Equipment for paediatric intensive care

Chapter 104 Equipment for paediatric intensive care

This chapter discusses equipment and its performance required in paediatric and neonatal intensive care. How to use equipment is not discussed. Examples of equipment are given, but exhaustive lists are not intended. Only essential equipment is considered.

Not discussed includes equipment for aerosol therapy, anaesthesia, bronchoscopy, cardiovascular monitoring, cardiac output measurement, echocardiography, ultrasonography, electroencephalographic monitoring, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, ventricular assistance, home mechanical ventilation, hyperbaric treatment, negative pressure ventilation, nitric oxide therapy, phrenic nerve pacing, mechanical devices for treatment of shock, suction devices and tracheostomy–cricothyrotomy.

All equipment should be purchased, used and maintained in accordance with recognised local standards and manufacturers’ instructions. Medical and nursing staff should read the manuals accompanying all items of equipment and receive instruction on safe use.

Numerous items including laryngoscopes, resuscitation bags and ventilator circuits are available as disposable items in response to a market demand for infection safety and reduction of sterilisation costs. The user should subject such items to measures of quality control.




The endotracheal tube tip should be located in the mid-trachea so that the risks of accidental extubation and endobronchial intubation are minimised. Correct positioning of the tube should always be checked by auscultation in the axillae, by chest X-ray immediately after intubation and daily thereafter.1 At intubation, visualisation of the depth of the tube passed through the cords should be a guide only, since the tube advances when the head is released from extension as the laryngoscope is removed.2

The lengths (depths) at which orotracheal and nasotracheal tubes can be chosen initially on the basis of weight or gestation in premature neonates are given in Table 104.1, and on the basis of age for infants and children in Table 104.2. The lengths are at the lips for oral tubes and at the exit from the nose for nasal tubes. For oral tubes, a guide to correct depth for 2 years and over is given by the formula: (age in years/2 + 12 cm), while for nasal tubes the formula is: (age in years/2 + 15 cm). The depth of insertion of any tube should be documented or marked on the tube.


Sizes 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 FG should be available. The suction catheter should be large enough to remove secretions but not too large to occlude the endotracheal/tracheostomy tube lumen (Table 104.3). Many suitable types are available – differing in number and location of suction ports (end and side ports are needed) and whether the tip is angled or straight. Angled tips facilitate entry into the left main bronchus. Satin-finish types with smooth port edges are needed. Single use suction catheters may be reused up to 24 hours without adding to the risk of pneumonia.3 Closed suction systems permit suction without disconnection from ventilator as may be indicated during nitric oxide therapy, severe lung disease or frequent suction.

Table 104.3 Recommended suction catheters

Internal diameter (mm) of ETT or tracheostomy Recommended suction catheter (FG)
2.5 5
3.0 6
3.5–5.5 8
6.0–6.5 10
7.0 and larger 12

ETT, endotracheal tube.



Manual pulmonary inflation is often necessary via a mask or endotracheal/tracheostomy tube. Two types of device are available: flow-inflated and self-inflated bags.


These bags are designed to give positive-pressure ventilation attached to either a mask or endotracheal/tracheostomy tube. Rebreathing is prevented by one-way duck-bill valves, spring disk/ball valves or diaphragm/leaf valves.

The Laerdal bag series (infant, child, adult) typify these devices. A pressure-relief valve (infant and child size) opens at 35 cmH2O (3.5 kPa). A pressure monitor can be incorporated in the circuit. Supplemental oxygen is added to the ventilation bag, with or without attachment of a reservoir bag, whose movement may serve as a visual monitor of tidal volume during spontaneous ventilation when intubated. However, the valve may offer too much resistance for spontaneous ventilation and they should not be used to provide supplemental oxygen to a spontaneously breathing patient via a mask placed loosely over the face.

With Laerdal and Partner bags, negligible amounts of oxygen (0.1–0.3 l/min) issue from the patient valve when 5–15 l/min of oxygen is introduced into bags unconnected to patients.4 The valve is unlikely to open unless the mask is sealed well on the face. The delivered oxygen concentration is dependent on the flow rate of oxygen, use of the reservoir bag, and the state of the pressure relief valve (whether open or closed).

Other self-inflated bags include the Combibag, Ambu, AirViva and Hudson RCI.



Some ventilators are designed specifically for neonates and infants. A few adult ventilators are also satisfactory. In addition to general requirements of ventilators, the paediatric ventilator should have:

A generic classification of ventilators, their operational characteristics and their modes of ventilation has been proposed.5 It is described here briefly to enable functional description and comparison of some ventilators.

Ventilators may be operationally classified as pressure, volume, flow or time controllers. These are the independent or control variables. Since only one variable can be controlled at a given time, i.e. predetermined, the remaining features of the waveform are dependent variables. If pressure, volume or flow is not predetermined, the ventilator is presumed to be a time controller in which only the timing of the inspiratory and expiratory phases is controlled.

These concepts allow understanding of any mode of ventilation and interpretation of bedside pulmonary mechanics, i.e. resistance, compliance, time constants, etc. The manner of controlling the independent variable may be an open-loop system, in which no feedback occurs during inspiration to achieve the target goal, or a closed-loop or feedback or servo-controlled system in which the independent variable is modified according to progress during inspiration.

During inspiration, dual control may be used and may be altered from one independent variable to another. For example, in the VAPS mode (volume assured pressure support mode) of the Bird VIP Gold ventilator, control is switched from pressure to flow control if a preset tidal volume has not been achieved. In another example using the Pmax feature of the Drager Evita 4, if in flow control a pressure limit has been reached, control is passed to pressure while the tidal volume is monitored and the inspiratory time increased until the preset tidal volume has been achieved.


The manner of initiation of inspiration (triggering), sustaining inspiration (limit variables), initiation of expiration (cycling) and sustaining expiration are the phase variables. Initiation of inspiration, or triggering, may be dictated by machine or patient. Usual triggers are the elapse of time or generation of pressure or flow by the patient. Flow triggering during spontaneous ventilation is more energy efficient and better tolerated than other variables, particularly when the flow sensor is located at the endotracheal tube. Mandatory breaths are all those triggered by a preset frequency or minimum minute ventilation, or terminated by a preset frequency or tidal volume. Spontaneous breaths are those initiated by the patient and terminated by lung mechanics or ventilatory drive. The quantification of the inspiratory phase is by time, pressure or volume. Initiation of expiration (termination of inspiration) or cycling is achieved by elapse of time, pressure, volume or flow. Expiration is usually sustained by pressure alone.

Modes of ventilation may be described on the following generic basis. It is derived from the controller variables. It should not be assumed that a manufacturer’s mode terminology accurately defines its functional attributes or is intuitively obvious. Terminology is not necessarily interchangeable between different manufacturers. Although some new modes are genuine inventions, another purpose appears to be differentiation of product from competition. The capabilities of any ventilator can be defined by the following:

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