderate amnesia. Infusion rates of 25 to 75 μg/kg/min are typically used, but the short duration of action facilitates titration to effect.
Because of the excellent conditions that can be achieved and the superiority of recovery compared with that of midazolam, demand for propofol sedation is growing rapidly in areas such as endoscopy in which anesthesiologists have not traditionally been involved. Propofol can rapidly cause apnea, before loss of consciousness, even in sedative doses, and unintended transition to general anesthesia is a constant risk. The safety of nonanesthesiologist administration of propofol is therefore controversial. In the United Kingdom, the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the British Society of Gastroenterology jointly state that propofol sedation for complex upper GI endoscopic procedures should be administered only by an “appropriately trained anaesthetist.” In the United States, the FDA package insert states that propofol may be given “only by persons trained in the administration of general anesthesia,” which the ASA supports. However, the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy considers propofol use safe by anyone “proficient in the management of upper and lower airway complications, including manual techniques for reestablishing airway patency” and holding at least basic life support certification.
Advocates of endoscopist-administered propofol claim a very low rate of airway complications (0.1%) and a mortality (4 in 646,080) less than that associated with endoscopist-administered midazolam-opioid sedation. Their data also reveal a wide range for the frequency with which rescue airway support was required, suggesting considerable variation, either in technique or willingness to intervene to protect the airway. When anesthesiologists administered propofol for patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), deeper levels of sedation or general anesthesia were often intended and sedation-related adverse events were far more common (21%), especially in patients of higher ASA physical status classification, but were managed without adverse consequence or delay, and high levels of patient and operator satisfaction were achieved. A more recent study of anesthesiologist-administered propofol sedation has revealed a very similar (23%) incidence of significant unplanned events.
Potential New Sedatives
Fospropofol was a water-soluble phosphate ester prodrug of propofol, with a slower onset of action and longer duration. Although approved in the United States for sedation in adults in 2009, restriction of its use to anesthesiologists and a lack of any clear advantage over propofol prevented its commercial success.
Remimazolam is a new ester-based benzodiazepine, designed to be rapidly broken down by ubiquitous tissue esterases into an inactive metabolite. Preliminary findings suggest a faster onset and shorter duration than midazolam after a single dose, although not all procedures could be completed without “rescue” sedation. Remimazolam may have a role as a sedative for brief (<10 minute) procedures, but its behavior after repeated dosing and its consequent role as a sedative have yet to be evaluated.
Analgesic Adjuvants
Opioids are useful for procedures in which pain cannot reliably be blocked with local anesthesia alone. Compared to alfentanil in women undergoing breast biopsy, remifentanil resulted in lower pain scores during deep dissection and reduced the need for supplemental local anesthesia. Remifentanil was a useful adjuvant to propofol sedation during transvaginal tape insertion and in achieving optimal conditions for awake craniotomy, surgery that is increasingly being performed as a day and short-stay procedure. Remifentanil produced lower pain scores than fentanyl in patients receiving propofol sedation during hysteroscopy, but it did not improve recovery or patient satisfaction. For hysteroscopic surgery, paracervical block supplemented by a remifentanil infusion permitted earlier mobilization and discharge compared to TIVA, and the sedation technique was also preferred by a higher proportion of patients. Remifentanil is usually delivered by infusion, but intermittent bolus doses may be more effective for some procedures. Hyperalgesia after remifentanil administration remains a concern.
Both clonidine and dexmedetomidine have potentially useful analgesic, anxiolytic, and sedative properties. The slow onset and offset of clonidine and frequent reports of cardiovascular instability mean that neither drug has established a routine place in sedation, although dexmedetomidine may be a useful analgesic adjuvant in awake craniotomy. Ketamine improved analgesia when used to supplement propofol sedation, but an increase in PONV, psychomimetic side effects, and delayed discharge were observed at higher doses.
Delivery of Sedation
Because of the varying needs to provide hypnosis, anxiolysis, analgesia, and amnesia, use of drug combinations is common during anesthesiologist-administered sedation. Preceding a propofol infusion with a 2 mg dose of midazolam improved anxiety, sedation, and amnesia for early intraoperative events with no detrimental effect on postoperative sedation, amnesia, or recovery times. However, using drug combinations increases the risk for interactions, leading to adverse effects. At sedative doses, propofol and remifentanil each have only a modest effect on heart rate and arterial blood pressure, but their effect on respiration is strikingly synergistic, with the potential for severe respiratory depression. Respiratory depression is also enhanced by the interaction of midazolam and remifentanil. Antagonists of benzodiazepines and opioids may be useful in cases of unintended overdose, but should not be routinely relied on to reverse deep sedation because of their short duration of action, which may permit resedation before or after discharge. It is also possible to achieve high rates of patient satisfaction without procedural recall when using intermittent bolus doses of propofol alone for endoscopic procedures.
As with TIVA, the stability and control of sedation regimens can be improved by using TCI systems. Target concentrations of 0.5 to 2 μg/mL for propofol and 0.5 to 1 ng/mL for remifentanil are typical, but should be titrated to individual effect. Effective sedation is usually judged by clinical endpoints or scores. Bispectral index (BIS) changes with increasing sedation, but is too variable to be useful routinely and was not effective as an endpoint for midazolam sedation. BIS monitoring did not improve the quality of sedation or reduce the propofol dose or rates of hypoxemic, bradycardic, or hypotensive complications during ERCP. However, BIS-guided TCI propofol may be useful in the management of patients with intellectual disability, in whom clinical signs may be less reliable. Allowing patients to adjust their own sedation level by patient-controlled sedation resulted in less propofol being used compared with a continuous infusion and was significantly more popular with patients. However, this approach necessarily requires comparatively light levels of sedation and appears to be an undesirable option for a significant proportion of patients.
Inhaled sedation by a low dose of sevoflurane is an alternative technique that provides good control of sedation and rapid recovery. However, it can be complicated by a frequent incidence of perioperative excitement and an increased risk for transition to general anesthesia.
Monitoring Depth of Anesthesia
Many devices are now available to monitor the hypnotic component of anesthesia as a supplement to our traditional reliance on autonomic signs. Most monitor electroencephalogram signals, recorded either spontaneously or evoked in response to a stimulus, which are then processed into a dimensionless number, usually ranging from 0 to 100. Precisely which variables are recorded and how they are processed can be proprietary information, and the specific values corresponding to adequate anesthesia also vary among monitors.
BIS was the first licensed monitor and is the most extensively studied, yet whether it can actually prevent awareness with recall remains controversial. In ambulatory anesthesia, in which awareness is uncommon, more interest has been shown on whether BIS and similar devices can reduce excessive anesthetic delivery, thereby improving the speed and quality of recovery and reducing costs. Two meta-analyses have shown that titrating anesthesia to achieve BIS values of 40 to 60 results in trivial (2-4 minutes) reductions in awakening times, shortens recovery room stay by just 4 to 8 minutes, and fails to facilitate earlier home discharge. BIS titration also produced a very modest reduction in PONV (32% vs. 38%). Despite reductions in anesthetic drug usage, the cost savings were substantially less than the disposable costs associated with BIS. Monitoring with auditory evoked potentials achieved similar small reductions in drug usage and awakening times, comparable to those seen with BIS. Discharge times were unchanged in one study but were shortened by both BIS and auditory evoked potential monitoring in another study in a very similar population. Spectral entropy monitoring also achieved only small reductions in drug use and recovery times, although the quality of evidence was rather poor.
Although a lack of clear clinical or financial benefit exists from depth of anesthesia-guided drug titration, genuine concerns have been raised about using these monitors for purposes other than those for which they were designed. Although anesthesia is usually adequate at values below 60, BIS lacks a high level of discrimination and some patients may form memories at values as low as 40. Thus, titrating anesthesia, even to BIS values of 40 to 50, to reduce costs and recovery times, may unintentionally increase the risk for awareness.
Recovery from Ambulatory Anesthesia
Recovery is traditionally divided into three stages. Early, phase 1 recovery occurs in a postanesthesia care unit (PACU) and entails further awakening and management of pain and nausea, with monitoring of hemodynamic stability. Intermediate recovery continues in the phase 2 (step-down) recovery or in a separate ward area and ends when the patient achieves the criteria for home discharge (see later discussion). The phase 1 and phase 2 aspects of recovery may occur in separate locations or within the same room.
Early Recovery
The recovery room or PACU should be centrally placed to all operating rooms and requires the same standard of staffing and equipment as are provided for inpatients. The PACU may be shared with inpatients in some facilities, but recovery times can be shortened dramatically if there is a separated phase 1 PACU dedicated to ambulatory patients. In the United States, the ratio of nurses to patients is usually lower than in the inpatient PACU, for ambulatory typically 1:3, reflecting the lower acuity of postprocedural needs. Patient care should be adequately transferred to the PACU nursing staff, relaying preoperative and intraoperative problems and postoperative instructions. The nature and frequency of monitoring in the PACU is determined by the nature of surgery and the state of recovery. Because ambulatory anesthetics are typically short-acting, supplemental oxygen (O 2 ) administration may be unnecessary in the PACU, provided the patient’s saturation level of O 2 in hemoglobin (SpO 2 ) remains above 92% on air.
In the United Kingdom, patients may be discharged from phase 1 to phase 2 of recovery when they are awake and oriented, normothermic, able to maintain their own airway and ventilation, and demonstrate cardiovascular stability. Wounds should be reasonably dry, and pain and PONV should be minimal and adequately treated. This assessment is usually made on clinical judgment. In the United States, transfer from phase 1 to phase 2 is commonly based on predefined, physician-determined criteria. Typical ambulatory criteria include being awake with stable vital signs, minimal pain, minimal nausea, and the ability to sit with minimal dizziness. If more standardized data are desired, a scoring system can be used. The most commonly used system is the modified Aldrete score, which assigns points on the basis of activity, ventilation, blood pressure, consciousness, and oxygenation ( Table 72.4 ). Length of PACU stay is one of the key endpoints, along with awakening, orientation, and extubation times used to evaluate early recovery in ambulatory anesthesia research.
Score | ||
Activity: | Able to move 4 extremities voluntarily or on command Able to move 2 extremities voluntarily or on command Unable to move extremities voluntarily or on command | 2 1 0 |
Respiration: | Able to breathe deeply and cough freely Dyspnea or limited breathing Apneic | 2 1 0 |
Circulation: | BP ± 20% of preanesthetic level BP ± 20%-49% of preanesthetic level BP ± 50% of preanesthetic level | 2 1 0 |
Consciousness: | Fully awake Arousable on calling Not responding | 2 1 0 |
Oxygenation: | Able to maintain saturation >92% on room air Needs oxygen to maintain saturation >90% Saturation <90% even with oxygen | 2 1 0 |
Second-Stage Recovery
Second-stage recovery prepares patients for leaving the ambulatory surgery unit and taking over their own care. Patients should sit upright on trolleys or reclining chairs as an aid to mobilization. After low-dose spinal anesthesia, mobilization is usually possible within an hour of the return of full motor function, or about 2.5 to 3 hours after the start of spinal anesthesia.
Fast-Track Recovery
With the increased use of short-acting drugs and techniques, many patients will have already met the discharge criteria before, or by the time, they reach the PACU. If this is the case, admission to the PACU will only generate unnecessary delay while further observations are performed. Instead, these patients may bypass phase 1 recovery and go directly to the phase 2 unit; this is known as fast-track recovery.
The modified Aldrete score can also be used to assess fast-track eligibility. Because this score does not assess pain or PONV, which are traditionally treated in the PACU, White and Song added two additional categories to derive their fast-track recovery score. Although using this score reduced the proportion of patients who met the fast-track criteria on PACU arrival, it also significantly reduced the number of patients who required parenteral analgesia or antiemetics in the step-down area. Others have suggested a series of clinical criteria that must all be achieved for patients to undergo fast-track recovery ( Box 72.1 ). The criteria for transfer from phase 1 to phase 2 and the criteria for direct entry to phase 2 should be the same.
∗ During the follow-up period, the patient should be evaluated in the operating room, immediately before discharge, using the above criteria regarding recovery from anesthesia. To bypass the post-anesthesia care unit, a patient must meet all of these criteria and, in the judgment of the anesthesiologist, be capable of transfer to the second-stage recovery unit.
for Direct Admission to the Second-Stage Recovery Unit, Bypassing the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
Patient should be awake, alert, oriented, responsive (or returns to baseline state)
Pain should be minimal (unlikely to require treatment with parenteral medications)
No active bleeding should occur (unlikely to require professional treatment)
Vital signs should be stable (unlikely to require pharmacologic intervention)
Nausea should be minimal
No vomiting should occur
If nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent has been used, patient should now be able to perform a 5-second head lift, or train-of-four monitoring should indicate no fade
Oxygen saturation should be 94% or higher on room air (3 min or longer) or oxygen saturation should return to baseline on room air
Fast-track recovery is the norm for patients who have had local anesthesia, but it is also appropriate for most patients receiving sedation and low-dose spinal anesthesia in the United Kingdom. Patients receiving general anesthesia also may be able to undergo fast-track recovery, which is appealing because improved recovery provides the patient with a higher-quality experience, enabling them to return toward normal in a more pleasant, comfortable, and facilitative environment. It also frees up the more intensive resources of phase 1 recovery for those patients who need them.
Accomplishing fast-track recovery is complex. In one facility, fast-track recovery was only achieved in just over 60% of those who met the PACU bypass criteria. The use of depth of anesthesia monitoring has been claimed to facilitate fast-track recovery, whereas others have not found it advantageous. Accomplishing fast-track recovery requires not only anesthesia recovery readiness, but also the support of a facility-based process, including nursing and surgeon participation and environment support.
The economic case for fast-track recovery should be considered separately. In some cases, fast-track recovery has shortened overall recovery stay, comparable to, or even longer than, the time that would have been spent in the PACU. However, nursing workload was not reduced, while others have found no difference in overall recovery time. Nurses in the step-down unit are not always readily available to receive patients and often report patients arriving cold or without all the fast-track criteria actually being met. Although fast-track recovery appears financially beneficial, actual savings will be made only if the PACU is not needed at all or if staffing levels can be reduced, which is not supported by the evidence to date. Nursing workload and costs may simply be shifted from one area to another, with no overall savings. Fast-track recovery may still help to improve patient flow and may work best in small units that use staff flexibly between different areas. But the most productive approach may be to enable the fastest possible path for all patients through their recovery to discharge home.
Postoperative Pain
The management of postoperative pain should begin well before the patient undergoes surgery. Patients need to have appropriate expectations about what they are likely to experience during their recovery. At preoperative assessment, patients should be provided with information about the likely extent and duration of pain after surgery. They should also be advised about simple measures to reduce pain, including advice to rest in a comfortable position, raising swollen limbs, use of heat or cold packs, and the benefits of distraction. Prevention is the mainstay of pain management, yet studies have shown that pain management after ambulatory surgery is often inadequate. Common causes are a lack of adherence to analgesic guidelines and a failure to provide multimodal analgesia. Too often there is over-reliance on opioid analgesia, resulting in predictable adverse effects, that are second only to inadequate pain relief in causing unnecessary hospital admission.
Multimodal Analgesia
Multimodal analgesia relies on the additive or synergistic combination of drugs acting at various points on the pain pathway. Typical combinations include local anesthetic wound infiltration or regional techniques and routine NSAIDs, with small doses of opioids added as needed. Topical therapies may also be of some benefit, with both lidocaine and glyceryl trinitrate patches found to provide effective topical analgesia after a variety of ambulatory procedures. Multimodal regimens have been shown to be effective after several ambulatory surgical procedures. An opioid-sparing effect exists for several drug combinations, but most evidence is limited to an opioid plus one other drug, with little evaluation of true multimodal analgesia or attempts to identify optimal combinations. Analgesic efficacy appears to differ with the nature of surgery, suggesting that multimodal analgesic regimens should be specifically tailored. Nevertheless, reducing the opioid dose does decrease the incidence of PONV to a corresponding degree and may also reduce other opioid adverse effects, such as sedation, sleep disturbances, urinary retention, and respiratory depression. As yet, no evidence indicates that multimodal analgesia improves long-term patient outcome because of the small number of subjects studied and the infrequent incidence of adverse outcomes after ambulatory surgery.
Rescue Analgesia
Despite prophylactic measures, some patients will experience pain on awakening after surgery. Milder cases may be amenable to treatment with additional oral analgesia, but more severe pain will usually require parenteral opioids. Long-acting parenteral opioids are rarely indicated. Fentanyl is commonly used for this purpose, and small boluses (20-25 μg) rapidly achieve analgesia. Compared to morphine, fentanyl results in more rapid control of pain and reduces the occurrence of PONV. Rescue fentanyl also produced fewer adverse effects than oxycodone. Administration of additional oral analgesia as soon as the pain is controlled will usually prevent a recurrence at a later stage of recovery. During the recovery period, pain should be assessed on a regular basis and treated according to protocols ( Fig. 72.4 ).

Pain Management at Home
In the United States, patients are often given prescriptions for postoperative analgesics, including weak opioids, preferably before surgery so the medications will be at home when the patient needs them. In the United Kingdom, patients may be given standardized take-home analgesic packs that can be dispensed from the ambulatory surgery unit, avoiding pharmacy delays. Typical take-home analgesia includes NSAIDs and acetaminophen combined with a weak opioid. Combinations of codeine-acetaminophen and hydromorphone-acetaminophen are effective after many ambulatory surgical procedures, although a proportion of patients are unable to metabolize codeine to its active form, rendering it ineffective. Although a single preoperative dose of pregabalin produced modest improvements in pain after ambulatory surgery, continuing its use into the postoperative period added no further benefit.
Managing Opioid Complications
Although multimodal techniques aim to minimize opioid use, strong opioids can be necessary as a rescue option after more invasive surgery. Analgesics such as morphine and oxycodone provide more intense and prolonged effects, but are associated with more intense and prolonged typical opioid side effects. Novel delivery techniques, such as iontophoretic or nasal fentanyl, or sublingual sufentanil, may improve patient convenience but do nothing to reduce adverse effects. In addition to multimodal analgesia, attempts to limit these adverse effects have included the development of drugs such as tramadol, which combine opioid and nonopioid mechanisms of action. Tramadol is effective after ambulatory surgery, but it is still associated with a frequent incidence of unwanted effects, including sedation, dizziness, and particularly PONV. Tapentadol is licensed in both the United States and the United Kingdom. It has a dual action similar to that of tramadol, with comparable efficacy to oxycodone but fewer GI adverse effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Unlike tramadol, it does not require metabolic activation or suffer from isomer-dependent pharmacodynamics.
Combining oral oxycodone with naloxone (Targinact) antagonizes the GI effects, in particular preventing opioid-induced constipation, but has little effect on analgesia because first-pass metabolism prevents much naloxone from reaching the central nervous system. Alvimopan is another peripherally acting μ-opioid (MOP) receptor antagonist intended to reduce opioid-induced constipation. However, peripheral MOP receptors also may partially mediate opioid-associated PONV, delayed gastric emptying, and urinary retention, offering the hope that opioid analgesia without serious adverse effects may yet be a possibility.
Local Anesthetic Administration at Home
Sending patients home with perineural, incisional, and intraarticular catheters is a new and evolving area of postoperative pain management. Patient-controlled regional anesthesia (PCRA) with an elastomeric balloon pump has provided effective analgesia and reduced pain intensity during mobilization when ropivacaine is delivered into a perioperatively placed wound catheter after subacromial decompression. Although patients were kept in hospital for study observations and assessments, based on pain scores, the authors concluded that all patients in the active group could have been discharged within 2 hours of surgery. Another small pilot study showed excellent analgesia with continuous interscalene block, continued at home, allowing same-day discharge after a variety of shoulder operations, including open rotator cuff repair, subacromial decompression, and joint replacement.
Recently, several institutions have described cases of chondrolysis that appear to be related to the use of postoperative intraarticular local anesthetic pain pumps. In a series of 375 patients from one individual orthopedic surgeon, chondrolysis was observed only in cases in which either bupivacaine or lidocaine had been infused into the joint during the postoperative period. Most local anesthetics, including bupivacaine, lidocaine, and ropivacaine, are chondrotoxic to human articular cartilage in vitro, and the risk may be increased with longer exposure to higher concentrations of local anesthetic, such as with a pain pump, compared to that associated with a single injection. Consequently, the use of local anesthetic infusions after shoulder surgery has declined or stopped in many institutions.
A variety of infusion pump designs are available for local anesthesia infusions or PCRA after discharge. Technical problems have been found with electronic pumps, which seem to be unreliable for home use. Patient satisfaction has been reported with disposable elastomeric pumps, which are more reliable, although not all types function equally well and in vivo performance does not necessarily match results obtained in vitro.
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
PONV occurs in as many as 30% of a general surgical inpatient population given no antiemetics. Some patients undergoing day surgery have a much smaller risk for symptoms, cited as less than 5% for very minor surgery, with reduced requirement for intraoperative and postoperative opioids. However, in the same studies, other ambulatory surgery patients had a predischarge incidence of PONV as high as 41%. When the potential occurrence of emetic sequelae after discharge is included in the estimation of overall risk, some authors cite an overall incidence of more than 40%, even after receiving an antiemetic.
Risk Assessment and Strategies
Some have recommended that the management of PONV for ambulatory patients should involve universal multimodal pharmacologic prophylaxis to minimize the symptoms that might delay timely discharge or subsequent recurrence in the home environment. However, current recommendations advocate a more focused approach toward the use of preventive pharmacotherapy, having first minimized baseline risk resulting from the use of generic emetogenic stimuli, such as adequate hydration, the use of local-regional techniques, or if a general anesthetic is needed, reducing exposure to volatile anesthetics, N 2 O, and opioid-based analgesia. Avoiding neostigmine was previously advocated, but may not be beneficial. Individual patient factors should then be identified to stratify relative risk. The scoring system originally derived from a cohort of ear, nose, and throat patients by Apfel and colleagues in 1998 is popular because of its relative simplicity; yet debate continues regarding discriminating power and its applicability to ambulatory surgery patients, because the predicted risk for PONV ( Table 72.5 ) seems to be overestimated in this population, presumably as a result of the original scoring system having been developed for inpatients in Europe. This seems to be confirmed in a subsequent paper by the same author, where PACU-only rates of nausea were 19.9%, vomiting 3.9%, and nausea and/or vomiting 20.7% across an ambulatory patient cohort with characteristics that would seem to predict greater risk from the original algorithm. In the same study, postdischarge rates of PONV until the second postoperative day were however higher: 36.6% nausea, 11.9% vomiting, 13.3% severe nausea, and 5.0% severe vomiting. From these data, the authors developed a predictive scoring algorithm for postdischarge nausea and vomiting (PDNV) ( Table 72.6 ). Other scoring algorithms exist for prediction of risk for PONV in the ambulatory environment, but their relative complexity mandates the use of a calculator or computer. A reevaluation of risk factors for PONV reiterated the importance of those characteristics included in the original Apfel score, but this algorithm included younger age and duration but not type of surgery. A simple policy whereby two antiemetic interventions were administered to all male patients and three to all females resulted in better compliance and greater effectiveness than several previously published strategies, although at the risk of exposing more patients to the potential harm of unnecessary antiemetics.
Risk factors | Scoring |
Female Non-smoker History of previous PONV Postoperative use of opioids | 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point |
Maximum possible score | 4 points |
Number of Points | Risk of PONV (%) |
0 1 2 3 4 | 10 21 (≈20) 39 (≈40) 61 (≈60) 79 (≈80) |
Risk Factors | Scoring |
Female Age < 50 years History of previous PONV Postoperative use of opioids Nausea in PACU | 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point |
Maximum possible score | 5 points |
Number of Points | Risk of PONV (%) |
0 1 2 3 4 5 | 10.9 (≈10) 18.3 (≈20) 30.5 (≈30) 48.7 (≈50) 58.5 (≈60) 79.7 (≈80) |
Antiemetic treatment should therefore be tailored to assessment of likely risk for symptoms with the use of either unimodal or multimodal prophylaxis as indicated. The IMPACT study demonstrated that ondansetron 4 mg, droperidol 1.25 mg, and dexamethasone 4 mg were equally effective in reducing the risk for PONV by an order of 25% and that using these two drugs together would be approximately additive (multimodal antiemetic prescription). Specifically, the prophylactic use of one of these drugs decreases the estimated risk for PONV from 60% to 44%; use of two drugs would further decrease the incidence from 44% to 33% and three drugs to 24%. The use of TIVA with propofol with the concomitant avoidance of N 2 O had similar equivalence to the use of one antiemetic. However, the antiemetic effectiveness of TIVA is time-limited and patients receiving TIVA appear to have a higher risk of late PONV, starting 2 to 6 hours after surgery. Simple measures, such as the routine administration of approximately 1 to 2 L of intravenous crystalloid fluids, reduce the incidence and severity of PONV, decrease dizziness and drowsiness, and reduce postoperative pain in high-risk groups. Allowing patients to drink clear liquids for as long as possible before surgery can also reduce PONV.
Antiemetic Agents
First-Generation Drugs
Metoclopramide is a dopaminergic (D 2 ) and serotonergic (5-HT 3 , peripheral 5-HT 4 at higher doses) antagonist with gastric prokinetic properties that was first described in 1964. A meta-analysis of a standard clinical dose of 10 mg showed little evidence of pharmacologic benefit for PONV, but after a number of studies by Fujii were withdrawn, reanalysis suggests that there may be some benefit. However, current guidelines still do not list metoclopramide for first-line treatment. Higher doses, such as 20 to 25 mg, are more effective but are associated with more akathisia.
Droperidol is a butyrophenone with an antiemetic effect resulting from dopaminergic receptor (D 2 ) antagonism that received a black box warning for the FDA-approved dose of 2.5 mg or greater because of potential QT interval prolongation. This and other side effects of droperidol, such as sedation and akathisia, were significant but at higher doses than are commonly used for PONV prophylaxis, which are typically 1.25 mg or less. A recent meta-analysis has confirmed the antiemetic action of low-dose droperidol. Droperidol use is less in the United States since the black box warning was added but primarily for medicolegal reasons rather than because of concerns with efficacy or side effects. It is also little used in the ambulatory environment in the United Kingdom due to perceptions of adverse extrapyramidal effects, particularly akathisia, even at 0.5-mg doses. An Australian study evaluating the incidence of akathisia in 228 women undergoing ambulatory gynecologic laparoscopy reported a rate of 29% with administration of 10 μg/kg.
Antagonists of the histamine H 1 receptor have a particular efficacy in the management of nausea and vomiting precipitated by vestibular pathways, with a documented benefit in the management of travel sickness and surgical procedures for strabismus or involving the middle ear. Dimenhydrinate (a combination of diphenhydramine and 8-chlorotheophylline that was added to reduce drowsiness) has an antiemetic effectiveness deemed similar to that of both droperidol and 5-HT 3 antagonists, but potential adverse reactions from these antihistamines include marked sedation, dry mouth, urinary retention, and blurred vision as a result of associated muscarinic receptor antagonism. Meclizine, an H 1 -receptor antagonist and anti–motion sickness medication, is minimally sedating, long-acting, and effective for treatment of PONV and for prevention of PDNV. In the United States, it is inexpensive and available without prescription, making it an attractive postdischarge choice.
A transdermal scopolamine delivery system is also available. This patch was designed to deliver a total dose of 1 mg of scopolamine at a sustained, constant rate over a period of 3 days. Numerous studies have shown transdermal scopolamine to be effective in reducing the incidence and severity of PONV and PDNV, with efficacy comparable to that of ondansetron or droperidol. It has a prolonged duration but the onset is delayed, becoming effective within 2 to 4 hours of applying the patch. The slow onset can be overcome by applying the patch the night before surgery. Used in this way, the incidence of nausea and vomiting was reduced from 62.5% and 37.5% to 20.8% and 8.3%, respectively, compared to placebo after gynecologic laparoscopy. In the United States, clinicians apply the patch preoperatively, knowing that onset of PDNV efficacy will be in the early recovery period for shorter surgery. Adverse effects, particularly dry mouth but also somnolence, dizziness, and blurred vision, are relatively common but generally described as mild.
Serotonin 5-HT3 Receptor Antagonists
The 5-HT 3 antagonists have played a substantial role in the management of PONV since their introduction in the 1980s, because of their relatively benign adverse reaction profile compared with those of the then available drugs. Their prophylactic use is more effective when given just before the end of surgery. They are effective drugs for emetic rescue therapy, with ondansetron seeming to have a more preferential effect on vomiting (number needed to treat [NNT] = 4) rather than nausea (NNT = 7). Although relatively well tolerated, their side-effect profile includes an increased risk for headache (number needed to harm [NNH] = 36) and elevated liver enzymes (NNH = 31). All serotonin subtype 3 antagonists have also been associated with QT interval prolongation. More recently released serotonin 5-HT 3 receptor antagonists, such as dolasetron, granisetron, and palonosetron, seem to exhibit similar characteristics with equal reduction of PONV rates in high-risk patients when used for prophylaxis, though the longer half-life of these drugs (8, 10, and 40 hours, respectively) may afford better protection against symptoms after discharge. In particular, palonosetron, by nature of its unique binding properties leading to internalization of the 5-HT 3 receptor and a long half-life, may have a role in the management of postdischarge symptoms. A large cost remains a significant barrier to use of the newer, nongeneric serotonin antagonists.
Dexamethasone is an effective antiemetic at intravenous doses of 4 to 5 mg (depending on local formulation). This steroid may act centrally to either modulate the release of endorphins or inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. Given its delayed onset of action, dexamethasone should be administered as early as possible after induction of anesthesia. Prophylactic dexamethasone is also effective in reducing postoperative pain and improving the quality of recovery, although at somewhat higher doses (typically 8 mg) than those required for an antiemetic effect. The long-term side effect profile of this dose of dexamethasone has not yet been evaluated.
Neurokinin-1 Antagonists
The role of tachykinins in the emetic pathway was first elucidated by immunohistologic studies identifying substance P in the dorsal vagal complex of the ferret, an area of the brain deemed essential in the vomiting reflex. Subsequent research identified the potential value of specific antagonists to the neurokinin-1 receptor, at which substance P and neurokinins A and B interact both centrally and peripherally in the gut to suppress vomiting. Aprepitant was the first commercially released drug of this class. A preoperative oral dose of 40 mg has efficacy similar to that of ondansetron for the reduction of nausea, with a potentially superior effect in the suppression of vomiting for 48 hours after administration. An intravenous prodrug formulation, fosaprepitant, was more effective than ondansetron in preventing vomiting, but not nausea, and with no effect on complete response rates for PONV in small numbers of patients undergoing gynecological or lower limb surgery. A multicenter study evaluating the use of oral rolapitant, a competitive NK-1 antagonist with an exceptionally long half-life of 180 hours, suggested similar effectiveness in comparison with placebo and ondansetron (administered at induction) with early control of symptoms, but use of rolapitant similarly seemed to confer prolonged protection from postoperative emetic symptoms. Rolapitant does not seem to have been further evaluated in PONV and cost remains a barrier for this class of drugs as well.
Managing Persistent Nausea and Vomiting
The presence of continuing symptoms after antiemetic rescue therapy requires further clinical review. Consideration should be given to alternative causes for these symptoms, particularly hydration status, covert hypovolemia, or early infection. Review of vital signs (temperature, pulse, and arterial blood pressure), allied with clinical examination to exclude an association with concomitant worsening of abdominal pain, potential septic foci, or urinary retention, is important to exclude more sinister causes, before consideration is given to symptomatic relief.
Administering 20 mL/kg of an isotonic electrolyte solution reduces the risk for nausea and dizziness after ambulatory surgery and volume repletion should be considered to attenuate continuing symptoms. Ephedrine 0.5 mg/kg intramuscularly is effective for prophylaxis and treatment, with efficacy comparable to that of droperidol and sedation scores lower than placebo. No value exists in prescribing a previously used antiemetic drug within 6 hours of previous administration, but other second-line drugs may be considered should first-line management fail. These options include small-dose promethazine (6.25 mg); small-dose intravenous naloxone; propofol 20 mg; phenothiazines, including prochlorperazine, perphenazine, or a neurokinin antagonist. For patients who have not received prophylaxis, the 5-HT 3 antagonists are the preferred treatment of PONV and the class of drugs with best proven efficacy for treatment rather than prophylaxis.
Special Areas
Office-Based Practice
Office-based anesthesia is a form of ambulatory anesthesia that is rapidly expanding in North America and some parts of Europe. Arguably, the first ambulatory surgery center in the United States (the Downtown Anesthesia Clinic in Sioux City, Iowa) was an office-based practice. Simple, minimally invasive surgical procedures have been performed in physicians’ offices for many years, using either local anesthesia or sedation. There is now a growing involvement of anesthesiologists, especially as the complexity of office-based surgery increases.
Advantages of office-based surgery include improved convenience for the patient, but the primary driver has been more control over scheduling and the work environment for the surgeon. The potential exists for significant profit going directly to the surgeon, but in addition, the lower overhead costs in this setting result in significantly lower overall costs for the procedure. For example, the total cost of a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair was three and a half times greater when performed in a hospital setting compared with an office facility. The costs of open hernia repair and various rhinology procedures were approximately 2.5 times less when performed in the office. In the United States, office-based surgery covers a wide range of procedures.
However, legitimate concerns have been raised about the safety of office-based surgery. One comparative study showed a more than 10-fold increase in adverse incidents and deaths for procedures performed in a physician’s office compared with an ambulatory surgical center. These disasters are often the result of unqualified or untrained individuals administering sedation in unsuitable or unaccredited facilities. Deep sedation appears to be a considerable risk factor. From the ASA closed claims database, 40% of the deaths resulting from MAC occurred during facial and eye surgery, which are commonly performed in the office setting. Hypoxia and hypoventilation resulting from oversedation was the most common cause of death, with poor vigilance, inadequate monitoring, and delayed resuscitation contributing to the deaths, half of which were judged to be preventable. The common perception that sedation is safer than general anesthesia is not supported by these data.
In the United States, the regulation of office facilities is the responsibility of individual states, with nearly 30 states having some degree of oversight as of 2014. Regulation does appear to improve safety, because no deaths were reported in a series of more than 23,000 cases from a fully accredited office staffed by board-certified anesthesiologists and surgeons. In addition, safety appears to be improving in parallel with greater regulation. Guidance on office-based anesthesia is available from the ASA and SAMBA, and comprehensive recommendations from other organizations and experts have been published. Typical recommendations for safe office-based anesthesia are summarized in Box 72.2 . In essence, the office setting must adhere to the same standards of care required in a hospital-based or freestanding ambulatory surgery facility. Strong safety processes must be in place, because the isolated office-based environment means that outside help is not immediately available.
Employment of appropriately trained and credentialed anesthesia personnel
Availability of properly maintained anesthesia equipment appropriate to the anesthesia care being provided
As complete documentation of the care provided as that required at other surgical sites
Use of standard monitoring equipment according to the American Society of Anesthesiologists policies and guidelines
Provision of a postanesthesia care unit or recovery area that is staffed by appropriately trained nursing personnel and provision of specific discharge instructions
Availability of emergency equipment (e.g., airway equipment, cardiac resuscitation)
Establishment of a written plan for emergency transport of patients to a site that provides more comprehensive care should an untoward event or complication occur that requires more extensive monitoring or overnight admission of the patient
Maintenance and documentation of a quality assurance program
Establishment of a continuing education program for physicians and other facility personnel
Safety standards that cannot be jeopardized for patient convenience or cost savings
The selection of patients for office-based anesthesia should adhere to robust guidelines for safe anesthetic care. Because perioperative complications are harder to manage in an isolated environment, selection criteria may need to be more restrictive than those currently advocated for ambulatory surgery in the hospital setting. The selection process must include a matrix of procedure invasiveness, patient complexity, and the capabilities and comfort levels of the facility and its personnel. Preoperative preparation should be guided by the same clinical acumen and common sense that drives the decision-making process at freestanding surgery centers, with any coexisting diseases under good control. Anesthetic techniques suitable for office-based surgical procedures are similar to those used for hospital-based and freestanding ambulatory surgery procedures. MAC remains common, although clearly a great challenge exists in “the judicious and skillful use of MAC anesthesia to achieve adequate sedation and analgesia for increasingly invasive procedures.” Increasingly a move toward light general anesthesia is occurring—that is, using an LMA or facemask for airway management. Propofol, sevoflurane, and desflurane are all suitable within the office setting, although an anesthesia machine is required to deliver volatile anesthetics. Standard equipment can be installed in frequently used offices, and portable equipment has been developed for less frequent use. Fast-track recovery is the ideal with patients who are awake, alert, and able to transfer themselves from operating room table to a reclining chair, thus facilitating room turnover in approximately 10 minutes and home discharge within an hour of awakening. It is important to minimize PDNV. Recommendations have been made for other outcome measures that should routinely be audited after office-based anesthesia. The American Medical Association and American College of Surgeons issued a set of Office-Based Surgery Core Principles to promote safety and quality of healthcare services for office procedures requiring sedation and anesthesia.
In the United Kingdom, a similar practice of office-based anesthesia for dental procedures was in place for several decades. A series of anesthetic deaths in dental offices led to several reviews, culminating in recommendations that all anesthetics be administered by accredited anesthesiologists with specific training and experience in dental anesthesia, as well as recommendations regarding resuscitation equipment and the availability of drugs needed for emergency use. Partly because of the high costs of equipment and maintenance, the net result was the movement of all anesthesia out of the dental office and back into the hospital environment. Subsequently, office-based anesthesia has never developed in the United Kingdom. Minor surgery under local anesthesia is performed in some specially equipped primary care surgery centers, whereas the majority of procedures that are performed in offices in the United States are managed in hospital-affiliated day surgery units, procedure rooms, or surgical outpatient clinics in the United Kingdom.
Anesthesia in Remote Locations
Many surgical conditions that formerly needed treatment in a hospital outpatient operating room are now being managed by interventional procedures done by nonsurgeon physicians in radiology, cardiology, and endoscopy (see also Chapter 73 ). In many cases, deep sedation or anesthesia is still required, meaning the anesthesiologist has to move into unfamiliar and often hazardous environments. The problems associated with these diverse locations are considered in detail in Chapter 73 , but because many of the procedures are performed on an ambulatory basis or require anesthetic management according to all of the usual short-stay principles, a brief description is required here. The basic sedative and anesthetic techniques already described are suitable for most cases, but the conduct of anesthesia is likely to have to be modified according to the specific environment.
Administration of anesthesia or sedation at remote locations is associated with significant risk. Some of these risks are specific to particular areas ( Table 72.7 ) but commonly include an unfamiliar environment; small, cramped, or dark rooms; restricted patient access; inadequate or poorly trained support; restrictions on patient monitoring; and inadequate resources. An analysis of ASA closed claims arising from anesthesia care in remote locations revealed that adverse events had a higher probability of death than those arising in the operating room and were primarily caused by an adverse respiratory event (44%). MAC was the most common anesthetic technique, and respiratory depression secondary to oversedation accounted for over a third of the claims. Care that was substandard and preventable by better monitoring was implicated in the majority of claims associated with death. In the United States, the CMS mandates that the chiefs of anesthesia services monitor and evaluate sedation practices throughout the hospital, and accrediting organizations, such as TJC and DNV, audit for compliance.