Airway Management

Chapter 22

Airway Management

Effective airway management is a cornerstone of safe anesthesia practice, and it is an essential skill that every nurse anesthetist should possess. Nurse anesthetists are responsible for managing the airway in the operating room as well as other healthcare settings. The maintenance of ventilation and oxygenation are primary goals during airway management for both difficult and routine airways. The best preparation for the management of a difficult airway is through knowledgeable, effective, and regular management of normal airways. Therefore, nurse anesthetists should be familiar with appropriate decision-making strategies and methods for providing adequate ventilation during airway management. These strategies and methods pertain not only to routine (non-difficult) airways but also to anticipated difficult airways, unanticipated difficult intubations or ventilations, failed airways, patients at risk for aspiration of gastric contents, and patients who present with airway obstructions.

An understanding of airway anatomy and appropriate airway assessment techniques will allow the nurse anesthetist to develop a comprehensive airway management plan. Prior to any airway manipulation, the prudent nurse anesthetist should complete a thorough airway examination using multiple airway assessments. The results of these assessments will guide the airway management plan, which may involve placing an airway while the patient is awake or after the induction of anesthesia using a variety of airway adjuncts. Familiarization with the operation of the different airway adjuncts is important so that the nurse anesthetist may become comfortable with their use in a variety of airway management situations and to facilitate safe practices for the establishment of a protected airway.

Removal of an airway management device should be incorporated as part of the overall airway management plan. Nurse anesthetists should consider patient, surgical, and anesthetic risk factors before removing any airway adjunct. When considering an awake or anesthetized extubation technique, the removal of an airway is ultimately determined by the degree of the patient’s ability to meet extubation criteria and maintain adequate spontaneous ventilation and oxygenation. Finally, the risk factors and complications of airway management should be understood in order to develop the most appropriate and safe airway management plan for the patient.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Airway

The airway is divided into upper and lower sections. Anatomic structures above the level of the cricoid cartilage constitute the upper airway and include the nose, mouth, pharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx. Anatomic structures below the level of the cricoid cartilage constitute the lower airway and include trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, terminal bronchioles, respiratory bronchioles, and alveoli. This section reviews primary structures, innervation, blood supply, and normal and abnormal function of the upper airway structures.

Developmental Anatomy

Upper Respiratory Tract

Unlike the structures of the lower respiratory tract, the upper respiratory tract arises from bony structures of the head. Endochondral bone is preformed in cartilage. The bones form initially from the optic, olfactory, and otic capsules. These merge with the midline cartilaginous structures to form the embryologic vestiges of the ethmoid, sphenoid, the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and the base of the occipital bone. Direct ossification of membranous tissue known as the mesenchyme occurs during early embryologic development to form membranous bone. The membranous bones include the temporal, parietal, frontal, and portions of the occipital bones and the pharyngeal arches. The pharyngeal arches are complex structures also known as the branchial arches that extend anterior to posterior. Development of these structures begins at day 22 (week 4 after fertilization).1

Embryologically, there are six arches that develop from five structures. Arches one through four and six go on to develop the airway structures, and the fifth arch disappears with fetal development. The arches all contain a covering of tissue that will eventually become the nerves, muscles, and cartilage of the airway. These will become the tissues of the oropharynx, middle ear, the hyoid bone, and the laryngeal cartilages. Arch one becomes the jaws; arch two becomes the facial structures and the ears; arch three becomes the hyoid bone and structures of the upper pharynx; arches four and six become the structures of the larynx and the lower pharynx; and arch five disappears. The tongue is formed from the mesoderm of multiple arches. The anterior two thirds of the tongue is developed from the first arch. The mesoderm of the third and fourth arches comprises the posterior third of the tongue. Spaces found between the arches are known externally as clefts and internally as pouches. The cleft between the first two arches becomes the external auditory meatus. The internal pouch between the first and second arches forms the majority of the tympanic cavity and the eustachian tubes. The other clefts disappear as the fetus develops. The pouches contribute to the development of the glandular structures of the head and neck. The palatine tonsils arise from pouch two; the inferior parathyroid glands and the thymus come from pouch three; the superior parathyroid glands arise from pouch four, and the ultimobranchial structures arise from the inferior portion of pouch four.1


The nose and mouth are the external openings to the respiratory tree. The large surface area of the nasal mucosa warms and humidifies inspired air but also provides almost two thirds of the resistance to breathing. The nose is the primary passage by which air enters the lungs. Because of the surface area over the turbinates and the sinuses, the nasal passages are well suited for the task of humidification of air and primary filtration. As air passes through the nose, it meets the turbinates, which cause directional changes in the airflow. Branches of three arteries (e.g., the maxillary [sphenopalatine], ophthalmic, and facial [septal]) provide a rich supply of blood to the nasal mucosa. The innervation of the nose is from the nasopalatine and ethmoidal branches of the facial nerve. These nerves also supply the nasopharynx, nasal septum, and palate. Sensory-nerve supply to the nasal mucosa is from the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Parasympathetic innervation arises from the seventh cranial nerve and pterygopalatine ganglion. Sympathetic innervation is derived from the superior cervical ganglion. Sympathetic stimulation results in vasoconstriction and shrinkage of the nasal tissue. Depression of the sympathetic nervous system, as occurs with general anesthesia, may cause engorgement of the nasal tissues, increasing the likelihood of bleeding with manipulation from nasal airways or endotracheal tubes.


The oral cavity is separated from the nasal passages by the hard and soft palates. The hard palate is stationary and remains in the same position. The soft palate covers the posterior third to half of the oral cavity. The soft palate rises during eating to prevent food and liquids from passing from the mouth into the nose and thereby decreases the chance of aspiration. With age, obesity, and other conditions, this structure may stretch and become more movable. When an individual is asleep or paralyzed, as with general anesthesia, this structure can fall back against the nasal passages, blocking air movement and causing symptoms of sleep apnea. The tongue is a large muscular organ that fills most of the oral cavity and is involved in the tasting and ingestion of food. It relaxes when the individual is either asleep or paralyzed, which increases the potential for airway obstruction. The uvula protects the passageway from the oral cavity into the oropharynx. This pendulous piece of tissue extends from the posterior edge of the middle of the soft palate into the oral cavity. If swollen, enlarged, or injured, it can be a cause of airway obstruction. The tonsils are walnut-shaped structures that sit on both sides of the posterior opening of the oral cavity. They are partially buried in the soft tissue at the base of the tongue and are protected by the anterior and posterior tonsillar pillars.


The pharynx is divided into three compartments: the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and hypopharynx (laryngopharynx). The pharynx extends from the base of the skull to the level of the cricoid cartilage. The nasopharynx lies anterior to C1 and is bound superiorly by the base of the skull and inferiorly by the soft palate. The openings to the auditory (eustachian) tubes and the adenoids are found in the nasopharynx. Sensory innervation of the mucosa is derived from the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve. The oropharynx lies at the C2 to C3 level and is bound superiorly by the soft palate and inferiorly by the epiglottis. It opens into the mouth anteriorly through the anterior and posterior tonsillar pillars. The hypopharynx lies posterior to the larynx and is bound by the superior border of the epiglottis and the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage at the C5 to C6 level. The upper esophageal sphincter lies at the lower edge of the hypopharynx and arises from the cricopharyngeus muscle. This muscle acts as a barrier to regurgitation in the conscious patient.

Numerous nerves supply motor and sensory fibers to the airway. The glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory nerves share nuclei in the medulla and innervate all the muscles of the pharynx, larynx, and soft palate. Afferent (sensory) stimuli elicited when the posterior wall of the pharynx is touched are carried by the glossopharyngeal nerve to the medulla, where they synapse with nuclei of the vagus nerve and the cranial portion of the spinal accessory nerve. The efferent response returns primarily through the vagus nerve, resulting in the gag reflex as the muscles of the pharynx elevate and constrict.

Two branches of the vagus nerve innervate the hypopharynx: the superior laryngeal nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) (Figure 22-1). The superior laryngeal nerve divides into the internal and external branches. The internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve provides sensory input to the hypopharynx above the vocal folds (cords). The external branch provides motor function to the cricothyroid muscle of the larynx.

The RLN provides sensory innervation to the subglottic area and the trachea. The recurrent laryngeal nerve is so named because it recurs (loops around) other structures. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve recurs around the brachiocephalic (innominate) artery, and the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loops around the aorta. Traction on either of these structures during thoracic surgery can cause injury to the RLN, causing hoarseness or stridor. The motor component of the RLN provides motor function to all the muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid muscle.

The superior laryngeal nerve and the RLN may be damaged by surgery, neoplasms, and neck trauma. Dissecting aortic arch aneurysms and mitral stenosis place traction on the RLN, causing hoarseness. Unilateral injury to the RLN usually results in hoarseness but does not compromise respiratory status. The vocal cords compensate by shifting the midline toward the uninjured side. In the acute phase of bilateral injury to the RLN, unopposed tension and adduction of the vocal cords result in stridor, which may deteriorate into severe respiratory distress and possibly death. Patients with chronic injury develop compensatory mechanisms that allow for normal respiration and gruff or husky speech. Injury to the superior laryngeal nerve does not usually cause respiratory distress.


The larynx begins with the epiglottis and extends to the cricoid cartilage. The larynx is composed of (1) three single cartilages (e.g., thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis), (2) three paired cartilages (e.g., arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform), and (3) intrinsic and extrinsic muscles (Figures 22-2 and 22-3). These structures function in an intricate manner to provide (1) protection to the lower airway from aspiration, (2) patency between the hypopharynx and trachea, (3) protective gag and cough reflexes, and (4) phonation. In the adult, the larynx begins between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae and ends at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra (e.g., cricothyroid muscle). The anterior and lateral larynx is formed by the thyroid cartilage. Anteriorly the thyroid cartilage fuses and forms the thyroid notch. Posteriorly the thyroid cartilage rises toward the hyoid bone at the base of the tongue as the posterior cornu. The thyroid cartilage is connected to the hyoid bone by the thyrohyoid fascia and muscles of the larynx.

The posterior portion of the cricoid cartilage forms the posterior border of the larynx. Internal to the larynx are the epiglottis and three paired cartilages. The epiglottis exists as a single leaf-like cartilage. The epiglottis rests above the glottic opening where it closes the glottic aperture during swallowing. The superior vallecula is formed by the space between the epiglottis and the base of the tongue. The inferior vallecula is formed by the space between the inferior edge of the epiglottis and the true vocal cords.

The intrinsic muscles of the larynx control the tension of the vocal cords as well as the opening and closing of the glottis (Table 22-1). In contrast, the extrinsic muscles of the larynx connect the larynx, hyoid bone, and neighboring anatomic structures (Box 22-1). The primary function of the extrinsic muscles is to adjust the position of the trachea during phonation, breathing, and swallowing.

Blood supply to the larynx originates from the external carotid, which branches into the superior thyroid artery. The superior thyroid artery eventually gives rise to the superior laryngeal artery, which supplies blood to the supraglottic region of the larynx. The inferior laryngeal artery, a terminal branch of the inferior thyroid artery, supplies the infraglottic region of the larynx.

Lower Respiratory Tract

As the fetus develops, the respiratory system evolves into complex developmental interactions between the endodermal-derived epithelium and the mesoderm. Both contribute to lung development. The lungs and airways develop through a process of five stages. These include the embryonic, pseudoglandular, canalicular, terminal sac phases, and maturation.2

During the embryonic phase, the endodermal respiratory diverticulum (laryngotracheal groove) develops. This occurs during week 4 through week 7. The laryngotracheal groove develops from the ventral surface of the foregut. During this period, fibroblast growth factor (FGF-10) causes stimulation and proliferation of cells that will eventually express fibroblast homologous factor (FHF). As the laryngotracheal groove grows and develops, it becomes the primitive lung bud. By day 28, it has grown caudally to the splanchnic mesoderm. It divides into the right and left bronchial buds. This then progresses through the development and expression of the epithelial lining of the lower respiratory system. Cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue arise from the same tissues that form the smooth muscle of the blood vessels. The bronchopulmonary segments appear by day 42 of fetal development.

During the pseudoglandular stage, there is rapid growth and proliferation of the peripheral airways. This occurs during week 6 through week 16. Repeated branching of the distal ends of the epithelial tubes results in 16 or more generations of the bronchial tubes and the development of the terminal bronchioles. The airways are filled with liquid at this time. The cellular structure is more characterized by tall columnar epithelium.

The next phase of development is known as the canalicular stage. This occurs most often during week 16 and week 26. At this time, the airways widen and lengthen. The proliferation of this space will eventually become the large volume of air space in the expanded lung after birth. Terminal and respiratory bronchioles and terminal saccules develop. Cuboidal cells of the terminal sacs differentiate into alveolar type II cells. Secretion of surfactant begins at this time. Type II alveolar cells that are adjacent to a vessel flatten and differentiate into type I cells. As the type II and type I cells develop, vascularization appears. The vascularization is associated with the development of the respiratory bronchioles and the alveoli necessary for air exchange after birth. Along with other growth factors, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) participates in the formation of blood vessels that will surround the alveoli. At the end of this phase, air exchange is possible although inefficient.

The terminal sac phase occurs during week 24 through week 36. Branching of the respiratory bud continues, and further development of the terminal buds is expressed as primitive alveoli. Capillaries begin to develop and proliferate around the terminal buds and proliferate at the same time as the primitive alveoli develop. Cells further differentiate throughout this period, and by week 26, a primitive blood-gas barrier has developed.

By the week 36, mature alveoli are seen. This requires FGF and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). Development of alveoli will continue for approximately 3 years after birth. A change in the relative relationship of parenchyma to total lung volume contributes to lung growth until the second year of life. From the third year of life until adulthood, lung growth continues.2


The trachea originates at the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage and extends to the carina (Figure 22-4). It is approximately 10 to 20 cm long in adults. The cricoid cartilage is the only cartilage of the trachea that is a complete ring. The remainder of the trachea is composed of 16 to 20 C-shaped cartilaginous rings. The posterior side of the trachea lacks cartilage, thereby accommodating the esophagus during the act of swallowing. The cartilaginous rings and plates continue until the bronchi reach 0.6 to 0.8 mm in size. At this point the cartilage disappears, and the bronchi are termed bronchioles. The function of the bronchi is to provide humidification and warming of inspired air as it passes to the alveoli.

The angle of bifurcation of the right mainstem bronchus is approximately 25 to 30 degrees. The bifurcation to the right upper lobe is approximately 2.5 cm from the carina. The angle of the left mainstem bronchus is 45 degrees. The left mainstem bronchus is approximately 5 cm long before it bifurcates into the left superior and inferior lobe bronchi.

The tracheobronchial trees receive sympathetic innervation from the first through fifth thoracic ganglia. Parasympathetic innervation is derived from branches of the vagus nerve. The carina is richly innervated, making it sensitive to sensory stimulation.


The diaphragm arises from four structures: (1) septum transversum, (2) dorsal esophageal mesentery, (3) the pleuroperitoneal folds, and (4) the body-wall mesoderm. The diaphragm develops in the cephalic region and descends into the position between the abdominal and pleural cavity contents as the embryo develops. The nerve supply for the diaphragm arises from the cords of the third, fourth, and fifth cervical nerves and travels with the descending diaphragmatic structure as the phrenic nerve. Owing to this process of descent, the phrenic nerves lie within the pericardium as the fetus matures and after birth. Because of the development of the diaphragm in the cephalic position and the merging of four structures, drugs that impair fetal development can result in many potential congenital deformities, including diaphragmatic hernia.2

Airway Evaluation

Evaluation of the airway is central to any airway management plan. A proper airway evaluation should be conducted in a thorough and systematic fashion on every patient to determine potential problems. A substantial amount of research has been conducted over the past 20 years and has identified individual airway assessment examinations as poor and unreliable predictors of difficulty. No single examination has emerged that has a consistently high sensitivity and specificity with minimal false-positive or false-negative reports.36 Instead, many researchers have advocated for a more comprehensive airway management plan that involves the use of multiple airway tests.6,7 Furthermore, an appropriate airway management plan considers the availability of equipment and personnel needed in the event that difficult airway management is encountered. Additional airway anatomy and physiology can be found in Chapters 26 and 38.

Multiple rating systems have been developed that assist in the assessment and recognition of a difficult airway.811 However, no one rating system has proven to be superior over another. Instead, current recommendations concerning evaluation of the airway are to employ several assessments (Table 22-2). In order to recognize possible difficult airway conditions and to make “sensible airway management decisions,” these assessments should be tailored to the patient, operative procedure, and situation (e.g., outside of the operating room [OR]).6,12,13 It is generally agreed upon that an airway physical evaluation can improve the detection of a difficult airway. Then, after a thorough assessment, the anesthetist can formulate a comprehensive airway management plan that addresses the pertinent identified conditions.

TABLE 22-2

Components of the Preoperative Airway Physical Examination

Airway Examination Component Non-Reassuring Findings
Length of upper incisors Relatively long
Relation of maxillary and mandibular incisors during normal jaw closure Prominent “overbite” (maxillary incisors anterior to mandibular incisors)
Relation of maxillary and mandibular incisors during voluntary protrusion (ULBT) Inability to protrude mandibular incisors anterior to maxillary incisors
Interincisor distance Less than 3 cm
Visibility of uvula Not visible when tongue is protruded with patient in sitting position (e.g., Mallampati class III or greater)
Shape of palate Highly arched or very narrow
Compliance of mandibular space Stiff, indurated, occupied by mass, or nonresilient
Thyromental distance Less than three ordinary finger-breadths
Length of neck Short
Thickness of neck Thick
Range of motion of head and neck Patient cannot touch tip of chin to chest or patient cannot extend neck

ULBT, Upper lip bite test.

This table displays some findings of the airway physical examination that may suggest the presence of a difficult intubation. The decision to examine some or all of the airway components shown in this table depends on the clinical context and judgment of the practitioner. The table is not intended as a mandatory or exhaustive list of the components of an airway examination. The order of presentation in this table follows the “line of sight” that occurs during conventional oral laryngoscopy.

From Berkow LC. Strategies for airway management. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2004;18(4):531-548.

Because of the lack of a system that reliably and consistently predicts airway difficulty with 100% certainty, some authors encourage a more focused approach on “ventilatability” rather than “intubatability.”14 Instead of focusing on conditions that affect the ability to intubate only, Murphy and Walls15 advocated for a more all-encompassing assessment of the airway and described “four dimensions of difficulty” with airway management. The following four areas of airway management represent a modification of their “dimensions” and focus the airway assessment on conditions that could lead to difficulty with:

A series of acronyms was developed to facilitate a thorough and systematic assessment of airway features (Box 22-2) that may lead to difficulty with hand mask, supraglottic device, endotracheal tube, and invasive airway ventilation and placement.15

BOX 22-2   Four Areas of Airway Management with Factors Associated with Difficulty

3-3-2 rule = 3 fingerbreadths between incisors; 3 fingerbreadths between tip of the chin (mentum) and chin-neck junction (hyoid bone); 2 fingerbreadths between chin-neck junction (hyoid bone) and thyroid notch.

Adapted from Walls RM, Murphy MF. In: Walls R, Murphy M, eds. Manual of Emergency Airway Management. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:8-21.

Because a history of a difficult airway is a strong indication for current airway difficulties, an evaluation of the patient’s anesthetic history should be included in the airway assessment.16 A careful review of prior anesthetic records and information obtained directly from the patient or family members can reveal past difficulties and offer insight concerning specific techniques used to previously manage the patient’s airway. Clues that may indicate a history of difficult airway management may include chipped or broken teeth, bruised lips, previous sore throat after general surgery, past postoperative dysphonia, a memory of tracheal intubation, an unexpected admission to an intensive care unit, or a pharyngeal, esophageal, or tracheal perforation.16,17 Weight gain or loss can influence an airway and may not necessarily portray the same airway conditions as in the past. Furthermore, pathologies or conditions such as a tumor or hematoma, which may have previously caused difficulty, but have since been treated or removed, may not influence the current airway to the same degree they once did.

Multiple airway assessments exist that help the anesthetist predict difficulty with bag mask ventilation, direct laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation, supraglottic airway ventilation, and invasive airway placement (see Box 22-2). The following sections consider airway evaluations specific to each of the four areas of airway management.

Bag Mask Ventilation Assessment

Every anesthetist needs to possess adequate bag mask ventilation (BMV) skills. An adequate seal between the facemask and patient’s face is imperative. Proper BMV can be achieved by placing the left thumb and index finger around the body of the facemask at both the mask bridge and chin curve, while compressing the left side of the mask onto the face with the palm of the left hand (Figure 22-5). The middle and ring fingers can then be placed on the bony part of the mandible to help compress the mask to the patient’s face and to raise the chin. The fifth finger can be placed at the angle of the mandible to provide an anterior jaw-thrusting maneuver. Mask retaining straps can be placed behind the patient’s head and then be connected to the collar of the mask to apply pressure at various angles and promote a better mask seal.

If bag mask ventilation is believed to be inadequate, then a series of steps can be performed (Box 22-3) to facilitate ventilation. First, the patient’s head and neck can be repositioned into a sniffing position. Second, if the tongue or airway soft tissue is thought to be the cause of obstruction, then the placement of an oropharyngeal airway (OPA) may help bypass the obstruction. However, the placement of an OPA can be considered prior to any attempt at BMV. Third, if BMV continues to remain inadequate, then the anesthetist should perform two-handed mask ventilation by placing both thumbs on either side of the facemask bridge with both index fingers on either side of the mask chin curve on the body of the mask. The middle fingers can then be placed on either side of the mandible at the chin, the ring fingers on the bony part of the mandible, and the fifth fingers on each angle of the mandible to provide a jaw-thrust while maintaining a secure mask seal. A second anesthetist or assistant can then compress the anesthesia bag for ventilation (Figure 22-6). If ventilation continues to remain inadequate, then a supraglottic airway device may be placed while the decision to awaken the patient is considered. In the event that all of these maneuvers fail, then invasive airway ventilation should be considered.

The incidence of difficult BMV has been described as being between 0.9% and 7.8%, and the incidence of impossible BMV as 0.15%.1822 Difficulty with BMV can result from problems in establishing an appropriate mask seal (such as with the presence of a beard). Inadequate ventilation during BMV is evidenced by (1) minimal or no chest movement; (2) inadequate or deficient exhaled carbon dioxide (e.g., lack of condensation and spirometic reading); (3) reduced or absent breath sounds; and (4) a decreasing oxygen saturation (e.g., less than 92%).12,19 If difficulty is believed to be a possibility with BMV, positioning can be improved by elevating the shoulders, neck, and head, which is known as “ramping” the patient (Figure 22-7). Multiple factors have been identified as predictors for difficulty with BMV (see Box 22-2); these include mask seal impediments, upper airway obstructions, obesity, elderly patients, Mallampati scores of III or IV, a short thyromental distance, snoring, and poor lung compliance.18,19,21,22

Mask seal impediments such as facial hair, altered facial anatomy, lack of teeth causing the face to cave inward, or a nasogastric tube can cause air leakage out of the mask and prevent adequate positive pressure ventilation. Some of these factors can be modified, such as shaving the patient’s beard, delaying removal of dentures, and removing the nasogastric tube. Although shaving a beard may be undesirable and removal of a gastric tube may cause a buildup of gastric secretions in the stomach, these interventions do allow for a better mask seal and more effective positive pressure ventilation upon induction of anesthesia.

Obstruction may occur in the upper or lower airway and can severely limit the effectiveness of BMV. Upper airway obstructions should be considered an emergency and managed with extreme care because of the potential to become total airway obstructions. The hallmark signs of an upper airway obstruction in the unanesthetized patient include a hoarse or muffled voice, difficulty swallowing secretions, stridor, and dyspnea. Stridor and dyspnea are ominous signs of severe respiratory obstruction and indicate a 50% decrease in circumference from normal or a diameter reduced to 4.5 mm or less.15 There are several potential causes of an upper airway obstruction (Boxes 22-4 and 22-5). The management of these conditions is discussed later in this chapter under “Management of the Difficult and Failed Airway.” It is important to treat the airway with care because these conditions have the potential to severely impair ventilation and oxygenation, as well as cause difficulty with laryngoscopy and tracheal intubation.

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